Postal Address (Office)


Postal Address (Office)
First Name: Hanja R.H.
Surname: Maij-Weggen
Date of Birth: 29.12.1943
Place of Birth: Emmen (The Netherlands)
Postal Address (Office):
European Parliament
Rue Wiertz
Bureau 12 E 140
Postcode: 1047 City: Brussels
Country: Belgium
Tel No.: +322-284.58.67
Fax No: +322-285.98.67
Email: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae
Current functions:
Member of the European Parliament
President of the Dutch CDA delegation
Member of the bureau of the EPP group
Member of the Committee of Constitutional affairs
Member of the Committee of Foreign affairs
Human rights, Common Security and Defence Policy
Member of the ACP-EU Assemblee
Previous functions
Minister of Transport, Infrastructure, Telecommunication and Water management (19891994)
Vice President of the EPP group (1986-1989)
Member of the European Parliament (1979-1989)
Member of the Dutch Governmental Delegation to the United Nations (1977-1978)
Staff member and Lecturer HBO (1965-1977)
- Nurse training (1960-1963)
- Study Pedagogy University of Amsterdam (1963-1970)