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Emergency Medicine Department of Child Neurosurgery
and Emergency Medicine Clinic,
School of Public Health in Bytom,
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice,
Katedra Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej i Medycyny Ratunkowej,
Zakład Medycyny Ratunkowej, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego w Bytomiu,
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
* Department of Health Economics and Health Management,
School of Public Health in Bytom,
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Zakład Ekonomiki i Zarządzania w Ochronie Zdrowia,
Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego w Bytomiu,
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
**Department of Palliative Medicine and Palliative Care,
School of Health Sciences in Katowice,
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
**Zakład Medycyny i Opieki Paliatywnej,
Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu w Katowicach,
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
Eating habits among students of selected secondary schools
in Zawiercie
Nawyki żywieniowe wśród uczniów wybranych szkół średnich
w Zawierciu
Key words: eating habits, teenagers, high school
Słowa kluczowe: nawyki żywieniowe, młodzież, liceum ogólnokształcące
Nutrition behaviour we call activities related to feed the nutritional needs that are
part of food culture and health behavior element. Health behavior is in us throughout
his life [1, 2]. Dietary behavior repeated many times are called habits. After many
repetitions they become steps which performed automatically, under the influence of
some kind of stimulus. In shaping the dietary habits of the important role of perpetuating existing behavior. Consolidated habits are very hard to change, which is why it
is so important to apply correct eating habits since the childhood.
An important impact on human health has a composition, nutritional value and
quality of the foods we eat. Eating habits associated with the choice of specific
foods, often determine the risk of disease which depends on the diet. Bad eating
habits can lead to many serious diseases including: obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis,
other diseases of the cardiovascular system. A diet high in salt, animal fats or alcohol increases the risk of cancer [3, 4, 5, 6]
Diabetes is a metabolic disease which is manifested by excess body fat. For a direct cause of obesity is considered a chronic positive energy balance, this balance
can be affected, some hormones that affect the feeling of hunger and satiety and
regulate fat storage in subcutaneous tissue and internal organs. Accumulated adipose
tissue not only stores fat, but also produces many hormones that may be responsible
for the development of obesity-related metabolic disorders [4, 7, 8].
Bad eating habits can also lead to malnutrition, which is the opposite of obesity.
For the cause of malnutrition is considered too low supply of essential nutrients or
their excessive loss. The effects of low body weight can be underestimated the resistance, reduced the capacity of the body and chronic diseases [10, 12].
Dietary behaviour determinants are factors: demographic, economic, biological,
psychological, social, cultural and geographical. Speaking of biological factors we
mean the ongoing processes in the body, such as: maturation, aging, illness or pregnancy. During pregnancy appetite fluctuations occur shall be subject to the needs of
the fetus to food. Economic factors that influence our food intake are: food prices,
income and food supply. The rising price of food usually determine the consumer to
reduce the purchase of the goods or to purchase substitute. While lowering the price
of a given product leads to increase its purchase. Demographic characteristics: age,
sex, family size. Gender and age differentiates human nutrition behaviour, because
the demand for men and women at different times of life for nutrients vary. Another
group of factors determining diet are psychological factors. Various emotional
States can affect what and in what quantities we consume. A highly significant factor affecting the nutritional behaviour among people is the social factor. A man from
birth to social groups such as the family, school and later other subsequent, where
each of them draws the patterns, which assimilates. Another factor determining the
nutritional behavior is a factor. In this area the special role attributed to culture and
Dariusz Myrcik, Magdalena Trzepizur, Joanna Makarska, Karolina Jędryszek,
Dorota Szałabska, Karolina Sobczyk, Wiktoria Dyjas, Adrianna Doniec,
Agata Zych, Marta Kowolik, Marcin Janecki, Arkadiusz Niczyporuk,
Tomasz Stępień, Bogusław Bucki, Dziechciarz Dorota, Marek Mandera
Eating habits among students of selected secondary schools in Zawiercie
Geographical features such as climate, terrain, availability of water, determine
the type produced in the area of food and the structure of its consumption. Now
these factors are less important than formerly for access to food because very expanded trade, so people can eat products that do not appear in their place of residence.
However, this policy does not apply to poorer countries that cannot afford to
purchase imported foods [1, 13].
A very important factor in maintaining a normal body weight is beside to the nutrition is a regular physical activity. Not only it supports the reduce excess fat and
muscle growth, but also a prerequisite for the proper functioning of many important
organs and systems of the body, thus preventing many diseases [4, 8].
Purpose the purpose of the work is the evaluation of the correct and incorrect eating habits among students of selected secondary schools. An additional goal is to
evaluate the relationship between sex and dietary behaviors among youth test group.
Food test material was carried out among students the following General Lyceum in Zawiercie: II Grammar School. Helena Malczewskiej and I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Stefana Żeromskiego. The study involved 150 individuals, including 60 students (40%) And LO and 90 (60%) II LO. Among the polled 57. 33%
were women (86 people), while 42. 67% males (64 people).
Participation in the study was voluntary and surveys were anonymous.
Research methods were the original questionnaire surveys, consisting of 28 questions. Questions were, inter alia: age, weight, height, number of meals, now their
eating and gaps between them, tranquilizers, the amount and type of fluid consumed
and used. Data acquisition through structured surveys were transferred to Microsoft
Office Excel in 2016. Statistical analysis of the results obtained was performed
using STATISTICA 12. To determine whether there is a relationship between the
sex habits and individual coefficient, Cramer's V.
The results showed that the% of people resulted 76. 0 proper nutritional status,
14. 7% was underweight and 9. 4% excessive body weight (overweight or obese), as
shown in the figure. 1.
Figure. 1. Number and percentage of high school students taking part
in the study with a specific nutritional status based
on the classification based on the BMI
On the figure. 2. Shows the number of meals consumed daily by the surveyed
students. The overwhelming number of people (74,0%) ate 4 to 5 meals a day. 14.
0% of polled take into account in their diet of 3 meals a day 0. 1%-more than 5
meals, while the smallest number of meals (1 to 2) declared 2. 7%. It has not been
demonstrated the relationship between sex, school, and the quantity of consumed
Figure. 2. Number and percentage of people participating in the study,
which reported consumption of a specific number of meals
Dariusz Myrcik, Magdalena Trzepizur, Joanna Makarska, Karolina Jędryszek,
Dorota Szałabska, Karolina Sobczyk, Wiktoria Dyjas, Adrianna Doniec,
Agata Zych, Marta Kowolik, Marcin Janecki, Arkadiusz Niczyporuk,
Tomasz Stępień, Bogusław Bucki, Dziechciarz Dorota, Marek Mandera
Eating habits among students of selected secondary schools in Zawiercie
A break between meals for 72. 0% of people were 2 to 4 hours, while for 22.
0%-more than four hours. The statistical characteristics of the empirical distribution
is shown in the figure. 3.
Figure. 3. Number and percentage of people participating in the study,
which declared certain time intervals between meals for human consumption
75% of the women a break between meals were 2-4 hours. In turn, 24% of men
consumed meals over a 4-hour intervals. The strength of the relationship between
gender and the intervals between meals was low due to the calculated value of the
coefficient of Cramer's V, which amounted to 0. 24.
Among the surveyed secondary school students observed a high incidence of
snacking. 87. 3% polled this happens a few times a week or daily. The statistical
characteristic is analyzed and shown in Fig. 4.
Figure. 4. The number and the proportion of youth who test declared
a certain frequency of snacking
There was no significant statistical differences in the frequency of snacking between women and men. The most sneaked products: sweets (59%), fruit or vegetables (42%), as well as yogurts (21%).
The most popular from the first type of breakfast were sandwiches among respondents. They were eaten by 57% of people under the first meal. Much less commonly eaten were cereal with milk (16%) and scrambled eggs (9%).
On the figure. 5. the presented time after waking up (in hours), in which it was eaten
first. There were larger differences in time of consuming the first breakfast by women and men.
Figure. 5. Number and percentage of people participating in the study that
reported eating the first breakfast in a specified period of time after waking up
Dariusz Myrcik, Magdalena Trzepizur, Joanna Makarska, Karolina Jędryszek,
Dorota Szałabska, Karolina Sobczyk, Wiktoria Dyjas, Adrianna Doniec,
Agata Zych, Marta Kowolik, Marcin Janecki, Arkadiusz Niczyporuk,
Tomasz Stępień, Bogusław Bucki, Dziechciarz Dorota, Marek Mandera
Eating habits among students of selected secondary schools in Zawiercie
The most common products of choice on breakfast sandwiches were II (54%). A
relatively popular article were also fruits (22%), 18% of the interviewees do not
consumed II. 67% students of selected secondary schools consumed followed by a
In the case of 28% of the lunch consisted of only one dish, while 5%-soup, second dish and dessert. In the afternoon interviewee consumed: fruits (27%), yogurt
(23%), as well as sandwiches (8%). In turn, 1\/3 of the respondents did not take
afternoon tea in your menu. Better eating habits in terms of the profile of tea were
found among women. Fruit in your diet take account of 34. 2% of the women and
23. 1% of men. This relationship took a moderate strength (Cramer's V coefficient =
0. 41).
It has been shown that 36% of the respondents consumed last meal during the
day in too short a time before bedtime or not at all. The most common products of
choice for dinner were sandwiches (63%) and hot sausages or Wieners (12%).
The majority of respondents ate vegetables rich in vitamin C and carotene several times a week or daily. The frequency was presented on fig. 47.
Figure. 6. Number and percentage of surveyed people who declare themselves
determined the frequency of consumption of vegetables rich in vitamin C
and carotene
It was also found that people often include vegetables to your diet, typically
made in the same way for: fruit rich in vitamin C and carotene.
Figure. 7. The number and percentage of surveyed people who declare themselves determined the frequency of consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C
and carotene
Slightly less than vegetables rich in vitamin C and carotene were eaten fruit rich
in these compounds. The frequency of turning to the diet this kind of fruit was presented on fig. 7. The relationship between sex and frequency of consumption of
vegetables rich in vitamin C and carotene was poor. This is confirmed by the calculated value of the coefficient of Cramer's V, which amounted to 0. 18. It has been
shown a weak relationship between sex and the consumption of fruits rich in vitamin
C and carotene-Cramer's V coefficient was 0. 09.
A very popular product among the youth were sweets. 78% ate them a few
times a week or daily. Frequency of joining sweets to a diet was illustrated in the
figure. 8.
Dariusz Myrcik, Magdalena Trzepizur, Joanna Makarska, Karolina Jędryszek,
Dorota Szałabska, Karolina Sobczyk, Wiktoria Dyjas, Adrianna Doniec,
Agata Zych, Marta Kowolik, Marcin Janecki, Arkadiusz Niczyporuk,
Tomasz Stępień, Bogusław Bucki, Dziechciarz Dorota, Marek Mandera
Eating habits among students of selected secondary schools in Zawiercie
Figure. 8. Number and percentage of surveyed people who declare themselves
determined the frequency of the incorporation of sweetness to the dish
It has been shown a weak relationship between sex and the consumption of
sweets. Cramer's V coefficient was equal to 0. 11.
A discussion in the presence of their own research weight 9. 4% among the stated excess high school students. The result obtained is smaller than the result from
the study conducted among youth of Krakow, where overweight or obesity has been
shown among 14. 4% of teenagers. Nutritional status of the respondents was examined also broken down by gender. It has been shown that low body weight frequently performed among women (16%) than men (4%). In turn, excessive body weight is
mainly characterized by males and 14% compared to 5% of women [18].
In accordance with the principles of rational nutrition, it is advisable to consume
at least 4 to 5 meals a day. Meals should be eaten often, but in small quantities. Consumption of 4 to 5 or more meals provided to 74. 0% polled. The results obtained
show that tested young people shall be better habits than teenagers by other authors.
Silesian Voivodeship about 60% of secondary school students has the correct eating
habits. In research-Maksymowicz Jaroszuk and Karczerwskiego, it was found that
with the increase in the number of meals, decrease the time spacing between them.
The same conclusions have been obtained on the basis of research [9, 11, 19].
It is important to maintain adequate breaks between meals. They should not be
longer than 4 hours. Long intervals between meals cause: decrease in glucose, which
can affect the reduction of concentration, irritability, weakness, abdominal pain, and
headaches and learning difficulties. Those surveyed high school students characterized behavior appropriate breaks between meals – 72% of them were less than 4.
This result is much better than that obtained by other authors [17, 19, 20]
In the test group of 59% sneaked candy, what should be considered as a negative
phenomenon. For positive should be considered within the framework of the snacking products such as fruit or vegetables (42%) and yogurt (21%). Snacking sweet
snacks by a higher percentage of students (75%) observe inter alia Strainer et al. in a
study carried out in middle school and high school. In their own research found a
similar incidence of snacking (87,3%) as in the study of other authors [14, 15, 21].
Among the students surveyed, 8% of them do not consume. Similar results have
Mine-Kołłajtis et al. -7% of children missed the meal. A much greater incidence of
not consuming the first breakfast found Kiciak et al. and Strainer et al. (respectively
20% and 22% of those polled). In Indian studies have demonstrated that the reasons
for not consuming the first breakfast could be inter alia: too late getting up, or lack
of hunger [11, 14, 21, 22].
Lunch was a meal are less likely to be taken into account in the diet than the
first. 18% of the interviewees do not eat the second. A much larger frequency skipping the second breakfast has been shown in studies Strainer et al. (46%) [21] on the
basis of the research, it was found that 67% of respondents consume full, followed
by a dinner. A similar result (57%) received Maksymovich-Jaroszuk and Rosa. Inclusion in the menu of only 1 lunch dishes can cause shortages of calories, vitamins
and minerals. In turn, 3-course dinner can be a cause of excess body weight, as it
provides the body with too much calories [19].
The most commonly consumed beverage article by high school students
surveyed as part of afternoon tea were fruits (27%). Students attending elementary
schools in New York and the surrounding area of the city in the afternoon also chose
fruit, but with much greater frequency (82%). In a study of its own 33% of teenagers
don't consume tea. Similar results obtain Wojtyla-Buciora et al. and Piotrowska et
al.-meal this omits the 38% and respectively 38. 1% of respondents.
In a study carried out by the Strainer et al. among the students of Warsaw secondary school, afternoon tea was taken into account by only 18% of people [23, 24].
In its own study found that 7% of the interviewees do not consume. This is a
smaller percentage than that obtained by Piotrkowska street et al. (14. 7%) in a study
on a group of girls aged 16-18 years old from Wroclaw. Other authors have shown
that women more often than men do not consumed dinner – 21. 2% and 5% respectively. In contrast, in a study of their own do not found the relationship between sex
and not consuming dinner (women 4% and 3%) males. Piotrkowska studies et al.
have shown that as many as% of consume female 50. 9 last meal after twenty [24].
On the basis of own research showed that men who ate dinner just before bedtime,
and women for 2-3 hours before going to sleep. It can therefore be concluded that
schoolgirls tested exhibited better habits than their peers of Wroclaw high school
[24]. Vegetables rich in carotene and vitamin C daily consumed 35. 3% of respon66
Dariusz Myrcik, Magdalena Trzepizur, Joanna Makarska, Karolina Jędryszek,
Dorota Szałabska, Karolina Sobczyk, Wiktoria Dyjas, Adrianna Doniec,
Agata Zych, Marta Kowolik, Marcin Janecki, Arkadiusz Niczyporuk,
Tomasz Stępień, Bogusław Bucki, Dziechciarz Dorota, Marek Mandera
Eating habits among students of selected secondary schools in Zawiercie
dents, while a few times a week – 41. 3% of high school students. Similar results
obtained the Bat when researching among the elderly.
However, this study does not include the Division into fruits and vegetables rich
in vitamin C and carotene. It was shown that vegetables daily were consumed by 31.
3% of older Poles, while a few times a week-44. 9% of them. In studies of Bat 70.
15% of older people was eating fruit daily, while a few times a week made it 18% of
them. In turn, research has shown that fruits rich in vitamin C and carotene eat daily:
22% of respondents, while a few times a week 48. 7% of high school students. In its
own study, it was found so too low intake of fruits and vegetables [16].
In its own study found a very high incidence of consumption of sweets – 78% of
people take account of them in their diet a few times a week or daily. A similar percentage of Japanese (63%) spożywało sweets with the same frequency. Bielaszka et
al. showed that the sweets are very popular among children. High frequency and
high degree of liking this product group may be due to the fact that man innately
prefers sweet taste and eating habits from childhood can be translated into dietary
behaviors later in life [9, 25].
Among secondary school students found correct eating habits: the number of
meals and breaks applied between them and the profile of the tea party. In the test
group has been observed abnormal eating habits for a low consumption of fruits and
vegetables and too frequent consumption of sweets. Women with better habits than
men in terms of the profile of afternoon tea.
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Dariusz Myrcik, Magdalena Trzepizur, Joanna Makarska, Karolina Jędryszek,
Dorota Szałabska, Karolina Sobczyk, Wiktoria Dyjas, Adrianna Doniec,
Agata Zych, Marta Kowolik, Marcin Janecki, Arkadiusz Niczyporuk,
Tomasz Stępień, Bogusław Bucki, Dziechciarz Dorota, Marek Mandera
Eating habits among students of selected secondary schools in Zawiercie
24. Piotrowska E, Żechłko-Czajkowska A. Biernat J, Mikołajczak J. Ocena wybranych cech stylu życia kształtujących stan zdrowia 16-18 letnich dziewcząt. Cz.
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25. Czech N, Nowakowska-Zajdel E, Muc-Wierzgoń M. Sposób odżywiania Japończyków na podstawie badań ankietowych. Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009; 63 (1):
Dietary behaviour are closely linked to the implementation of the nutritional
needs, and dietary habits is a well-established, repetitive behaviors. Proper eating
habits, are dependent on many factors. The purpose of the work. Evaluation of the
normal and abnormal eating habits among high school students. Check whether
there is a link between sex and habits. The study was conducted among the 150
students, including 86 women and 64 men. Eating habits were assessed using a
questionnaire survey. It was found that 74% of those from consume 4 to 5 meals a
day. Most high school students save the proper breaks between meals. Fruit and
vegetable intake is too low, while the sweets were a common item in the menu. The
test showed the presence of young people among the correct and incorrect eating
habits. It was found the relationship between gender and habits.
Zachowania żywieniowe są ściśle związane z realizacją potrzeb żywieniowych,
natomiast nawyki żywieniowe to utrwalone, powtarzające się zachowania żywieniowe. Prawidłowe nawyki żywieniowe, uzależnione są od wielu czynników.
Ocena prawidłowych i nieprawidłowych nawyków żywieniowych wśród licealistów.
Sprawdzenie czy istnieje związek między płcią a nawykami żywieniowymi.
Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 150 uczniów, w tym 86 kobiet i 64 mężczyzn. Nawyki żywieniowe zostały ocenione przy użyciu kwestionariusza ankiety. Stwierdzono, że 74% osób spożywało od 4 do 5 posiłków dziennie. Większość licealistów
zachowywało prawidłowe przerwy między posiłkami. Spożycie warzyw i owoców
jest zbyt niskie, podczas gdy słodycze były częstym elementem w jadłospisie.
Wśród badanej młodzieży wykazano występowanie prawidłowych i nieprawidłowych nawyków żywieniowych. Stwierdzono zależność między płcią a nawykami
Artykuł zawiera 23524 znaki ze spacjami + grafika

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