religious education news


religious education news
CANONIZATION: St. Teresa of Calcutta
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, the nun known to the world as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, was born to Albanian
parents in what is now Macedonia in 1910. As a Sister of Loreto, she taught girls in her order's mission
schools in India for twenty years. But in 1946, on a train journey in the mountains, she suddenly realized
that God was calling her to something more--to care for the poorest of the poor.
In the city of Calcutta, many homeless people lived and died on the street. One day Sister Teresa came
across a half-dead woman lying in front of a hospital. She stayed with the woman until she died. From that
time on, she dedicated herself to caring for the poorest of the poor in India. She founded the Nirmal Hriday
("Pure Heart") Home for the Dying in a former temple in Calcutta, where poor, homeless people were cared
for and allowed to die with dignity when no one else would have them. She also founded an orphanage and
leprosy hospital.
Other young women, including some of her former students, soon joined her in her work with the sick, the
poor, and the forgotten of Calcutta's slums. They formed a new worldwide order of nuns, the Missionaries
of Charity. Like Mother Teresa, they wear a plain white, blue-edged sari, the traditional dress of Indian women. They live a simple, prayerful life, and take care of people all over the world wherever there is need.
Mother Teresa won several awards for her work, including the Nobel Peace Prize. She always used the money from such prizes to found new homes and hospitals for poor people. She died in 1997 at the age of 87.
Her life and work remind us that happiness and holiness come from doing "something beautiful for God."
She was beatified in 2003, and are canonized on this Sunday, September 4, 2016.
Handbell Choir
St. Adalbert Handbell Choir will resume practice
on Tuesday September 6th at 7:30-9:00 pm.
All interested, please contact our music director 908-591-6418
or come to rehearsal.
Every faith filled Catholic should encourage
families with young children to teach them about
the Catholic Faith.
Our Program is open to all children of the parish
from the time they enter the first grade through
the completion of their grammar school years.
As children mature, we assist them in preparing for the Sacrament of
Reconciliation (Penance) and reception of their First Holy Communion. This
requires two years of preparation.
Our Confirmation Preparation Program covers 24 months. Our current group
of young people will continue their preparation for reception of the
Sacrament in the Spring.
Sometimes, there are older children, teens or young adults who have not
completed their Initiation Sacraments (Baptism, First Communion, First
Penance, or Confirmation), please spread the word -- they are welcomed to
join our teen and adult group that also meets on Wednesday evenings. They
will join people of other Christian faiths who are exploring the Catholic faith
with the intention of joining our parish.
Our parish offers classes on Wednesday evenings at St. Adalbert’s.
Beginning on Wednesday, September 21, we will meet TWO TIMES per
month from 6:30 to 8:00.
We have a wonderful group of teachers who volunteer their time to share the
wonders of our faith with the children who are the future of the church.
Parish sidewalk sale!!!
Our Parish Annual Sidewalk
Sale will take place
in the month of October
in our Parish Hall
from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
Items for our garage sale can
be brought to the parish hall,
every Thursday between
10:00 AM – 2:30PM.
Please contact the parish
office to be sure someone is at
the parish hall to receive your
dona on: 908 352-2791.
Parish Office will be closed
on Monday September 5th
in Honor of Labor Day.
September4,2016 Twenty–ThirdSundayinOrdinaryTime
Nieść krzyż, stawiać czy odstawiać?
Ten, który przyszedł rozpalić w ludziach ogień Bożej miłości zaskakuje nas wezwaniem: „Jeśli kto
przychodzi do Mnie, a nie ma w nienawiści swego ojca i matki, żony i dzieci, braci i sióstr, nadto i siebie
samego, nie może być moim uczniem”. O jaką nienawiść tu chodzi? Aby dobrze zrozumieć intencje i
właściwy sens twardych słów Chrystusa, trzeba koniecznie uwzględnić znaczenie wypowiedzi Zbawiciela w
oryginalnym, aramejskim języku. W języku polskim bowiem nienawiść zawsze oznacza zaprzeczenie miłości,
a nasz stosunek do innych osób (zarówno pozytywny, jak i negatywny) możemy wyrazić wieloma innymi
słowami, dającymi się „cieniować”. Kogoś na przykład kochamy lub miłujemy, z innymi wiąże nas przyjaźń
lub zwykła sympatia. I odwrotnie: kogoś nie lubimy, czujemy do niego niechęć lub antypatię. Możemy mieć
nawet racjonalne powody po temu i nie od razu musi to być grzechem. Nienawiść natomiast, jako pragnienie
zła dla drugiej osoby i robienie jej czegoś na złość, zawsze jest grzechem. Nie tylko ciężkim, ale i głupim. Jest
rzeczą oczywistą, że nie o takiej nienawiści myślał Chrystus, gdy mówił o niej jako o koniecznym warunku
pójścia za Nim. W ojczystym języku Pana Jezusa naszą relację do innych osób opisują w zasadzie tylko dwa
słowa: „kochać” i „nienawidzić”, przy czym „nienawidzić” nie znaczy życzyć źle, lecz kochać mniej,
odczuwać większy dystans. W tym kontekście staje się jasne, że Chrystus od tych, którzy chcą iść za Nim – a
więc dokonują definitywnego wyboru Jezusa jako swojego Pana i Zbawiciela – domaga się „nienawiści” czyli
zweryfikowania dotychczasowych relacji w stosunku do wszystkich osób lub wartości, które z naturalnych
względów mogłyby aspirować do zajęcia centralnego miejsca w duszy (i życiu) chrześcijanina (np. rodzice,
małżonek, dzieci, ziemska ojczyzna). Znamienne, że wśród tych aspirantów Chrystus wymienia także „siebie
samego”. Bo jak długo na tronie naszego serca siedzieć będzie nasze „Ja”, a nie Chrystus, nie będzie w nas
prawdziwego chrześcijaństwa. Przyjąć Chrystusa, to znaczy także przyjąć Jego Krzyż.
Wysprzedaż rzeczy używanych!!!
Nasze parafialne „GARAGE SALE”
Informujemy, że zaczęliśmy zbiórkę rzeczy
na naszą wysprzedaż, którą planujemy
zrobić w miesiącu październiku. Jeśli
ktoś posiada zbędne, ale w dobrym stanie
przedmioty użytku codziennego jak odzież, naczynia itp.
prosimy o dostarczanie do naszego holu parafialnego we
czwartki w godzinach od 10:00 rano do 2:30 po południu.
Prosimy o wcześniejsze powiadomienie biura parafialnego
(908) 352-2791 o czasie przybycia.
Dziękujemy za każdą ofiarę.
Nasz pogram nauki religii jest otwarty dla wszystkich dzieci należących do parafii.
Serdecznie witamy też każde dziecko lub osobę dorosłą, które chcą przyjąć Sakrament
Komunii lub Bierzmowania. Program trwa 2 lata, od klasy 1-ej do wyższych. Nasza
Parafia oferuje lekcje religii we środy wieczorem. Wychodząc naprzeciw prośbom
rodziców, mając na uwadze plan zajęć w szkołach obowiązkowych oraz trud dowożenia
dzieci z daleka zdecydowaliśmy, że lekcje religii będą odbywały się 2 razy w miesiącu
od 6:30 do 8-ej wieczorem. Zapisy na początku września.
September4,2016 Twenty–ThirdSundayinOrdinaryTime
5 września, 2016,
biuro parafialne
September 10 & 11, 2016
SATURDAY, September 3, 2016
* 9:00 AM – Confession / Spowiedź Sw.
* Second Collection: Fuel
SUNDAY, September 4, 2016
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Second Collection: Fuel
*1:00 PM – Baptism
MONDAY, September 5, 2016-Labor Day
*Parish office close - Biuro parafialne zamknięte
TUESDAY, September 6, 2016
* 7:30 - 9:00 - Bell Choir practice
SATURDAY, September 10, 2016
* 9:00 AM – Confession / Spowiedź Św.
* 1:30 PM – Knitting & Crocheting Ministry
* 3:30 PM – St. Theresa’s Club Meeting
SUNDAY, September 11, 2016
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:30 AM – Msza św. dla dzieci i młodzieży
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
5:30 PM – D. Swider
10:30 AM – T. Kaluzny
12:00 Noon – M. Perez
5:30 PM – D. Swider
8:00 AM – J. Oszajca
10:30 AM – Youth Mass
12:00 Noon – S. Patel
Altar Servers
8:00 AM – I. & D. Szaro
10:30 AM – A. Kaluzny, K. Stopa, D. Koziol
12:00 Noon – V. Prado, F. Fojtik & D. Osegueda
Last Sunday’s Collection:
Mass schedule changes for 2017
Saturday Masses: Ther e will be Anticipator y
Mass at 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses:
In Polish – 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM
In English – 12:00 Noon
We remember our ailing
parishioners in our daily
prayers, including those
at home, in hospitals
and nursing homes:
Henryk Mierzejewski, Natalie Zagorski,
Frances Wlazlowski, Lorraine Staboris, Joseph
Horbacz, Josephine Cardillo, Emilia Kiczek,
Stanislaw Kiczek, Bart Evans, Clair Pilecki,
Stanisław Pekosz, Felicia Bober, Peter Ciesielski,
Janet Pasterkiewicz, Jozefa Boguszewski, Yolanda
Avila,Sophie and Frank Koczur, Ann Zamorski,
Rose Czekaj, Rosa Koska, Stanley Gorski...
Lord, keep them in Your loving care.
Uzdrowienie chorych, módl się za nami!
Second Collection: Eastern Europe
$ 310.00
“...where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be.” Luke 12
Bóg zapłać za złożone ofiary.
Week of September 4, 2016
Hosts: In Loving Memory of Bolek & Helen
Kaczmarczyk – Daughter Gloria
Wine: O łaskę zdrowia i Bożą opiekę
Altar Candles:
Sanctuary Candle: In Loving Memory of
Msgr. Bronisław Wielgus (1 Anniversary.)
- Parish Staff
September4,2016 Twenty–ThirdSundayinOrdinaryTime
Confessions on Satur day, 9:00-9:30 AM
at St. Adalbert Church, or by request here at Sts.
Peter and Paul before or after the Sunday Masses.
September 3 / September 4
The 2017 Mass Scheduling Book is available at
the church office for reserving Masses. Kindly
send us a listing of the Masses requested or call
the office.
9:00 AM –
11:00 AM – Dolores Leonard
Discover God’s desire for your marriage on a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! On
a Marriage Encounter weekend married couples can
get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones for 44
hours—and focus only on each other. If you’d like
greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your
relationship, you’ll like the difference a Worldwide
Marriage Encounter weekend can make! For more
information, contact Janet and Mike Turco
973427-7016 ([email protected]) or go to
Every faith filled Catholic should encourage families
with young children to teach them about the Catholic
Faith. Parents decide to have their children baptized
in the Catholic Church and parents are responsible
for teaching their children about the Catholic Faith.
While parents are the primary models for a child’s
life, the parish serves to help them. By enrolling in a
parish program, parents ensure that children have
solid roots in order to grow in spirit and knowledge.
Our Program is open to all children of the parish
from the time they enter the first grade through the
completion of their grammar school years. Our parish
offers classes on Wednesday evenings at St. Adalbert’s. Beginning on Wednesday, September 21, we
will meet TWO TIMES per month from 6:30 to 8:00.
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
4:00 PM – Cathy Miller
9:00 AM – Heather Canesper
11:00 AM – Vytautas Masiliunas/Nijolė Klimik
September 10 / September 11
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
9:00 AM –
11:00 AM – Dolores Leonard
4:00 PM – Ann Ruppert
9:00 AM – Geroge Doney
11:00 AM – Vytautas Masiliunas/Nijolė Klimik
Sunday's Collection
Restoration - $277.00
Thank you for your generosity.
Ačiu už jūsų dosnumą.
We remember our sick parishioners in our
daily prayers including those at home,
in hospitals, and nursing homes:
Robert Cook, Ruta Didzbalis, Helen Gradeckis,
Julianna Liana, Mary Mackelis, Frank Matuzewski,
Madeline Morris, Miriano Rodrigez,
Noel O’Sullivan, Lorraine Staboris,
Dolly Townsend, Karen Townsend ...
The Good News is that we have all been invited-invited to the Kingdom, invited to be disciples. It's a
life-changing invitation, and like so many other such
invitations, it requires a great deal of deliberation and
discernment. Whether we choose marriage,
Memorials for the Week of
ordination, single life, we know the serious planning
September 2nd, 2016
and consideration that accompany these profound
decisions. Like the tower-builder in the Gospel, we
have weighed both the monetary and emotional cost. Tabernacle Candle: Health Intentions of Noel
We have pondered and planned our lives in the direcO’Sullivan - Requested by O’Sullivan family
tion to which we believe God has called us. And
while we pray for guidance and acceptance of God's Altar Candle: Health Intentions of Noel
will, we often fail to understand so much. Like
O’Sullivan - Requested by O’Sullivan family
Solomon, we turn to God for wisdom and counsel in
our life-changing decisions.
September4,2016 Twenty–ThirdSundayinOrdinaryTime
Sts. Peter & Paul Church
Week of September 4, 2016
4:00 PM + Eugene Liana
SUNDAY (4th)
9:00 AM + Arthur Godfrey
11:00 AM + Jonas Nuotautas
MONDAY (5th)
12:00 Noon – Health - Anne O’Sullivan
12:00 Noon – Happy Marriage – Intentions of
Katie & Kyle
12:00 Noon + Eugene Liana
12:00 Noon + Vincent Mackelis
FRIDAY (9th)
12:00 Noon + Peter Zemeikis
4:00 PM + Antoinette K. Degutis (ann.)
SUNDAY (11th)
9:00 AM + Joseph Salus
11:00 AM + Dorothy Juzaitis
Jubilee Year Event –
Morning of Mercy Pilgrimage
On Saturday, September 24, the Evangelization
Commission of the Archdiocese is sponsoring
“Morning of Mercy: a mini pilgrimage”
at Divine Mercy Parish, Rahway. It will be an
opportunity to gain the Jubilee Year Indulgence.
The Morning includes a talk by Msgr. Joe Reilly,
our Archdiocesan Missionary of Mercy;
Adoration; Confession; going through the Holy
Door, and Mass. All from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
All are welcome to come. Confessions, will take
place about 10:30 - 11:30 am.
St. Adalbert Church
Week of September 4, 2016
5:30 PM + Fr. Daniel Berrigan – Bill King
8:00 AM + Franciszka i Piotr Niemiec – Rodzina
10:30 AM + Genowefa Barlik – Rodzina Barlik
12:00 PM + Michael Topolosky – Topolosky Family
7:30 AM + Magely Morat
– Jessica & John Topolosky
8:15 AM + Ks. Prałat Bronisław Wielgus
– Renata
7:30 AM + Klara Jablonski
– Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wnek
8:15 AM + Szymon i Waleria Syska – Wnuczka
7:30 AM + Agnes Wheat
– Jessica & John Topolosky
8:15 AM + Jerzy Ryba
7:30 AM – Intentions of Ana Vargas
8:15 AM + Lucyna Lorenc – Anna Lorenc
7:30 AM – Good Health and Blessings for Irene
& Larry Wheat – Jessica & John Topolosky
8:15 AM + Monika Niemczyk – Mr. & Mrs. Pietra
7:30 AM + Sophie Kucab
– Eugene, Richard, Pat & Darren Kucab
8:15 AM + Jan Machowski – Joe & Jane Harpula
5:30 PM + Frank J. Macierowski – Children
8:00 AM + Emily Gola
– Pracownicy Vantage w Avenel
10:30 AM + Roman Barlik (14 Rocznica)
– Rodzina Barlik
12:00 PM + Danuta Rucki – Mr. & Mrs. Harpula
September4,2016 Twenty–ThirdSundayinOrdinaryTime

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religious education - St Adalbert Church

religious education - St Adalbert Church Confessions on Satur day, 9:00-9:30 AM at St. Adalbert Church, or by request here at Sts. Peter and Paul before or after the Sunday Masses. The 2017 Mass Scheduling Book is available at

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