Listopad 2013 roku - polski instytut studiów nad sztuką świata


Listopad 2013 roku - polski instytut studiów nad sztuką świata
2013-10-29 / Aktualności
Nr 11 (14) Listopad 2013 roku
Nr 11 (14)
Listopad 2013 roku
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Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
w Warszawie, przy ul. Foksal 11 lokal 6,
zaprasza na:
- Zebranie Naukowe Oddziału Warszawskiego w dniu 14 listopada (czwartek) o godz. 18 z
wykładem dr Agnieszki Kluczewskiej-Wójcik (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika; PISnŚSŚ),
Japonia w oczach Polaków na przełomie XIX i XX wieku.
- Zebranie Naukowe Oddziału Warszawskiego w dniu 28 (czwartek) o godz. 18 z wykładem
prof. Carlosa Dimeo Álvareza (Uniwersytet Warszawski), Ponowoczesne perspektywy teatru
Ameryki Łacińskiej (po polsku).
- Ogólnopolskie Seminarium Sztuki Azji w dniu 30 listopada (sobota) o godz. 11 z
wykładami: - dr Macieja Kanerta (Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza), Program badawczy
„Japońska sztuka buddyjska w państwowych zbiorach europejskich”, realizowany przez Uniwersytet
w Zurychu i Uniwersytet Hosei w Tokio przy współpracy Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w
Poznaniu; - Katarzyny Maleszko (Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie; PISnSŚ), Japońska sztuka
buddyjska w kolekcji Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie
List z Berlina od prof. Moniki Zin (członka PISnSŚ):
Dear Colleagues & Friends,
In the attachment to this mail is a song that the students of Indian art history at the Freie
Universität Berlin (FU) have composed in an attempt to draw the attention of scholars of Indology as
well as a wider academic and lay audience. It is our latest attempt to bring to their notice the
disastrous situation in which the Department of South Asian Art History (Abteilung Kunstgeschichte
Südasiens) finds itself in today. The Department - a part of the Institute of Art History following the
cancellation of the chair for Indology - is scheduled for closure on 30th September 2014.
The closure of a department of Indology at any university is always a loss that affects us directly, but
fortunately there are still more than ten chairs of Indology left in Germany.
Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
However, according to an official survey (“Kleine Fächer”), there are only 1.33 professorships, i.e.
departments of South Asian art history at German universities (the “0.33” refers to the chair of
oriental art history at Bonn University; this professorship covers the art of South Asia, East Asia and
the Islamic world). Cancelling the last full-fledged professorship for the art of South Asia would
therefore be tantamount to killing an entire discipline.
That this decision has been taken in a city which – with much public support – has just embarked on
the implementation of a project to build the ‘Humboldt-Forum’ makes it all the more startling. Art
history institutes of all the universities in Berlin are anxious to be involved in the planning of this
project and their respective universities are projecting themselves - in South Asia among other
regions - as globally established think tanks that welcome and promote cultural diversity and the
multifaceted histories of their prospective students and faculty members. At the same time, a subject
focussing on the material testimonies of a region inhabited by one-seventh of world's population is
simply struck off without much ado.
This not only severs a long-standing scholarly tradition that has won international acclaim for its
ground breaking contributions to both South and Central Asian art history; it also makes it
impossible to provide training for the very specialists whom, not just the Humboldt-Forum, but also
other museums and institutions like the German Archaeological Institute will require in the coming
decades to handle the collections of these institutions, research their material and present it to a
wider audience in a wholly scientific manner. The FU’s present approach in this matter, together
with the level of ignorance encountered in other official institutions in Berlin and across Germany,
serve as evidence of both economic and intellectual inadequacy.
The makers of this momentous decision have still not fully realized the import of the step they have
taken. Your letters of appeal to the President of the Freie Universität and / or Senate Administration
for Education, Youth and Science [[email protected] / [email protected]],
expressing your disapproval of the proposed closure may help change the situation.
As would your gesture of support by signing the enclosed petition:
Thanking you,
Monika Zin
Temporary Head of Department since 2010
(On behalf of the students & staff of the Department of South Asian Art History, Freie Universität
Conference Agenda
Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
Institute of Art History, University of Wroclaw & Polish Institute of World Art Studies,
Instytut Historii Sztuki / Institute of Art History, University of Wroclaw
Szewska Street 36, 50-139 Wrocław, November, 20-21, 2013
ROOM 309 – third floor
Registration/collection of conference pack: Wednesday and Thursday from 8.30, third floor
Wednesday, 20 November
8.50 Welcoming and official opening
PANEL I: Social participation
Chair: Anna Markowska (University of Wroclaw)
9.00 - 9.20 Mateusz Salwa (University of Warsaw), Garden as sustainable art
9.20 – 9. 40 Michał Kępski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań), Sustainable past in eco-museum
9.40 – 10.00 Sofia Ponte (University of Porto), Musealizing functional art
10.00 – 10.20 Micaela Deiana (University of Sassari, Italy), The sustainable contemporary art
museum between participation and new institutionalism
10.20 - 10.40 Helena Postawka-Lech (Jagiellonian University, Cracow), Ebenezer Howard’s idea of
Garden Cities and sustainable development
10.40 – 11.00 Joanna Rose (University of Technology, Dresden), Street art in Reykjavik as a
regenerator and rejuvenating agent
11.00 -11.20 coffee break, discussion
Chair: Albert Coers (University of Design, Karlsruhe)
11.20 – 11. 40 Esra Yıldız (İstanbul Technical University), Sustainability, social participation and
contemporary art in Turkey
11. 40 – 12.00 Jovanka Popova (St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje), Art in the courtroom: What yet to be "cleaned"; Art between censorship and activism
12.00 – 12.20 Reiner Maria Matysik (Braunschweig University of Technology), River becomes
Cloud, Proposal for a presentation of the artist’s own work within emscherkunst 2013 and work of
other partizipating artists
12.20 -12.30 Discussion
12.30 – 14.00 LUNCH
PANEL II: Responsibility and moderation
Chair: Esra Yıldız (İstanbul Technical University)
14.00 – 14.20 Rebecca Wichmann (European University, Saint Petersburg), Sustainability and
utopia: the tender impetus of space
14.20 - 14.40 Natalia Krawczyk (University of Wrocław), Electrical rider
14. 40 – 15.00 Karolina Rajna (University of Wrocław), Assemblage, recycling, recycled art and the
phenomenon of sustainable development
15.00 – 15.20 Dorota Kutyła (University of Warsaw), John Ruskin’s beautiful world
Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
15.20 – 15.40 Laura Gieser (University of Paderborn), The regeneration of conceptual art as
sustainable art
15.40 – 16.00 Jean-Francois Paquay (Catholic University of Leuven), “Portager” (portable kitchen
16. 00 – 17.10 Discussion, Coffee break
PANEL III: Regeneration and relations
Chair: Jean Francois Paquay ?(Catholic University of Leuven)
17.10-17.30 Zoryana Hnetsko (Academy of Fine Arts, Lviv), Eco-design and sustainable
17.30- 17.50 Lisa Paul Streitfeld (AICA, Berlin) Can sustainable social projects celebrating unity
overcome the divisiveness of success?
17.50 – 18.10 Albert Coers (University of Design, Karlsruhe), Frequent flyers – one-way-rafts:
aspects of possession, production and transportation in contemporary art
18.10 – 18. 30 Ewa Wójtowicz (University of Arts, Poznań), A doppelganger figure. Sustainability of
art in the process of re-practices
18. 30 – 18. 50 Agnieszka Jankowska-Marzec (Academy of Fine Arts, Cracow), Recycled furnit0ure
design and more: sustainable design from The Faculty of Industrial Design in The Academy of Fine
Arts, Cracow
18.50 – 19.10 Magdalena Zięba (University of Wrocław), Exposition: beyond green. Toward a
sustainable art. Between art and art of sustainable display
19.10 - 19.30 Małgorzata Micuła (University of Wrocław), On planting and cultivation,
constructing and collaboration. Artist as an altruist
19.30 - 19.50 Joanna Filipczyk (Muzeum of Opole Silesia, Opole), Searching for national
19.50 – 20.00 Discussion
20.30 Opening of the conference exhibition BWA Studio, 46a/13 Ruska St (curator: Patrycja
Sikora), followed by conference unofficial meeting at the Niskie Łąki Club (Ruska St 46 c)
Thursday 21 November
Supplement: Artists’ point of view
Chair: Magdalena Worłowska (University of Wrocław) and Patrycja Sikora (BWA Galleries,
9.00 – 10. 30 Sylvie& Krzysztof Derdacki, Leszek Golec (Orońsko), Milan Kohout
(Ostrava-Cambridge, MA), Piotr C. Kowalski & Joanna Janiak (Poznań), Cecylia Malik (Cracow), the
Val Group (Kyiv)
PANEL IV: Integrity of the environment (local towards global)
Chair: Zoryana Hnetsko (Academy of Fine Arts, Lviv)
10.30 – 10.50 Dean Chatwin (University of Tasmania), The endless river: exploring the potential
for water to connect the home and the natural environment
10.50 – 11. 10 Xela Batchelder (Drexel University, Philadelphia), RAIR: A new pilot ecological and
economic sustainability art residency in Philadelphia
Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
11.10- 11.30 Magdalena Lange (Jagiellonian University), “It’s all in the genes!” – is it? When art
and biotechnology act in concert
11.30 – 11.50 Maciej Oleński (The Council of The Capital City of Warsaw), Duplication of historic
buildings during restoration period 1945-1965 in Warsaw
11. 50 – 12.20 Coffee break and discussion
Chair: Joanna Filipczyk (Museum of Opole Silesia, Opole)
12.20 – 12.40 Marta Gaj (International Cultural Centre, Cracow), Legacy of Zakopane style as a
12.40 – 13.00 Bernadeta Stano (Pedagogical University of Cracow) Reconnection of broken links:
art, nature and post-industrial space in a new relationship
13.00 – 13.20 Zofia Reznik (University of Wrocław), From deficiency to exuberance – looking for
13.20 – 13.40 Karolina Marcinkowska (University of Warsaw), Recycling and its meaning in
contemporary African art
13.40 – 14.00 Sue Spaid (Belgium), The Future of Environmental Art
14.00 – 14.10 Discussion
14.10 – 15.30 LUNCH
15.30 – 16.30 PHOTOGRAPHY SESSION in the setting of the historic buildings and nature,
a stroll through Wroclaw guided by PhD students Małgorzata Micula and Zofia Reznik;
photographers: Jerzy Kosałka, Wacław Ropiecki
-----------------------------------------Strona internetowa:
Oddział Warszawski
Anna Sembiring - administrator profilu ([email protected]).
Oddział Krakowski
Aleksandra Goerlich - administrator profilu ([email protected])
Zarząd gorąco prosi i przypomina członkom o płaceniu składek za okres od rejestracji Instytutu, to
znaczy od lipca 2011 roku (normalna składka – 10 zł; ulgowa dla doktorantów – 5 zł, dla emerytów i
rencistów – również ulgowa 5 zł, wprowadzona uchwałą zarządu od października 2012 roku). Składki
stanową podstawowy fundusz, z którego możemy pokrywać koszty utrzymania lokalu Instytutu;
czynsz za wynajem oraz rachunki za energię elektryczną i wodę to łącznie około 1000 zł miesięcznie.
Numer konta Instytutu w Credit Agricole Bank Polska:
Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
24 1940 1076 3101 7420 0000 0000
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------„Lokal przy ul. Foksal 11 jest wykorzystywany na cele kulturalne przez Polski Instytut Studiów nad
Sztuką Świata dzięki pomocy Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy – Dzielnicy Śródmieście.”
Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata

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