social and health - related aspects of physical activity


social and health - related aspects of physical activity
- R E L AT E D A S P E C T S
Edited by
Barbara Bergier
Biała Podlaska
wrzesień 2012
ScientiÞc Reviewers:
Prof. dr hab. Anatolii Tsos
Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Daniluk
Prof. dr hab. Siarhei Panko
Copyright © 2012 by PaĔstwowa Szkoáa WyĪsza im. PapieĪa Jana Pawáa II
w Biaáej Podlaskiej
ISBN 978-83-61044-34-5
Editorial address:
Instytut Zdrowia
PaĔstwowa Szkoáa WyĪsza
im. PapieĪa Jana Pawáa II w Biaáej Podlaskiej
21-500 Biaáa Podlaska ul. Sidorska 102, tel. (083) 344 99 18
e-mail: [email protected]
Cover design:
Adam Spisacki / Print ART Rafaá Tymoszuk
Printing and binding:
Agencja Reklamowa TOP, ul. ToruĔska, 87-800 Wáocáawek,
tel.: 54 423 20 40, fax: 54 423 20 80,
Social and health - related aspects of physical activity
The physical activity of modern man is an important element of life and an essential
research issue because of its social and health-related beneÞts, and of the alarming consequences ensuing from the lack of the activity.
The life of modern man is easier due to a number of conveniences, the consequence
of which is a passive way of spending their free time, sedentary lifestyle, limitation of
exercise necessary for the organism, which is a cause of many civilization-related diseases. Very often does a person forget that exercise is a physiological need of man, and
the systematic physical activity determines the maintenance of good health and even its
Physical activity may assume different forms, from playing that is initiated spontaneously, through everyday household activities, to competitive sports. The beneÞts
provided by physical activity are various. Here one can mention health-related beneÞts
(feeling better), esthetic beneÞts (better appearance) and agonistic beneÞts (the need
for competition). Physical activity is conditioned by individual needs of a person, their
health, age, sex, willingness to participate in all kinds of games, sports, active tourism,
recreation and rehabilitation, yet it should not be considered it in terms of a free choice
but as Prof. Maciej Demel said – of necessity.
Physical activity plays an important role in human life. In childhood, the developmental and workload-compensating functions concerning education stimulate the physical development of the organism and helps generate the “physiological capital”, which
ensures a high level of physical Þtness. In the period of adolescence the workload-compensating function allows the person to maintain a proper level of motricity and delays
its decline, and also guarantees psychophysical balance and is a preventive-therapeutic
remedy. In the period of late adulthood the anti-involution function is essential. Physical
activity improves the kinetic system (better blood supply, protection against degeneration), improves the perfusion and the efÞciency of the brain, heart, lungs and liver,
stimulates the psyche (keeping an active social life, life satisfaction). At an advanced
age the culture of spending free time is very important. The larger amount of their free
time should be used for personal growth. Strolls, morning exercises, aerobic exercises,
all improve the efÞciency of all the systems of the organism which involve the process of
oxygen transportation, and allow the person to maintain a proper level of Þtness necessary to cope in everyday life.
Which of us has never suffered from the backache? According to Prof. OsiĔski as
much as 60-80 percent of Poles has backbone problems. The main cause of this condition
is also insufÞcient physical activity. Physical activity should be promoted as a remedy
for many diseases as well as a pleasurable way to attain health.
Barbara Bergier
Social and health - related aspects of physical activity
Foreword ........................................................................................................................ 3
Danuta SwadĨba, Marcin Kunicki, Michaá Szepelawy, Joanna Cholewa ............... 7
The use of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) for assessing the autonomic
nervous system in children aged 12-13 practicing swimming
Wykorzystanie zmiennoĞci rytmu zatokowego (HRV) u dzieci
w wieku 12 – 13 lat uprawiających páywanie do oceny
autonomicznego ukáadu nerwowego
Mariusz Teter, Kamil Maáys, Anna Nadulska,
Barbara Borowicz, Beata Cygan .............................................................................. 19
The inßuence of corrective exercises on the development of correct body
posture in 13-17-year–olds with scoliosis
Wpáyw üwiczeĔ korekcyjnych na ksztaátowanie prawidáowej postawy
ciaáa u máodzieĪy w wieku 13 - 17 lat ze skrzywianiem bocznym
Józef Krzak, Magdalena ZaĔko, Kamil Choáuj, Justyna Chmiel .......................... 29
Conditions and the development of sitting volleyball in Poland
Uwarunkowania i rozwój piáki siatkowej na siedząco w Polsce
Andrzej KrawaĔski, Ida LaudaĔska-KrzemiĔska,
Joanna Powidzka, Marek Brdak ............................................................................... 40
Selected socializing factors and social awareness of the role of physical
activity: a case study of a group of polish families
Wybrane czynniki socjalizacyjne oraz stan ĞwiadomoĞci spoáecznej
wobec roli aktywnoĞci Þzycznej na przykáadzie grupy rodzin
Maágorzata Czech, Lesáaw Kulmatycki, Agnieszka Surynt ................................... 50
The sense of coherence and dispositional optimism of women
participating in recreational physical activity
Poczucie koherencji oraz dyspozycyjny optymizm kobiet podejmujących
rekreacyjną aktywnoĞü Þzyczną
Anna Owáasiuk, Sáawomir Chlabicz, Anna Gryko,
Alicja Litwiejko, Dorota Bielska ............................................................................... 61
Evaluation of the impact of nurse’s counsel on physical activity
of persons with metabolic syndrome
Ocena wpáywu porady pielĊgniarskiej na aktywnoĞü Þzyczną osób
z zespoáem metabolicznym
Social and health - related aspects of physical activity
Lesáaw Kulmatycki, Katarzyna TorzyĔska.............................................................. 75
Five groups of relaxation techniques strategies for therapist – a practical
PiĊü grup strategii technik relaksacyjnych dla terapeutów – zastosowanie
w praktyce
Anna UrbaĔska, Lesáaw Kulmatycki, Agnieszka Surynt ....................................... 85
Selected relaxation techniques introduced during physical education
classes and the ability to deal with stress among female students
of schools above the junior high level in Wrocáaw
Wybrane techniki relaksacyjne w lekcji wychowania Þzycznego
a radzenie sobie ze stresem uczniów szkoáy ponadgimnazjalnej
we Wrocáawiu
Agnieszka Surynt, Lesáaw Kulmatycki, Maágorzata Czech ................................... 94
Sport and physical activity of 11-year-old pupils of Wrocáaw schoolsassessment from the perspective of parents
Sport i aktywnoĞü Þzyczna wĞród 11-latków szkóá wrocáawskich - ocena
z perspektywy rodziców
Agnieszka Surynt, Lesáaw Kulmatycki, Maágorzata Czech ................................. 105
Physical activity and the level of Þtness of Wrocáaw 11-year-old pupils
- comparison of statements spoken by parents and teachers
AktywnoĞü ruchowa i poziom sprawnoĞci Þzycznej wrocáawskich
11-latków- porównanie wypowiedzi rodziców i nauczycieli
Maágorzata Czech, Lesáaw Kulmatycki, Agnieszka Surynt ..................................114
Taxonomy of group workout forms in Þtness clubs
Systematyka grupowych form zajĊü w Þtness klubach

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