
Systems of Management of Cultural Heritage
in the Visegrad Countries
Praca zbiorowa; Jacek Purchla (red. naukowy)
Tematyka: Dziedzictwo – zarządzanie kulturą, turystyka
Format: 16,7 × 24 cm
Oprawa: miękka
Objętość: 264 strony
Wersja: angielska
Cena: 39 PLN (w tym 5% VAT)
ISBN 978-83-89273-87-1
Wydawca: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, 2011
Publikacja jest owocem spotkania ekspertów krajów Grupy
Wyszegradzkiej, Czech, Polski, Słowacji i Węgier w czerwcu
2010 roku na temat ochrony i zarządzania dziedzictwem
Procesy transformacji zachodzące w Europie Środkowej
w istotny sposób zmieniły nasz stosunek do dziedzictwa
kulturowego i wymusiły nowe podejście do jego ochrony.
Klasyczne pojęcie zabytku zastąpione zostało szerszym pojęciem dziedzictwa. Zmiana krajobrazu kulturowego w procesie globalizacji i transformacji spowodowała konieczność
zmiany systemu ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego. Eksperci przedstawiają swoje spostrzeżenia i sugestie co do rozwiązań systemowych w tym zakresie dzisiaj i w przyszłości.
Książka zawiera obszerny materiał ilustracyjny.
Transformation of the Monument Preservation System in Slovakia a�er 1989
Eva Kráľová
Photo 6. A winning project of the 2009 Cultural Monument of the Year Competition:
the wooden articular church in Hronsek, built in 1728, thoroughly restored in 2009.
Photo 5. A winning project of the 2008 Cultural Monument of the Year Competition:
renovation of a former administrative wing of the Town Hall in Trnava.
Photo by Eva Kráľová
(unesco site). Photo by Eva Kráľová
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Transformation of the Heritage Preservation System in the Czech Republic…
Josef Štulc
valuable movable equipment were smuggled abroad and sold. �e
situation improved too late with the introduction of a special law
against illicit traffic in 1995, and the instalment of signalisation systems into the churches, all of which was financed by the state. �e
work of police has improved since the late 1990s as well. All the same,
the already incurred losses in the movable part of national heritage
are irreversible.
A big problem of a global character is the investment pressure.
In big cities the houses situated in their historical cores are mostly
overburdened by their new utilisation. �is trend results in so called
“façadism” and a number of demolitions aiming to free the building
lots for bigger new constructions. �e town planning integrity and
skyline of Prague and a couple of other economically important cities is currently jeopardised by the erected and planned high-rises.
Unfortunately, only a very scarce proportion of the recently constructed buildings contribute quality architecture to their surroundings.
�e reason for these unsatisfactory trends is an imbalance in
strong contemporary liberalism in development, which is not counterbalanced by a similarly strong protective legislation as well as efficiently working state and municipal authorities. On the other hand,
the rebirth and involvement of civic organisations in environmental
ma�ers is gradually growing and this gives the Czech heritage hope
for a be�er future.
Photo 6. Prague, the so called Dancing House by Frank O. Gehry and Vlado Milunič (1996)
situated on the river embankment within the conservation area. A rather creative as well
as contextual contemporary work that enriches Prague’s architecture. Unfortunately,
this is an extremely rare case of its kind at present. Photo by Dino Quinzani,
source: h� p://
Bečkova, Kateřina (ed.), Sto let Klubu za starou Prahu 1900–2000, Praha 2000.
Bečkova, Kateřina, “Sto let Klubu za starou Prahu v sedmi kapitolách” in: Kateřina
Bečkova (ed.), Sto let Klubu za starou Prahu 1900–2000, Praha 2000, pp. 27–87.
Bečkova, Kateřina and Richard Biegel, Society for Old Prague, One hundred and two years,
Prague – Paris 2002.
authority of state institutions brought about an unexpected increase
in criminality. In our field, this resulted in burglary and illicit traffic of cultural goods. More than 1,200 Catholic churches and chapels were robbed in the years 1990–95 and parts of their artistically
Hanzlíková, Kateřina, “Longin Business Center. Nevítaný soused rotundy sv. Longina
na Novém Městě” in: Kateřina Bečkova (ed.), Sto let Klubu za starou Prahu 1900–2000,
Praha 2000, p. 182 ff.
Hlobil, Ivo, Teorie městských památkových rezervací, 1900–1975, (Uměnovědné studie 6), Praha 1985.
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