IP Management


IP Management
Conference Program
March 11, 2008
IP Management
The Key to Innovative Economy
organized by:
IP Management Partnership established by:
Jagiellonian University, Warsaw University, Warsaw School of Economics,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, University of Medicine in Lodz,
Polish Federation of Engineering Associations,
Polish Confederation of Employers, Polish Bank Association, BIK SA,
Convention Bureau of Poland, US–Polish Trade Council
and Warsaw University of Technology
Innovations Creator
The Minister of Science and Higher Education Program
March 13, 2008,
Senate Hall, Warsaw University of Technology
1 Politechniki Square, Warsaw, Poland
Programme Council:
Chairman: Prof. Tadeusz Kulik – Steering Committee of IP Management Poland,
Deputy Rector of Warsaw University of Technology
Vice Chairman – Prof. Grzegorz Pawlicki – President of WUT Alumni Association
Vice Chairman – Prof. Piotr D. Moncarz – Stanford University, Exponent, USPTC
Secretary – Clay Bullwinkel – Stanford MBA, IP Communications, USPTC
Secretary – Bogusław Węgliński – Coordinator of IP Management Poland
Steering Committee of IP Management Poland:
Prof. Ewa Okoń–Horodyńska – Jagiellonian University
Prof. Marzenna Anna Weresa – Warsaw School of Economics
Prof. Irena Ozimek – Warsaw University of Live Sciences
Prof. Tadeusz Pietrucha –University of Medicine in Łódź
Ewa Fedor – Confederation of Polish Employers
Beata Ostrowska – Confederation of Polish Employers
Arkadiusz Lewicki – Polish Bank Association
Krzysztof Łebkowski – Polish Federation of Engineering Associations
Prof. Stanisław Mańkowski – Director of WUT Technology Transfer Centre
Prof. Krzysztof Santarek – Dean of WUT Faculty of Production Engineering
Dr Zbigniew Turowski – Director of WUT Business School
Marta Kościółek – President of EKOINVEST Poland
Jadwiga Pałka – President of Society of Managers, Inc.
Stefan Assanowicz – President of Polish–Spanish Chamber of Commerce
Antoni Dąbrowski – Chairman of Car Industry Suppliers Association
Jacek Furga – Vice President of Banking Law and Information Centre
Maciej Gierej – Director – Board Member of Mint of Poland – Precious Metals, Inc.
Wiesław Kołodziejski – President of Mazovia Credit Insurance Fund
Kazimierz Mart – Vice President of WUT Alumni Association
Paweł Olczyk – Director – Board Member of Polish State Railways
Krzysztof Paź – Board Member of WUT Alumni Association
Jerzy Szewczyk – Treasurer of Vice Chairman
Zbigniew Wojcieszek – Director of OFF-Art, Ltd.
Dr. Henryk Wojtaś – CEO of KWH Bautechnologen AG Zurich
Zbigniew Żurek – Vice President of Business Centre Club
Organizing Committee:
Chairman: Jerzy Baranowski – WUT Alumni Association
Vice Chairman: Janusz Gast – IP Management Poland
Vice Chairman: Krzysztof Świtalski – USPTC
Secretary: Dr. Elżbieta Naumowicz – IP Management Poland
Barbara Jopowicz – WUT Alumni Association
Danuta Starzyńska – Polish Television
Małgorzata Zielińska – EM Polska, Ltd.
Adam Cymer – New Business Time Publishers
Dr. Konrad Fiałkowski – Warsaw School of Economics
Dr. Krzysztof Jaźwiński – Warsaw University
Jacek Karczewski – LNS Ltd.
Tadeusz Namedyński - Polish Federation of Engineering Associations
Tomasz Tutak – WUT Alumni Association
IP Management Poland
80 Koszykowa Str., suite 10
PL-02-002 Warsaw
[email protected]
9.00 – 9.30 – registration, coffee
9.30 – 10.15 – opening remarks – chaired by Prof. Grzegorz Pawlicki – President
of Warsaw University of Technology Alumni Association
Prof. Tadeusz Kulik – Chairman of Partnership Steering Committee, Deputy
Rector of Warsaw University of Technology
Prof. Michał Kleiber – President of Polish Academy of Sciences
Dr. Andrzej Smirnow – Chairman of Parliamentary Commission of Education,
Science and Youth
Mr. Marcin Korolec – Deputy Minister of the Economy
Ms. Danuta Jabłońska – President of Polish Agency for Entrepreneurship
Prof. Bogusław Smólski – Director of National Research and Development
Presentations and discussion contributions:
10.15 – 11.45 – Session I – chaired by Prof. Marzenna Anna Weresa – Head
of World Economy Research Institute of Warsaw School of
What is/where is the key to Innovative Economy in Poland? – Prof. Witold
Orłowski – Head of Business School of Warsaw University of Technology
The Critical Role of Professional Venture Capital in Capitalizing on IP –
Dr. Francis Skrobiszewski, Washington, D.C.
Financing technological enterprises in Poland – today and perspectives for
tomorrow (Finansowanie technologicznych przedsiębiorstw w Polsce – stan
obecny i perspektywy) – Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz, President of Polish Bank
EBI offered Risk Sharing Financial Facility (supported by 7FP) and CIP
Programme (Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme) financial
instruments – Dr. Andrzej Siemaszko – National Contact Point for Research
Programmes of EU – Poland
Between Trust and Legal Protection in VC Transactions – Dr. Rafał T. Stroiński
– Warsaw University – Faculty of Law and Administration, Director of US-Polish
Trade Council (representative in Poland), CMS Cameron McKenna Dariusz
Greszta Sp. Kom.
35 innovative companies in six month at NewConnect and other Warsaw Stock
Exchange initiatives – Ludwik Sobolewski – President of Warsaw Stock
Exchange, Inc.
Bio-Tech spin-off success story in less than 1 year – case study – Dr. Dariusz
Śladowski – Scientific Director of EuroImplant Ltd.
11.45 – 12.30 – lunch
12.30 – 14.00 – Session II – chaired by Prof. Krzysztof Santarek – Dean
of Faculty of Production Engineering of Warsaw University
of Technology, Polish Federation of Engineering Associations
Up-to-date Technologies in Media – Prof. Marek Hołyński – Polish Information
Processing Society
– IP in Direct Investment of DisplayLink Corp. in Poland – Mariusz Tomaka, CEO
of DisplayLink Poland Ltd.
Polish-Swiss High-Tech Competence Center – Prof. dr Wolfgang Lechner
– President of Cross Alpina GmBH, Zurich and Krzysztof Świtalski - IP
Management Project
Intellectual Capital in Managing Energy and Natural Resources Challenges
– Prof. Bohdan Maciej Żakiewicz – chairman of Consolidated Seven Rock
Mining, Ltd. and Prof. Piotr D. Moncarz – chairman of US-Polish Trade Council;
Vice President of Exponent, Inc.; Stanford University
White Certificates as financial instruments supporting energetical effectiveness –
Grzegorz Onichimowski – President and CEO of Energy Stock Exchange, Inc.
Key factors stimulating commercialization of (bio)technology R&D projects
in Polish academic environment – Prof. Tadeusz Pietrucha – Medical University
of Lodz and Bio-Tech Consulting, Ltd.
Nano-Tech spin-off potential success story in less than 1 year – case study
– Dr. Adam Okoń – President of BlueDental Ltd.
Methods of IP Protection in Scientific Institutions – Prof. Marzenna Anna Weresa
– Warsaw School of Economics
14.00 – 14.30 – Summary and Conference Closure – chaired by
Prof. Piotr D. Moncarz – Stanford University; Chairman of US–Polish
Trade Council; Vice President of Exponent, Inc.
John McCaslin – Commercial Counselor, U.S. Commercial Service
Bogusław Węgliński – IP Management Project coordinator
Jerzy Baranowski – Deputy President of Warsaw University of Technology
Alumni Association
Prof. Tadeusz Kulik – Chairman of Partnership Steering Committee,
Deputy Rector of Warsaw University of Technology
14.30 – 15.30 – networking and tea
Looking forward to seeing ALL of YOU in Warsaw
on March 12 – 13, 2009 at Congress:
IP Management – The Key to Competitive Economy