the candidate invites you!


the candidate invites you!
2011 — The International Year
of Maria Skl´odowska-Curie,
The International Year of Chemistry
”In Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s Footsteps. Irradiate Yourself with Knowledge” – a urban
game during Night of the Museums.
Get to know Maria Skłodowska-Curie with us. Learn what used to be in her vials, when did she like to
spend time on a bicycle, what were the “little curies” and what did her Noble prizes look like.
Take part in the urban game about the great Polish scientist.
start: 6.00 p.m., location: information tent on the Bankowy square
duration of the game: 4 hours; attractive prizes for participants.
Note! Registration required! Register at: [email protected],
more info on
Performance of Crumbs – An X-ray of the Soul, A3Teat
9:00 p.m., location: Krakowskie Przedmieście, in front of Dom Polonii
A story made of bits of life, tiny pieces of every-day events, emotional parable – happiness, sadness,
grief, longing and dreams. Actors face a challenge of an encounter. The performance is accompanied
by the memory of Maria Skłodowska-Curie: a woman, a chemist, a citizen of Warsaw, a citizen of
Poland... The spectacle will be in the form of a “Hopscotch” by Cortazar: the spectator chooses the
order of the watched scenes, moves, solves pieces of the puzzle; performing:
A. Jegerska-Michalska, B. Songin, G. Tabor, W. Malinowski, S. Dembski, A. Zebrowski.
dir. D. Skibiński
video foto mapping
10:00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m., location: ul. Freta 16, Maria Skłodowska-Curie Muzeum facade
An animation that uses the building’s architecture to create spectacular illusions.
Come and see how a building transforms into a laboratory! Authors: Swanski (Paweł Kozłowski), a
well-known artist, member of the so-called transformation generation, multiple prestigious awards
winner, author of many exhibitions and murals, and, computer animation experts;
music by the young electronic music composer Wojtek Urbański
You are invited by the capital city of Warsaw
Night of Museums is organized
in cooperation with:
Fotoplastikon Warszawski, oddz. Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, Al. Jerozolimskie 51
Muzeum Azji i Pacyfiku, Galeria Azjatycka, ul. Freta 5
Muzeum Błogosławionego Księdza Jerzego Popiełuszki, ul. Hozjusza 2
Muzeum Cechu Rzemiosł Skórzanych im. Jana Kilińskiego, ul. Wąski Dunaj 10
Muzeum Drukarstwa Warszawskiego, ul. Trębacka 3
Muzeum Erotyki, ul. Grzybowska 3
Muzeum Ewolucji Instytutu Paleobiologii PAN, pl. Defilad 1
Muzeum Farmacji im. Mgr Antoniny Leśniewskiej, ul. Piwna 31/33
Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina, ul. Okólnik 1
Muzeum Gabinet Numizmatyczny Mennicy Polskiej, ul. Waliców 11
Muzeum Gazownictwa, ul. Kasprzaka 25
Muzeum Geodezji i Kartografii Warszawskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Geodezyjnego S.A.,
ul. Nowy Świat 2
Muzeum Geologiczne Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego PIB, ul. Rakowiecka 4
Muzeum Harcerstwa, ul. Konopnickiej 6
Muzeum Historii Polski, ul. Senatorska 35
Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego, al. Wilanowska 204
Muzeum Historii Spółdzielczości, Warszawska Kooperatywa Spożywców oraz Fundacja Stocznia,
ul. Jasna 1
Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich w Klubokawiarni Chłodna 25, ul. Chłodna 25
Muzeum Historyczne Warszawa oraz Barbakan, Rynek Starego Miasta 28‑42
Muzeum Jana Pawła II i Prymasa Wyszyńskiego, ul. Hlonda 1
Muzeum Karykatury im. Eryka Lipińskiego, ul. Kozia 11
Muzeum Kolejnictwa, ul. Towarowa 1
Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawła II, pl. Bankowy 1
Muzeum Kowalstwa, ul. Przy Grobli 84
Muzeum Legii, ul. Łazienkowska 3
Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza, Rynek Starego Miasta 20
Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie, ul. Agrykoli 1
Muzeum Łowiectwa i Jeździectwa, ul. Szwoleżerów 9
Muzeum Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, ul. Freta 16
Muzeum Modniarstwa i Naparstków, ul. Marszałkowska 9/15
Muzeum Narodowe, Al. Jerozolimskie 3
Muzeum Neonów, ul. 11 listopada 10
Muzeum Niepodległości, al. Solidarności 62
Muzeum Nurkowania, ul. Grzybowska 88
Muzeum Ordynariatu Polowego oddz. Muzeum Historycznego m. st Warszawy, ul. Długa13/15
Muzeum Pałac w Wilanowie, ul. St. Kostki Potockiego 10/16
Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie, ul. St. Kostki Potockiego 10/16
Muzeum Policji w Pałacu Mostowskich, ul. Nowolipie 2
Muzeum Polskiej Techniki Wojskowej, ul. Powsińska 13
Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, ul. Grzybowska 79
Muzeum Pożarnictwa, ul. Chłodna 3
Muzeum Rzeźby im. Xawerego Dunikowskiego, ul. Puławska 113a
Muzeum Sportu i Turystyki, ul. Wybrzeże Gdyńskie 4
Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej, ul. Pańska 3
Muzeum Teatralne (Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa), pl. Teatralny 1
Muzeum Techniki, pl. Defilad 1
Muzeum TVP, ul. Woronicza 17-wejście od Samochodowej
Muzeum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 32
Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi, ul. Ząbkowska 27/31
Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak, ul. Dzielna 24/26
Muzeum Wojska Polskiego, Al. Jerozolimskie 3
Muzeum Woli – oddz. Muzeum Historycznego Warszawy, ul. Srebrna 12
Muzeum X Pawilonu Cytadeli Warszawskiej, ul. Skazańców 25
Muzeum Ziemi PAN, al. Na Skarpie 20/26 i 27
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, ul. Długa 52
Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne, ul. Kredytowa 1
Studium Europy Wschodniej UW, oddz. Muzeum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmieście 26/28
Zamek Królewski w Warszawie, pl. Zamkowy 4
w ciągu dnia: Miejsce Pamięci Palmiry, oddz. Muzeum Historycznego m. st Warszawy, Kampinoski Park
Narodowy, Cmentarz Palmiry
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych – Galerie: Salon Akademii, 2.0, Aula, Turbo, Wydział Malarstwa oraz
dziedziniec, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 5 oraz ul. Spokojna 15
Bochenska Gallery, ul. Ząbkowska 27/31, Centrum Kultury Koneser
Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski, ul. Jazdów 2
Galeria A19, Marymont_metro dla sztuki, antresola na stacji Metro Marymont
Galeria AniAni, ul. Brzeska 5
Galeria Appendix2,ul. Foksal 11/1
Galeria Art NEW media, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 41
Galeria Asymetria/Fundacja Archeologia Fotografii, ul. Nowogrodzka 18a/8a, 4 piętro domofon: 8
Galeria aTAK, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 16/18 lok. 4
Galeria Autograf, ul. Grochowska 342 (róg Mińskiej)
Galeria Awangarda Studio, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 13 (Hotel Europejski)
Galeria Blue-S, ul. Bociania 28
Galeria Camera di Foto, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 62
Galeria Czarna, ul. Marszałkowska 4 lok. 3, 2 piętro
Galeria Di Arte A&S, ul. Łazienkowaska 14
Galeria Elektor – MCKiSF, ul. Elektoralna 12
Galeria Fibak, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 5
Galeria Foksal – MCKiS, ul. Foksal 1/4
Galeria Freta 22, ul. Freta 20/24
Galeria Fundacji Artbarbakan – N'69, ul. Tarchomińska 9
Galeria Jabłkowskich, ul. Chmielna 21
Galeria Klatka, ul. Ząbkowska 27/31, Centrum Kultury Koneser
Galeria Klitka, atelier fotograficzne, ul. Ząbkowska 12
Galeria Kotarba Design, ul. Akcent 13c
Galeria Krytyków Pokaz – MCKiS, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 20/22
Galeria Le Guern, ul. Widok 8
Galeria lokal_30, ul. Foksal 17b/30
Galeria Milano, ul. Waszyngtona 2a
Galeria m2, ul. Oleandrów 6
Galeria Nieformalna, ul. Litewska 11/13
Galeria Nizio, ul. Inżynierska 3/4
Galeria Nowolipki, Państwowe Ognisko Artystyczne, ul. Nowolipki 9b
Galeria oraz siedziba Fundacji Atelier, ul. Foksal 11, 2 piętro
Galeria RAL9010,ul. Złota 48/54, Budynek Holiday Inn
Galeria Refleksy, ul. Narbutta 40 lok. 21
Galeria Schody, ul. Nowy Świat 39
Galeria Spokojna Akademii Sztuki Pięknych, Wydział Sztuki Mediów i Scenografii ASP, ul. Spokojna 15
Galeria Steel Forest, ul. Nowy Świat 72, Pałac Staszica
Galeria Studio, pl. Defilad 1, PKiN
Galeria sztuki współczesnej gaga galeria, ul. Książęca 4
Galeria Sztuki Wystawa, al. Wojska Polskiego 29
Galeria TEST – MCKiS, ul. Marszałkowska 34/50
Galeria to tu, ul. Ząbkowska 36
Galeria w Centrum Promocji Kultury w Dzielnicy Praga Południe, ul Podskarbińska 2
Galeria van Golik, ul. Berezyńska 27/6
Galeria w Siedzibie Zespołu ds. ESK 2016, pl. Konstytucji 4
Galeria XX1 – MCKIS, al. Jana Pawła II 36 oraz w ciągu dnia: ogród BUW, ul. Dobra 56/66
Galeria Zadra, ul. Freta 44/46
Kordegarda, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 15/17
Magazyn Praga – galeria, ul. Ząbkowska 27/31
Magazyn Sztuk filia Ośrodka Kultury Ochoty (Pracownia Plastyczna), ul. Filtrowa 62 lok. 230
Noc Malarzy, ul. Szpitalna 8a
Okręg Warszawski Związku Polskich Artystów Plastyków, Dom Artysty Plastyka, ul. Mazowiecka 11a
Otwarta Pracownia Malarska 11 Listopada, ul. 11 Listopada 22, p. 1
Pracownia 13, ul. Inżynierska 3/13
Pracownia Artystyczna – Trond Nicholas Perry, ul. Kawęczyńska 18 lok. 13
Pracownia Katharine Bentall, ul. Smolna 36/10a
Pracownia Malarska, ul. Ząbkowska 11
Pracownia Otwarta, ul. Folwarczna 5 lok. 35
Pracownia Rzeźby i Fotografii Tomasza Wiatera, ul. Zamieniecka 85 lok. 18, poddasze
Pracownia Wschodnia, ul. Lubelska 30/32
Pracownie ceramiczne, ul. Chełmska 21, teren WFFiD
Projekt Kordegarda, ul. Gałczyńskiego 3
Salon Wystawy Marchand, pl. Konstytucji 2
Samsung Gallery, ul. Marynarska 15
Stołeczne Centrum Edukacji Kulturalnej, Galerie: Abakus i Brzozowa, ul. Jezuicka 4
oraz Stara Prochownia, ul. Boleść 2
Stowarzyszenie Pracownie Twórcze Lubelska 30/32,ul. Lubelska 30/32
Stowarzyszenie Twórców Grafiki Użytkowej, ul. Foksal 11/1
Szuflada – Galeria Pracownia, ul. Kawęczyńska 4
Witryna, pl. Konstytucji 4
Wizytująca Galeria, ul. Bema 65
Wydział Sztuki Mediów i Scenografii Akademii Sztuk Pięknych, ul. Spokojna 15
Wyższa Szkoła Ekologii i Zarządzania, Galeria Wydziału Architektury, ul. Rejtana 16
Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Plac Małachowskiego 3
Związek Polskich Artystów Fotografików Okręg Warszawski, Plac Zamkowy 8
Bułgarski Instytut Kultury, Al. Ujazdowskie 33/35
Czeskie Centrum, al. Róż 16
Gabinet Prezydenta Warszawy, pl. Bankowy 3/5
Instytut Cervantesa pry Ambasadzie Królestwa Hiszpanii, Galeria, ul. Nowogrodzka 22
Instytut Słowacki – galeria, ul. Krzywe Koło 12/14a
Pałac Prezydencki, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 46/48
Rosyjski Ośrodek Nauki i Kultury, ul. Belwederska 25
Sejm RP ul. Wiejska 4/6/8
Węgierski Instytut Kultury, ul. Moniuszki 10
Bratnia Szatnia, pl. Defilad 1 przy Teatrze Studio
Brzeska siedem, Brzeska 7 lok. 1
Cafe Szamsija, ul. Andrzejowska 9
Cafe Wiatraki, ul. Kubusia Puchatka 8
Czarny Motyl, ul. Ząbkowska 2
Cafe Próżna i Galeria Velt, ul. Próżna 12
Czuły barbarzyńca, ul. Dobra 31
Hard Rock Cafe – Muzeum Muzyki Rockowej, ul. Złota 59
Kawiarnia Stara Praga, ul. Targowa 18 paw. 33
Kępa Cafe ul. Finlandzka 12a/12,spacer po Saskiej Kępie
Klub Pod Blachą w pałacu Pod Blachą, Plac Zamkowy 2
Klub Powiększenie oraz Time Cafe, Plac Zabaw na Agrykoli
Klubokawiania Grawitacja, ul. Browarna 6
Klubokawiarnia Retrospekcja, ul. Bednarska 28/30
Kluboksięgarnia NumeryLitery, ul. Wilcza 26
Kopernika25 – Eko Naleśnikarnia, ul. Kopernika 25
Pawiarnia, ul. Brzeska 16 lok. 2
Skład Butelek, ul. 11 listopada 22
Tarabuk, ul. Browarna 6
Akademickie Radio Kampus, ul. Bednarska 2/4
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych oraz Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Dawnych Dokumentów,
ul. Długa 7
Archiwum Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Nowy Świat 72
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Al. Jerozolimskie 7
Biblioteka Publiczna w dzielnicy Wola Warszawy, al. Solidarności 90
Biblioteka Publiczna Warszawy, Biblioteka Główna Województwa Mazowieckiego,
ul. Koszykowa 26/28
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie, ul. Dobra 56/66
Bielański Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Goldoniego 1
Centrum Artystyczne Fabryka Trzciny, ul. Otwocka 14
Centrum Artystyczne Sztukarnia, ul. Lewicka 10
Centrum Kulturalno-Konferencyjne Wypieki Kultury, ul. Stolarska 2/4
Centrum Nauki Kopernik, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20
Dada – Salon Twórczości Swobodnej, ul. Ząbkowska 38, vis a vis Centrum Kultury Koneser
Dom Kultury Śródmieście, ul. Smolna 9
Dom Kultury Świt w dzielnicy Targówek Warszawy, ul. Wysockiego 11
Dom Spotkań z Historią – Instytucja Kultury Warszawy, ul. Karowa 20
Dorum Art Fabryka Kształtów i Barw, ul. Ząbkowska 27/31
Dowództwo Garnizonu Warszawa, pl. Piłsudskiego 4
Fundacja Hereditas, spacer po Pradze
Fundacja Ja Wisła, Port Czerniakowski – Barka Herbatnik, Pochylnia i okolice dawnej Warszawskiej
Stoczni Rzecznej
Fundacja Polskich Kolei Wąskotorowych – impreza wyjazdowa
Fundacja Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego PASTy oraz Boom Bardzo Oryginalna Oferta
Marketingowa, ul. Zielna 39
Fundacja Rozwoju Sztuki „Zielona marchewka”, ul. Wilanowska 83
Fundacja Sztuki Niegłupiej skrzyżowanie Al. Jerozolimskich i ul. Marszałkowskiej
oraz Łazienki Królewskie – koncert
Fundacja Sztuki SAR: pl. Zamkowy – koncert,, CSW, Sinfonia Varsovia oraz Ogród Botaniczny
Giełda Papierów Wartościowych oraz Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych, ul. Książęca 4
Instytut Adam Mickiewicza, ul. Mokotowska 25
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Biuro Udostępniania I Archiwizacji Dokumentów, ul. Towarowa 28
oraz Przystanek Historia Centrum Edukacyjne IPN, ul. Marszałkowska 21/25
Kino Kultura, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 21/23
Klub Młodzieżowy Stowarzyszenia „Mierz Wysoko”, ul. Brzeska 20
Kościół – Parafia Ewangelicko-Reformowana, al. Solidarności 74
Kościół Ewangelicko- Augsburski Świętej Trójcy, pl. Małachowskiego 1
Mediateka START – META, Filia Biblioteki Publicznej im. St. Staszcia, ul. Szegedyńska 13A
Multimedialny Park Fontann, Podzamcze, wejście od ul. Sanguszki
Ogród Botaniczny, Al. Ujazdowskie 41a/21
Pałac Kultury i Nauki – Taras Widokowy, pl. Defilad 1
Pałacyk Konopackiego, ul. Strzelecka 11/13
Polski Związek Szachowy, Al. Jerozolimskie 49
Polsko-Japońska Wyższa Szkoła Technik Komputerowych, ul. Koszykowa 86
przewodnicy. warszawa. pl, spacer po Starym Mieście
Sala Historii PLL LOT, ul. 17 Stycznia 29
Sinfonia Varsovia, ul, Grochowska 272
Skwer – Filia Fabryki Trzciny, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 60A
SOTO – Dalekowschodnie Centrum Kulturalno-Sportowe, ul. Karolkowa 28
Stacja Filtrów, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji, ul. Koszykowa 81
Stołeczna Estrada, Łazienki Królewskie – koncert
Stowarzyszenie Artystów Fabs, ul. Brzeska 7
Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne „Front Sztuki”: Solec 44klub, ul. Solec 44 oraz Teatr Imka,
ul. Konopnickiej 6
Stowarzyszenie Przewodników Turystycznych „Złota Kaczka” – spacer po Starym Mieście
Synagoga im. Nożyków, ul. Twarda 6
Środowiskowe Laboratorium Ciężkich Jonów, ul. Pasteura 5a
Teatr Polski w Warszawie, ul. Karasia 2
Towarzystwo Inicjatyw Twórczych „ę”, ul. Mokotowska 55, domofon 50
Tramwaje Warszawskie – Muzeum na szynach, pl. Narutowicza
Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii, ul. Łazienkowska 14
Warszawskie Targi Książki, pl. Defilad 1 – PKiN, sala Kisielewskiego
Warszawskie Towarzystwo Cyklistów – Rowerowa Noc Muzeów
Zenplace Sylwia Skrzyńska, ul. Miklaszewskiego 5
Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma, ul. Tłomackie 3/5
Villa la Fleur, ul. Szpitalna 14, Konstancin-Jeziorna
let's do it together
 accessible for the disabled
 movie projection
listen, dance and sing
 music events
 activities for children
the kids won't be bored
 open for longer
Fotoplastikon Warszawski, Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
Al. Jerozolimskie 51,
7.00 p.m. – 9.30 p.m. photos of India and other regions of Asia in the 50s - location: Fotoplastikon: a
display of 3-D photos of contemporary India and other regions of Asia by Maciej Samulski – location: second
courtyard of the tenement house, a performance of prewar musical pieces - location: first courtyard of the
tenement house
10.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m. ”No Corset, Bustle, or Pantalettes... Or a Bit of Erotica in the Warsaw Photoplasticon”
exhibition Note! Exhibitions at the Warsaw photoplasticon can be viewed by 24 people simultaneously
Muzeum Azji i Pacyfiku – Galeria Azjatycka
ul. Freta 5, www. muzeumazji. pl
open untill 2.00 a.m. ”Azure and Turquoise. The Traditional Ceramics of Uzbeks and Tajiks.” exhibition tours
led by commisioner Karolina Krzywicka in front of the gallery:
6.00 p.m. demonstration of creating traditional Buddhist butter sculptures by monks of the Tibetan Drepung
7.00 p.m. a performance of Tibetan song and music by the monks of Drepung monastery, you are invited
by the Sam Dżub Ling Foundation and Tibet House ”Acala”
8.00 p.m. a demonstration of inner health arts, Tai Chi Taoist Association
Muzeum Cechu Rzemiosł Skórzanych im. Jana Kilińskiego
ul. Wąski Dunaj 10, enter from ul. Szeroki Dunaj
permanent exhibition:: a shoemaker’s and saddler’s workshop, documents and photos by the patron of the
museum, guild insignia from the 16th, 17th and 18th century, plus statutes of the saddlers guild signed
by the king S. August, and a collection of miniature models of footwear worn between 1910 and 1965
Muzeum Drukarstwa Warszawskiego (oddz. Muz. Hist. Warszawy)
ul. Trębacka 3,
touring of "New Warsaw Typography Museum Headquarters in The Old Życie Warszawy Printing House in
Marszałkowska st.” and “Album art” exhibitions – a presentation of the most beautifully done albums, plus
printing of commemorative print using an antique press
8.30 p.m. Warsaw bugle call, and group singing of ”Jak przygoda to tylko w Warszawie”
Muzeum Ewolucji Instytutu Paleobiologii PAN
pl. Defilad 1, Pałac Młodzieży w PKiN,
an exhibition of giant dinosaur skeletons from the Gobi desert and the Triassic cemetery in Krasiejowo,
a realistic reconstruction of the Australopithecus Lucy, an exhibition of vertebrates’ conquering of the land
with a reconstruction of a Devonian swamp, an exhibition “Blameless Killers”
Muzeum Farmacji im. mgr Antoniny Leśniewskiej
(oddz. Muz. Historycznego Warszawy)
ul. Piwna 31/33,
Permanent exhibitions: “In a Prewar Pharmacy” – original apothecary laboratory and expedition chamber
equipment from the 1930s, and “First aid kits and drugs of Japanese wandering apothecaries” ”1920 Battle
of Warsaw” medical station
7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. taking care of the wounded, making artificial scars and taking blood pressure
7.00 p.m., 8.00 p.m., 9.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m., 11.00 p.m. a projection of “A Miracle on the Vistula” dir. K.
Nowak – Tyszowiecki, plus a multimedia presentation of old medical equipment
8.30 p.m. Warsaw bugle call, and group singing of ”Jak przygoda to tylko w Warszawie”
7.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. patrols of Citizens Guard and Women’s League in front of the Pharmacy Museum,
through Zapiecek st., Old Town Market Square and the barbican
Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina
ul. Okólnik 1, pl
ChopIN MUSEum NIGHT – touring of the permanent interactive exhibition
Special events: fashion show ”Chobeeth” collection by Dora Krynicky, audiovisual performance
”chopinintimacy” by INIRE group, movie projections and “FreshJazz ChopIN,” a musical performance by
Joanna Duda and The Mateusz Kołakowski Trio
Muzeum Geodezji i Kartografii Warszawskiego Przedsiębiorstwa
Geodezyjnego S.A.
ul. Nowy Świat 2,
museum collections: maps, geodetic instruments, numbering machines and drawing accessories and instruments
Muzeum Harcerstwa
ul. Konopnickiej 6, www.muzeumharcerstwa. pl
”100 Years in 6 Hours – A Return to the Past, ” an exhibition showing the beginnings of the scouting
movement on Polish soil
7.00 p.m. – world of scouting
from 8.00 p.m. every hour starts next 20 years of scouting history: “Tales of Scoutmistress Babcia, ” plus
a slideshow and listening to songs of those days, location: fireplace room, other attractions: an exhibition of
Scouts’ Postal Service, the celebratory centenary rally in Cracow, old movies and a chance to take a picture in
historical uniforms in the scouts’ atelier
Muzeum Historii Polski
ul. Senatorska 35,
miejsce: ogród Muzeum Historii Polski
for kids: drawing the future MHP headquarters, solving puzzles with MHP’s building photograph, a painting
by Canaletto and a quiz “Name the Difference”
”Free Election,” a computer presentation, solving big 3-D puzzles, MHP models, a game in the “multimedia
kiosk,” a guided tour of the Saxon Park with a guide from the group and an
educational game “Seeking the Treasure – A Night-Time Adventure Game”
Muzeum Historii Spółdzielczości,
Warszawska Kooperatywa Spożywców oraz Fundacja Stocznia
ul. Jasna 1, Dom pod Orłami
touring the exhibition and a conversation on the topic of cooperativity; “With this Carrot, Madam, We Are
Planning to Destroy Capitalism,” members of the Warsaw Consumer Cooperative will be talking about
cooperativity in practice
9.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. stencil-painting of t-shirts and cloth handbags; surprises for visitors: reprints of
prewar posters and other goodies
Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich
ul. Chłodna 25,
the museum invites you to the club-café Chłodna 25 for a dance to prewar Jewish Tangos, beginner’s
lessons and fun till dawn
Muzeum Historyczne Warszawa oraz Barbakan
6.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. A Night in the Old Town,
location: Old Town market square, a temporary exhibition ”About Warsaw and Her Museum,” varsavian
publishers’ fair until 11.00 p.m.
6.00 p.m. ”In the Footsteps of People and Events,” a walk in the Old Town – tales about places, inhabitants,
plaques and inscriptions found in the Old Town
activities for children up to 9 years old, led by R. Morawski, gather near the Mermaid Statue in the market
zajęcia dla dzieci od 9 lat, prowadzenie: R. Morawski, zbiórka przy Pomniku Syrenki
7.00 p.m. ”On the Trail of the Insurgents’ Hospitals,” a walk in the Old Town – visiting places in which in
August 1944 hospitals were established
activities for children and adults, led by M. Ydanowska, gather near the Mermaid Statue in the market
8.30 p.m. Warsaw bugle call, and group singing of ”Jak przygoda to tylko w Warszawie”
”Warsaw in Decades” – an outdoor projection of documentaries about Warsaw:
9.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. ”Warsaw Won’t Forget,” ”Coming Back to Old Town,” ”Warsaw won’t forget”
(English ver.) Documentaries about 1939-1945 Warsaw
10.00 p.m. – 10.40 p.m. ”Miracle at the Vistula” – a documentary about Battle of Warsaw in 1920.
10.40 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. ”For mankinds happiness” – a documentary about Warsaw 19th and 20th century
11.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. ”Man. Sketches to S. J. Starynkiewicz’s Portrait” – a movie about the acting
Warsaw President S. Starynkiewicz
12.00 a.m. – 1.00 a.m. ”A Song About My Warsaw” – an impressional documentary about the historical
and present day Warsaw
location: The Barbican
6.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. ”Old Warsaw’s City Walls,” a guided tour with a historical commentary, gather near
the Barbican, led by: M. Teodorowicz
8.30 p.m. Warsaw bugle call, and group singing of ”Jak przygoda to tylko w Warszawie”
7.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. touring the exhibitions ”The Old Town in Warsaw – A World Heritage Monument”
and “City Walls”
Muzeum Karykatury im. Eryka Lipińskiego
ul. Kozia 11,
two exhibitions and an animated movie projection: Karol Baraniecki (1911-1986) pictures – an exhibition of
the caricaturist, satirist, and author of book illustrations and movie projects, including “Magic Pencil”
”Butenko Pinxit” exhibition by Bohdan Butenko, a known Illustrator and cartoonist; author of illustrations
and movies for children and teenagers including the classic characters of Gapiszon, Gucio and Cezar
Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawła II
pl. Bankowy 1,
9.00 p.m. musical and operetta hits ”Summer Time”; M. Szymańska-Sablakowska – soprano,
M. Ruta – tenor, M. Stachura – baritone, P. Filek - piano
10.30 p.m. a musical-poetic concerto “From Słowacki to Herbert”; D. Świątek – vocals,
B. Kobrzyńska – recitation, A. Perman – piano, D. Świątek – music
Muzeum Legii
ul. Łazienkowska 3, the museum is located under the new stadium’s north grandstand,
history of the Warsaw football club and Polish football, around 1500 exhibits gathered in the museum’s
cabinets – commemorative trophies, flags, tickets, posters, as well as t-shirts and shoes of some of the
biggest stars of Łazienkowska st.
Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza
Rynek Starego Miasta 20,
“Gabriela Zapolska – A Rebellious Talent,” exhibition and events accompanying the commemoration of the
90th anniversary of the writer’s death
7.30 p.m. theatrical event in the Old Town Market Square, a spectacle based on fragments of Zapolska’s
dramas, directed by T. Lipiński; if the weather is unfavorable – inside the Museum
8.15 p.m. theatrical workshops for everyone who wish to appear on stage, learn a bit of acting and explore
the art, location: audiovisual hall Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie
ul. Agrykoli 1,
6.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m. romantic lanterns hanging in the park alleys
6.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. “A Balloon Trip Around the World of Science,” educational workshops for kids
between the ages of 5 and 10, activities linked to the celebrations of Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s Year;
Museum Education Center: Building a hot air balloon, constructing a camera obscura, the first principle
of dynamics and Warsaw University’s Departament of Physics: physics experiments – ”stubborn” coins,
denaturant rocket, what holds a sucker; location: Stara Pomarańczarnia (Old Orangery), Under the Lime
7.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m. Touring the Water Palace – interiors illuminated with candlelight and tour guides
dressed up accordingly to Stanisław August’s times’ fashion. Note! Touring only with invitations – tickets
handed out between 12 and 14 may at the Water Palace’s reception desks, 30-person groups will enter the
Palace every 15 minutes
Concerts in the Royal Baths
8.00 p.m. the Stołeczna Estrada invites you to a concert by the masters under the Chopin’s Statue in the
Night of Museums
a musical feast being an introduction to the beginning season of Chopin Piano Concerts (15.05 –25.09);
appearing on the water stage:
– Steve Hackett – former Genesis guitarist; an extremely talented instrumentalist and composer,
accompanied by John Hackett on the saxophone and flute and Roger King on keyboards
– Randy Brecker – artist recognized as the biggest personality of fusion, known for excellent technique and
unique musical intelligence; played with such stars as: Bruce Springsteen, Frank Sinatra, Jaco Pastorius and
Frank Zappa
– Włodek Pawlik – pianist and jazz composer, musical author to many foreign and Polish award-winning
movies such as “Reverse;” Pawlik will be accompanied by: Paweł Pańta (double bass) and Cezary Konrad
Audience gathered near F. Chopin’s statue will have a chance to experience an incredible fusion of musical
10.00 p.m. Fundacja Sztuki Niegłupiej invites you to a concert in the Amphitheater
latest project by Bogdan Hołownia, ”Carissima” album, jazz arrangements of the songs: Ada to nie wypada,
Deszcz, To przypadek, Czy pamiętasz tę noc w Zakopanem, Sex apil, Całuję twoją dłoń, Madame and others.
Bogdan Hołownia – piano, Andrzej Bruner-Gulczyński – double bass, Jozef Eliasz - percussion Muzeum Łowiectwa i Jeździectwa
ul. Szwoleżerów 9,
group tours start every 20 minutes, last group enters at 0.30 a.m.
historical exhibitions: ”Polish hunters of the 19th and 20th century,” the Zbigniew Prus-Niewiadomski
Carriage House; nature exhibitions: “In the Field and in the Forest:” part 1: “The Forest,” part 2: “Birds,” “Eye
to eye”
Muzeum Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie oraz Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
ul. Freta 16,
a permanent exhibition and an exhibition by three AMS Poster Gallery graduates “Skłodowska-Curie Was a
8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. scenes from the life of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, showing in a fun way her
discoveries and their consequences
demonstrations: "The Penetration of Radiation” – a demonstration of ways in which you can protect yourself
from different types of radiation;
“Wheel of Fortune – The Atom Is Your Friend” a popular game adopted for the purposes of science –
explanation of phenomena connected to radioactivity, and learning about the Noble Prize winner's life
activities for children: an exhibition of dosimetric equipment: measuring that which you cannot see; seeking the
treasure: radioactivity – best treasure seeker contest; joining of the atoms; creating chemical bonds
exhibitions organized together with the Nuclear Technology and Chemistry Institute
in front of the museum: a fashion show referring the period of 1860 – 1935, on Freta st. you'll be able to
see, among others, characters in Maria Skłodowska-Curie's era outfits.
10.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m. video-photo mapping on the museum's facade - Come and see how the building
transforms into a laboratory!
Muzeum Modniarstwa i Naparstków
ul. Marszałkowska 9/15,
exhibitions with the P orthos collection: thimbles from around the world, hats “For the Poor and for the
Special attractions: the photographic exhibition ”Ireland – A Mysterious Island” by Ryszard Wrzeziński
Porthos, an exhibitions of sailing vessel models, an exhibition of graphics by Janusz van Golik – a doctor
treats, a baker bakes, a murderer kills, a graphic artist graphites, live music and a degustation of irish coffee
– Irish Pub – Tawerna Pod Zdechłym Dorszem Gallery in the split-level of the Kapelusz I Czapka Salon
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
Al. Jerozolimskie 3,
last visitors enter at 12.00 a.m.; last visitors enter at 12.00 a.m. This is the LAST NIGHT to see the
permanent exhibitions as we know them. Soon nothing will be the same…
Permanent exhibitions: Ancient Art Gallery, Faras Gallery, Medieval Art Gallery, European Painting Gallery,
Polish Painting Gallery, 20th Century Art Gallery, European and Polish Decorative Art Galleries with Leopold
Kronenberg’s Silvers Hall.
”Bitwa pod Grunwaldem” odNOWA – a meeting with conservators working on Jan Matejko’s painting –
Katarzyna Jastrzębska, Barbara Kurzyk-Soudah, Dorota Pliś and Piotr Lisowski from the MNW Easel Painting
Conservation Workshop – partner: PKO Bank Polski
Note! Passes required to enter will be available in the information point during Night of the Museums, gather
in front of the hall with “Battle of Grunwald” at 8.00 p.m., 9.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m., 11.00 p.m and 12.00 a.m.
The temporary exhibition “Estonian Art” is the first presentation of works by the greatest Estonian artists
working from the turn of the 19th and 20th century until the 1940s (Taming of modernism) and from the
beginning of the 70s until the present day (provocations and confrontations) prepared in postwar Poland by
the Estonian Art Museum KUMU in Tallinn
Evening activities for kids ages 6 to 10: Note! Mummies and Sarcophagi – courage required! Ancient frights
and other mysterious activities. Zbiórka o godz. 18.30 przy bramie głównej muzeum. Note! Registrations
required, open from 4 May, phone: (22) 621 10 31, ext. 227; mo – fri, 9.00 a.m.-3.00 p.m.
Muzeum Niepodległości
al. Solidarności 62, Pałac Przebendowskich/Radziwiłłów,
7.00 p.m. opening of the exhibition ”Polish Patriotic Jewelry Since the January Uprising Until Solidarity”
– guided tours of the exhibition 11.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m.
8.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. a performance by the Dixie Warsaw Jazzman grou
9.30 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. Museum Night With the Eastern Borderlands - projections of the movies: ”Śladami
Bohaterów 'Ogniem i mieczem'" and "Bastiony RP," accompanied by the director Adam Kulik
12.00 a.m. – 1.00 a.m. a Parisian concert performed by Lena Ledoff, Katarzyna Skarżanka and Przemysław
Muzeum Ordynariatu Polowego (oddz. Muz. Historycznego Warszawy)
ul. Długa 13/15,
touring the permanent exhibition and the cathedral, board exhibitions: ”OO Pijars in the November Uprising,"
an Archeological Museum’s reconstruction of the Polish Kingdom’s artillery, “Polish Chaplains in the Polish
Army,” a reconstruction of a military truck and the old uniforms, “Polish Soldiers in Peacekeeping Missions,”
“Caritas,” a reconstruction of a military checkpoint
7.00 p.m. cannon volley and an official announcement starting the event
7.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. sweepstakes with the Military Caritas – the collected money will go towards
building orphanages in Afghanistan
10.30 p.m. closing of the sweepstakes event and drawing of the grand prize
9.15 p.m. a short concert of songs about Warsaw
8.30 p.m. Warsaw bugle call, and group singing of ”Jak przygoda to tylko w Warszawie”
11.30 p.m. a demonstration and teaching of the military drill by the MOP volunteers
you are invited to our field kitchen for a bowl of traditional military-style pea soup!
Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej
ul. Pańska 3,
9.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m. a ”MUSEUM CINEMA” organized with the help of Planete Doc Film Festival is open
for the visitors in the temporary headquarters of Museum of Modern Art. In the program: a projection of an
acclaimed documentary ”Arbor” by Clio Barnard nominated for a Doc Art Award for the best documentary
about art, artists and artistic events, as well as outstanding Polish movies experimenting with the
documentary form. ”Precursor" by T. Królikiewicz, "Wanda Gościmińska Włókniarka" by W. Wiszniewski and
"Ski Scenes" by B. Dziworski. The whole program will be shown a few times in the Nowoczesna cafe - film
music and a special movie menu
Muzeum Teatralne (Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa)
pl. Teatralny 1,
8.30 p.m. – 1.00 a.m.
contemporary painting exhibition ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS prepared with the help of the European Academy
of Art and chamber concerts organized in cooperation with the University of Music in Warsaw; location:
Redoubt Halls
”Opera and Ballet," an exhibition by the Polish Caricature Artists’ Association
Muzeum Techniki
pl. Defilad 1,
last visitors enter at 0.30 a.m. permanent and temporary museum exhibitions among which you'll find
ones devoted to communication, relics of Polish casting, "Interesting Physics" - a set of experiments that will
help understand the basic principles of physics and nature, Radio engineering, a Hall of Technological Means
of Interpersonal Communication and novelties in the Museum's collection – an exhibit of new Museum of
Technology items, Traditions and achievements of Lublin Car Factory, plus many more, including a unique
ENIGMA encoding machine and the history of breaking the German codes by Polish mathematicians,
“Meeting With the Stars" - an opportunity to watch celestial objects present in the sky through specialized
Muzeum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 32, Pałac Tyszkiewiczów-Potockich,
an opportunity to learn the story of the biggest school in Poland, to see Warsaw and the University through
Chopin's eyes and to see the most interesting items connected to the University’s graduates
Muzeum Wojska Polskiego
Al. Jerozolimskie 3,
last visitors enter at 0.30 a.m. 00.30 a.m.
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. permanent and temporary exhibitions "Before the GROM Struck, the History
of Special Units and Airborne Forces of the Polish Army," "180th Anniversary of the Battle of Grochów,"
"Government Protection Bureau – Always for the Homeland," aerial collections: MIG29, Su-22, Mi-2, Mi-8,
Mi-24 and others, plus a commemorative photo spot, stylized foxholes from the times of the Tobruk battles
- thanks to the Independent Carpathian Riflemen Brigade, you’ll also be able to see a car used by gen.
Pietrzyk, the Polish Ambassador in Iraq and the official car of President Wałęsa
8.00 p.m. a concert by Why Ducky? – blues
10.30 p.m. – fireworks show
7.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. MWP's Fabric Conservation Workshop will give advice about how to store antique
7.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. a demonstration of armament and hand-to-hand combat
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. demonstrations by the Historical Reenactment Groups
Muzeum Ziemi PAN
al. Na Skarpie 20/26 i 27,
a special exhibition ”Leaves Yesterday and Now," permanent exhibitions: “Processes that Transform the
Face of the Earth," "From the Geological Past of the Earth," "Granites, Granites...," "Amber – From the Liquid
Resin to the Decorative Art," "Mineralogical Alphabet," "Great Mammals of the Ice Age" and the temporary
exhibition "Iran Through the Lens of Tomasz Kuczyński"
Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne
ul. Kredytowa 1,
Indian night: ”Ritmos de noche," instead of tickets, the visitors will receive a unique Mapuche postcard – a
picture from Chile; activities for visitors waiting to enter the museum
in front of the museum: Indian fair, sale of culinary products, hand-crafted items, ceramics, South American
jewelry and Lautaro wines from Chile, plus an illumination of the museum
6.00 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. workshops for kids: Mapuche jewelry, location: workshop, 2nd floor
Note! Visitors need to register in advance: by phone (+48)(22) 827 76 41 ext. 218 or by e-mail:
[email protected]
7.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. a drum concert (with breaks)
7.00 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. Andean instrumentation – making and playing instruments made during the Night
of Museums; a mini-workshop stylized as a “Mapuche workshop, ” led by members of the Gruppo Andino;
location: Separate space inside the exhibition halls: “Mapuche: The Seed of Chile”
7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. opening ETHNO CHILL-OUT café in the undergrounds of PME, CHILE-CHILL-OUT with
music and word, VJ-presentation with Elikura Chihuailafa’s poems, fragments of “La Araucana” and “Araucania
and Her Inhabitants”
9.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. storytellers from the O Well will tell a story based on the ”La Araucana” poem,
10.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. a story about Yuma Sumac illustrated by movie clips, location: ETHNO CHILL-OUT
10.40 p.m., 11.00 p.m., 11.20 p.m. and every 20 minutes untill 1.00 a.m. virtual lectures, location:
”Mapuche: The Seed of Chile” exhibition
11.00 p.m. – 1.00 p.m. a spectacle “Araucania” directed by J. Grabowiecka, illustrated by Chilean music
performed by Gruppo, appearing on the stage will be known Warsaw-scene actors, location: ETHNO CHILLOUT
events accompanying the permanent events:
8.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. folk lute workshop and folk music performed by Paweł Steczkowski and Stach
Wyżykowski, location: Separate exhibition ”Craftsmanship, ” 2nd floor
8.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m. – 10.30 p.m., 12.00 a.m. – 00.30 a.m. a performance by the Baland
Didjeridoo Duo, location: Separate exhibition ”Oceania, ” 1st floor
7.30 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. ”The Butoh Dance” a spectacle by Riu Ishihara illustrated with music performance by
the FLUTE O’CLOCK band, location: 1st floor hallway, near the stairwell and the Asian exhibition, during the
performance donations will be collected to help relieve the victims of the recent Japanese cataclysm
Interactive game referring the ”Mapuche” exhibition. Note! Registrations required, register at:
[email protected]
Studium Europy Wschodniej UW (Muz. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego)
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28,
8.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. series of multimedia presentations ”Eastern-European Countrysides”: a lecture, an
exhibition, artistic performances and slideshows
Zamek Królewski w Warszawie
pl. Zamkowy 4,
7.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m., last visitors enter at 1.00 a.m. 7.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m., last visitors enter at 1.00
a.m. Note! You'll need an invitation to attend the activities – get one in the Royal Castle’s Information Point
from 9.05 between 10.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.
touring: Royal and Great Apartments with the Ballroom, Knight Hall, Throne Room, and Kubicki's Arcades
Activities in the Royal Castle and Kubicki’s Arcades:
6.00 p.m., 7.00 p.m. ”Master Twardowski’s Magic” activities for kids of ages 3 to 6, roleplay elements, led
by dr. K. Buczek, M. Reif, A. Wardak, gather in the Great Vestibule.
7.00 p.m., 7.45 p.m., 8.30 p.m. ”In Search of the Basilisk’s Treasures” activities for kids from grades 1 - 3,
led by D. and S. Szczocki, gather in the Kubicki's Arcades – main entrance, please, bring flashlights!
8.00 p.m. ”What to think about on the Parisian pavement. Czesław and Oskar Miłosz’s France," a literary
program presented by dr. K. Buczek and actors - Barbara and Jacek Bursztynowicz in the romantic interiors of
Café Zamek. Note! Visitors must present a ticket bought in Café Zamek in the day of the event, cost: 10 zł
10.00 p.m. ”Nothing New Under the Sun” a literary-satirical-cabaret monodrama about the interwar period,
performed by S. Holland, written by J. Bursztynowicz; gather in the Great Vestibule.
activities in the Copper-Roof Palace::
7.30 p.m. a story ”Of the Basilisk and…” – a music and dance tale, a spectacle for kids aged 6 to 10 years
old performed in the Mason Lodge, performing: narrator: M. Reif, Halszka: A. Wojciechowska, Maciek: E.
Lewandowski, Melchior, the Beggar, the Basilisk: T. Sadlakowski
8.30 p.m. ”Persian Carpet” a spectacle by Teatr Atlantis
9.00 p.m. ”Under the Northern Star. Freemasonry in the Times of Stanisław August” – a lecture by prof.
T. Cegielski in the Masons’ Basement; in the series History meetings in the Castle
10.00 p.m. ”Forgotten Moons” a concert by Anna Jagielska-Riveiro
in the castle gardens, a special area ”PZU SA, The Official Insurer for the Castle”
A concert by the SAR Art Foundation in cooperation with The Royal Castle
the wall near ul. Podwale, castle square
”A Museum Lost," a multimedia project presenting items of Polish culture that were lost during the wars, the
partitions of Poland and through theft; the event will consist of animated photographs of the lost artifacts
accompanied by an introductory text, a chamber music concert and an interactive touch installation situated
in the main gate leading to the Royal Castle’s courtyard
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 5,
location: courtyard: ”Liberated nomadic vehicle" by Filip Ziarkiewicz, Jagoda Glińska, the project hopes to
build a postcivilization vehicle which could enable a nomadic existence after the fall of our civilization
Galeria Salon Akademii – until the last guest; an exhibition by Mirosław Bałka
Galeria 2.0 –Andrzej Kokosza: ”A Tripple Act with a Thread — body-space” a video installation and a
concert of electronic music
Galeria Aula – an exhibition by Marian Nowiński
Galeria Turbo – 6.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m a project: Gdzie jesteśmy?/Where are we? Maciej Januszewski,
Dominik Robak, a project of an installation in time and space, a play with the context and size of a small
student gallery
a series of students’ exhibitions, accompanied by an annual school hazing event
Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski
ul. Jazdów 2,
”Things Wake Feelings, ” Roee Rosen: ”Roee Rosen’s Zombie Ladies |DYNAMIC DEAD ROEE ROSEN, ”
Zygmunt Rytka/Krzysztof Wojciechowski: “When I’m Sixty-Four, ” The Museum of the Military Hospital
and Castle in Ujazdów, Sculpture garden, Square in front of the Castle – Texts on the facade and northern
elevation of the Castle – Lawrence Weiner (USA), ”Benches” by Jenny Holzer (USA) – 10 stone benches with
texts from the series ”Truisms, Texts on Survival, Reconstruction” – Tadashi Kawamata (Japan) – a project of
revitalizing some of the 19th century basements – on the water cistern
an exhibition “Society. Not light, not easy, not pleasant” covering international and Polish campaigns: printed
advertisements, non-standard and interactive campaigns, a 7th Polish Advertising Festival event, organized
in cooperation with the SAR Art Foundation
Galeria Appendix2
ul. Foksal 11/1 in the outbuilding,
Cultural multiplex
Galeria Art NEW media
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 41,
Photographic exhibition by Zofia Rydet on the occasion of her 5th-may birthday, and a 1989 documentary by
Andrzej Różycki: ”The Infinity of the Long Road. Zofia Rydet peeped and overheard”
Galeria Asymetria
ul. Nowogrodzka 18a/8a, 4th floor, intercom: 8,,
a multimedia presentation of the FotoRejestr project and ”Jerzy Lewczyński – Faces of the Archive” by
Krzysztof Pijarski, an exhibition under the project "Living Archives" by the Photographic Archaeology
Galeria aTAK
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 16/18, domofon 4,
Zbysław Marek Maciejewski “Self-portrait, impatience, ecstasy” paintings and drawings from the first half of
the 1970s
Galeria Awangarda Studio
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 13 (in the Hotel Europejski),
Awangarda Studio is the only place in Warsaw where you’ll find the works of intellectually disabled artists.
Everybody is welcome: Kids, teenagers and adults; we'll have some unconventional fun with templates:
You’ll be able to use our AwangardaDesigns, make your own templates and merge them together
a meeting with the artists Joanna Stańko and Krzysztof Augustin
Galeria Camera di Foto
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 62,
8.00 p.m. an opening of figurenude photography exhibition ”Intimate landscapes 1972” by Wiesław
Mariusz Zieliński (born 1935), the gallery presents original black-and-white items from an exhibition from
almost 40 years ago – figurenude in landscape and figurenude as landscape
Galeria Czarna
ul. Marszałkowska 4, apt.3, 2nd floor,
Dariusz Rzontkowski: ”Seventh Little Seal” – come and read the books that don’t exist; stamp an ex-libris
with an intriguing sentence, order a musical declamation by a known actor and marvel at the absurdity
Galeria – Di Arte A&S
ul. Łazienkowska 14,
7.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. ”Marian Schmidt: Photographs” a presentation of artistic achievements of an
outstanding Polish photographer – Marian Schmidt”
8.00 p.m – 9.30 p.m. a lecture about expressive photography “Humanism and Metaphors” – led by M.
Schmidt “A Camera is a great excuse to approach people, talk to them and get to know them”
Galeria Elektor (Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki)
ul. Elektoralna 12,
exhibitions from the series ”The Young, Younger” in the MCKIS galleries:
“Dangerous Relationships” by the Painthouse Group: K. Jarosławska, K. Ka, W. Zagórowska, M. Żurada with
a guest appearance from G. Stankiewicz and A. Tomaszczuk
Galeria Fibak
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 5,
an exhibiiton of paintings by Andrzej Fogtt
Galeria Foksal (Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki)
ul. Foksal1/4,,
exhibitions from the series ”The Young, Younger” in the MCKIS galleries:
”te[k]sty” exhibition by Małgorzata Dawidek Grylicka – the presented paintings will be an introduction to
realizing a broad intermedia project entitled "Intimate Topography" (Œ-POWIEŚĆ)
and an audible installation by a Danzig artist Katarzyna Krakowiak in the area surrounding the gallery
Galeria Freta 22
ul. Freta 20/24,
works by artists collaborating with the Gallery: K. Brzechwa, B. Murawska, M. Nowiński, J. Stanny, A.
Trochim, Józef Wilkoń and others
Galeria Jabłkowskich
ul. Chmielna 21, in the yard,
7.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. an exhibition ”Fotoplastikon – a Warsaw Photoblog”
7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. an open lecture and photographic workshop led by Hanna Musiał “Man in the Urban
9.30 p.m. concert by Czessband
11.30 p.m. concert by Uniqplan
Galeria Krytyków Pokaz (Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki)
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 20/22,
exhibitions from the series ”The Young, Younger” in the MCKIS galleries:
”OK/KO,” by Karolina Kaźmierska – a three-dimensional installation
8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. meeting with the artist and the curator of the exhibition
Galeria Le Guern
ul. Widok 8,
closes at 12.00 a.m. ”To” exhibition by Igor Omulecki
Galeria lokal_30
ul. Foksal 17b/30,
The interior of the gallery will be turned into a place struck by a natural disaster – an apartment destroyed
by a tornado: ”Apocalypso Place and the Last News” – a multidimensional sculpture that, through overinformation, relates ironically to historical and contemporary reality of the media – an exhibition by the
artists: a filmmaker Reynold Reynolds and an visual and installation author Christopher Draeger
Galeria m2 – m kwadrat
ul. Oleandrów 6,
“Cool Place” exhibition by Jakub Adamek
Galeria Nieformalna
ul. Litewska 11/13,’
a prestantation of ”Spatial Objects” by Maria Milewicz-Brauer. The author creates objects out of onceforgotten items found in attics and basements, on riverbanks and by the sea, in the drawers in which we all
collect various things that could be useful someday
Galeria Nowolipki, Państwowe Ognisko Artystyczne
ul. Nowolipki 9b,
8.00 p.m. opening of the exhibition ”Human Situations” or Psychological Naturalism by painter Leszek
Drygalski; Man as an actor, dummy, puppet
10.00 p.m. an original musical event
12.00 a.m. an annual Nowolipki light to the sky
the gallery invites visitors to the cafe on the terrace
Fundacja Atelier main office and Gallery
ul. Foksal 11, 2nd floor,
Atelier Foundation – Atelier Foksal
a collection of the Atelier Foundation, an exhibition of works by the artists: M. Bielesz, M. Kotara, J. Lustych,
A. Moskal-Ciempiel, A. Niziurska, E. Proszczuk, M. Ziółkowska and an exhibition of works by the students of
Atelier Foksal, Cela Sobolewska ”India, ” ”Studio Miniatur Filmowych – Warsaw Legends” exhibition
Atelier Foundation Gallery
Andrzej Bieńskowski: ”Roughed Up Gouaches, ” location: 1st floor, Teresa Starzec: “Still, Through Colorful
Glass, the Pain Seeps Into My Squinted Eyes, ” location: the outbuilding in the yard
Galeria RAL9010
ul. Złota 48/54, the Holiday Inn building,
”Portrait in Comics” an exhibition presenting the works of Tomasz Bereźnicki
Galeria Schody
ul. Nowy Świat 39,
”Between Inbetween” by Beata Pflanz, painting exhibition
Galeria Steel Forest
ul. Nowy Świat 72, a guest appearance in the Staszic Palace,
”Radiation, ” a happening by Artur Wąsowski, Krzysztof Skain-May
8.30 p.m. an opening of the ”Autographs” exhibition and jewelry by Jacek Ostrowski “Maria – the Year 2011”
Galeria Studio
pl. Defilad 1, PKiN,
7.00 p.m. – 9 p.m. movies by artists collaborating with the Gallery: Roch Forowicz ”Detection, ” Paweł Hajncel
”One Nation’s History, ” Stefan Hanćkowiak “A Journey Into Space; ” a spring vegetarian treat awaits visitors
Galeria sztuki współczesnej gaga galeria
ul. Książęca 4, Centrum Giełdowe,
Universe - the 1970s
Galeria TEST (Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki)
ul. Marszałkowska 34/50,,
exhibitions from the series ”The Young, Younger” in the MCKIS galleries:
"New Paintings” by Tomasz Myjak
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. group painting and meeting with the author T. Myjak: Everyone can paint…
9:00 p.m. concert: A Musical Test - Karolina Kupczyk, Estera Pańczak & band, gospel, r&b and soul
Galeria w Siedzibie Zespołu ds. ESK 2016
pl. Konstytucji 4,
Plac Konstytucji does not sleep! … and during the Night of Museums it will become a space for artists,
its inhabitants and NGOs; take part in activities which will make the broadly understood culture appear in
places in which you wouldn't expect it! in the program: concerts and theatrical performances; coordinated
activities by Tłocznia in cooperation with the European Capital of Culture 2016 efforts team
Galeria XX1 (Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki)
al. Jana Pawła II 36,,
exhibitions from the series ”The Young, Younger” in the MCKIS galleries:
”Butterfly” by Justyna Kabala; ”System P 1” by Paweł Kwiatkowski; ”Place of the Skull” by Michał Chojecki
8.00 p.m. opening of an exhibition by three young artists, graduates of the Graphic Departament and
Painting Departament of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
and in the University Library Gardens, ul. Dobra 56/66
4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. ”Beautiful lies IV” by J. Bałdyga, M. Bałdyga, Ł. Głowacki, R. Ługowski, J.
Mioduszewski, D. Rumiancew, E. Świdzińska – the fourth edition of a series of meetings of performers
collaborating with the XX1 Gallery
Galeria Zadra
ul. Freta 44/46,
7.00 p.m. exhibition of paintings by Marek Ałaszewski
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 15/17
Night of Museums – Miło Sza! Feel the young spirit in an old gallery and be relaxed through the synthetic
mixture of picture, word and sound
Okręg Warszawski Związku Polskich Artystów Plastyków Dom Artysty Plastyka
ul. Mazowiecka 11a,
DAP Gallery exhibition of paintings by Robert Maciejuk
Lufcik Gallery exhibition of paintings by Czesław Gałużny
022 Gallery ”Area code” – a collaborative exhibition of the Osobno Group 3678 Gallery ”A (X, Y)” – a video installation by Monika Kmita and Kuba Bujas
Pracownia Katharine Bentall
ul. Smolna 36/10a
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. a presentation of the workshop Please call before coming: 601 158 912
Projekt Kordegarda, Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki
ul. Gałczyńskiego 3,
”52 Lazy Weeks. Paraarchitecture” exhibition by Bartosz Mucha is a presentation of an overlap of visual arts,
architecture and design
Salon Wystawy Marchand
pl. Konstytucji 2,
monographic exhibition of works by Tadeusz Dominik: painting and drawing
Stołeczne Centrum Edukacji Kulturalnej
Galeria Brzozowa,, Old Town basements SCEK, ul. Jezuicka 4 – enter from ul. Brzozowa
”Illustration” exhibition by Dominik Skarbek-Kruszewski; an Illustrated Apparent Reality – something for the
lovers of dark and fairy-tale climates
Galeria Abakus, ul. Jezuicka 4,
”Flatlands, ” an exhibition of photographs by Mirek Weichsel
ul. Boleść 2, a historical building of the Old Gunpowder Works SCEK,
an exhibition of silk paintings by Joanna Stasiak
Stowarzyszenie Twórców Grafiki Użytkowej
ul. Foksal 11/1,
a review of graphic projects by the members of STGU
pl. Konstytucji 4,
a modern art cabinet presenting works outside the traditional museum and gallery context, functioning with
no open/close hours, available for viewing 24 hours a day
7.00 p.m. opening of ”Vanities, ” an exhibition by Paweł Kruk
Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki
Plac Małachowskiego 3,
exhibitions ”Neo Rauch. Begliter. The Myth of Realism” – 30 paintings created between 1993 and 2011
by the most outstanding artists of the so-called Leipzig school of painting, “Stories of the Ear, ”
works by artists: Marcin Maciejowski, Bartek Materka, Anna Molska, and the Twożywo group are a pretext
to show the connections between visual arts and sound
8.30 p.m. a concert by WEF.LIVE.LAB performed by the artists collaborating with the Warsaw Electronic
Festival scene and the publishing house WEFREC, location: multimedia hall
Związek Polskich Artystów Fotografików Okręg Warszawski
Plac Zamkowy 8,
exhibitions, events and talks about art in the Old Gallery and Gallery Obok
Old ZPAF Gallery
7.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. an open lecture “documentary photography”
8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. an open viewing of Jolanta Rycerska’s portfolio
10.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. an open viewing of Anna Wolska’a portfolio
8.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. a multimedia presentation of photographs of the Photographic Study and the
participants of ”ABC of photography” courses
Czeskie Centrum
al. Róż 16,
an exhibition ”A Feud Between Paper and Fiber” by the Czech artist Eva Damborska
Gabinet Prezydenta Warszawy
pl. Bankowy 3/5
an opportunity to see the office of the President of Warsaw and to learn interesting facts about the place
where all of the most important decisions for our city are made; sit behind the President's desk!
Instytut Cervantesa przy Ambasadzie Królestwa Hiszpanii, Galeria
ul. Nowogrodzka 22,
”Canary Islands: Intimate Landscapes” exhibition by Rufina Santana – painting and Poldo Cebrián
– photography
Instytut Słowacki – galeria
ul. Krzywe Koło 12/14a,
an exhibition of modern Slovak painting and photography: Aleš Vojtášek ”Honos alit artes”
08.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m. a movie projection accompanying the exhibition ”The Known and the Unknown
Slovakia” directed by A. Lipiński – a meeting with the director and the author of the exhibition – Mirosława
9.00 p.m. teaching the Slovak folk singing and Slovak dances
Pałac Prezydencki
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 46/48 – enter through the Pass Office from the A. Mickiewicz statue side
Touring the interiors in which the Presidents of the Republic of Poland engage the heads of states; here
the President signs the laws, gives the highest decorations, state distinctions and nominations. Touring the
Hetman Hall, the Column Hall, the Painting Hall and more
Note! Visitors are required to have a photo ID to enter
Sejm Nocą
ul. Wiejska 4/6/8,
touring the lobbies around Sejm Meeting Hall, the Column Hall, Main Hallway and an opportunity to see the
halls in which the parliamentary committees gather, as well as Sejm gardens
Note! Visitors are required to have a photo ID to enter
Węgierski Instytut Kultury
ul. Moniuszki 10,
8.00 p.m. – 8.35 p.m., 9.30 p.m. – 10.00 p.m., 10.30 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. concert performances by the
Pannónia Singers group, Hungarian retro – greatest pop hits of the 1980s and 1990s
11.00 p.m. projection of the documentary Puskás Hangary ”The Real Puskas” directed by Tamás Almási,
Hungary 2009 – a fascinating documentary about the Hungarian football legend, Ferenc Puskás
CAFE HU invites you to a tasting of Hungarian cuisine!
Akademickie Radio Kampus
ul. Bednarska 2/4,
8.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. an exhibition of works by the students prepared in cooperation with Artistic Education
Institute of the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, touring the radio studio, an opportunity
to announce your favorite tracks, contests, artistic workshops where you can discover your hidden talents through
games, the best works will be chosen for a gallery to be published on
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych oraz Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Dawnych
ul. Długa 7,
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. a display of stamps of Polish and European rulers, as well as sigils, official and
institutional stamps from the Middle Ages until the beginning of the 20th century, practical workshops of
preserving wax stamps led by conservators; location: AGAD Ballroom, 1st floor
Archiwum Polskiej Akademii Nauk
ul. Nowy Świat 72,
exhibitions: “Polish Explorers of Siberia, ” location: Room 05; ”Maria Skłodowska-Curie, ” location: Maria
Skłodowska-Curie Hall; ”Julian Ochorowicz (1850‑1917). A Man of Reneissance in the Times of Positivism,
A Bold Thinker, A Graduate of the University of Warsaw, ” L. Nalewajska, I. Strojecki, location: Round Table
lecture and multimedia presentation ”History of Staszic Palace, ” location: Room 05
Guided tours of representative halls of the Staszic Palace
kid’s corner, painting the Staszic Palace and solving puzzles, location: the split-level
7.00 p.m. an opening of the painting exhibition ”Portraits of Polish Exiles in Siberia” by Paulina Kopestyńska,
location: Room 05
9.00 p.m. a performance by the Kameralny Choir with the Warsaw Scientific Society, location: Mirror Room
10.15 p.m. an opening of a painting exhibition by Joanna Wisławska, location: Room 022
11.00 p.m. a fashion show ”Maria rok 2011” by the designer K. Górska choreographed by Michalina
“Miśka” Twarowska, prepared by P. Myszkowski's photographic studio within the project ”Be Beautiful, ”
location: hallway in the Stanisław Staszic Hall
The Polish Radio Archives invite you to the Night Radio Salon for a meeting called “Listen to This Story”
7.15 p.m. an opening of ”In the Beginning There Was Radio. Polish Radio Posters 1925‑1970” exhibition
accompanied by an audio presentation of the most interesting recordings from the Polish Radio Archives’
collection, while the workers tell the story of Polish radiophony
7.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. a prize contest for kids under 10 years “Radio Sound Treasury – Guess what you’re
9.30 p.m. – 10.15 p.m. a multimedia presentation “Radio Sound Chronicles” by W. Listowski
10.30 p.m., 12.00 a.m. prize mini-quiz
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Al. Jerozolimskie 7,
exhibition ”87 years of BGK history, ” archival photographs showing the Bank's head office building – since
its construction until the present day, plus documents and photographs of historical BGK branches in Lviv,
Vilnius and Cracow; Prewar documents from the bank’s record archives, including ornamented securities
by Zofia Stryjeńska
8.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. a guided tour of a part of BGK’s head office underground up to the antique treasury
doors, groups of 6 people max, tours every 30 minutes
Biblioteka Publiczna Warszawy,
Biblioteka Główna Województwa Mazowieckiego
ul. Koszykowa 26, the St. Kierbedź building, 3rd entrance,
19.00–20.00 inauguration: a concert ”A Night with the Harp, ” performed by the students of professor Anna
Sikorzak-Olek from the K. Krupiński 1st degree Public Music School in Warsaw and the K. Szymanowski 2nd
degree Public Music School in Warsaw
8.00 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. a spectacle ”Truth of the Screen” performed by the ”Mimochodem” theater group
8.45 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. a meeting with the author Bohdan Butenko and an exhibition “35th of may and
later… Butenko pinxit”
as well as an exhibition of interesting books and autographs of great writers, an exhibition of books with
funny titles and a projection of ”Magical Place in the Koszykowa Street” directed by A. Sapija
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie
ul. Dobra 56/66,
”Historical BUWing or a journey through time with the special collection, ” a presentation of items from five
cabinets of the special collections: Old Prints Cabinet ”Gold, velvet, morocco leather – the most valuable
bindings from the 15th to the 18th century, ” Musical Collections “Neumes, notes, tabulatures – about
musical notation in the course of history, ” Cartographic Collections “Voyages described on 18th and
19th century maps, ” 19th Century Collections “Rare, Valuable, Unusual” and the Social Life Documents
“Curiosa”; organized by the University of Warsaw Library
”Unity in Diversity” a multimedia project combining photography, film, and individual dance of an
“accidental” spectator, a demonstration by professional dancers; location: BUW passage; organized by:
C/U Foundation within the Warsaw Dance Stages
”90 Years of Physics in the Hoża Street – A Historical Exhibition, ” location: The Gallery Under the Great
Skylight, 2nd level, organized by: Physics Departament of UW
“Plans for the future. Architectural Drawings and Models of New Warsaw Investments” – everything about
Warsaw – a vision and a picture of the capital in a few years. New buildings and squares, award winning
designs, student diplomas, movies about architecture and architects; location: ground floor hall. Organized
by: ŁOWICKA Center
”Autism misleads the senses” – visit an autistic cube; location: Catalogue hallway; organized by: Synapsis
Fundacja Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego PASTy
and Boom Bardzo Oryginalna Oferta Marketingowa
ul. Zielna 39,,
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. an exhibition ”The PAST Building in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944”
and an exhibition “Uprising Models and Memorabilia” gathered by: Janusz Wałkuski, Bogdan Bednarczyk;
additional attraction: a terrace spread into four sides of Warsaw; location: 9th floor, BOOM agency head
in front of the building: an exhibition of antique and reconstructed military vehicles, cars and motorcycles;
the defense of the insurrectional barricades attacked by Goliath – with a participation from reenactment
Inside the building – on the patio: Insurrectionary cinema, insurgents’ quarters, medical station, gunsmith,
scouts’ postal service, cantina, plus: photograms, insurrectional exhibits from private collections, meetings
with the events’ witnesses, makers of the movies and reenactment groups, a patriotic bookstore,
organized by Polish Underground State Foundation, World Association of Home Army Soldiers, Home Army
Film Foundation, BOOM – PASTA for the city
Bułgarski Instytut Kultury
Al. Ujazdowskie 33/35,
”Bulgaria My Love – A Balkan Country Through the Eyes of Polish Photographers, ” a photographic
exhibition, works by Mirek Osip and Piotr Ostrowski
classic Bulgarian animation by Donyo Donev, Chelkash, Slav Bakalov, Todor Dinov, Anri Kulev, Stoyan Dukov
and others:
8.00 p.m. classic bulgarian animation of the 60s
9.00 p.m. classic Bulgarian animation of the 70s
10.00 p.m. classic Bulgarian animation of the 80s
11.00 p.m. a film by George Tornev “Bulgaria – the Code of Infinity” a journey through time, history,
tradition; a journey through beauty and diversity, a journey unlike any other!
Centrum Nauki Kopernik
ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 2,
last visitors enter at 12.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. – permanent exhibition “Bzzz!” “Roots of Civilization,”
“Man and Environment,” “Light Zone” and “RE: generation”; for visitors waiting to enter: demonstrations
”Kopernik on Wheels” – spectacular mobile animations with some simple scientific experiments, volunteers will
have a chance to learn how to play straw instruments, bass balloons, howling pipes, as well as make a metal
spring make Star Wars sounds and see “non-explosive” balloon bursting
Czuły barbarzyńca
ul. Dobra 31,
open until the last guest an exhibition of drawings by Jean-Jacques Sempé, “Paris,” accompanied by a book
premiere of the same title
Dom Kultury Śródmieście w Warszawie
ul. Smolna 9,
8.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. ”Cabaret Night” with: LUBIETO impro group, Dźwięk Dż improvisation group, Zygzak
cabaret, Kabaretus Fraszka, Paralaksa cabaret, Artur Andrus, Drzewo A Gada, Kompania Grabi, FOCH
(Formacja Chatelet); projections of movies by the film groups “Skurcz” and Łyżka czyli Chili
Dom Spotkań z Historią – Instytucja Kultury Warszawy
ul. Karowa 20,
an exhibition ”Enthusiasm Street” which tells the story of atomograd Prypeć, its inhabitants and the
Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster, and “In a German Forest. Armaments, Exploitation, Terror, ” an exhibition
about women transported to labor camps to work for BOSCH factory. “We told each other the books which
we once read…” – an installation accompanying the exhibition; scientists, publicists, journalists and artists
will try to answer the question: what book would help me survive one more day?
in the program:
Chernobyl: science and fiction – comparative excercises, our assistants will talk about the architecture of
atomograd Prypeć and the Soviet nuclear enthusiasm, about the consequences of the disaster, its relations
to science-fiction and the dark memories from the ghost town
A demonstration of the classic game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
a special concert by DJ Volodymyr, a Polish-Ukrainian artist who combines the elements of Ukrainian folk
and modern electronic music, factory, machine and electric plant noises; in his art you’ll be able to notice the
strong influence of the soundtrack to Andrei Tarkovski’s 1979 movie “Stalker”
Dowództwo Garnizonu Warszawa
pl. Piłsudskiego 4,
7.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. touring the Tradition Hall situated in the “House with No Corners,” a history of
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, a collection of historical postwar GNŻ books, a history of
the representational subdivision of the Polish Army, Katyń Massacre and gen. broni Henryk Minkiewicz
memorabilia, plus the history and contemporaneity of the Capital Garrison, a multimedia presentation: “The
History of Marshal Józef Piłsudski Square,” a historical movie projection: “Changing of the Hutsul Riflers and
Podhale Riflers Garrison Guard”
a historical exhibition in the building windows. A themed exhibition, plus a demonstration of ”Strzelec”
Rifling Association equipment and a demonstration “Color and weaponry of the Podhale Infantry during the
interwar period” by the “Citadel” Historical Association, location: Parking in front of the Warsaw Garrison
Noc Malarzy
ul. Szpitalna 8a,
painting: Wojciech Cieśniewski, Mikołaj Chylak, Michał Chojecki, Marek Zając; music from 9.00 p.m.: The
Phantoms, Rubber dots, Dabus; visualization by Jędrek Owsiński and the painters
Fundacja Polskich Kolei Wąskotorowych
a travelling event, starts in the Warsaw Central railway station at 4.30 p.m. ends same place at 2.30 a.m.
a special PKP Intercity train ride do Skierniewice – touring the Skierniewice Engine House –
a ride to Rogów – touring a collection of an antique narrow-gauge rolling stock in the Narrow-gauge Rogów
Cargo station – 1st museum – an antique narrow-gauge train ride to Jeżów, a bonfire (please bring your
own food), return to Warsaw
Note! Visitors need to be signed up, more info:
Fundacja Rozwoju Sztuki ”Zielona marchewka”
ul. Wilanowska 83,
”The Rejects Salon” in the Green Carrot gallery – a demonstration of works interesting, but rejected by the
“Interior” contest jury, 30 pieces will be open for viewing in the main hall of the Ethnographic Museum
Fundacja Sztuki Niegłupiej
starts at 6:00 p.m., location: corner of al. Jerozolimskie and ul. Marszałkowska, in front of Cepelia
”la-małpa” – a demonstration of sculpture/an artistic event – a project by the ASP students created based on
observations of monkey behavior and human anatomy. A demonstration supervised by Antoni Grabowski
and Krzysztof Franaszrek
9.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m. ”Broadcast Station 6/10” – a gallery on a screen of the Hator company.
A multimedia demonstration of short films prepared exclusively for the Night of Museums by the ASP Artistic
Multimedia Creation Workshop. A student happening around the demonstration referring the atmosphere of
the 60s – “You buy a brick”
See: The Royal Baths concert
Fundacja Sztuki SAR
See: The Royal Castle concert, Modern Art Center, Sinfonia Varsovia and the Botanical Garden fencing
Giełda Papierów Wartościowych
and Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych
ul. Książęca 4,,
touring the Warsaw Stock Exchange: Stock Quote Hall, NewConnect Hall, Catalyst Hall and a public gallery;
everyone will be able to follow simulations of quote request submitions and ring the stock exchange bell;
plus a presentation of art by young artists: works by authors from prof. A. Węcławski’s Graphics Workshop
Instytut Adam Mickiewicza
ul. Mokotowska 25,
open until 12.00 a.m. ”I, CULTURE PUZZLE” – a workshop of modern craftsmanship, a tailoring happening
led by a known artist and fashion designer Monika Jakubiak – the purpose of the workshop is to create
a gigantic fabric puzzle “I, CULTURE” whose elements will be gradually sewn by the inhabitants of 12 world
capitals; a unique opportunity to take part in creating the Foreign Cultural Program for Polish Presidency
2011; everyone can join in, no matter their age or sewing skills!
Przystanek Historia Centrum Edukacyjne IPN im. Janusza Kurtyki
(Instytut Pamięci Narodowej)
ul. Marszałkowska 21/25,
”A Night Festival of Historical Board Games.” Come and play: “303,” “Promotion. Become the Marshall of
Poland,” “Flames of War,” “Choo-choo train,” “Little Insurgents,” “Memoir ’44,” “The Eagle and the Star,”
“Memory of ’39,” “Grey Ranks.” Take part in the competitions; win IPN games
a movie marathon ”From the IPN Archives,” during which you’ll be able to see a few dozen movies showing
the events of postwar Polish history, plus a tour of the exhibition “Independent Plastic Arts” showing the
most important aspects of artist’s life from 1976 to 1989: painting, sculpture, drawing, three-dimensional
installations, calendars, postcards and posters. After seeing the exhibition you are invited to the graffiti
artists’ alley, where everyone will be able to create a graffiti referring satirical graphics from the 80s
Kino Kultura
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 21/23,
6.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. short movie presentations in the form of plots, documents and animations; all movies
created in Munka Studio that functions within Polish Filmmakers Association structures and produces film
debuts, detailed program:
Kościół – Parafia Ewangelicko-Reformowana w Warszawie
al. Solidarności 74,
an exhibition about John Calvin and Calvinism, an exhibition of reformed Churches advertisements from
around the world, a projection of a movie about the Reformed Church in Poland, library-café and a kid’s corner
8.00 p.m. a guided tour of the church and a presentation of the Brest Bible by Krzysztof Bandoła-Skierski
9.30 p.m. commemorative ecumenical service, ks. Michał Jabłoński
10.30 p.m. a presentation of antique 19th century Shlag und Soehne church organs and a concert by Michał
Kościół Ewangelicko-Augsburski Świętej Trójcy
pl. Małachowskiego 1,
6.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m. ”Remember – We Are,” touring: main church, the first gallery, sacristy and an
exhibition of Lutheran priests’ liturgical dresses, plus the church undergrounds with the exhibition “Painting
in the Undergrounds” by the students of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw,
you’ll be able to see a 16th century Brest Bible; volunteers will answer questions about the Church history
church organ and choral music concerts performer by young artists
12.00 a.m. a short ecumenical service enriched musically, performed by priests of multiple beliefs, with a
blessing of Warsaw
Kid’s corner, a quiz about the Reformation and a Polish Biblical Society information booth with many
activities for kids
Klub Powiększenie and Time Cafe
Klub Powiększenie oraz Time Cafe
The Beginning of Summer during the Night of Museums, location: The Agricola playground performers:
6.00 p.m. Start Singledread Sound and Friends
10.00 p.m. a Molesta and Friends concert
12.00 a.m. Set Srtur8 and Friends
Multimedialny Park Fontann
Podzamcze, enter from ul. Sanguszka
9.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. a great multimedia show with the use of 367 watter nozzles and lasers – an
unforgettable artistic event: light, water, sound; a water screen projection of a movie about Warsaw; two
shows in an hour
Ogród Botaniczny (fence)
Al. Ujazdowskie 41 a/21
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. an exhibition ”Women” by Annie Leibovitz, an exhibition organized by the SAR Art
Foundation in cooperation with MKiDN and the US Embassy in Poland, the event is part of the 7th Polish
Advertising Festival
Pałac Kultury i Nauki – Viewing Terrace
pl. Defilad 1
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m.; last visitors enter at 11.30 p.m. Warsaw panorama by night
Note! Invitations required, more info:
Polski Związek Szachowy
Al. Jerozolimskie 49,
7.00 p.m. an opening of “Chess in the Middle Ages, Middle Ages in Chess” exhibition
7.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. “Chess in the Middle Ages, Middle Ages in Chess” – a lecture by Agnieszka Stempin
from the Poznań Archeological Museum
8.30 p.m. – 9.30 p.m. exhibition tour
9.30 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. “Warsaw Chess Walkway” – a presentation by Tomasz Lisowski
20.30 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. touring the exhibition and a slideshow “Chess in Poland” – guided tours
An Open Museum – a Guide’s Night of Museums, gathering spot: arcades in front of the Central Agricultural
Library, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 66
7.00 p.m. The City Wakes at Night – a family urban game for kids and parents
7.30 p.m. Warsaw at Play
8.00 p.m. The Criminal Cases of Old Warsaw
8.30 p.m. St John’s Cathedral
9.00 p.m. St Martin’s Church
9.30 p.m. Secrets of the City Walls
10.00 p.m. St Anna’s Church
10.30 p.m. A memory of the city’s nightly pleasures – adults only
11.00 p.m. St Anna’s Church
11.30 p.m. St John’s Cathedral
12.00 a.m. Ghosts, creatures, and monsters
7.00 p.m. – 0.30 a.m. a presentation of new books: “A Guide to John Paul II’s Mazovia” and “Warsaw
Skwer (filia Fabryki Trzciny)
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 60A,
Exhibitions: ”Come on, come closer, ” works by students of the National Filmschool in Łódź and “Time, People,
Events. A Year in Gazeta Wyborcza’s Photography, ” photos showing memorable events of the past year
Stacja Filtrów, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji
(enter through the main gate)
ul. Koszykowa 81, wejście przez bramę główną,
a night-time walk around the unique industrial architecture monument complex; a chance to see a 19th
century slow filter, water tower and the Rapid Filter Works from the 1930s; you'll also be able to enter an
Ozonation and Carbon Filter Station, where the history combines with modernity
Note! Visitors are required to have a photo ID to enter
Stołeczna Estrada,
See: The Royal Baths concert
Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne ”Front Sztuki” ul. Solec 44
and Teatr Imka ul. Konopnickiej 6
presentation of the artistic project “Warsaw Entertainment Games,” a role-playing game arranged in Club
Solec 44's space and an exhibition of paintings in the IMKA Theater
“Roz[g]rywki Warszawskie” is a performance combining a quiz about the city with a gigantic board game
in which the players embody typical Warsaw characters and through overcoming various obstacles build
The Palace of Culture and Science out of the "Art Frontier" artists' paintings; the game will be repeated a few
times, starts at 7.30 p.m.
project participants: E. Christiansen, E. Czuchaj, M. Fokt, A. Glasenapp, K. Kordyasz, J. Malinowski, T.
Nowak, M. Piątek, Z. Sikora, U. Tuszyńska, S. Twardowska, D. Wójcik, M. Zając, A. Zawisza, K. Zwoniarska
Stowarzyszenie Przewodników Turystycznych ”Złota Kaczka”
– guided tours
gathering spot: Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42, in front of the Muzeum Historyczne building
seeking the lost treasures of the Old Town under the Museum Night’s cover; tales by guides about the
buildings of the Old Town – historical and artistic plots and some museum and collector trivia
Synagoga im. Nożyków
ul. Twarda 6,
opens at 10.00 p.m; guided tours of the historical building at 10.30 p.m. and 12.00 a.m., accompanied
by a history of the Warsaw Jewish community. a delicacy stand in front of the building.
“The Life of Professor Schorr” an exhibition devoted to the last rabbi of the Great Synagogue destroyed
during World War II; location: the Synagogue's women's gallery. organized by The Jewish Community and
the Schorr Foundation.
The Night of Museums is the first day of the Open Twarda 2011 festival
Tarabuk księgarnia-kawiarnia
ul. Browarna 6,
“Figurenude by night,” a drawing exhibition by Karolina Zwoniarska, a Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts
Teatr Polski w Warszawie
ul. Karasia 2,
11.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. Night of the Museum inside a theater – nooks and crannies of the Theater, secrets
of the spinner, treasures of the decorations storeroom – things normally hidden from the audiences sight. A
trip to normally inaccessible places that's full of surprises.
Towarzystwo Inicjatyw Twórczych ”ę”
ul. Mokotowska 55, intercom 50,
9.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m.
An Animation House by Night:
9.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. a demonstration by the Documentary Pictures Cinema
11.00 p.m. – 2.00 a.m. Silent Disco – take your mp3 player and headphones and come dance to your own
music and a live visualization by Karol Rakowski
a Videonotations display, etudes by the Movie Kindergarten, photos from Shutters and Photopresentations
and an author's tales by Bajkowanie; an opportunity to make a stamp with your own photo in a night-time
fluorescent Portrait Company. Cooperation: The Supermarket Group
Warszawska Szkoła Fotografii
ul. Łazienkowska 14,
an exhibition “Romania. A Country of Friendly People," works of students, graduates and lecturers from
WSFoto made during four field trips (2005-2008) to various regions of Romania
Warszawskie Targi Książki (12‑15 maja)
pl. Defilad 1 – PKiN, Kisielewski Hall, enter from ul. Marszałkowskiej,
8.00 p.m. an open debate Kisiel & Miłosz “Brrr! …This is a Country Too Small and also Too Large” – “Poland
Frightens Me; ” taking part in the debate will be: A. Mencwel, D. Gawin, K. Dunin, P. Kieżun and the
discussion leader: J. Kuisz
Warszawskie Towarzystwo Cyklistów
A Bicycle Night of Museums ”A Tandem with Maria”
5.00 p.m. gathering of the trip participants at the start site - Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum, 16 Freta st;
museum tours
5.45 p.m. briefing – trip rules and itinerary
6.00 p.m. start; trip itinerary with brief stops in selected places: St Mary's Church, 2 Przyrynek st. – escarpment on the
Vistula – Sport and Tourism Museum: touring – Powązki Cemetery: a few words about the Skłodowski family tomb –
Masia Skłodowska-Curie Institute, 15 Wawelska st.; a talk about the all-time Poland - Warsaw University of Technology –
Saxon Garden – University of Warsaw – square near Karowa st.; a tale about tho Noble prize winner's links to the Bristol
Hotel and the European Hotel - Central Agriculture Library - return to Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum.
12.00 a.m. end of the trip and a presentation of commemorative diplomas, a bicycle trip treat.
Note! Participants have to be signed up; notify the organizers of your arrival; more info:
Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
ul. Tłomackie 3/5,
”Jewish Culture Gallery, ” an exhibition of the most beautiful itemst from the ŻIH collection, elements of
the synagogue's interior, a temporary exhibition ”A World Hidden in Books, ” old hebrew prints from the
institute's collection, ”The Warsaw Ghetto 1940‑1943,” an exhibition about the fate of Jews in occupied
Warsaw, Jewish posters of prewar Poland, a temporary exhibition from the YIVO collections in the ”Blue
Skyscraper” gallery
7.00 p.m., 8.00 p.m., 9.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m., 11.00 p.m., 12.00 a.m. guided tours of the exhibitions
7.30 p.m., 8.30 p.m., 9.30 p.m., 10.30 p.m., 11.30 p.m. a projection of the movie “912 days of the
Warsaw Ghetto”
7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. Patterns of accusations of ritual murder – duet: dr H. Węgrzynek, dr J. Żyndul
8.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. A Thousand Years of Polish Jews History – dr P. Fijałkowski; plus guided tours of the
8.30 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. The Biblical Wisdom of Diet – M. Mokrogulska
10.00 p.m. – 11.30 p.m. Strangers of All Times – The Jewish Situation in Ancient History and the Christian
Times – dr B. Umińska-Keff
Bratnia Szatnia – Klubokawiarnia, galeria
pl. Defilad 1, near the Teatr Studio,
8.00 p.m. – 3.00 a.m. A Night of Poets – The Warsaw Comic Festival
Cafe Wiatraki
ul. Kubusia Puchatka 8
”Awaited Awakening” a painting exhibition by Darek Pall
Cafe Próżna i Galeria Velt
ul. Próżna 12,;
Exhibition of photos and memorabilia from the first winter Mount Everest expedition in history led by
Andrzej Zawada
9.00 p.m. A meeting with Anna Milewska-Zawada, a participant of a Mount Everest expedition and an
author of “Life with Zawada”
you are invited to Grzybowski sqare concerts:
8.00 p.m. “Indigo Tree”
9.30 p.m. “Magnificent Muttley”
11.00 p.m. “Paula and Karol” Hard Rock Cafe – Muzeum Muzyki Rockowej
ul. Złota 59,
closes at 2.00 a.m. among nearly 300 exhibits: Madonna's leather outfit, Bono's jacket, Elvis Presley's shirt
and a guitar used by Depeche Mode; guided tours by look-alikes of some of the greatest artists! If you’re
tired by the long night, come and visit our restaurant serving delicious American soup and Mexican cuisine
and our pubs on 2 levels
Klub Pod Blachą in the Pałac Pod Blachą
Plac Zamkowy 2,
“Art – espresso” is an exhibition with no imposed theme and no curator, a presentation of previous artists
in the fresh activity of the Copper-Roof Club: B. Kownacki, F. Ledóchowski, M. Janiga, L. Wasilewska, M.
Pachnia, M. Jagodziński and others
Klubokawiania Grawitacja
ul. Browarna 6,
a happening combining three types of cognition: sight, touch and hearing ”Warsaw in 3-D,” a picture of
contemporary Warsaw, sculptures by Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw graduates praising the times of the
People's Republic of Poland and music of the iconic decades in an energetic interpretation of a DJ.
9.00 p.m. opening of the photo and sculpture exhibition
9.15 p.m. a DJ set
11.00 p.m. a projection of the documentary “Behind the Iron Gate” by Heidrun Holzfeid. The movie is an
innovatory attempt at presenting the Za Żelazną Bramą district.
10.00 p.m. an Iconic Decade Party till dawn
Klubokawiarnia Retrospekcja
ul. Bednarska 28/30,
open until the last guest; first birthday of the Retrospection: a slideshow of prewar Warsaw, an arranged
radio studio – Free Air Time in Radio Wnet, and in the late evening: a dance party with hits from past
Kluboksięgarnia NumeryLitery
ul. Wilcza 26,
a demonstration of spectacular chemical experiments for kids aged 5 to 12:
5.00 p.m. Goo and polymers – experiments that glow in the dark
8.00 p.m. a very wet laboratory Kopernika25 – Eko Naleśnikarnia
ul. Kopernika 25,
open until the last guest an exhibition of ceramics by Justyna Skowyrska-Górska and a photo exhibition by
Bartek Klimas in a friendly atmosphere and accompanied musically by students of Fryderyk Chopin Music
University; concert: 9.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m.
Muzeum Geologiczne Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego PIB
ul. Rakowiecka 4,
permanent and temporary exhibitions: photos by L. Barszczewski
8.00 p.m. a lecture about the Polish 19th century explorer of Asia, Leon Barszczewski
10.00 p.m. a lecture about the evolution of animals – tetrapods’ emergence to land
Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego
al. Wilanowska 204,
3.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. Łowicz festiwal – a demonstration of artistic craftsmanship: Sculpture, embroidery,
traditional cut-outs, pottery, blacksmithing and the regional cuisine specialties
3.00 p.m. a meeting of generations of the Rural Youth Association
4.00 p.m. an opening of ”The Young re Coming! A Hundred Years of the Rural Youth Movement, ” an
exhibition of the organization’s activity in Poland
4.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. – performances by Łowicz regional groups Children’s Folk Group “Kocierzwiacy,” an
Academic Folk Group “Mazovia,” “Singers Group”
7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. a concert by “Hektor” – pop music
Muzeum Kowalstwa
ul. Przy Grobli 84,
open until the last guest blacksmithing stands: Inside a smithy and field stands, in front of the smithy
for the first time during a Night of Museums, everyone will not only be able to see a master blacksmith at
work, listen to blacksmithing stories, but also enlist as a blacksmith's apprentice and try their own skills at
the anvil, creating a collective work of art
Muzeum Polskiej Techniki Wojskowej,
(a division of Muzeum Wojska Polskiego)
ul. Powsińska 13,
”With a Key to Success – Military Repair Equipment, ” an opportunity to get a peek at how field repairs on
trucks were made in the past, an opportunity to listen to the roaring engines of a T-55 and a Leopard 1A4
tanks, taking part in renovating a technical support truck on a tank chassis (group painting of the tank's
armor and cleaning of the tank's barrel), touring a renovated An-2 airplane; every question will be answered
by the museum employees and representatives of the 1st Historical Reconstruction Group ”SMOK”
Muzeum Rzeźby im. Xawerego Dunikowskiego w Królikarni
(a division of Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie)
ul. Puławska 113a
an exhibition ”In the Circle of Master Xawery. Dunikowski and his Pupils. A Display of the Collection,” and a
project for the visually impaired and the blind “Touch the Art”
Muzeum TVP
ul. Woronicza 17 – enter from ul. Samochodowa,
8.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. Polish Television history: Exhibits and costumes known from the screen, a specially
arranged studio-Retro, an interactive studio ”green-box” and a breakfast program studio;
additional attraction: an opportunity to meet some of the TVP stars and creators of popular programs, plus
surprises for the visitors prepared by the TVP
Galeria Refleksy
ul. Narbutta 40 apt.21, park-side entrance,
”Pochwała zieleni/Green Glory” by Basia Sokołowska, a photo exhibition
8.00 p.m. an author's tour of the exhibition – a special meeting with B. Sokołowska
Pracownie ceramiczne
ul. Chełmska 21, Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych i Dokumentalnych, Angoba, Ceramiq, Czary, Keramos,
Ogród Sztuk, Wiejska Pracownia Ceramiczna
a display of ceramics, a spectacular ceramics firing using an old japanese raku technique and a Roman
construction furnace brought specially for this night by Zofia Kosiorek from the Keramos workshop
6.00 p.m. an opening of a field exhibition ”Creations of Fire”
7.00 p.m. firing up the raku furnaces
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. two firings in every mobile raku furnaces: Angoba, Ceramiq, Czary, Keramos, Arts
Garden, Rural Ceramic Workshop
11.00 p.m. making a collective creation using the elements made during the firing
12.00 a.m. cooling the furnaces
Samsung Gallery
ul. Marynarska 15,
open until 2.00 a.m. ”New Media and Art” works by participants and winners of the 7th national Samsung
Art Master competition; unconventional video projections and installations made using new media
Galeria Wydziału Architektury Wyższej Szkoły Ekologii i Zarządzania
w Warszawie
ul. Rejtana 16,
”Rocking” an exhibition of rocking toys designed by fourth year students of Interior Design on WSEiZ in the
Mebel design workshop, kids and parents welcome
Centrum Artystyczne Sztukarnia
ul. Lewicka 10,
”Everyone Can Paint,” don’t stand in lines for museums and galleries, paint your own piece of art! everyone
will have a chance to paint their own painting under the supervision of an artist, if the weather permits, a
quiet, private garden will be available to the visitors
Fundacja Ja Wisła Port Czerniakowski – Barka Herbatnik
Czerniaków Port – Herbatnik Barge, the Ramp and the area surrounding the old Warsaw River Shipyard,
open until 2.00 a.m. You are invited to visit the old Warsaw River Shipyard. A place of great historical
importance for Warsaw sailing; in the program: stories about the Port’s history, the Rusałka Barge, the
Herbatnik, the tugboat “Tadek,” Water Station. There will be a projection of short movies and presentation
of the Czerniaków Port’s and Vistula river’s History. An additional attraction will be 15-minute cruises on the
10.00 a.m. a concert by Stellar Space Lovers
Rosyjski Ośrodek Nauki i Kultury
ul. Belwederska 25,
documentary screenings:
6.00 p.m. – 7.00 a.m. ”Karella. A Picture in Time”
an opening of the Kizhi National Historical-Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum exhibition
7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. ”Great Hermitage” a Russian-language film
9.00 p.m. – 9.30 p.m. ”The Isaakiyevski Sobor in Sankt-Petersburg” an English-language film
9.30 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. ”The Palaces of Sankt-Petersburg” a Russian-language film
10.30 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. ”The Pokrovski Sobor in the Red Square” an English-language film
feature films with Polish subtitles:
6.00 p.m. ”Burnt by the Sun 2: Exodus” dir. Nikita Michalkov, 2010
9.30 p.m. “Tsar” dir. Pavel Lungin, 2009
12.00 a.m. “Kochegar” dir. Aleksey Balabanov, 2010
Numer of seats: feature films: 80, documentaries: 40
Magazyn Sztuk filia Ośrodka Kultury Ochoty (Pracownia Plastyczna)
ul. Filtrowa 62 apt.230,
”Ślusarz w Malinach,” a painting exhibition by Jacek Malinowski and Marek Ejsmond-Ślusarczyk
8.00 p.m. an opening of the exhibition and after the sunset a light installation in front of the Arts Warehouse
– an installation made of ropes and fluorescent strings illuminated with ultraviolet light that is an integral
part of the painting exhibition.
9.00 p.m – 12.00 a.m. felt jewelry making workshops under the eye of artist and instructor Anna
Słuszkiewicz of the Arts Warehouse
Polsko-Japońska Wyższa Szkoła Technik Komputerowych
ul. Koszykowa 86,
tents with: Enhanced reality – the story ”Binoculars” by Julian Tuwim from a new perspective, What can
an ”ordinary t-shirt” hide? Interactive dancers, as well as sushi-making workshops, a presentation of works
by the students and employees of PJWSTK, plus many more attractions for visitors, including: Japanese
divination, large-scale orgiami, creating a samurai sculpture, commemorative photos.
A theatrical performance:
7.15 p.m., 10.35 p.m., 11.10 p.m. – Teatr NO – Stories written with a fan + workshops
8.05 p.m., 10.50 p.m. The Japanese Matrix
9.40 p.m., 11.40 p.m. ”MORT” from the T. Pratchett’s “Discworld” series, about a boy learning a profession
from a very unusual craftsman, plus demonstrations:
7.05 p.m., 12.15 a.m. cosplay costumes
7.45 p.m., 10.15 p.m. Japanese fashion
Sala Historii PLL LOT
ul. 17 Stycznia 39, PLL LOT head office
memorabilia of Polish air transportation beginnings, a collection of aviation posters, documents referring the
development of air transportation, historic uniforms and banners
Środowiskowe Laboratorium Ciężkich Jonów UW
ul. Pasteura 5A,
Touring the only Polish heavy ion accelerator; a demonstration of various nuclear radiation measurement
devices – everyone can bring a potentially radioactive substance or item of everyday use (e.g. water, food)
which can be subjected to a radiation intensity measurement; every full hour: a projection of “The Mysterious
World of Atomic Nuclei” and an exhibition by Michał Chodakowski “Cubans”
Tramwaje Warszawskie – Muzeum na szynach
pl. Narutowicza,
an exhibition of antique wagons prepared specially for the Night of Museums
Note! To get to the exhibition you can take a special tram line running specially for this occasion, more info
Cafe Szamsija
ul. Andrzejowska 9,
open until 2.00 a.m. an exhibition ”Lebanon and Siria through the Lens of an Archaeologist” unusual
photographs of unusual places, little-known spectacular monuments and behind the scenes of
archaeologists’ work; every visitor receives a complimentary cup of coffee with cardamon
Muzeum Neonów
a guest appearance in the Cafe – ul. 11 listopada 10,
photos and jewels from the collection of a museum created in 2010, among others: luminescent neons: Berlin,
The Ambassador Restaurant, Cepelia; some of the neons and items will be open to public viewing for the first
time; the exhibition will be accompanied by a live musical performance
Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi /w organizacji/
(oddz. Muz Historycznego Warszawy)
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31, exposition hall in the old Koneser (Connoisseur) vodka bottling plant, building 36 b,
1st floor
“Scouting of the Right-Bank Warsaw”
Touring the exhibition “Czuwaj Prago! A Hundred Years of Scouting of the Right-Bank Warsaw”
7.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. “A Wardrobe of Time,” memories of the inhabitants of the right-bank
7.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. “Give Your Memories and Memorabilia to the Museum” campaign
8.30 p.m. Warsaw bugle call, and group singing of ”Jak przygoda to tylko w Warszawie”
7.30 p.m. Praga urban game, starts in front of the building 36 of the old Koneser bottling plant
8.00 p.m a demonstration of scout drill
9.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m. demonstrations of scout techniques
11.30 p.m. Scout evening party in the Praga
Bochenska Gallery
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31, Centrum Kultury Koneser,
7.01 p.m. Warsaw Artistic Photography Festival – 20 years of the Opava Creative Photography Institute;
a presentation of photos by young Czech artists; the photographs shown represent different ways of
understanding artistic values in modern photography, the multifaceted workshop, content and subject, they
introduce a discussion about the essence of many aspects of art
Galeria AniAni
ul. Brzeska 5,
Photographs by Katarzyna Sołtan, paintings by Anna Wachaczyk
Galeria Fundacji Artbarbakan – N’69
ul. Tarchomińska 9,
”A Night-Time Review of Warehouse II” – painting and graphics; artists: K. Barczewska, S. Blatton,
P. Cabanowski, M. Grabowski, Z. Gręziak, J. Lassota, M. Długosz-Miron
Galeria Klatka
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31, Centrum Kultury Koneser,
8.00 p.m. a concert by FUNK BAG; vocals by Piotr Solecki, guitar by Jarek Solecki, bass guitar by Maciej
Siemiątkowski, percussion by Remek Półtorak
12.00 a.m. an opening of graphic exhibition by Piotr Smolnicki
Galeria Klitka, atelier fotograficzne
ul. Ząbkowska 12,
a project by the Teżewe group: sculptress Anna Kowal and architect Magda Kryńska
”Revitalizing the Architectural Details in the Context of Coincidence of the Gothic Sculpture and the Decorative
Garden Items Retail Market near the German Border.” The project is an effect of a few months of studies in the
field of archeology, art history and ethnography presented in a form of paradocumentary photography
music-making, or the piano, incidental instruments and incidental performers…
Galeria Nizio
ul. Inżynierska 3/4,
low-tech documentary forms registered through embroidery // Vahida Ramujkic and Aviv Kruglanski; an
exhibition of documentary canvas embroidery is an event accompanying the PLANETE DOC 2011 festival,
during the evening you’ll be able to talk to the artists present in Warsaw to led documentary embroidery
workshops in the Warsaw Praga held on May 13-17; the event is organized with the support of the North
Praga District Office and the Bęc Change foundation
Galeria to tu
ul. Ząbkowska 36,
”Visual Merchandise of the People’s Republic of Poland” by Roman Twardowski – an exhibition of window
displays from the 1950s, among others: May 1st display decorations and special projects for the 1955
International Youth Congress
Otwarta Pracownia Malarska 11 Listopada
ul. 11 Listopada 22, I p.
The Republic, or a collection of black and white works by A. Czarnota, I. Jarmoszewicz, M. Kiesner,
S. Paruch, M. Piątek, M. Przyszychowska;we open the workshop so you can meet the artists in their natural
environment; come and taste our delicious bread with homemade lard
Pracownia nr 13
ul. Inżynierska 3, 1st floor, apt. 13; gate in the back of the courtyard
open until the last guest; works presented by their authors: Yola Zuchniewicz – a presentation of a series
of photographs – project ’52 [2010]; Ania Żelazowska – a designer and owner of the company ALELALE – a
chance to see and buy unique dolls and gadgets; Karina Królak – a designer of colorful, funny, astonishing
jewelry; Patka Smirnow – a clothing, accessory and item designer will present her collection of new
ecosophic baskets and handbags made of forgotten and crumpled foil; bring some useless foil and see how
it turns into some unique items
Pracownia Artystyczna – Trond Nicholas Perry
ul. Kawęczyńska 18, apt. 13, the outbuilding in the yard,
open until the last guest; an open day in the personal creative space of a Norwegian artist living in
Warsaw; Trond Nicholas Perry will present a selection of his sculptures, drawings and videos Pracownia malarska
ul. Ząbkowska 11, enter through the gate
paintings of J. Świerczynska and talks about modern art
Pracownia Otwarta
ul. Folwarczna 5, apt. 35, in the yard
a painting exhibition ”On the Edge of Reality” in the Magdalena Hajnosz’s artistic workshop; a presentation
of paintings by J. Caban, A. Forycka-Putiatycka, M. Hajnosz and J. Wojnarowski
Szuflada – Galeria Pracownia
ul. Kawęczyńska 4,
”Watercolor Praga,” a painting exhibition by Tomasz Dominik,
Angels and Cherubs of the ”Drawer,” sculptures by Leszek Puchalski, plus Drawer Café – homemade cakes
Centrum Artystyczne Fabryka Trzciny
ul. Otwocka 14,
Podlasie Richness of Diversity by Night
In the courtyard: a dancing performance by the Fair Play Crew, a drum show by the Eagle-Owl Council and
an outdoor cinema
Inside Fabryka Trzciny: 7.15 p.m., 8.30 p.m., 10.00 p.m. a night-time musical voyage with the Sejny Theater
Klezmer Orchestra, Crow, Blacha and the Białystok Fair Play Crew dancers, fashion designer Elwira Horosz
and photographic artist Wiktor Wołkow and… “The Podlasie Animal”
10.45 p.m. a strange story about the search for holiness “Wierszalin. A Report on the End of the World,” dir.
Piotr Tomaszczuk, performer by the Suprasia Wierszalin Theater actors
12.30 a.m. a music and dance show performed by all of the artists
Centrum Kulturalno-Konferencyjne Wypieki Kultury
ul. Stolarska 2/4,
7.00 p.m. opening of the exhibition Baking History in a 3rd Warsaw Mechanized Bakery Historical Building
(built in 1908)
8.00 p.m. opening of an exhibition by the Warsaw School of Advertising ”Polish Museum of Advertising”
8.30 p.m. and 9,30 p.m. an open photo session
9.00 p.m. and 11.00 p.m. touring the exhibition
10.00 p.m. a snack from the local and ecological bread makers – a bread market
12.00 a.m. a multimedia presentation on the walls of the outbuilding
Dada – salon twórczości swobodnej
ul. Ząbkowska 38 – vis a vis Centrum Kultury Koneser,
an exhibition of amateur erotic photographs from the 1960s and 70s from an anonymous owner’s
collection, a demonstration of making large-scale origami sculptures: 8.00 p.m., and an origami jewelry
exhibition by Kamil Żuławski, an exhibition of utilitarian and decorative items by the Vetro artistic glass
workshop and a photo exhibition “In the Świdermajer’s Footsteps”
Dorum Art Fabryka Kształtów i Barw – klubogaleria
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31, Centrum Kultury Koneser,
open until the last guest; Michał Czajka – a photo exhibition ”Praga as Seen Through My Eyes” surrounded
by a collection of unusual illuminated stained glass works by Katarzyna Czajka, Praga cuisine awaits the
visitors in the club-gallery – tripe, dumplings and delicious coffee
8.00 p.m. a musical performance by the instrumentalist Marcin Świderski
9.00 p.m. a projection of the documentary ”Warsaw has changed” (Wileński Station), after the projection: a
talk with the Praga guide Janusz Owsiany
10.00 p.m. a concert by the Senegalese singer Pako Sarr
Fundacja Hereditas
Art Walk – a walk through Praga’s artistic basins – see how the artists have changed the Praga and maybe it
will turn out that you don’t need to go to Berlin for inspiration! During the walk there will be meetings with
the artists, going into galleries, alternative theaters, Praga clubs and pubs, as well as a chance to take part in
a screen printing workshop in Agnieszka Stanasiuk’s workshop (Aga Brwi), hand-printing of t-shirts and bags
with specially prepared patterns
location: Corner of ul. Wileńska and ul. Inżynierska, 9.00 p.m.
Note! Limited number of spots available, sign up through e-mail: [email protected]
Klub Młodzieżowy Stowarzyszenia ”Mierz Wysoko”
ul. Brzeska 20
9.00 p.m. ”Slow Down” a theater flash-mob in the Brzeska st.
6.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. an opening of an anti-discrimination poster exhibition by the students of the Jacek
Kuroń Multicultural Humanistic Highschool
9.00 p.m. a closing show of fire dance performed by the youth of Brzeska st. – participants of the Youth
Club classes
Magazyn Praga – galeria
ul. Ząbkowska 27/31, Centrum Kultury Koneser,
”Boxes” – a series of works by Stefan Paruch inspired by illustrations, schemes and and photos from the
Military Encyclopedia of Technology
Pałacyk Konopackiego
ul. Strzelecka 11/13
closes at 12.00 a.m. the only chance to visit the palace’s historical garden, a meeting with architects and
Praga activists, a “Boom! Collapse Palace!” sound installation every hour, organized by: the PRECEL group
and the New Praga Association
Stowarzyszenie Artystów Fabs
ul. Brzeska 7,
an opening of the exhibition ”IT’S HERE” by Małgorzata Sidor
Brzeska siedem klubo-kawiarnio-galeria
ul. Brzeska 7 lok. 1,www.
”The Highlanders in Warsaw,” an exhibition by the Zakopane-area artists who live and create in the capital
Czarny Motyl – restauracja galeria
ul. Ząbkowska 2,
”Black and White,” an exhibition by Vita Maria Drygas
8.00 p.m. a concert by the mexican Singer Irma Vargas
Kawiarnia Stara Praga
ul. Targowa 18, pavilion 33,
open until the last guest; photographs of prewar Warsaw, stories and talks about the Praga, a chance
to take a ride on a prewar rickshaw and to tour the Praga on old bicycles; a menu of historical Warsaw
delights, i.e. “Praga caviar” (blood sausage), “bent and cut by the meters” (kielbasa sausage), “jellyfish and
binoculars” (pork feet jelly and two shots of vodka) and the Old Praga no. 1: white bread and champignons;
in the background: Old Warsaw music – Grzesiuk. Stępowski, Fogg and others
Kępa Cafe
ul. Finlandzka 12a/12,
a walk in the Saska Kępa 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m., gather at 7.00 p.m. in the Kępa Cafe
A Dutch place of exile or a modernistic paradise? A provincial playhole or a cosmopolitan garden-city? What
really is the Saska Kępa? We’ll try to find the answers during the walk around the streets of Saska Kępa.
We’ll take a look at the most exotic inhabitants of the district, we’ll check where do plates ride elevators and
we’ll try to find traces of Tolek Banan and the beautiful Karioka; the walk will be led by Hanna Dzielińska,
7.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. – an invasion of science! Paintings of Aleksandra Stępień, Łucja Styn – paintings and
graphics, Paweł Zakrzewski – paintings
Pawiarnia – klubogaleria
ul. Brzeska 16, apt. 2,
open until the last guest; Paweł Lis, the opening of ”In the Urban Jungle,” and a movie projection; authors:
M. Libelt, K. Skierski, R. Lis
Skład Butelek – Klubokawiarnia, galeria
ul. 11 listopada 22,
open until 3.00 a.m. a multimedia demonstration by Rymwid Blaszczak, “The X-Ray Room, or the Longing
for the Sun,” at 9.00 p.m. and 11.00 p.m. the demonstration will be accompanied by live music by Hipolit
Woźniak and Karol Szaltis; music from the old and the not-so-old vinyl records will be played by K.K
– Krzysiek Kamiński; on the walls: an exhibition of works by Jacek Andrzejewski – the iconic creator of the
“kamienikon” connected with the North Praga
Galeria Autograf ul. Grochowska 342 (róg Mińskiej),
a photo exhibition ”The Seventh Step,” by Ł. Jurewicz, P. Martyszenko, the presentation ”Diaporama,
Photoposters” and the exhibition ”Places Unknown” by I. Bigelmajer, E. Dudek, I. Krupińska, S. Piędziejewski,
J. Wilkoń
8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. a demonstration of portrait drawing led by E. Dudek
Galeria Milano
ul. Waszyngtona 2a,
an opening of exhibition by Jacek Ziemiński combined with a multipart painting creation, a surprise awaits
the visitors
Galeria w Centrum Promocji Kultury w Dzielnicy Praga Południe
ul Podskarbińska 2,
an opening of the three-dimensional installation exhibit “Hidden Secrets,” by Erwina Ziomkowska
Gleria van Golik
ul. Berezyńska 27/6,
works by artists: B. Bigaj, W. Borowski, J. Golik, M. Hoffman, I. and M. Karoszka, R. Piotrowski, T. Serafin,
T. Szumiński, K. Wyzner
Pracownia Rzeźby i Fotografii Tomasza Wiatera
ul. Zamieniecka 85, apt. 18, attic
open until the last guest; an artistic workshop of T. Wiater, an exhibition of paintings and drawings from
the “Energeia” series
the exhibition will be accompanied by musical compositions of the young artist Paweł Skibniewski from his
”Screws” series
Pracownia Wschodnia
ul. Lubelska 30/32,
a graphic art exhibition ”Battle” – more than 50 hand-printed posters, connected through technique and
format they’re made in, as well as their colors; during the exhibition, a “graphic handicraft” kiosk will
be open: t-shirts, posters, stickers, books etc.; organized by: The Eastern Workshop Culture Animation
Association, The Be Willing Self-Development Workshop, The SITO screen printing workshop
Stowarzyszenie Pracownie Twórcze Lubelska 30/32
ul. Lubelska 30/32,
open until 3.00 a.m.: A workshop of Teresa and Dariusz Kowalski – sculpture, drawing; Workshop no. 1:
Anna Trochim – painting, Delfina Krasicka – fabric; Workshop no. 2: Marek Ruff – DECENTRISM, Małgorzata
Ruff – artistic jewelry; Michał Ruff – artistic ceramics, Dariusz Osiński – artistic ceramicx; Workshop no.
3: Dorota Łacek-Gorczyca – DECENTRISM – SUSURRUS SERAPHIN – SENSUS; Workshop no. 4: Grzegorz
Śmigielski – painting – EX SPORT MERCHANDISE; Workshop no. 5: Tomasz Kopcewicz – painting; Workshop
no. 7: Dariusz Kunowski – installation – 70m²; Workshop no. 10: Marek Sobczyk – MONUMENTS OF
DISCOURSE; Workshop no. 11: Anna Lea Chojnacka; Eliza Proszczuk, Kasia Kamińska – painting; Workshop
no. 12: Marzena Turek-Gaś – SHAPES OF COLOUR/CITY TOUR; Workshop no. 13: Marek Sułek – objects
Sinfonia Varsovia
ul. Grochowska 272,
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. a photography exhibition “Poland-Haiti. A Story Forgotten;” Plus kid’s photographic
workshops led by Katarzyna Breguła, a visual artist; “shots” display – an overview of the newest and best
short films from all over the world from the last 2 years – a part of the 7th Polish Advertising Festival, in
cooperation with the SAR Art Foundation and SAR Marketing Association
10.30 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. a Szymanowski Big-Band concert from the Karol Szymanowski 4th Public Music
School Unit in Warsaw , art direction by Piotr Kostrzewa. Szymanowski Big-Band consists of the junior
highschool, and highschool students and graduates
Muzeum Erotyki
ul. Grzybowska 3,
over 2000 exhibits showing the erotic fascinations of artists from all continents, a collection of Peruvian
erotic ceramics, Persian miniatures, Tibetan votive paintings, Indian reliefs, Chinese porcelain, African folk art
and many more
Note! A free admission only with invites, more info on
for all others during the Night of the Museus: 30% off
dla pozostałych osób w Noc Muzeów 30% zniżki
Muzeum Gabinet Numizmatyczny Mennicy Polskiej
ul. Waliców 11,
touring the exhibition hall of the Polish Mint Numismatic Cabinet, token coinage on an old mint press, an
exhibition of medals by the Polish medalists taking part in the FIDEM international exhibition,
a movie presentation prepared for the World Coin Expo
Muzeum Gazownictwa
ul. Kasprzaka 25,
Entering the factory premises and the museum at: 7.00 p.m., 8.30 p.m., 10.00 p.m., 11.30 p.m.
in the program: a walk around the the historical area of the museum, industrial architecture from the turn of
the 19th century, a movie projection: Warsaw gas industry history and touring the museum exhibition,
the charm of gas lighting, technological devices and museum collections. A short concert on an original ocarina.
You are invited to take part in a photographic contest ”The Gas Industry Museum at Night in Your Lens”
Muzeum Kolejnictwa
ul. Towarowa 1, dawny Dworzec Główny w Warszawie,
a permanent exhibition of rolling stock models, 3 railway models in different scales, a temporary exhibition
“The Railways of Uruguay organized on the occasion of Uruguay’s independence bicentenary;” a rolling
stock museum, plus a saloon-wagon and an armored train
Muzeum Nurkowania
ul. Grzybowska 88,
a museum collection of classic diver’s helmets expanded with new exhibits, in the courtyard in front of the
museum there will be a small exhibition related to archaeological diving accompanied by a movie projection
Muzeum Policji w Pałacu Mostowskich
ul. Nowolipie 2,
the exhibition “Police – Militia – Police” in documents, photography, models and uniforms, plus an exhibition
of photographs by Police employees awarded in the photographic contest “Our Passions in Photography”
Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
ul. Grzybowska 79,
open until 2.00 a.m. touring of the museum, the movie ”The City of Ruins” – 3-D cinema, plus an outdoor
cinema in the courtyard: 9.00 p.m. “Black Thursday. Janek Wiśniewski is Down” dir. A. Krauze, 2011
11.00 p.m. a movie projection with the Warsaw Photoplasticon in the background; inbetween the
projections there will be additional projections of ”The City of Ruins”
Muzeum Pożarnictwa
ul. Chłodna 3
Documents, photographs, extinguishing equipment, uniforms, fire hoses and various types of horse-drawn
vehicles and fire brigade cars from different periods
Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak (oddz. Muz. Niepodległości)
ul. Dzielna 24/26
touring of permanent exhibitions: “Pawiak 1835-1944,” “Pawiak Day 1939-1944,” “The Return of the
Symbol. A History of the Pawiak Tree,” “Let’s Remember Their Faces”
9.00 p.m. and 11.00 p.m. Pawiak literary-musical concert – “the memory foundation” dir. M. Reif, based
on original pieces created within the Pawiak walls during World War II, accompanied by classical music;
another attraction will be taking part in a reenactment event with the Historical Reenactment Association
AA7 and the “Anchor” Historical Association
Muzeum Woli (oddz. Muz Historycznego Warszawy)
ul. Srebrna 12,
permanent exhibitions: ”The History of the Warsaw Wola,” ”A Collection of Warsaw Plated Items” and: an
exhibition of prominent authors of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, an exhibition of works by Mikołaj
Čiurlionis – a painter and composer, demonstrations and advices from the Fire Department and the
Municipal Police, talks with “Witnesses of history” invited specially by the Wola Museum – oppositionists
who took part in the overthrowing of communism in Poland, workshops and artistic contests for children
and adults led by the students and academic staff of the Academy of Fine Arts, advices ”Frame and Painting
Conservation at Home,” demonstrations by specialists, “How to Set the Table on Different Occasions,”
contests and games in the museum, artistic performances that make the museum visit pleasant and a
memorabilia collecting campaign in Wola: In our museum, your photos and documents will live on for ages
and will never be forgotten – an exhibition in June
8.30 p.m. Warsaw buggle call, and group singing of songs of Warsaw
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne
ul. Długa 52,
temporary exhibitions: ”Forts and fortifications in painting” and ”Medieval Treasures of the Greater Poland” –
the exhibition will be accompanied by demonstrations of coinage using a medieval mint at: 8.00 p.m., 9.30
p.m., 11.00 p.m. and the exhibitions ”Prehistory of Polish Soil,” “Biskupin,” “An ABC of Roman Architecture,”
“The Alphabet of Gothic Architecture”
Galeria Spokojna Akademii Sztuk Pięknych,
Wydział Sztuki Mediów i Scenografii Akademii Sztuk Pięknych,
ul. Spokojna 15
A “Multimedia Garden” – experiments:
a multimedia presentation of student searches; an interactive live projection Spokojna – Krakowskie
Przedmieście, slam performance, whole event accompanied by music
location: Cafe Spokojna, 7.00 p.m.-01.00 a.m.
Wizytująca Galeria
ul. Bema 65,
”Let’s do it together in the Night of Museums” the Team Group: M. Warax, I. Terlikowska, K. Budzyński, B.
Bartosiński – a 3rd edition of a multimedia and interactive activity about the change of roles of the author and
the recipient; everyone who will take part will become it’s creator, more info on
A movie by Wojtek Pustota: ”Mist” and Wojtek Ziemilski – ”Map/Production:Commune/Warsaw,” the Map is
the space between the theatrical spectacle and the visual installation, it is intended for 5 spectators at a time
Note! Reservations required
Biblioteka Publiczna w dzielnicy Wola Warszawy
al. Solidarności 90,
”The Orient in a Library.” In the program: – “Hangyl,” a calligraphy workshop, “Hanbok,” learning to
put on a traditional Korean outfit, a traditional japanese outfit fitting, games for the mind and the body,
many workshops and art classes: colorful lamps, fans, stained glass, dragons, etc., tales of Japanese
ghosts, a Japanese games class: Hanafuda and kendama, an exhibition of Japanese comics and an Aikido
demonstration; a photographic exhibition by Elżbieta Wieteska-Czechowicz: “A Multicolor Musical Cultures
World” created from the inspiration of the 5th edition of the Warsaw Culture Intersection festival, as well
as: an oriental journey through the continent, the traveler Sebastian Łabęda will tell about interesting places
rarely visited by tourists; every hour: prize draws. Event Partners: Korean Culture Center, Flowers of the
Orient Publishing House, Hanami Publishing House, Big Fish Restaurant and the Akikai Aikido Center
Biuro Udostępniania I Archiwizacji Dokumentów (Instytut Pamięci Narodowej)
ul. Towarowa 28,
open until 3.00 a.m. ”With Warsaw in the Background,” touring of the archives, including the archive
warehouses and digitalization labs,
an exhibition in front of the building: ”... And the Files Destroyed. Archives of the Communist Repression
Institutions in Poland and other European Countries”
Note! Visitors are required to have their IDs
SOTO – Dalekowschodnie Centrum Kulturalno-Sportowe
ul. Karolkowa 28
5.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. an orgiami exhibition
9.00 p.m. a demonstration of Japanese martial arts by the SOTO club
Muzeum Błogosławionego Księdza Jerzego Popiełuszki
ul. Hozjusza 2,
a permanent exhibition about the life, service and the martyr’s death of ks. Jerzy Popiełuszko, a unique
multimedia journey through a museum in the St Stanisław Kostka Church undergrounds
Muzeum Sportu i Turystyki
ul. Wybrzeże Gdyńskie 4,
an exhibition ”The History of Polish Sport and Olympism,” during the exhibition you’ll be able to listen to
modern arrangements of blues standards performed by “Czaj Masala”
8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. judo demonstrations and training with the Atlanta Olympic champion Paweł
Nastula, a two-time world champion and three-time european champion
8.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. a projection of movies about sport and mountaineering in the Museum cinema
10.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. an opening of an exhibition of a photographic comperition ”The Gallery Bicycle
– Me,” with Cezary Zamana, about the Tour de Pologne
Muzeum X Pawilonu Cytadeli Warszawskiej, oddz. Muz. Niepodległości
ul. Skazańców 25,
1.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. A Historic Oddysey ”Citadel” organized by the “Arsenal” Historic Artillery Association
in cooperation with the Independence Museum and the Army Club in the Warsaw Citadel: a demonstration
of weaponry and colors from the antiquity to the present days performed by reenactment groups: touring
historical encampments, a reenactment of clashes and knight battles, demonstrations of drill and shooting,
cavalry demonstrations
7.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. night-time tours of the Museum of the 10th Pavilion
Galeria A19 Marymont_metro dla sztuki
7.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. Metro Marymont split-level,
9.00 p.m. opening of the exhibition and meeting with the author
9.30 p.m. a ride on the subway with the author of the works
9.30 p.m. a presentation of selected examples of artistic arrangements of subway interiors and a multimedia
projection inside the Marymont subway station / the PanGenerator group
Galeria Sztuki Wystawa
al. Wojska Polskiego 29,
painting exhibition ”What do the Willows Hum About” by Marek Ejsmond-Ślusarczyk
Galeria Kotarba Design
ul. Akcent 13c,
an opening of the sculpture and painting exhibition ”Floral Impressions” by M. Kotarba, M. Magrzyk,
T. Pytkowska, W. Pytkowski, E. Szyman, A. Więch, M. Żytomirska;
in the vicinity of the forrest you’ll be able to see various oil and acrylic paintings as well as ceramic sculpture,
plus a chance to buy the works straight from the authors
Bielański Ośrodek Kultury w Dzielnicy Bielany Warszawy
ul. Goldoniego 1,
”Our inspirations,” an exhibition of collections from the drawing and painting sections of BOK; “Painted with
a Thread,” an exhibition by the BOK Senior Weaving Club; an exhibition by the Mazovia Division of the Polish
Nature Photographer Society, a multimedia presentation and a photo exhibition of the project “Art Platform
– The Polish-Icelandic Creative Workshop”
Mediateka START – META Filia Biblioteki Publicznej Staszica
ul. Szegedyńska 13A,
“A Multimedia Express through the Ages”
7.00 p.m. opening of the exhibition ”A Photographic Teleport,” a combination of old photographs from the
Siekierki Roots project and contemporary photos of the inhabitants by Artur Pawłowski
7.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. Logikit – building blocks, open activities
7.00 p.m., 8.00 p.m., 9.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m., 11.00 p.m., 12.00 a.m. Multitech – a half-hour robotics
classes for kids up to 12 years old
7.00 p.m., 9.00 p.m., 11.00 p.m. MultiMusic – open musical activities
8.00 p.m., 10.00 p.m., 12.00 a.m. MultiArt – open artistic activities
8.00 p.m. ”Bielany Meeting with Dueling” – a demonstration of melee weapons and the art of fencing by
the F3 System School Weapon Academy
9.00 p.m. ”Blackness and illumination” spectacle by the Fire Theater CIRUS MAXIMUS
10.00 p.m. a demonstration of intervention techniques and self-defense performer by the Municipal Police
Dom Kultury Świt w dzielnicy Targówek Warszawy
ul. Wysockiego 11,
The Night of Museums in Kino Świt – A Night with Soviet silent movies
7.00 p.m. ”Earth” dir. Alexander Dovzhenko, 1930 r., accompanied by live music
9.00 p.m. ”Living Russio, or The Man with a Camera” dir. Dziga Vertov, 1929r.
10.30 p.m. ”Neobychainye priklyucheniua mistera Vesta v strane bolshevikov,” dir. Lew Kuleshov, 1924
Galeira Blue-S
ul. Bociania 28,
a painting exhibition – gallery collections
Zenplace Sylwia Skrzyńska
ul. Miklaszewskiego 5,
7.00 p.m. handicraft exhibition opening
7.30 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. workshops part 1: group sewing under the artist’s eye
10.30 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. break and a presentation of works by participants
11.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m. workshops part 2: participants choose from a ”clothes mountain” those fabrics whose
color, shape and form is closest to their expression style; the stylist’s support will help choose and reward the
most interesting composition
Muzeum Jana Pawła II i Prymasa Wyszyńskiego
ul. Prymasa Hlonda 1 head office near the Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej construction site,
a projection of documentaries and spectacles by the Polish Television Theater Fact Scene, devoted to the
Primate Stefan Wyszyński directed by A. Pietraszek, P. Woldan and R. Wieczyński, the projections will be
accompanied by a movie trivia contest
Muzeum Pałac w Wilanowie
ul. St. Kostki Potockiego 10/16,
6.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. family workshops and reenactment stands, with: Literary Games” – word play,
puzzles, games: Board game ”Goose,” dice games, ”Blind man’s buff,” “Hocki-Klocki,” wooden building
blocks, a construction game, plus “Wooden Cuddle Toys?!” “Little Women,” “I am Thy nobleman!” “Villa
nova” Scriptorium, a wooden hussars horse, cavalry wagon; location: educational pavilions along the left
and right wings of the palace
9.00 p.m., 9.45 p.m., 10.15 p.m. historic talks: “What Every Big Boy Should Know About Fencing and
interactive demonstrations of 17th century swordsmanship and weapons performed by the First Polish
Tourney Association “Liga Baronów”
the courtyard in front of the Wilanów Palace
6.30 p.m., 7.00 p.m., 7.30 p.m. “Bedtime Painted Tales,” stories by M. Malinowski, Stories, Tales and Myths
Museum; location: the courtyard in front of the Wilanów Palace
8.00 p.m. “Puss in Boots” – a spectacle; location: the courtyard in front of the Wilanów Palace
Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie (oddz. Muz. Narodowego w Warszawie)
ul. Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 10/16,
”Cymelia. Posters From the Polish and Foreign Collections of the Poster Museum in Wilanów” – an exhibition
presenting the most valuable prints from the museum collection that belong to the world poster canon from
the 1892 – 1945 period and the “Poster Dramaturgy. An Exhibition of Posters by the Gustaw Holoubek
Dramatic Theater in Warsaw” – every visitor will receive a random poster
Muzeum – Miejsce Pamięci Palmiry (oddz. Muz. Historycznego Warszawy)
10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. touring the new museum headquarters and exhibition; a multimedia exhibition
commemorating the Polish and Jewish victims of 1939-1943 in the Kampinos Forest and the Chojnow Forest
Villa la Fleur – Mały Paryż tuż pod Warszawą
ul. Szpitalna 14, Konstancin-Jeziorna,
open until 3.00 a temporary exhibition sculpture and painting by Bolesław Biegas and a permanent exhibition
the works of Polish and Jewish artists creating the Parisian bohema in the 1st half of the 20th century
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Noc Muzeów w Warszawie

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