1 - Egis


1 - Egis
Leaflet MAT PT Upper POL REV_cover 14-08-19 13:22 Page 1
konsultacja: Bożena Sendor-Gala
Leaflet MAT PT Upper POL REV_cover 14-08-19 13:22 Page 2
Published by Express Publishing
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© Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley, 2014
Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2014
Colour Illustrations: Victor, Emmanuel, Angela, Simon Andrews, Kyr © Express Publishing, 2014
First published in this edition 2014
Made in EU
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ISBN 978-1-4715-3086-9
Leaflet MAT PT Upper POL REV_cover 14-08-19 13:22 Page 3
Matura Skills 1
Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 4
Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 5
Matura Skills 2
Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 7
Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 8
Matura Skills 3
Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 10
Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 11
Matura Skills 4
Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 13
Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 14
Matura Skills 5
Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 16
Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 17
Matura Skills 6
Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 19
Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 20
Further Practice
Matura Skills Poziom rozszerzony ........................................................................................... p. 22
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 1 14-08-19 13:34 Page 22
Matura Skills
Poziom podstawowy
Część ustna - bez określania
poziomu (Rozmowa wstępna)
Rozumienie ze słuchu
Preparing for the task
Read the questions and look at the key
words. Then read the script and find
words that relate to the key words.
Which person ...
1 is concerned about something?
2 had visitors?
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę
Lucy i Roba na temat wegetarianizmu. Odpowiedz na pytania 1–5 zgodnie z treścią
nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią
rubrykę w tabeli (L – Lucy lub R – Rob).
Which person ...
1 arrived late for lunch?
2 has always been a vegetarian?
thinks that people become
3 vegetarian because it’s
thinks that some people are
afraid of eating meat?
5 gave a talk on vegetarianism?
Listen and read. Underline the
words/phrases the person uses to
express his likes/dislikes. What reasons
does he give?
I enjoy watching a variety of TV programmes, but I just
love police dramas like CSI. I find them really exciting
and interesting. I’m not really a fan of soap operas,
though, and I can’t stand watching reality shows. I
think both of these are silly and a waste of time.
Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania,
używając zwrotów z tabeli. Postaraj
się, aby twoja wypowiedź brzmiała naturalnie.
1 What kinds of films do you like/dislike watching?
2 Do you like reading? Why/Why not? If so, what
do you read?
3 What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
4 Do you like using the Internet? If so, what for?
b) Choose your answers? What words
helped you choose?
Answer the question.
What do you like/dislike watching on TV. Why?
(Sam) (Ann)
Sam: Good morning, Ann. What’s up with you?
Ann: I’m just a bit tired. I didn’t sleep very well.
Sam: Oh, if I made too much noise last night, I
apologise, but a couple of friends dropped
round unexpectedly.
Ann: No, I didn’t hear anything but I woke up
at three in the morning thinking about my
Sam: You don’t need to worry about exams.
You’re one of the top students…
(Lucy) (Rob)
I really/quite like/ enjoy …
I’m fond of …
I (absolutely) love …
I’m (really) keen on …
I think that … is/ are
really fascinating, etc
I (just) hate …
I (really) don’t like …
I’m not keen on …
I’m not really a fan of …
I find … boring/
exciting, etc
Wypowiedź pisemna
Właśnie wróciłeś/-aś z wakacji.
Napisz e-mail (80-130 słów) do
swojego kolegi z Anglii, w którym:
• opiszesz trzęsienie ziemi, które miało miejsce tam,
gdzie przebywałeś/-aś,
• zdasz relację z tego, jak udzielana była pomoc
• przedstawisz wpływ tej klęski żywiołowej na życie
lokalnej społeczności,
• zapytasz, jak Twój kolega spędził wakacje.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 1 14-08-19 13:34 Page 23
Poziom rozszerzony
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych (Dobieranie)
Rozumienie ze słuchu
Preparing for the task
Match the sentences (1-3) to sentences A-C that follow.
Which words helped you decide?
Preparing for the task
It was a terrible accident.
The hurricane hit land at 2 a.m.
The river is one of the longest in the world.
The speaker
A describes how a plane was
caught in a storm.
B narrates an accident.
C explains the cause of a plane
A It crosses ten states and flows for 3,370 km.
B Several people were injured.
C Unfortunately, many people were sleeping at the time.
Read the rubric. Look at the
statements A-C. Now read the
script. Choose the correct
answer from A-C.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto
cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 1–4 litery,
którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby
otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
It was the night before Halloween, 1938, and families around the
USA changed stations on their radios to find themselves listening
to a radio programme featuring Ramon Raquello and his Orchestra.
“A huge flaming object” had fallen out of the sky in Grover's Mill, New
Jersey. The programme returned to the music, but then broke off almost
immediately for another bulletin. Something was climbing out of the smoke-filled
crater, something from another planet. It was an alien invasion.
Listeners panicked. Some ran onto the streets using wet towels as gas masks
and some raced to be with their families in their last moments. 2
phonelines were jammed as desperate citizens tried to find out exactly what
was happening.
What these people didn't realise was that they were listening to Orson Welles'
radio play of the science-fiction classic, The War of the Worlds. Welles’
impressive production staged the events of the invasion as if they were really
happening. 3
It was so realistic that thousands of listeners were
convinced that a real alien invasion was taking place.
How were people fooled so easily? Seventy years ago, very few households
had a television so people got their news from newspapers or the radio. They
believed what they read or heard.
The following day, Welles' name was all over the newspapers and there
were calls for the government to pass laws to stop similar things ever happening
again. Orson Welles went on to have a glorious film career, but he will never be
forgotten as the man who convinced America that the Martians had landed!
I’ll never forget what I saw that
day. My friend and I were walking
past an old farmhouse when we
heard a deafening noise and
suddenly saw a small plane
practically fall out of the sky and
plough right into the farmhouse.
Fortunately, no one was hurt.
cztery wypowiedzi na temat klęsk
żywiołowych. Do każdej wypowiedzi
(1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej
zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do
tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej
A Reporters presented eye-witness accounts, the authorities
advised citizens and scientists gave informed opinions.
B So when people found out that the invasion was just a radio
play, they were furious.
C Suddenly, a voice interrupted it with some breaking news.
D Welles was arrested by the police.
E Others loaded guns and hid in cellars, preparing to defend
themselves against whatever had landed!
Which speaker
implies that people may not be
suggests people help rescue
expresses hope after the
Speaker 1
gives people
Speaker 2
says people were Speaker 3
taken by surprise? Speaker 4
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 1 14-08-19 13:35 Page 24
Matura Skills
Poziom rozszerzony
Wypowiedź pisemna
Znajomość środków językowych
(Wybór wielokrotny)
Preparing for the task
Read the sentences. What type of word is
missing in each sentence? Choose.
1 They said the storm will .............. over the next few
hours. adjective/verb
2 It was .............. awful experience. article/conjunction
3 They were both injured .............. the crash.
b) Choose the word which best fits the gap.
1 strengthen – strong
2 such – an
3 at – in
Read the rubric. Then read the title of the
text and look at the picture. What could the
text be about? Read through and say.
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych
odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,
tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
Working as a photojournalist, I’m frequently asked about
the difference between what I do and what a(n) 1) .......
photographer does. Most photographers simply use their
images to illustrate an article; my photos, however, are a
series of pictures that tell a story by themselves without
using words.
My job is very diverse and I never know where I’ll be
travelling to next. I 2) ....... be dodging bullets in a war zone,
staying in a village in India or walking the streets of
Manchester with the homeless. It often means spending
weeks away from home, 3) ....... on where the story is.
Nowadays, because of digital photography, the job is
changing. In the old days, photographers waited days or
weeks to get the right shot, but with the new HD video
cameras, you can film continuously and then just freezeframe to get the perfect picture. I can’t 4) ....... to them,
though. I still use the old 35mm camera which I’ve had for
the past twenty years!
being used
depending C
get used C
be used
getting used
Wypowiedz się na jeden
z poniższych tematów.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250
słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla
formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz temat,
który wybrałeś/-aś, zakreślając jego numer.
1 W niektórych krajach korzystanie z tabletów
podczas zajęć szkolnych staje się coraz bardziej
popularne. Czy rzeczywiście powinniśmy używać
tych urządzeń na lekcji? Napisz rozprawkę na ten
temat, rozważając go z punktu widzenia ucznia
korzystającego z nowych technologii w szkole oraz
ucznia uczestniczącego w lekcjach z wykorzystaniem wyłącznie tradycyjnych pomocy naukowych.
2 Wielu celebrytów skarży się na paparazzich, którzy
ingerują w ich prywatność i łamią wszelkie zasady,
aby zrobić im zdjęcie. Czy celebryci mają prawo do
prywatności czy też jako osoby publiczne powinni
liczyć się z zainteresowaniem mediów? Napisz
artykuł, w którym przedstawisz i uzasadnisz swoją
opinię na ten temat oraz zaproponujesz akcję, w której
uczniowie z Twojej szkoły będą mogli wyrazić swoją
opinię na ten temat.
b) Go through the Checklist and make any
necessary improvements to your
When you finish writing your essay/article
check for the following:
• word length
• inclusion of all main points
• appropriate style
• correct grammar, spelling and
• use of full verb forms
• use of linkers to join ideas
• well structured paragraphs (make sure
main body paragraphs start with
appropriate topic sentences)
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 2 14-08-19 13:45 Page 42
Matura Skills
Poziom podstawowy
Rozumienie ze słuchu
Znajomość środków językowych
(Wybór wielokrotny)
(Uzupełnianie luk w dwóch zdaniach)
Preparing for the task
Preparing for the task
Read sentences A-C and underline the key
words. Read the script. Which sentence A-C
relates to the script? Which words in the
script helped you decide?
The speaker believes
A roof gardens will never be popular.
B roof gardens will replace traditional gardens.
C roof gardens are not a good idea.
The band’s first song was a huge ....... .
Denis fell and ....... his head on the chair.
A bang
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć
tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi
wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
1 The conversation takes place
A in a café.
B in a home.
C in a plane.
2 The speaker thinks
A some tourist sites are quite dirty.
B tourist areas are not clean enough.
C some neighbourhoods of the town can be
quite dirty.
3 Richard’s largest win was
A his first one.
C his seventh one.
B his fifth one.
4 Which is TRUE about Andy?
A He was upset.
B He is getting married tomorrow.
C He is working tomorrow.
5 The speaker believes that the resort isn’t
appropriate for
A couples with children.
B elderly people.
C young people.
6 Fred’s mum thinks that Fred should
A buy some clothes.
B wear his favourite T-shirt.
C wear more clothes.
Read the sentences. Look at the words
before and after the gaps in sentences.
Can you understand the meaning of the
sentence? Think of a word that can go
in both gaps.
b) Look at the options A-C. Which option
best fits both sentences?
The idea for roof gardens isn’t really new. Think of the Hanging
Gardens of Babylon for example. However, they were not common
and most people grew their fruit and vegetables in gardens on their
land. I don’t think people will ever be keen on roof gardens in big
cities because of pollution and the price of rent.
B hit
C stroke
W zadaniach 1–5 wybierz wyraz,
który poprawnie uzupełnia luki
w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
1 I’m trying to cut ..... on chocolate and cakes.
Ned knows he was wrong but he didn’t want to
back ..... .
A down
B out
C up
2 Jill has got lovely long ..... hair.
Emma accused Lucy of being a ..... -weather
A right
B fair
C mild
3 The customer asked to pay ..... credit card.
Mark’s house is powered entirely ..... solar
A by
B on
C with
4 Elizabeth was upset and wanted to ..... revenge
on Jim.
You should ..... some time to think about your
A give
B spend
C take
5 The local rock group became a big ..... all over
the country.
When we entered the market the smell of fish
immediately ..... us.
A beat
B knock
C hit
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 2 14-08-19 13:45 Page 43
Poziom rozszerzony
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych
Preparing for the task
Read the sentences and pay attention to
the underlined words. Match the
sentences (1-4) to the sentences (a-d)
which are closest in meaning.
Some people are impulse shoppers who buy
now and regret later.
Shopping in recent years has come to be seen
as a form of therapy.
The cautious shopper believes in shopping
around to compare prices before buying
Making out a supermarket shopping list is
certainly a good way of keeping to a budget.
a Buying things on the spur of the moment is best
avoided, as it doesn’t give you enough time to
ensure you’ve found the best offer.
b By only purchasing things that are actually
needed, it’s surprising how much money can be
c Modern retailers aim at making our shopping
experience as pleasant as possible.
d What seems a great bargain at the time may not
actually look so good when you try it on at home.
Read the rubric and do the task.
Compare with your partner. Justify your
Przeczytaj tekst, który został
podzielony na trzy części (A–C)
oraz pytania ich dotyczące (1–4). Do każdego
pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedna część tekstu pasuje
do dwóch pytań.
In which paragraph does the author
refer to an expected production
suggest that she was becoming
admit to not thinking very deeply
about something?
mention a negative effect of working
conditions on health?
Everyone loves a bargain and the high streets these
days are full of the latest fashions at rock-bottom prices.
Many times I would buy a dress to wear at a party that
night and then hardly ever wear it again. It never occurred
to me to ask where it came from, who made it and why it
was so cheap. But then I saw an advert in the newspaper
for young people to take part in a TV documentary. We
would be working at a clothes factory in New Delhi, India,
for two weeks to find out how manufacturers could make
such cheap clothes. I decided to apply, having no idea
what I was letting myself in for.
My first day in the factory began at 7:30 am. As I
approached, I was shocked by the dirty, rundown building.
The supervisor showed me the basement where I would be
working. It was a huge, noisy boiling hot room where at
least a hundred other girls were already hard at work. I sat
down at one of the old sewing machines. Today, I was
sewing pockets onto shirts. The other girls thought
nothing of doing the fifty an hour laid down by the
company, but after 30 minutes, I’d finished just four. My
supervisor was annoyed at my slowness and warned that if
I continued like that I wouldn’t get paid.
C I worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for a daily
wage of 100 rupees – about 1.50! That wasn’t even
enough to buy a tube of toothpaste! I slept on the factory
floor every night and, because I couldn’t sew fast enough,
I was demoted to gluing parts of shoes. The chemicals in
the glue were so strong they brought me out in a rash. I
couldn’t wait for that fortnight to end. Back home now, I
refuse to go in cheap high street shops anymore, because
I realise how exploited the people who make them are.
I’ve started campaigning for ethical fashion; I target
governments and big stores, writing them letters to
complain about sweatshop labour.
Znajomość środków językowych
(Parafraza zdań)
Preparing for the task
Read the first sentence and choose the
sentence (A-B) that has the same meaning.
1 It is not necessary to reserve a place in advance.
A You mustn’t reserve in advance.
B You don’t have to reserve in advance.
2 He is too young to drive a car.
A He isn’t that young to drive a car.
B He isn’t old enough to drive a car.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 2 14-08-19 13:45 Page 44
Matura Skills
Poziom rozszerzony
(Transformacje ze słowem
wyrazy podane
drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij
każde zdanie z luką tak, aby
zachować sens zdania wyjściowego
(1–5). Nie zmieniaj formy podanych
wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna
i ortograficzna wpisywanych
fragmentów zdań.
1 The dress cost less than I had
expected. (AS)
The dress .....................................
I had expected.
2 Sarah plans on buying a new car
this summer. (GOING)
Sarah ...........................................
a new car this summer.
3 The top shelves are too high for
me to reach. (ENOUGH)
I’m ...............................................
the top shelves.
4 My MP3 player is not working
properly. (SOMETHING)
There’s .........................................
my MP3 player.
5 Responsible shopping does the
environment good. (FOR)
Responsible shopping ..................
the environment.
Znajomość środków
(Zadanie z luką)
Preparing for the task
a) Look at the sentences and
the words in brackets. What
part of speech is needed to fill
the gaps?
1 Buying fruit at the supermarket is
....................... than buying them
at a street market. (expensive)
2 They all nodded in .........................
b) Which of these options best
completes the sentence?
1 a more expensive 2 a agreed
b most expensive
b agreement
Complete the gaps with an appropriate word or
words based on the one in brackets. What part of
speech is each?
1 There are many ............................. items on the market today that
are only intended for one use and then thrown away. (dispose)
2 Maureen saves lots of money because she makes all her
clothes ............................. . (she)
3 I think that quite soon paying for things in cash ......................
a thing of the past. (become)
4 We should all aim to reduce our .................................... of fossil
fuels. (consume)
5 It is ......................................... to buy things in large quantities.
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4),
przekształcając jeden z wyrazów z ramki w taki
sposób, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
• arrive • direct • appear • nutrition • popular • feed
Vending machines have been around for a lot longer than
we might think. A Greek mathematician called Hero is said
to have invented one over 2,000 years ago. However,
vending machines as we would recognise them made their
first 1) .................................... in London around 1880
selling postcards and soon after, the famous gumball
machines for chewing gum arrived in the USA. Since then,
their 2) ....................................... has skyrocketed globally.
Nowadays, vending machines sell everything from live lobsters
and fresh eggs to gold bars and works of art. So how will vending
machines change in the future? Some will have touch screens that give
customers 3) ................................... information and some will read
customers' thumbprints and take the money 4) ...................................... out
of their bank account. They'll never lose a coin again!
Wypowiedź pisemna
Redakcja angielskiego magazynu podróżniczego
ogłosiła, że poszukuje tekstów na temat
ciekawych sklepów, targowisk itp. znajdujących się w okolicy,
w której mieszkasz. Napisz artykuł (200-250 słów), w którym
opiszesz wybrane miejsce i wyjaśnisz, dlaczego może ono być
interesujące dla turystów.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 3 14-08-19 14:02 Page 62
Matura Skills
Rozumienie ze słuchu
Znajomość środków językowych
(Parafraza zdań)
Preparing for the task
Read the sentences (1-2) and identify the item
(A, B or C) that is NOT of a similar meaning.
1 Working with the homeless will open your eyes.
A Working with the homeless will surprise you.
B Working with the homeless will educate you.
C Working with the homeless will raise your
2 He'll never give up, no matter what.
A He'll keep going no matter what.
B He won't surrender, no matter what.
C He'll never lose possession, no matter what.
W zadaniach 1–2 spośród podanych
opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która może
najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę
A, B albo C.
1 Poor people often struggle to cope with everyday
A have problems dealing with
B don’t easily accept
C fight too much
2 Some people believe that one day all Earthly
life will be wiped out by asteroids.
A cleaned up B destroyed C surrounded
(Uzupełnianie luk w tekście)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery
wypowiedzi, które łączy temat
działalności charytatywnej. Do każdej wypowiedzi
(1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
The speaker
Speaker 1
A sometimes makes a little bit of
Speaker 2
money from charity work.
Speaker 3
B thinks that no charity worker
Speaker 4
should be paid.
C believes that employees of
charities get paid too much.
D says it is normal to pay charity workers.
E says that some charities waste a lot of money.
Basic podstawowy
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych
odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak
aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
When photographer David
Slater went to snap
1) ......................... black
Macaque monkeys in
Indonesia, he got a bit of
a surprise! The black
macaque is a rare,
dangerous species of monkey
which David 2) ......................... gone out there to
study, together with a team of Dutch researchers.
While David was walking with them, he noticed that
the monkeys were very interested in his camera.
Choosing a moment when David had left it lying on
the 3) ........................., one of the monkeys grabbed
it. When he caught 4) ......................... of his own
reflection in it, he started playing with it and
accidentally set it off by pressing the button. The
result was a perfect self-portrait! Excited by the sound
the camera 5) ........................., he kept on pressing
the button, while the other monkeys looked on. “I
wish I could have stayed longer,” says David. “He
probably would have taken a full family album!”
Wypowiedź pisemna
Uczestniczyłeś/-aś w obchodach
pewnego święta. Napisz e-mail
(80-130 słów) do kolegi z Anglii, w którym:
ñ podasz, kiedy i gdzie odbyła się ta uroczystość,
ñ wyjaśnisz pochodzenie tego święta,
ñ opiszesz przebieg obchodów,
ñ polecisz koledze wzięcie udziału w tej
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 3 14-08-19 14:02 Page 63
Poziom rozszerzony
When we talk about endangered species, we might mention the sea turtle or the giant panda or maybe even the Asian elephant,
but we rarely consider the shark. That’s not surprising when we see sharks in films, TV series and books portrayed as man-eating
predators. In fact, the shark population has dropped over the last 30 years by 90%, mainly because of illegal fishing. Sharks may
be at the top of the food chain, but they have a vital role in maintaining the ecosystem. 1
One man, Rob Stewart, has
dedicated himself to raising awareness about sharks, whose bad reputation is, he believes, completely undeserved. “Sharks kill
about 5 people a year and yet they are loathed,” he says. “Elephants kill at least 100 people but when a single elephant falls in
Africa the world goes crazy.”
Stewart first became fascinated by sharks as a child and after graduating with a degree in Marine Biology, he became a wildlife
photographer. 2
If that kind of illegal fishing could happen there, what was happening in the rest of the world? He found that
up to 100 million sharks are being killed every year and a third of the 500 species of shark are under threat of extinction. Shark fins
are incredibly valuable as a luxury item particularly for use in shark fin soup. Dried fins go for as much as
$300 for half a kilo, but the rest of the shark is discarded.
A It was on an assignment to the Galapagos
Stewart decided the best way to show the world what was happening was
Islands, one of the world’s most protected
to make a documentary. After spending his life savings, watching DVDs
marine reserves, that he came across hundreds
on his laptop and learning the basics of film-making, he set off for Costa
of dead sharks hanging from a 60 km length of
commercial fishing line.
Rica where he swam with and even hugged the sharks while making his
B Stewart learnt how to control his heartbeat to
film. 3
In fact, the locals soon proved to be a lot more dangerous
avoid panicking the sharks.
than the sharks. After coming into conflict with organised crime and local
C It has been a huge success, winning lots of
authorities, he had to escape by boat. Another time he caught a fleshinternational awards, but Steward is carrying
eating disease that led to a stay in hospital. Despite such difficulties,
on with his mission to save the shark.
Stewart managed to produce Sharkwater, a powerful documentary about
D As sharks are afraid of humans, he spent an
the cruel way mankind treats sharks. 4
“The oceans feed most of
enormous amount of time underwater just
hoping for them to come near.
the planet. It’s a system we can’t mess with,” Stewart says. “It’s not just
When their numbers decrease, it disturbs the
about saving sharks, it’s about saving ourselves.”
natural balance of the oceans.
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego
usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz
w luki (1–4) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące
zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny
tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie
pasuje do żadnej luki.
Znajomość środków językowych
(Zadanie z luką)
Preparing for the task
Read the sentences. Choose what type
of word is missing in each sentence.
1 If people stopped buying products harmful to the
environment, companies ................................ stop
producing them. a modal verb/a main verb
2 CFCs are the chemicals ................................ did
the most damage to the ozone layer in the past. a
noun/a relative pronoun
3 I wish I ................................ known the damage I
was doing to the planet. a form of the verb
'have'/a form of the verb 'be'
b) Write the correct word in each gap.
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą
lukę (1–4) jednym wyrazem, tak
aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest
pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów.
Scientists have discovered three new CFCs in samples from
Greenland, Tasmania and the atmosphere 13 miles above
Europe. What is most alarming is that they have no idea
where they are coming 1) ....................... .
CFCs are the man-made chemicals 2) ........................ were
responsible for the hole discovered in the ozone layer in the
1980s. They were mainly used in refrigerators and aerosol
sprays, but in 1987 the Montreal Protocol came into effect.
Agreed to internationally, it phased out the use of CFCs
gradually and aimed at their total abolition in 2010. It is the
3) ........................ successful piece of environmental
legislation ever: in 2006, the hole stopped growing and
began to shrink again. Now, however, these gains are at risk.
4) ........................ the source of these ozone-eating chemicals
is not shut down as soon as possible, the hole may start
growing again. Combined with global warming, the effects
will be catastrophic.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 3 14-08-19 14:03 Page 64
Matura Skills
Znajomość środków językowych
(Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań)
a) Read the sentence below. Choose the correct option
to answer the questions.
Many species would not have died out if we (bardziej
troszczyli się o) ................................ the planet.
1 What should go in the gap: a noun and then a verb/a verb
and then a noun?
2 What tense should be used: past simple/past perfect?
b) Now write the English translation.
Przetłumacz na język angielski podane
w nawiasach fragmenty zdań (1–4), tak aby
otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest
pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.
1 Neither (John ani Alan) .............................................................
ever been abroad.
2 Let (mi spojrzeć) ......................................................................
at your sore foot.
3 Don’t you think that Liz (żałuje, że rzuciła) ...............................
................................................................................ of school.
4 I (szkoda, że obiecałem/-am) .....................................................
.................................................. to go. I’m really tied up now.
Rozumienie ze słuchu
(Wybór wielokrotny)
Preparing for the task
Read question 1, paying close attention to the
underlined words/phrases in the question stem and
options. Now read the script. Which is the correct
answer? Which words/phrases helped you decide?
1 According to Jill, the zoo she works for
A makes all others look terrible.
B is the best example of its kind.
C is financed mainly by donations.
D gets less money than other state zoos.
I: What criticism do you have of other zoos, Jill?
J: I'd rather not frame it as a criticism, because most zoos are doing a
fantastic job with the resources they have. What I hope our zoo
shows is how the ideal small zoo is run. It can act as a goal to aim at
for other zoos of this size. We can't compete with the big state zoos,
but otherwise we are comfortably number one, in my opinion. And
it's because we have the lovely piece of land you see here and plenty
of money, which gives us independence. Both were donated by the
late Mrs Julia Wallace, fulfilling her lifelong dream.
Read the rubric and the
questions and underline the
key words. Then, do the task.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie
osobę mówiącą o pracy
wolontariackiej. Z podanych odpowiedzi
wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
1 At the shelter, Justin’s job is to
A feed the animals and clean their
B raise money for the charity.
C look after visitors to the shelter.
D select suitable owners for the
2 The man that tied up his dog in the
A was arrested while on holiday.
B is no longer allowed to have pets.
C couldn’t afford to feed his dog.
D is a member of the police force.
3 When an animal finds a good home,
Justin feels
A a bit anxious.
B sad about saying goodbye to it.
C relieved.
D proud.
4 Justin says that people who work
with abused animals need to
A be able to work well as a team.
B be very kind and caring.
C be strong physically and
D have a lot of special skills.
5 He suggests that people who want
to volunteer should
A do a training course.
B contact the RSPCA by email.
C call in at their local shelter.
D try to get their friends involved too.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 4 14-08-19 15:15 Page 82
Matura Skills
Rozumienie tekstów
pisanych (Dobieranie)
Preparing for the task
Read the headings A-B.
Decide which words in the
list best match them.
A What questions were asked?
B Is it beast or man?
• people • creature • demon
• animal • cross-examined
• apparition • hell-hound
• legend • man
b) Now read the paragraph
below and decide which
heading, A or B, best
matches it. What words
helped you decide?
"I find that before the terrible event
occurred, several people had seen a
creature upon the moor which
corresponds with this Baskerville
demon, and which could not possibly
be any animal known to science.
They all agreed that it was a huge
creature (…). I have cross-examined
these men, (…) who all tell the same
story of this dreadful apparition,
exactly corresponding to the hellhound of the legend. I assure you
that there is a reign of terror in the
district, and that it is a hardy man
who will cross the moor at night."
informacje dla
zwiedzających. Dobierz właściwe
pytanie (A–F) do każdej
z oznaczonych części tekstu (1–4).
Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą
kratkę. Dwa pytania zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej
części tekstu.
The Ghost Tour Rules
This unique tour provides our guests with the scary history of one of the most
haunted cities in the world. It is a family-friendly tour and is a great choice for
those taking their first ghost tour, and those who would like to learn more about
the history of the town. A reasonably good state of health is required and all
children must be accompanied by an adult. Groups are limited to 12 persons.
All our tours are walking tours so please be prepared to walk. Wear comfortable
shoes and bring your own water. It is often warm and humid in the area. Staying
hydrated is very important to the enjoyment of your tour. There are no shops or
restaurants on route but we do plan stops in areas where there are benches so
you can rest your feet.
While we try to wait for anyone that we know is running a few minutes late due
to an honest delay, we do have to respect all of our guests and prefer to leave
as scheduled. Please make sure you respect other guests too. Try showing up
about 15 minutes prior to the start of your tour time to ensure you can find
parking and check in.
If you cancel your tour at least 24 hours in advance, we will give you a refund
but will take $5 per ticket as a cancellation fee. We cannot give a refund if you
wait until the day of your tour to cancel but we will do our best to move you to a
different day or tour, at no charge. No refunds will be issued for tickets cancelled
with less than 24 hours to go until tour time.
A Will I need to run a lot?
B Can I get my money back?
C Are there any health risks?
D What happens if I’m late?
E Who is this tour for?
F Should I wear anything special?
Rozumienie ze słuchu (Dobieranie)
Preparing for the task
Poziom podstawowy
Read the four statements (a-d). Which statement is most
likely: a speech? an announcement? an advertisement?
a narrative?
The speaker thanks people for donating money at a charity event.
We learn what the price of admission to a museum is.
You can hear this speaker at the departure gate of an airport.
The speaker describes a frightening experience.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery osoby przedstawiające różne teorie na temat powstania Stonehenge.
Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie
(A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
The speaker
says it could have been a type of health centre.
believes that it was a religious centre.
thinks it was a giant clock.
suggests it was a landing site.
read an article saying it was a cemetery.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 4 14-08-19 15:15 Page 83
Poziom rozszerzony
Rozumienie tekstów
(Wybór wielokrotny)
a) Read question 1 and the
possible answers. Then read
the first paragraph of Text
A. Pay attention to the
underlined words/phrases.
b) Which is the correct answer?
How has the underlined
information helped you
answer the question?
Przeczytaj dwa
teksty związane
z nawiedzonymi domami.
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz
właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
Text A
1 Lord Canterville believes the
Dowager Duchess of Bolton
A became a ghost.
B felt the presence of a ghost.
C scared the servants.
D died because of a ghost.
2 Mr Otis tells Lord Canterville that
America is
A full of rich people.
B keen to find ghosts.
C interested in European culture.
D an advanced society.
3 Mrs Umney says the stain on the
A was put there for visitors.
B appeared when Sir Simon de
Canterville disappeared.
C shows the scene of a crime.
D is the result of an accident in
the 16th century.
The Canterville Ghost
hen Mr Hiram B Otis of
America bought Canterville
Chase, everyone told him he
was doing a very foolish thing,
as there was no doubt at all
that the place was haunted.
Indeed, Lord Canterville
himself had seen it as his duty
to mention the fact to Mr Otis. “We have not lived in
the place ourselves,” said Lord Canterville, “since my great-aunt, the Dowager
Duchess of Bolton, was frightened into an illness from which she never really
recovered by two ghostly hands being placed on her shoulders as she was
dressing for dinner, and the ghost has been seen by several living members of
my family, as well as by the vicar. After the unfortunate incident with the Duchess,
none of our younger servants would stay with us, and my wife often got very little
sleep at night because of the mysterious noises that came from the corridor and
the library.”
“My Lord,” answered Mr Otis, “I come from a modern country where we have
everything that money can buy. I reckon that if there were such a thing as a ghost
in Europe, we'd have it at home in a very short time in one of our museums, or on
the road as a show.”
“I fear that the ghost exists,” said Lord Canterville, smiling, "even though it has
avoided your travelling entertainers. It has been well-known for three centuries. If
you don't mind a ghost in the house, it is all right. Only you must remember that I
warned you.”
A few weeks after this, the Otis family arrived on a lovely July evening. The air on
their journey from the railway station was delicate with the scent of pinewoods. As
they entered the grounds of Canterville Chase, however, the sky suddenly
became overcast, despite a strange stillness in the air. A big group of black birds
passed silently over their heads, and before they reached the house, some large
drops of rain had fallen.
Standing on the steps to receive them was Mrs Umney, the housekeeper. She
said in an old-fashioned manner, “I bid you welcome to Canterville Chase.”
Following her, they passed through the fine hall into the library, a long, low room
of black wood. Mrs Otis caught sight of a dull red stain on the floor just by the
fireplace. She said to Mrs Umney: “I am afraid something has been spilt there.”
“Yes, madam,” replied the old housekeeper in a low voice, “blood has been spilt
on that spot.”
“How horrid!” cried Mrs Otis; “It must be removed at once.”
The old woman smiled, and answered in the same low, mysterious voice, “It is the
blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville, who was murdered on that very spot by
her own husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. Sir Simon survived her by
nine years, and disappeared suddenly under very mysterious circumstances. His
body has never been discovered, but his guilty spirit still haunts the house. The
blood stain cannot be removed, no matter how hard you try. It has been much
admired by tourists and others.”
“Nonsense,” cried Washington Otis, “Pinkerton's Stain Remover will clean it up in
no time,” and before the terrified housekeeper could interfere, he fell upon his
knees and began to scrub the floor. Then a flash of lightning lit up the sombre
room, a terrible roar of thunder made them all get to their feet, and Mrs Umney
fainted. Mrs Umney came round after a few moments, but she was still extremely
“I have seen things here, sir,” she said, "that would make anyone’s hair stand on
end, and many a night I have not closed my eyes in sleep for the awful things that
are done here.” Mr Otis, however, and his wife warmly assured her that they were
not afraid of ghosts.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 4 14-08-19 15:15 Page 84
Matura Skills
Poziom rozszerzony
B Not everyone enjoys being afraid but strangely
enough some people really enjoy the experience.
Why is this? For some, the natural high they get
from the ‘fight or flight’ response is the obvious
answer. In fact, there is strong evidence that our
individual brain chemistry is the main reason. The
results of new research, due to be released and
shown in a documentary in the coming weeks, show
that people differ in their chemical response to
thrilling situations. One of the main hormones
released during a scary situation is dopamine, a
chemical which helps regulate emotions such as
pleasure and feeling of reward. According to the
recent research, some individuals may get more of a
kick, or good feeling, from this dopamine response
than others do. Experts believe that some people’s
brains lack the ability to stop the dopamine release
in the brain, which means some people really enjoy
scary situations while others don’t.
Getting that positive feeling from being frightened is
all about triggering the fight-or-flight response, but
in a completely safe space. Haunted houses are
perfect for this because they trigger our senses with
different atmospheres, sounds and even smells.
These senses are directly tied to our fear response
and activate the physical reaction, but our brain has
time to process the fact that these are not “real”
threats. Our brain is very fast at doing this.
adapted from: http://www.theatlantic.com/
Znajomość środków językowych
(Zadanie z luką)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4)
jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny
i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna
i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
It was like something from a sci-fi film. In 2007, a
spacecraft sent to Mars 1) ............................ the
American space agency NASA photographed something
that looked like a large gorilla-like creature. As the image
seemed to show a figure 2) ............................ arms and
legs walking down a hillside, it led to comparisons with the
legendary Bigfoot. However, there was a much
3) ............................ scientific explanation. NASA insisted
that the photo merely showed a feature of the rocky
Martian landscape. They said it was in fact a stone that
had 4) ............................ carved by the wind. What’s
more, this Bigfoot was a surprisingly smaller one – at just
5 cm tall!
(Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań)
Text B
4 The author
A bases his text on personal
B carried out experiments on the
topic of his text.
C bases his text on research due to
be published.
D carried out interviews in order to
write the article.
5 Which of the following is stated in the
text as an opinion, not a fact?
A Brain chemistry is probably
responsible for fear.
B Some people enjoy scary
situations more than others.
C Some people cannot stop the
release of dopamine in their brain.
D Haunted houses are great places
for producing the ‘fight or flight’
Przetłumacz na język angielski podane
w nawiasach fragmenty zdań (1–5), tak aby
otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów
zdań. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.
1 It (ciągle nie jest jasne, co spowodowało) ..................................
............................................................. the noise downstairs.
2 Peter (ostrzegł innych, żeby nie) ...............................................
............................................................... enter the old house.
3 Helen (upiera się, że widziała) ..................................................
................................................................. a ghost that night.
4 Going on the mystery bus tour (było stratą czasu) ..................
.............................................................................................. .
5 (Nie ma dowodu, który wskazuje) .............................................
..................................................... that this house is haunted.
Wypowiedź pisemna
Obecnie wielu nastolatków interesuje się tajemniczymi
zjawiskami, a niektórzy wierzą nawet w kosmitów. Napisz
artykuł (200-250 słów) do młodzieżowego czasopisma,
w którym przedstawisz i uzasadnisz swoją opinię na temat
prawdopodobieństwa istnienia kosmitów i pozaziemskich
form życia.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 5 14-08-19 14:22 Page 102
Matura Skills
Poziom podstawowy
Znajomość środków
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych (Dobieranie)
Preparing for the task
Read the extract and use the underlined words to help
you choose the sentence (A or B) that best completes
the gap.
As children, we’re all told that telling lies is bad. However, one school
in England actually encourages it. Each time a student of the Perse
School in Cambridge is caught breaking a minor school rule, he is given
10 seconds to tell a believable lie about what happened. 1
school claims that lying is a useful life skill and that those who can lie
successfully will be better equipped to succeed in the world of work.
A If it is good enough, the student won’t face a punishment.
B Also, some people believe that this policy encourages
students to break the rules.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania.
Wpisz w luki 1–3 litery, którymi oznaczono
brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
For a lot of students, university can be a mixed bag. On the one hand,
academic life can be quite dull, with lectures about uninteresting topics.
It’s a time when students live independently for the first time and
come into contact with people from around the world. One college is trying
to bridge this gap between academic and social life.
At Alfred University in New York optional seminar-style classes in recent
years have included Yoga and Meditation, and the Good Life on a Dollar a
Day. 2
But, as students learn, this doesn’t have to be the case. With
many students struggling to get by, this course was very popular!
Alfred students have also taken courses explaining the popularity of cultural
hits such as the Harry Potter books and the TV show The Sopranos, again
bridging the divide between what students enjoy in their free time and what
they learn in classes. Overall, these classes have been very popular. One
student said that
they created an A Another added that she enjoyed learning practical
information she could use in her daily
where learning for B The latter is based on the cap
italist idea that you
fun was put first.
will be happy if you spend money.
What’s C Perh
aps this is why the university charges
certain is that
high tuition fees.
Alfred University
D A university student’s social life, tho
ugh, can be
is leading the
very exciting.
way in future of
E Added to this are the hours of read
ing students
must do in the library.
(Uzupełnianie minidialogów)
Preparing for the task
Read the sentence. What is it
about? What tense is the verb
in? Read the answers (A-C).
Which best completes the
X: Do you like talent shows?
Y: ..................................................
X: OK. Let’s do something else,
A I’d love to.
B It was all right.
C I can’t stand them.
Uzupełnij poniższe
minidialogi (1–3),
wybierając brakującą wypowiedź
jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B
albo C.
1 X: Are you free on Saturday?
Y: ..............................................
X: That’s a pity!
A It sure does.
B I'm afraid I'm not.
C I know it’s not easy.
2 X: Can I see your card, please?
Y: ..............................................
X: Thank you.
A You can.
B Oh, yes. Thank you.
C Here it is.
3 X: Do you mind if I watch the
Y: ..............................................
X: Thanks, I’ll just change
A No, not at all.
B I think so.
C I like that.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 5 14-08-19 14:22 Page 103
Poziom rozszerzony
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych
Read the rubric, then do the task. Which words
helped you decide?
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto
cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 1–4
litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak
aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Jedno zdanie
zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
‘My life is my message’
In India he is remembered as ‘the father of the nation’ and
he is famous the world over for his belief in peace and
non-violent protest. Gandhi believed that people have the
power to achieve positive change by walking the path of
peaceful resistance. It’s a path Gandhi walked all his life…
Gandhi was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in India
on 2nd October, 1869 into a merchant family. When he was
19, Gandhi broke with tradition and left India to study Law
in London. Then, in 1891, he accepted a job at an Indian
law firm in Durban, South Africa, where he remained for
twenty years. 1
During this time, Gandhi developed
his principle of ‘satyagraha’ which means ‘devotion to truth’
through non-violent action. Gandhi was sent to prison many
times for leading peaceful campaigns of civil disobedience.
Before he left the country, though, the South African
government made many of the changes he had called for.
Gandhi felt that India could never truly be free as
long as it remained under British rule. He wanted to work
towards Indian independence and create greater
understanding between all classes and religious faiths across
the country. In 1919, he joined the new Indian National
Congress Party and launched a policy of peaceful noncooperation with the British, including a boycott of British
goods and institutions. One of Gandhi’s most famous
protests was against the tax on salt imposed by the British
authorities. He led thousands of people on a 320 km ‘march
to the sea’ to make their own salt from seawater. Because of
his various campaigns, Gandhi was imprisoned four times: in
1922, 1930, 1933 and 1942.
Nevertheless, as a result of Gandhi’s talks and negotiations
with the British government, India won independence in
1947. 3
On 30th January 1948, Gandhi, then aged
78, was assassinated. The assassin could not accept
Gandhi’s belief that all faiths were of equal value. Gandhi
was on his way to a prayer meeting when he was shot three
times in the chest.
Gandhi maintained his life-long belief in peace, nonviolence and that all people were created equally. His
beliefs informed all areas of his life; in meetings he always
wore the simple clothes of an Indian villager, while the
politicians around him dressed in formal suits. 4
India, he was called ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi which means ‘great
soul’. There, his birthday is celebrated as an official holiday
and also as an international day of non-violence. Gandhi
spoke to everybody, everywhere when he said, “Be the
change you want to see.” And indeed, his achievements
remain an inspiration to people all over the world; his life
truly was his message.
and lived
A He also followed a vegetarian diet
a simple life.
in the violent
B He refused, though, to take part
C Gandhi was shocked by the discrim
Africa and
against Indian immigrants in South
headed a campaign for their civil righ
bled India
D In 1914, Gandhi returned to a trou
which was occupied by the British Emp
E However, there remained fierce ten
between different religious groups in
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 5 14-08-19 14:22 Page 104
Matura Skills
Znajomość środków językowych
(Uzupełnianie fragmentów zdań)
Preparing for the task
Preparing for the task
Read the sentences. Decide which type of
word is missing from each sentence.
1 The exam was so ......................... that very few
students managed to pass. (noun/adjective)
2 Paul ran down the street, .................. that he
would be late for the test. (participle/noun)
3 The teacher told the students to put down
their pens ......................... the exam was over.
b) Now choose the correct word for each
1 difficult/difficulty
2 worry/worried
3 since/with
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki
(1–4), przekształcając wyrazy
podane w nawiasach tak, otrzymać logiczny
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Swimming is much easier to learn as a child than as an
adult. Children are more able to relax and float in the
pool, whereas grown-ups have had more time to
develop a fear of the water. However, swimming
1) ............. (instruct) often say that teaching adults is
the most rewarding part of their job. That’s because
they’re so 2) ............. (thank) of what the teacher does
for them after so many years of unease around water.
Not 3) ............. (surprise), people who have suffered
traumatic water-related experiences like neardrownings usually take longer to become confident in
the water than others. Swimming
teachers need to ensure they
teach such pupils at their own
pace and that they never feel
forced to do something that
makes 4) ............. (they) feel
Poziom rozszerzony
Read the sentences 1 and 2 and underline
the correct options in the questions (a and
b). Then, complete the gaps.
1 We (buy/beautiful/gift) .............................. for
our teacher earlier this morning.
a The missing verb should be in the past/
present tense.
b The gap requires the addition of a preposition/
2 This maths problem (far/less/complicate)
.............................. than the previous one.
a The missing adjective should be in the
comparative/superlative form.
b The gap requires the addition of a verb/article.
Uzupełnij zdania 1–5, wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy
w odpowiedniej formie. Nie zmieniaj kolejności
podanych wyrazów. Dodaj niezbędne elementy, tak
aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne
zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą
lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie sześć wyrazów,
wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.
1 I barely know my new classmate; I (only/talk/he)
................................................................... once.
2 Mrs Stack (welcome/she/student/cheerful)
as they entered the classroom.
3 Henry seems very upset. He (must/fail/he/exam)
...................................................... this morning.
4 Stan hopes (he/accept) ....................................
...................... the university he has applied to.
5 Henry is by far (most/skill/player) ...................
....................... in the school table tennis team.
Wypowiedź pisemna
Napisz rozprawkę (200-250 słów),
przedstawiając wady i zalety
wyjazdu do innego kraju w ramach wymiany szkolnej.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 6 14-08-19 14:37 Page 122
Matura Skills
Rozumienie tekstów
(Wybór wielokrotny)
Preparing for the task
Read the text and answer the
questions (1-3).
Do-it-yourself social club
Are you shy and introverted? Do you
wish you had more friends? Then
why not start your own social club?
It’s really quite easy. First of all,
decide on a hobby or interest. It
could be painting, photography,
cooking – whatever you like. Then
find just one or two friends who
share your interest. Arrange a time
and place to meet and do your
hobby. After the first session, plan a
similar meeting for the following
week and get your friends to ask
others to join in. Continue like that
for a few weeks and you’ll soon
have your own social club going.
You can also advertise your activities
on social networking sites like
Twitter or Facebook.
1 The text is a(n)
A advert.
B article.
C narrative.
2 The purpose of the text is to
A advertise something.
B suggest an idea.
C tell a story.
3 What is TRUE according to the
A You don’t need to share the
same interests to make
B The best social clubs are to be
found online.
C Doing activities regularly helps
form social contacts.
Poziom podstawowy
Przeczytaj trzy teksty dotyczące wyglądu.
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,
zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
Healthy Hair At Last!
Dry scalp? Dandruff? Hair loss? Common hair problems like these can
become a thing of the past if you try SilkySoft, our new wonder
shampoo. Unlike many other hair products, it’s made from only natural
ingredients which encourage hair growth and put a shine back into
your hair.
So if you’re disappointed with all the products you’ve tried so far,
why not invest in a bottle of SilkySoft? It may not be the cheapest on
the market, but other shampoos won’t have the same results!
Purchase a SilkySoft shampoo with this coupon and you’ll get a
bottle of conditioner free!
1 The text is about
A how people deal with their hair problems.
B market research on hair cosmetics.
C why people should buy a new product.
Hi Emma,
Just a quick note to say I’ll be out this afternoon - just remembered
that I’ve got an appointment to have a full facial and massage in the
beauty salon in Wessex Street. I won’t be home till 5:30 and the
plumber is coming at 4:30. You’ll be back home at 2 pm, won’t you?
Would you mind letting him in and showing him the problem in the
bathroom? Sorry I forgot to let you know earlier! I really need to have
my face done – I’ve got that interview tomorrow for the modelling
job, remember! Let’s hope I’ll look the part!
2 Jackie wrote the note to
A remind Emma of an appointment.
B ask Emma to do her a favour.
C apologise to Emma for causing a problem.
My Father’s Beard
As a child growing up, I always remember my father having a beard. It
was thin and grey, but he used to boast about how magnificent it was
in his youth. “It was thick and all the colours of the rainbow,” he said
“But not blue and green?” I protested.
“Yes, and purple too,” came the reply.
I knew he was only joking but that his beard, unimpressive though it
was, meant a lot to him.
Then, one day at the breakfast table, I gave a little scream of disbelief.
“It’s gone!” I shrieked. “You’ve shaved off your beard!”
“Yes,” said my father sadly, “and it’s taken you three weeks to notice it.”
3 The author’s father
A did something quite unexpected.
B used to tell jokes at mealtimes.
C felt sad he was no longer young.
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Poziom rozszerzony
Imagine you lived high on a mountain with no mobile phone or fixed line.
What’s the best way to tell your dad at the bottom of the mountain to bring
home some milk? By whistling, of course! That’s how some communities
around the world communicate - through a whistled language.
Linguists believe there are about 70 whistled languages
still in use today, although only 12 are fully understood. Most
are found in isolated areas with difficult terrain, such as
mountains or canyons, where communication over
distances is difficult. The obvious advantage of whistled
speech is that it allows the speaker to communicate over
larger distances (up to 5 km) than ordinary speech. 1
Although this is not practical for those wanting a private
conversation, it is a convenient and efficient way to spread
news fast.
Most whistled languages are based on actual spoken
languages and are not secret codes. They express the
same information as the spoken language through the tone,
length and stress of the whistle. Speakers of whistled
languages can even switch from whistles to speech in midsentence, like many of the residents of the small island of
La Gomera in the Canary Islands.
Several hundred years ago, the people of this
mountainous island developed a whistled language called
‘El Silbo’; the name comes from the Spanish verb silbar
which means ‘to whistle’, and it developed out of the
islanders’ need to communicate over inaccessible valleys
and towering cliffs. 2
Islanders became so skilled that
messages were successfully spread from one end of the
island to the other. El Silbo has played a vital role in the
island’s history. It was the main form of communication
during invasions, wars and immigration. With the advent of
modern forms of communication, such as the telephone
and the mobile phone, though, the use of the whistled
language slowly declined.
Today, El Silbo is rarely used in everyday communication;
however, it is still used to announce community events
among the farming communities. In order to protect the
language from dying out, the authorities in La Gomera have
made El Silbo a part of the school curriculum. 3
less expensive than a mobile phone and it’s fun,” says nineyear-old Andrea.
The people of La Gomera are fiercely proud of their
linguistic heritage. The same pride can be seen in Kuskoy,
Turkey – known as the ‘bird village.’ About 1,000 residents in
and around the village also use a whistled language to
communicate across the rocky valleys. They have 29
whistles, one for each letter of the Turkish alphabet. The
whistled language is a direct translation of Turkish words and
has been passed down from generation to generation in this
rural community. Locals are determined not to let their bird
language die out as they face the onslaught of modern
technology. “Most people here are farmers and still whistle
across the valleys to communicate with their neighbours,”
explains one of the residents. 4
It’s an event that
brings out the entire community to celebrate their unique
linguistic heritage. The message from Kuskoy is simple:
despite all the advances that have been made in the field of
communication, sometimes the old ways are still the best.
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych (Dobieranie)
Read the rubric and the title of
the text. Why do you think
people communicate in this
way? Read the text to find out.
Przeczytaj tekst,
z którego usunięto
cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 1–4 litery,
którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny
tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
b) Now do the task. Compare your answers with your
partner, giving reasons for your choices.
A The young people have embraced the idea of learning the
language and even see some advantages in it.
B Whistling is essential to the survival of the farming community.
C The whistler also has the benefit of reaching a number of
people at once.
D The village even holds an annual festival for the best whistler.
E Traditionally, when one person heard a whistle, they passed it
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV Mod 6 14-08-19 14:37 Page 124
Matura Skills
Rozumienie ze słuchu
(Wybór wielokrotny)
Preparing for the task
Read the text and choose the
correct options.
A lot of people criticise these
documentaries of Westerners living with
tribes for a period of time, but I'm of the
opinion that if it's done right, it can be a
great insight into lives very different from
our own. That's why I want you all to
watch "Into the Wilds" tonight at 8pm on
Channel 5. It's about the tribe we've been
studying today, so it'll be the perfect
opportunity to see and hear the things
we've been reading about. Then I want
you to imagine you are the presenter,
living deep in the forest amongst these
people for three weeks, and I want you to
write an account of your time there, and
what you learnt. One or two of you can
read them out next time.
1 The speaker is a
A lecturer.
B student.
C teacher.
2 The speaker is talking to
A pupils.
B teachers.
C parents.
3 The speaker is in a
A TV studio.
B classroom.
C forest.
4 The recording is about a
A TV programme.
B book.
C radio show.
5 The speaker is
A criticising a practice.
B explaining a task.
C telling a story.
Poziom rozszerzony
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty.
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,
zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
Tekst 1
This speakers are
A in an ancient town.
C in a museum.
B in a university.
Tekst 2
In the text, the speaker is
A giving advice on where to visit.
B explaining his travel philosophy.
C narrating some travel experiences.
Tekst 3
The recording is about
A an attempt to promote tourism in India.
B the struggle to stop an unpleasant practice.
C the discovery of a previously unknown tribe.
Znajomość środków językowych
(Parafraza zdań)
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi
literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak, aby
zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (1–5). Nie zmieniaj formy
podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
1 Other scientists are interested in Dr Herzing’s research. EXPRESSED
Other scientists ......................................................................
Dr Herzing’s research.
2 Although ants don’t talk, they can communicate. DESPITE
Ants can communicate ................................................... talk.
3 Amy had no idea Susan had been gossiping about her. KNOW
Little ........................................................................................
Susan had been gossiping about her.
4 Erica arranged for a famous cosmetic surgeon to fix her nose.
Erica ........................................................................................
by a famous cosmetic surgeon. HAD
5 I expect you were relieved to avoid the office chatterbox. BEEN
You ..........................................................................................
relieved to avoid the office chatterbox.
Wypowiedź pisemna
Elektroniczne gadżety, takie jak tablety czy gry
wideo, są popularnymi prezentami świątecznymi
dla dzieci. Czy na pewno jest to dobry wybór? Napisz rozprawkę
(200–250 słów) na ten temat, rozważając go z punktu widzenia
osoby kupującej prezent oraz osoby, która taki prezent otrzymuje.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV MatuSkExt 14-08-19 15:01 Page 22
Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony)
Rozumienie ze słuchu
Wybór wielokrotny (trzy krótsze teksty)
In this task, you hear three different recordings,
either dialogues or monologues, each with a 3-option
multiple choice question. Each tests global
understanding: the main idea, the context or the
intention of the speaker. There can also be a question
where you have to distinguish between fact and
opinion. Underline the key words in the questions.
This will help you to focus on what specific aspect of
global understanding is being tested.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy
teksty. Z podanych
odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
The announcement is for people who
A often go shopping.
B have been robbed.
C are planning to travel.
Tekst 2.
The speaker would like to
A recruit volunteers for a charity organisation.
B thank people for their generosity.
C raise some money for a charity.
Tekst 3.
The speaker believes that
A we should drink more tap water.
B we don’t drink enough water.
C bottled water is better for us.
Wybór wielokrotny (jeden dłuższy tekst)
In this task, you hear an interview on a particular
topic and answer five 4-option multiple choice
questions. The first four questions test specific
information; the fifth question tests the main idea.
Read the questions and underline the key words.
They contain information about the situation and
what you should listen for.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie
wywiad z kobietą, która –
jako ochotniczka – pomaga bezdomnym.
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
1 As part of her volunteering, Elsie
A makes hats.
B distributes toiletries.
C drives through Boston.
D clears away snow.
2 Elsie says one of the reasons that she
volunteers is that
A she thinks it’s necessary.
B homeless people ask her to continue.
C she wants to change people’s attitudes
towards the homeless.
D she is a mother.
3 Elsie is confident that she will be safe while
volunteering because
A she has good footwear.
B she is fit.
C she is never afraid of anything.
D she feels safer on the streets than at home.
4 In the past, Elsie
A worked as a kind of doctor.
B did work she didn’t like.
C helped to care for people.
D worked in a place of learning.
5 The purpose of the interview is to
A invite people to volunteer for something.
B introduce an unusual volunteer.
C warn people about volunteering.
D describe the work of volunteer nurses.
Dobieranie zdań do osób
In this task, you hear four speakers deliver short
monologues on the same topic. You have to match
five statements to the four speakers. One statement
does not match any of the speakers. You must identify
specific information in the recordings. You will usually
be able to find at least two clues to the correct answer
in each monologue. Listen carefully, because though
only one answer is correct, some of the other answers
may seem to paraphrase what is said.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV MatuSkExt 14-08-19 15:01 Page 23
Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery
osoby mówiące o tym, jak
wypoczywają. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4)
dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
The speaker
relaxes by doing a domestic chore.
relaxes by socialising.
Speaker 1
likes being on their own.
Speaker 2
can relax almost anywhere.
Speaker 3
thinks air quality is very
Speaker 4
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych
Dobieranie tekstów do zdań
In this task, you read three extracts/paragraphs, all
related to one theme. You then match four
sentences to them. One of the extracts/paragraphs
matches two of the sentences. This task tests your
ability to identify specific information. Read the
four sentences carefully and then look for language
within the texts that refers to them or paraphrases
them. Underline the relevant parts of the texts to
help you do the task.
Przeczytaj informacje o trzech
książkach. Do każdego zdania
(1–4) dopasuj właściwą książkę (A–C). Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedna książka pasuje do
dwóch zdań.
A Experienced defence lawyer Mickey Haller is asked to
go over to the other side and be the prosecutor in the
high-profile retrial of a brutal child murder. New DNA
evidence seems to indicate that Jason Jessup, who
spent 24 years in prison, may not have been the killer.
Haller is convinced that Jessup is guilty and takes the
case on the condition that he gets to choose his
investigator, LAPD Detective Harry Bosch, and his coprosecutor, his ex-wife Maggie McPherson. Together,
the three set off on a complicated and dangerous
case. Opposing them is Jessup, now free, a defence
lawyer who knows how to manipulate the media, and
a runaway eyewitness who may not be so keen on
testifying after so many years.
B Alec Blume and his associate Caterina are called to
the scene of the murder of an elderly Irish artist in
Rome. Though the Italian police, who are trying to
control the investigation, claim the murderer is
connected to a series of muggings of tourists, Blume
decides to carry out his own investigation. When he
visits the victim’s home, he finds some interesting
documents, as well as several paintings and various
tools of the forgers' trade. As Blume's late parents
were art history experts, Blume realises the
importance of what he has found, and starts to
suspect a more sinister explanation for the death.
Enemies and hidden treasures begin to emerge and
Blume finds himself dealing with a dangerous case.
He risks his job, his life, and the life of just about
anyone who trusts him.
C Professor Edward Johnston, from Yale University,
leads a group of graduate students on an
archaeological dig on the site of a medieval
monastery on the River Dordogne in the south of
France. When Johnson is suddenly called back to
America to meet with the private sponsors of the
research, he discovers that the company has been
secretly developing a form of time travel. After
trying out the ‘time machine’ for himself, Johnston
becomes trapped in 14th century France at the
location of the same monastery his students are
working on in the present. The plot takes a further
twist when he finds himself involved in a murder
case. One of the monks is accused of killing the
abbot and Johnson is called upon to investigate.
In this book the main character
follows their own belief.
does the opposite to what they usually do.
finds out something surprising.
has no doubt that they are right.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV MatuSkExt 14-08-19 15:01 Page 24
Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony)
Dobieranie brakujących zdań do luk w tekście
In this task, you complete a text from which four sentences have been removed. You fill in the gaps by
selecting from five options. One of the options is an extra sentence that does not fit any of the gaps. You
must identify connections between particular parts of the text. Before you read the options, underline key
words in the sentences before and after the gaps. Predict the sentences that are missing, and then look
through the options. This will help you do the task.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 1–4 litery,
którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i
spójny tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Music fans have had much to thank technology for in the
last 20 years. Not only are they able to take more of their
favourite music with them wherever they go thanks to
the move from CDs to MP3s, they no longer need to buy
a whole album if they don’t want to either. Instead they
can download only the tracks they particularly like. And
because performers are going on more tours in order to
earn the money that they made in the past from CD
sales, there are more concerts to attend than ever.
Technology plays its part in those live performances
too. The shows are more spectacular than ever, with
giant screens, fabulous lasers and lights and dazzling,
changing stage sets. The audience is also often loaded
with technology, especially in the form of smart phones
or mobile phones. Go to any rock concert these days
and you’ll see a sea of hands holding up mobile phones
to photograph or even video the action on stage. 1
So what are the arguments for making concert venues
mobile-free zones?
First of all, many people say the use of mobile phones at
rock concerts affects people’s enjoyment of the event.
When someone holds up a mobile phone at a concert,
they block the view of the people behind them. 2
they’re concentrating on the image on their phone, then
they aren’t fully appreciating the show they came to see.
The general atmosphere is affected as well, because the
more people there are recording the event on their
phones in the audience, the fewer people there are
dancing and clapping. Audience participation becomes
just a sea of hands waving gadgets. Aren’t rock concerts
supposed to be more than that?
Whether or not you think it’s bad-mannered to use your
phone’s camera or video camera at a concert, in many
countries it’s actually against the law. 3
the number of fan-made concert videos on YouTube
suggests that neither the stars nor the police really care
about the legal issue, one star has tried to do something
about it. In 2007, Prince banned fans from taking
photos or videoing him at a series of concerts in
London, and security staff searched fans’ bags for
cameras before the start of the show. Prince has also
turned to the courts to have video footage of his
concerts removed from YouTube, arguing that he wants
fans to remember his shows in their heads rather than
via poor-quality video.
At classical music concerts, people are less likely to use
phones to record a performance. But there is a growing
problem with people using their phones to text or even to
receive and make calls during performances, according
to British composer Peter Maxwell Davies. In 2011, he
said people who used their phones at concerts should
pay fines. Although this could cause a lot of resentment
among concert-goers. 4
At least one phone
manufacturer is working on a way to send signals from a
concert stage to the audience which will stop their
phones from working during the performance.
That’s because you need to get the permission of the performer before you record a gig for copyright reasons.
They are spoiling their own experience of the event too.
But some performers and fans think concerts are no place for them and we should leave them outside.
Many people say that there was a more formal atmosphere at concerts in the past.
The best solution to the problem may actually be a technological one.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV MatuSkExt 14-08-19 15:01 Page 25
Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony)
Wybór wielokrotny (zadanie z dwoma tekstami)
In this task, you read a literature text and answer three 4-option multiple choice questions. This is followed by a
shorter non-literature text which is in some way related to the first text. There are two multiple choice questions on
this text. From a total of five questions, three test specific information and two test your ability to identify the main
idea, context or purpose, or to distinguish between fact and opinion. Read through the two texts and try to decide
what they have in common. Then read the questions and identify what each one is testing – understanding of
specific information or global comprehension. This will help you to do the task.
Przeczytaj dwa teksty na temat tsunami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz
właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
The Recovery
On the morning of December 26, 2004, an earthquake measuring 9.3 on the Richter scale struck deep under the Indian
Ocean near the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
The earthquake triggered a series of devastating tsunamis
that travelled thousands of kilometres across the Indian
Ocean, flooding coastal communities and holiday resorts,
killing tens of thousands of people in countries as far apart
as Indonesia, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Somalia. In addition
to large numbers of local residents, foreign tourists (mostly
Europeans) enjoying the peak holiday travel season were
among the dead or missing.
Despite a delay of up to several hours between the earthquake
and the impact of the tsunamis, most people were taken
completely by surprise. Since tsunamis rarely occur in the Indian
Ocean, there was no system in place to detect tsunamis. As a
result, the general public living in coastal communities had no
warning that they were about to be hit. Tsunamis are much
more frequent in the Pacific Ocean and an effective tsunami
warning system has long been in place there. As a matter of
fact, the only people in the world to have had any indication
what was about to happen were the scientists at the Pacific
Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii. But even they had no idea
that the earthquake had unleashed an ocean-wide tsunami.
The seismologists had seismic signals but had no way of
determining how large the quake was. They also had no sealevel data to detect or measure the tsunami and no system for
broadcasting a warning. It took about two hours for officials to
learn how huge it actually was.
The only warning of an impending tsunami came minutes
before the tsunami struck. Witnesses said they heard a loud
roar coming from the ocean. They also said that the waterline
suddenly receded, exposing hundreds of metres of seabed,
stranding fish and boats on the sand. These are classic signs of
an approaching tsunami. Tragically, many people went down to
1 The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii
A detected that there had been a huge earthquake.
B were not aware of the tsunami.
C tried to send out a warning about the tsunami.
D didn’t understand the sea level data on the
2 When the sea receded before the tsunami, it
A attracted sightseers to the beach.
B was a warning most people recognised.
the beach to look, some to collect stranded fish and others to
take photographs of the unusual phenomenon. These
observers had no idea what the sea’s strange retreat meant.
They did not realise that it would be returning within minutes
with unthinkable rage, demolishing everything in its path.
People who did know what the receding ocean meant,
gathered family and friends and ran for high ground. A British
newspaper reported that a ten-year old British girl named Tilly
Smith, on holiday in Thailand, saved her family and possibly
others when she warned them to flee a beach. She had
recognized danger signs after learning about tsunamis in
Geography class. In India, a local man reported that he recalled
watching a documentary about tsunamis and knew that a
receding ocean was a sign of trouble. He saved almost his
entire village of some 1,500 people by sounding the alarm and
leading people to high ground. Animals fleeing for safety was
another sign of imminent danger. Wildlife experts believe they
can sense seismic vibrations long before we can. Many people
reported that they saw animals running to the hills minutes
before the tsunamis arrived.
As a result of the Indian Ocean tsunami, the international
community is now calling for the formation of an early
warning system there. However, a great deal of importance
has been placed on the technological aspects of such a system
- seismometers and sensors. Experts caution that this alone
may not be enough to prevent another disaster. Even the
finest warning system, with the best technology, will be
useless without the means to transmit warnings to the proper
authorities. Scientists expect another deadly tsunami to
happen again in the Indian Ocean. The only question is when:
it could be tomorrow or in a few hundred years.
C lasted for several hours before the tsunami struck.
D made no sound at all.
3 A man from India realised the receding sea was a
warning because he
A had learnt about this at school.
B saw animals running away.
C was told about it by a British girl.
D had seen a TV programme about it.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV MatuSkExt 14-08-19 15:01 Page 26
Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony)
If we want to prevent future catastrophes, we must
respect the fragile ecosystems. Too often, however,
mangroves and coral reefs which protected the coast have
been sacrificed for holiday resorts and shrimp farms. Our
study found that tsunami destruction is much more severe
where the mangroves have been cut down. Of course, the
thought of any tsunami hitting anywhere along our coast
is extremely frightening and once one is formed, there is
no stopping it. However, in my view people would feel
better knowing that coastlines are somewhat protected
because of natural coastal habitats like coral reefs. For our
safety, it is very important that we protect, conserve, and
4 The main purpose of the text is to
A criticise the lack of action.
B warn readers of a future danger.
C inform the reader of a situation.
D convince the reader of a belief.
restore coral reefs as they protect us in the end.
Japan is prone to tsunamis and we can also look there for
ideas. They have built numerous tsunami walls along the
coast of heavily populated areas. The tsunami walls are
designed to absorb some of the energy of the tsunami and
redirect some of the water back towards the open ocean.
Buildings should be built on higher ground and those
anywhere near the coastline designed to allow the giant
wave to pass through the structure while causing minimum
damage. Large doorways and windows offer a clear path
for the water to go through and can be easily replaced
5 Which is stated as an opinion, not a fact?
A The idea of a tsunami hitting is frightening.
B Having coral reefs would make people feel safer.
C Coral reefs can protect the coastline.
D Damage is more severe where there are no
Znajomość środków językowych
Wybór wielokrotny (uzupełnianie luk w tekście)
In this task, you complete each of four gaps in a short text by choosing from four options. The missing
words that are tested are a mixture of lexical and grammatical items. In this task, read before and after the
gap and first decide what is missing (noun, verb form, etc). Then, guess the correct answer before you look
at the four options. Read the completed text to see if it makes sense.
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać
logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
Faced with a national energy crisis in the summer of 2011, the Japanese government appealed to the nation’s
workers to help – by dressing more informally. There was a shortage of electricity in Japan because of the
Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, which was caused 1) ....................... a tsunami in March that year. The
Government needed to cut electricity consumption by 15% to be sure 2) ....................... power cuts. One of its
ideas was for office workers to wear more summery clothes in order to reduce companies’ need for air
conditioning. It wasn’t the first time the Japanese authorities had asked people to change their wardrobes in the
summer in the interests of saving electricity. The tradition of men wearing a suit and tie for work is very strong in
Japan, however, and many of them had resisted the government’s efforts to make short sleeves, light trousers and
even polo shirts acceptable. The loss of the Fukushima plant made the need to use 3) ....................... energy
a matter of urgency, so the government ran a campaign to make people think twice about their office wear.
Fashion shows were 4) ....................... held to show off attractive alternatives to formal office clothing.
a few
be avoiding
C of
C of avoiding
C little
C only
would avoid
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV MatuSkExt 14-08-19 15:02 Page 27
Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony)
Zadanie z luką z podanymi wyrazami
In this task, you complete each of four gaps in a
short text with the correct form of one of the
words given in a box. There is a choice of six
words; two of the words are not used. Read the
text carefully to get the gist of it. Identify what is
missing in each gap (noun, adjective, etc).
Carefully select the word that best fits each gap
and decide what form it should take. Read the
completed text to see if it makes sense.
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą
lukę (1–4), przekształcając jeden
z wyrazów z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstał
spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
Zadanie z luką bez podanych wyrazów
In this task, you read a short text which has four
gaps. You are required to supply the missing
words so that the text makes grammatical and
logical sense. Only one word is used in each gap.
Many items tested in this task are parts of set
phrases or collocations. Think of as many words
as you can that can make suitable combinations
with the words either before or after the gaps.
This will help you to choose the correct items.
Read the completed text afterwards to see if it
makes sense.
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą
lukę (1–4) jednym wyrazem, tak
aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest
pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów.
• steady • legal • propose • harm • use
• employment
Lead Poisoning?
For many years, the connection between poverty
and crime has been taken as fact. Rising crime
rates in post-war USA and Britain were blamed
on growing 1) ........................... from the 1950s
and onwards.
More recently, however, this theory has been
questioned. Crime rates in both countries have
been falling 2) ................................... for the
past twenty-five years, and continued to fall
through the biggest economic crisis the world
has seen since the Great Depression. What, then,
caused the criminality?
A writer called Kevin Drum 3) ..................... a
bold new theory. It was common practice to use
paint with lead in it until 1970. Lead was also a
standard addition to petrol until unleaded petrol
was introduced the mid-seventies. Doctors have
long known that excessive lead exposure has
a(n) 4) ...................... effect on childhood
development. Could it also have been the cause
of criminal tendencies?
Surfers are always looking for their next big thrill,
whether it be a beach with bigger waves, a more
challenging contest or even teaching dogs to surf, as
happens in California. To celebrate the start of the
2011 Australian summer, 1) ............................... event
was held to give surfers and surfing spectators a whole
new experience – night surfing. Seventeen men and
women took to the waves at Bondi Beach in the early
hours of the official first day of summer in December
2011. Despite the obvious difficulties of surfing
without 2) ............................... able to see approaching
waves, the surfers rode the waves until the sun
appeared, using surfboards and wetsuits that glowed
in the dark thanks to coloured neon tubes. Although
the participants had great fun, 3) ...............................
people were worried about the surfers’ safety. Surfers
in the area 4) ............................... occasionally reported
feeling sharks brush against them and there were
concerns that wearing bright lights at night was likely
to attract them.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV MatuSkExt 14-08-19 15:02 Page 28
Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony)
This task requires you to complete a short text by
filling in four gaps with the correct form of a
word given in brackets. The completed text
should make full grammatical and logical sense.
Only one word is used in each gap. Read the
whole text first to get the gist of it. Then start
filling in the gaps. Ask yourself what parts of
speech are missing. When you have completed
the text, read it through to see if it makes sense.
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki
1–4, przekształcając wyrazy
podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać logiczny
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest
pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych
Water of Life
The composition of the human body is roughly
60% water. This means that drinking plenty of
fluids is essential for 1) ........................... (we)
well-being. If we don’t consume enough liquid,
we start to suffer from dehydration,
2) ........................ (begin) with headaches and
tiredness. During exercise, the importance of
drinking water increases even more. When we
work out, we lose fluid through sweat, which
greatly reduces blood flow and puts strain on
the body. Research shows that fluid loss equal to
3-5% of a person’s bodyweight affects
performance, leading to 3) ...........................
(slow) than normal reaction times and loss of
concentration. But even when you haven’t
exercised, you still need to keep up your fluid
intake. Experts recommend that to maintain a
healthy lifestyle, we should 4) ...........................
(ideal) be drinking 6 to 8 glasses of liquid a day.
This doesn’t just have to be water; a variety of
drinks including tea and fruit juice can help you
stay hydrated.
Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań
In this task, you translate parts of four sentences
into English. The Polish fragments are given in
brackets in the middle of the sentence. You are
required to write grammatical and logical
sentences and can use up to five words in each
gap. Be aware that the task can test both
grammar and lexis. Read the whole of the
sentence first, so that the intended meaning is
clear, before you start to complete it.
Przetłumacz na język angielski
podane w nawiasach fragmenty
zdań 1–4, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie
poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych
fragmentów zdań. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać
maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.
1 It’s easy to make an omelette; (wszystko, co jest
ci potrzebne to)...................................................
some eggs, a tomato and an onion.
2 You should (być świadomym niebezpieczeństw)
of going downhill skiing alone.
3 In the end, Helen (przyznała się do wybicia)
the window.
4 Paul (żałował, że zranił uczucia swojej żony) .........
after he criticised her dress.
Układanie fragmentów zdań
In this task, there are four sentences with the
missing parts given as prompts in brackets. You
are required to write grammatically correct and
logical sentences and can use up to five words in
each gap. You may have to add a word, such as
the appropriate part of the verb to be, or an
article, pronoun or preposition, for the
completed sentence to make sense.
PT Upper_Int POL Ss REV MatuSkExt 14-08-19 15:02 Page 29
Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony)
Uzupełnij zdania 1–4, wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy
w odpowiedniej formie. Nie należy zmieniać
kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast –
jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy, tak aby
otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna
wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie sześć wyrazów, wliczając w to
wyrazy już podane.
1 Judy isn’t here at the moment; she (have/
she/nail/do) .....................................................
at the beauty salon this morning.
2 The play was almost over by (time/we/arrive)
...................................................... the theatre.
3 What (you/fancy/have) ...................................
................................................. dinner tonight?
4 If I hadn’t been so lucky, I (not win) ................
.............................................................. match.
Parafraza zdań
In this task, you are given four sentences which you
have to transform using different words. Care
should be taken to keep the meaning of the second
sentence as close as possible to the meaning of the
first sentence. Read each pair of sentences and try
to decide what grammar/lexical phenomenon is
being tested. After completing the sentences, read
them again to check if they make sense.
Uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak,
aby zachować sens zdania
wyjściowego (1–4). Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
1 It’s Tim’s responsibility to put away the
equipment after practice.
Tim is ................................................................
the equipment after practice.
2 Linda spent an hour preparing for the party.
It took Linda ..................................... the party.
3 “Let’s go to the theatre tomorrow,” Wendy said.
Wendy suggested .............................. next day.
4 It was surprising for him to see his old friend at
the party!
He .....................................................................
his old friend at the party!
Parafraza zdań ze słowem kluczem
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane
drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij
każde zdanie z luką tak, aby zachować sens zdania
wyjściowego (1–4). Nie zmieniaj formy podanych
wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych
fragmentów zdań.
1 I make only a very small amount of money from
selling my art, unfortunately. HARDLY
Unfortunately, ..................................................
from selling my art.
2 Thinking about your mistake all day will do no
good. USE
It’s ....................................................................
your mistake all day.
3 I had just gone to bed when I heard banging on
the door. SOONER
No ......................................................... to bed
than I heard banging on the door.
4 She had never seen a shooting star before. FIRST
It ......................................................... she had
ever seen a shooting star.
Wypowiedź pisemna
Wypowiedz się na jeden
z poniższych tematów.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250
słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla
formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz temat,
który wybrałeś/-aś, zakreślając jego numer.
1 Spada liczba członków młodzieżowego klubu, do
którego należysz. Jego dyrektor chciałby przyciągnąć
nowe osoby. Napisz list do dyrektora klubu,
w którym przedstawisz swoje pomysły na zwiększenie zainteresowania przynależnością do klubu
i opiszesz spodziewane rezultaty podjętych działań.
2 Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz zalety i
wady nauki w szkole, do której uczęszczają osoby tej
samej płci.
Leaflet MAT PT Upper POL REV_cover 14-08-19 13:22 Page 4
ISBN 978-1-4715-3086-9

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