Mid Hudson Addiction Recovery


Mid Hudson Addiction Recovery
Drug Rehab Hudson Valley
At Mid Hudson Addiction Recovery, we offer Hudson Valley drug rehab
for men, women, and families in need of reputable substance abuse treatment.
Residential treatment programs and PHP provide group counseling, addiction
education, relapse prevention skills, recovery focused activities, 12 step
meetings, holistic therapy, regular outings, health and fitness options, and
activities and individual counseling. The methods used by the state-licensed
staff for therapy include Cognitive and Dialectical therapy, as well as dual
diagnosis treatment.
 hudson valley drug rehab
 hudson valley drug treatment
Each client will receive an individualized treatment program that is designed
by him or her with the guidance of a cross-disciplinary staff that includes
licensed counselors, psychiatrists, medical doctors, and professional
therapists. This team is committed to ensuring that every client receives a
positive and compassionate program for treatment. Each clients plan is
regularly assessed and modified when more progress needs to be made or if a
client has achieved their recovery goals sooner than predicted. Our focus is to
make sure that drug and alcohol detox Hudson Valley are available to
anyone in need of comfort during the withdrawal process.
For More details visit here :- https://midhudsonaddictionrecovery.com
 hudson valley heroin detox
 hudson valley alcohol detox
Not every person who needs treatment is able to attend a PHP residential
treatment program and there is another highly successful treatment program
that does not require the client to remain at the treatment center. This
program is called IOP, which stands for Intensive Outpatient (recovery)
Program. The IOP programs allow a person who cannot attend inpatient
treatment due to work, family or school commitments to still receive
professional drug and alcohol treatment. IOP programs ask that the client
attend treatment for three hours a day three days a week. This format allows
the person to still work, attend school and raise a family. Contact us at Mid
Hudson Addiction Recovery for more information and help with finding the
perfect addiction treatment program for yourself or a loved family member,
spouse, or child.