weekly reflections


weekly reflections
January 23, 2011
I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of
anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or
that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them
or serve them. It is written: "You shall worship the Lord your God
and him only shall you serve”
Ex 20:2-5; Deut 5:6-9; Mt 4:10.
"You Shall Worship the Lord Your God and Him
Only Shall You Serve"(Mt 4,10)
The first word contains the first commandment of the
Law: "You shall fear the LORD your God; you shall serve
him. You shall not go after other gods." God's first call
and just demand is that man worship him and accepts
"Him Only Shall You Serve”
St. Hedwig,
pray for us.
2096 (…) To adore God is to acknowledge him as God, as
the Creator and Savior, the Lord and Master of
everything that exists, as infinite and merciful Love. "You
shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you
serve," says Jesus, citing Deuteronomy (Deut 6,13)
2097 (…)The worship of the one God sets man free from
turning in on himself, from the slavery of sin and the
idolatry of the world.
Św. Jadwigo,
módl się za nami.
The social duty of religion and the right to religious
2104 "All men are bound to seek the truth, especially in
what concerns God and his Church, and to embrace it
and hold on to it as they come to know it” .This is duty
derives from "the very dignity of the human person.”
Dignitatus Humane VS II
Santa Eduviges,
ruega por nosotros.
Continued on page 2
Administered by the Resurrection Fathers and Brothers
Celebrating 122 years in the Bucktown Community.
continued from page 1:
"You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me"
2110 The first commandment forbids honoring gods other than the one Lord who has revealed
himself to his people. It proscribes superstition and irreligion.
2111 Superstition is the deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes.
2112 The first commandment condemns polytheism. It requires man neither to believe in, nor to
venerate, other divinities than the one true God. Scripture constantly recalls this rejection of
"idols, (of) silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes,
but do not see." These empty idols make their worshippers empty: "Those who make them are like
them; so is all who trust in them. God, however, is the "living God” who gives life and intervenes
in history. (Josh 3,10; Ps 42,31)
2113 Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. It remains a constant temptation to faith.
Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and
reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (for example, Satanism),
power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc. Jesus says, "You cannot serve God and
mammon." Many martyrs died for not adoring "the Beast" refusing even to simulate such worship.
Idolatry rejects the unique Lordship of God; (Mt 6:24; Rev 13. 14 )
January 23 - 30, 2011
Next Sunday:
Divination and magic
2115 God can reveal the future to his prophets or to other saints. Still, a sound Christian attitude
consists in putting oneself confidently into the hands of Providence for whatever concerns the
future, and giving up all unhealthy curiosity about it. 2116 All forms of divination are to be
rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed
to "unveil" the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of
omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire
for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to
conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God
2117 All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to
place them at one's service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the
sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are
even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when
they have recourse to the intervention of demons.
2118 God's first commandment condemns the main sins of irreligion: tempting God, in words or
deeds, sacrilege, and simony.
2124 The name "atheism" covers many very different phenomena. One common form is the
practical materialism which restricts its needs and aspirations to space and time . Atheistic
humanism falsely considers man to be "an end to himself, and the sole maker, with supreme
control, of his own history. Another form of contemporary atheism looks for the liberation of
man through economic and social liberation. "It holds that religion, of its very nature, thwarts
such emancipation by raising man's hopes in a future life, thus both deceiving him and
discouraging him from working for a better form of life on earth.”
"You Shall Not Make For Yourself a Graven Image . . ."
2132 The Christian veneration of images is not contrary to the first commandment which
proscribes idols. Indeed, "the honor rendered to an image passes to its prototype," and "whoever
venerates an image venerates the person portrayed in it.” The honor paid to sacred images is a
"respectful veneration," not the adoration due to God alone.
Use of the offertory envelopes each week lets us know that you are an active member of our Parish. This
prevents misunderstandings when someone wants to be married, have a child baptized or is asked to become a
Godparent. Registration also enables us to provide letters for you for tax purposes.
 If you are registered and not receiving your envelopes,
 if any identifying information in your life has changed including, if you have moved or
 if you would like to become a registered parishioner, please complete registration forms found in the
vestibule of the Church.
We are asking all of our Parishioners to please reregister, so that we can update our records. Thank you.
Is 8:23---9:3/
1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/
Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-17
Heb 9:15, 24-28/
Mk 3:22-30
Acts 22:3-16 or
Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/
Mk 4:1-20
Heb 10:19-25/
Mk 4:21-25
Heb 10:32-39/
Mk 4:26-34
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/
Mk 4:35-41
Zep 2:3; 3:12-13/
1 Cor 1:26-31/
Mt 5:1-12a
We are in need of volunteers to come
help us count Sunday collections.
These volunteers will have to be
available Monday mornings from 9:00
am until 11: 00 am. For more
information please contact the Parish
Office at 773-486-1660.
Monday-Saturday before Mass;
Saturday 4:30 pm or by
Please call to receive this
sacrament of healing if a family
member is ill or preparing for
Please contact the parish office at
least 6 months before the planned
wedding date.
Please call the Parish Office.
Baptism (English):
4th Sunday at 11:00 am Mass.
Preparation Class: 3rd Monday
at 7:00 pm in the Convent.
Godparents must be married by
the church or be living as single.
Every Wednesday at 7:30 pm
in the Church
Español: Todos los Miercoles
en el sotano del convento.
Ist Saturday of the month
4 pm in the Convent
Mass at 5:00 pm
1st Saturday of the month,
Novena at 4:00 pm
Monday January 17, 2011 at
7:00 pm in our church convent.
Baptisms will be held on
January 23, 2011 at
11:00 am
 Enero 22 a las 11:00 am.
You are cordially invited, Rev. Stanislaw Jankowski, CR, Pastor of our Church, in
collaboration with the Parish Pastoral Council, has invited a Jesuit Preacher, Rev.
Michael Sparough, SJ, to talk about the First Commandment – “I am the LORD
your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.” on January 30, 2011 at 8:00
am and 11:00 am Masses. This is a part of the Spiritual Preparation, a 3- year
program, in celebrating the 125th Anniversary of our Parish. Everyone is invited to
listen to him for formation and growth of our spiritual life. Catechetical Sunday is
designated every last Sunday of each month for the year 2011.
English Classes
9:15 am - 10: 45 am and
Attendance to the 11:00 am
Spanish Classes
11:15 am - 12:45 pm and
Attendance to the 1:00 pm
Remember that Holy Mass is
PART of the Class.
Dear Parishioners,
One of the ideas of our spiritual preparation for 125 anniversaries of our St. Hedwig
community of St. Hedwig will be home peregrination of the image of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help. Every Tuesday we meet together for the Novena to Our Lady, we always ask for
help and we thank for all the blessings received. This time we will have an opportunity to welcome
her image to our homes.
The icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help currently hanging in the sanctuary of St. Hedwig
Church, is one of the most beautiful images in the church and without a doubt one of the greatest
of the parish's spiritual patrimony. It is also in need of conservation in order to preserve it for
future generations of parishioners.
After 75 years of exposure to dirt, candles, the elements and the natural side effects of age, the
icon has sustained serious damage including the loss of paint on the faces and garments of the
Virgin and Child, the complete disappearance of the faces of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel
and tarnished crowns. In a previous and ill-advised attempt at restoration, the original gold leaf
background was painted over with a metal-based paint, which left the image looking dirty and
faded. Please note that this is not a typical mass-produced or factory made icon or a mediocre
painting done by a local artist. This icon is a magnificent and highly professional work, created
in Rome in 1936 and personally documented on back with a Latin decree from the church of
St. Alphonsus in Rome, keepers of the original icon of Perpetual Help. The icon is "written" by
a highly professional artist in a method dating from the Medieval period of Italian art, namely the
painting of the image over a gold leaf background so that lines scratched in the surface would
reveal the gold underneath.
This work is a priceless and spiritually invaluable part of the St. Hedwig patrimony; Its
preservation is necessary and a wonderful way to honor the Blessed Mother in this coming year.
For more information about
Catechism classes,
English Baptisms,
or Adult RCIA classes
call Ana Flores at
the Parish Offices
or call her cell: 773-495-3659
Do you or anyone you know is going through an addiction and is seeking God for help?
The NCCA can help and has many recourses to share with you for more information
contact the NCCA at: email: [email protected]. Phone number: 1-800-626-6910 ext. 1200
Address: 1601 Joslyn Rd. Lake Orion, MI 48360
Those from our Parish who have requested your prayers.
Bernie Popp
Lino Carmona
Barbara Durbin
Irene Gramiak
A. Krzyzaniak
Angela Melchor
Serafina Salinas
Jovita Soriano
Mary Vencill
Joan Sicinski
Carmilita Ayap
Jorge Cervantes
R. Evangelista
Walter Gramiak
Lt. Robert Logisz
Henry Mojica, Jr.
Jennifer Ramirez
Raymundo Soriano
Teresa Mercado
Amalia Lorenzana
Monika Kloniecka
Ann Pyzik
Jesse Flores, Jr.
Grace Gauss
Lorraine Macek
Stanley Olszowka
Samantha Ramirez
Brian Stanzil
Clifford Welheim
Maria Kozlowska
Frances Alequin
Daniel Brady
Leo Cieminski
Dorothy Damienski
Sophia Flores
Cherry Garcia
F. Hoffman
Mary Janka
Julia Marzec
Anibal Yanez
Rose Pasko
Mary Piechowski
Carlos Riano
Dr. Antonio Bautista
Jeffrey Starzec
Paz Tamondong
Helen Wozniak
Apolonio Alarcon
Dorothy Chmielewski
Sally Cardenas
James Desecki
Trudy Gardner
Dolores Kryszak
Mary Jane Sicinski
Diane Pilat
Caroline Riske
Eugene V. Tepper
Jose Serbia
Parish Collection
January 15 & 16 2011
Parish Envelopes
Loose Collection
$ 2,129.00
$ 628.10
Total Collection
$ 2,757.10
Goal for the week
$ 5,000.00
Amount (Under) Budget ($ 2,242.90)
We extend a sincere and prayerful Thank You to everyone who has contributed to
this very important campaign. We would like to acknowledge our new parishioners
who are pledging for the first time and everyone who has re-pledged. By working
together we will accomplish our dreams of restoring and preserving our Church.
As of January 17, 2011 we have received over:
$ 334,170, in pledges $ 228,710, in contributions
We have a balance of $ 105,460
Deficit Amount For Fiscal Year
($ 64,358.11)
$ 970.37
If you don’t have envelopes for this Campaign there are envelopes in the church
that you may use for your contribution. Please use the Capital Campaign
envelopes for this and not the Capital Improvement envelopes.
Thank you!
Please remember St. Hedwig
in your Estate Plan.
Upcoming Second Collections
Debt Reduction
Capital Improvements
Feb. 5 - 6
Feb. 12 - 13
In 2011, Ladder Up will again offer free tax preparation, financial aid forms
services, and banking assistance at sites in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.
Ladder Up’s services are available for families earning up to $45,000 and individuals
earning up to $20,000 annually. Ladder Up’s Tax Assistance program sites will be
open on Saturday mornings (8:30 - 11:30 am) from January 22 through April 16, 2011.
Select sites will also be open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings (5:308:30 pm) from January 18 through April 18, 2011.
At Catholic Charities, we publicize Ladder Up’s free services to our clients to
help secure valuable tax refunds, Access financial aid for higher education, and save
money on financial transactions.
(A Widowed Ministry)
For Those Who Have Suffered a Loss
“Have you lost a spouse recently and are grieving for him/her? Do you
hold back the tears and let them fall when you are alone to avoid having
your family worry about you?
The tears can be dried, the pain relaxed. The healing begins the moment
you pick up the phone - Joyful Again!”
The above was written by a person who lost his wife a few months ago.
He recently experienced a Joyful Again! Weekend highly recommends it.
All are invited. The Joyful Again! Retreat is for both men and women (all ages) who
have been widowed and are still trying to find hope and joy in their lives.
Retreat is to be held at:
Holy Family Medical Ctr,
100 N. River Rd, Des Plaines, IL
March 19 & 20, 2011
For more information:
Please call: (708) 354-7211
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.joyfulagain.org
Early registration is encouraged.
Limit 25 participants.
$75.00 usual donation (all meals included). Lodgings $35.00 extra
where available.
The Capuchin Franciscan friars will be holding a
vocation weekend in Milwaukee for men (ages 17 49) who are interested in learning about religious
life and seeing how Capuchins live as Franciscans
in our world and Church today.
The weekend is February 11 - 13, 2011. If you would
like to attend, have questions, or want to
recommend someone for the weekend, call (773)
475-6206 or (920) 915-4400 or email the Vocation
Office at:
[email protected]
Check out the Capuchin website at:
January 23, 2011
January 22, Saturday · Sábado · Sobota
8:00 AM
† Sabina Logisz
5:00 PM
Andrew Krzyzaniak - Health &
† Theodore F. Puralewski Sr.
January 23, Sunday · Domingo · Niedziela
8:00 AM
Richard Gall - Health & Blessings
† Lottie Olszowka
9:30 AM
† Luzie Buss
God’s Mercy on the Dorsey Family for
Living Benefactors and Parents of
Members of the Congregation of the
Rev. Edward Nowakowski - Health &
Edward Pudlo - Health & Blessings
† Michael Bernacki
† Adamina Singer
1:00 PM
St. Hedwig Parishoners
† Ramiro Guevara
January 24, Moday · Lunes · Poniedziałek
8:00 AM
Irene Taraszka - Special Int.
Stella Schaller - Health & Blessings
† Edward Martin
7:00 PM
Ronald Szatkowski - Special Int.
January 25, Tuesday · Martes · Wtorek
8:00 AM
† Leonard Raszeja
7:00 PM
† Evelyn Hubert
January 26, Wednesday · Miércoles · Środa
8:00 AM
† Dec. Members of the Wiszowaty
7:00 PM
† Adamina Singer
January 27, Thrusday · Jueves · Czwartek
8:00 AM
† Josephine Dziminski
7:00 PM
† Florian Knick
January 28, Friday · Viernes · Piątek
8:00 AM
Tom Puschautz - Birthday Blessings
† Rev. Walter Wilczek, CR
7:00 PM
† Rose Kurban
January 29, Saturday · Sábado · Sobota
8:00 AM
† Michael Bernacki
† Robert Bazyk
5:00 PM
† Rev. Stephen Gira, CR
January 23, 2011
Pastor…………………….Rev. Stanislaw Jankowski, CR
Assistant Pastor……. Rev. Tomasz Wojciechowski, CR
Resurrectionists in Residence
Rev. Eugene Szarek, CR………………Loyola University
Deacons/Diáconos Gilberto Cintrón & Daniel Cabrera
Business Manager………………. Margaret Kloniecka
Director of Religious Education…………….Ana Flores
Music Ministry………………………Maryna Shutovich
Administrative Asst./Bulletin Editor…..Yarine Serrano
Parish Secretary……………………….Bernadine Popp
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm or by
appointment (closed 12:30 pm -1:30 pm)
Email…………………………[email protected]
Web page…………………www.sthedwigbucktown.org
E-mail………………………[email protected]
Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm (English)
Sunday 8:00 am (English)
9:30 am (Polish)
11:00 am (English)
1:00 pm (Spanish)
Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:00 am & 7:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am
Eucharistic Adoration: Monday-Sun. 6:00-7:45 am
Monday-Friday 6:00-7:00 pm
Holy Rosary:
Monday-Sunday 7:15 am
O.L. Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesday 8:30 am
Litany of the Sacred Heart:
First Friday 8:30 am
Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary: Saturday 8:30 am
Rosary & Our Lady of Manaoag Novena:
First Saturday 4:00 pm
January 30, Sunday · Domingo · Niedziela
8:00 AM
† Evelyn Hubert
† Lottie Olszowka
9:30 AM
Mary Janka - Health & Blessings
Stanley Wozniak - Health & Blessings
† Aniela & Piotr Orczyk and Dec.
Members of Orczyk Family
Edward & Kimberly Pudlo - Health &
† Sabina P. Logisz
† Adamina Singer
† Veronica M. Pudlo
† Michael Omiotek
† Julia Whitfield
1:00 PM
St. Hedwig Parishioners
† Ramiro Guevara
«Yo, el Señor, soy tu Dios, que te ha sacado del país de Egipto, de la casa de
servidumbre. No habrá para ti otros dioses delante de mí. No te harás escultura ni
imagen alguna ni de lo que hay arriba en los cielos, ni de lo que hay abajo en la
tierra, ni de lo que hay en las aguas debajo de la tierra. No te postrarás ante ellas
ni les darás culto» (Ex 20, 2-5).
«Está escrito: Al Señor tu Dios adorarás, sólo a él darás culto» (Mt 4, 10).
“Adorarás al señor tu Dios, y le servirás”
2084 (…) La primera palabra contiene el primer mandamiento de la ley:
“Adorarás al Señor tu Dios y le servirás [...] no vayáis en pos de otros dioses” (Dt 6,
13-14). La primera llamada y la justa exigencia de Dios consiste en que el hombre
lo acoja y lo adore.
“A Él sólo darás culto”
La adoración
2096 Adorar a Dios es reconocerle como Dios, como Creador y Salvador, Señor y
Dueño de todo lo que existe, como Amor infinito y misericordioso. “Adorarás al
Señor tu Dios y sólo a él darás culto” (Lc 4, 8), dice Jesús citando el Deuteronomio
(6, 13). La adoración del Dios único libera
El deber social de la religión y el derecho a la libertad religiosa
2104 “Todos los hombres [...] están obligados a buscar la verdad, sobre todo en lo
que se refiere a Dios y a su Iglesia, y, una vez conocida, a abrazarla y
practicarla”. Este deber se desprende de “su misma naturaleza” Dignitatus Humane
“No habrá para ti otros dioses delante de mí”
2110 El primer mandamiento prohíbe honrar a dioses distintos del Único Señor que
se ha revelado a su pueblo. Proscribe la superstición y la irreligión.
La idolatría
2112 El primer mandamiento condena el politeísmo. Exige al hombre no creer en
otros dioses que el Dios verdadero. Y no venerar otras divinidades que al único
Dios. La Escritura recuerda constantemente este rechazo de los “ídolos [...] oro y
plata, obra de las manos de los hombres”, que “tienen boca y no hablan, ojos y no
ven”. Estos ídolos vanos hacen vano al que les da culto: “Como ellos serán los que
los hacen, cuantos en ellos ponen su confianza” (Sal 115, 4-5.8; . Is 44, 9-20; Jr
10, 1-16; Dn 14, 1-30; Ba 6; Sb 13, 1-15,19). Dios, por el contrario, es el “Dios
vivo” (Jos 3, 10; Sal 42, 3, etc.), que da vida e interviene en la historia.
2113 La idolatría no se refiere sólo a los cultos falsos del paganismo. Es una
tentación constante de la fe. Consiste en divinizar lo que no es Dios. Hay idolatría
desde el momento en que el hombre honra y reverencia a una criatura en lugar de
Dios. Trátese de dioses o de demonios (por ejemplo, el satanismo), de poder, de
placer, de la raza, de los antepasados, del Estado, del dinero, etc. “No podéis
servir a Dios y al dinero”, dice Jesús (Mt 6, 24). Numerosos mártires han muerto por
no adorar a “la Bestia” (Ap 13-14), negándose incluso a simular su culto. La
idolatría rechaza el único Señorío de Dios;
Adivinación y magia
2115 Dios puede revelar el porvenir a sus profetas o a otros santos. Sin embargo,
la actitud cristiana justa consiste en entregarse con confianza en las manos de la
providencia en lo que se refiere al futuro y en abandonar toda curiosidad malsana
al respecto.
2116 Todas las formas de adivinación deben rechazarse: el recurso a Satán o a los
demonios, la evocación de los muertos, y otras prácticas que equivocadamente se
supone “desvelan” el porvenir (Dt 18, 10; Jr 29, 8). La consulta de horóscopos, la
astrología, la quiromancia, la interpretación de presagios y de suertes, los
fenómenos de visión, el recurso a “médiums” encierran una voluntad de poder sobre
el tiempo, la historia y, finalmente, los hombres, a la vez que un deseo de
granjearse la protección de poderes ocultos. Están en contradicción con el honor y
el respeto, mezclados de temor amoroso, que debemos solamente a Dios.
2117 Todas las prácticas de magia o de hechicería mediante las que se pretende
domesticar potencias ocultas para ponerlas a su servicio y obtener un poder
sobrenatural sobre el prójimo —aunque sea para procurar la salud—, son
gravemente contrarias a la virtud de la religión. Estas prácticas son más
condenables aún cuando van acompañadas de una intención de dañar a otro,
recurran o no a la intervención de los demonios.
El ateísmo
2124 El nombre de ateísmo abarca fenómenos muy diversos. Una forma frecuente
del mismo es el materialismo práctico, que limita sus necesidades y sus ambiciones
al espacio y al tiempo. El humanismo ateo considera falsamente que el hombre es
“el fin de sí mismo, el único artífice y demiurgo único de su propia
historia” (Gaudium et Spes 20, 1). Otra forma del ateísmo contemporáneo espera
la liberación del hombre de una liberación económica y social para la que “la
religión, por su propia naturaleza, constituiría un obstáculo, porque, al orientar la
esperanza del hombre hacia una vida futura ilusoria, lo apartaría de la
construcción de la ciudad terrena”
“No te harás escultura alguna...”
2132 El culto cristiano de las imágenes no es contrario al primer mandamiento que
proscribe los ídolos. En efecto, “el honor dado a una imagen se remonta al modelo
original” (San Basilio Magno, Liber de Spiritu Sancto, 18, 45), “el que venera una
imagen, venera al que en ella está representado” (Concilio de Nicea II: DS 601;
Concilio de Trento: DS 1821-1825; Concilio Vaticano II: SC 125; LG 67). El honor
tributado a las imágenes sagradas es una “veneración respetuosa”, no una
adoración, que sólo corresponde a Dios.
Ja jestem Pan, twój Bóg, który cię wywiódł z ziemi egipskiej, z domu niewoli. Nie
będziesz miał cudzych bogów obok Mnie! Nie będziesz czynił żadnej rzeźby ani
żadnego obrazu tego, co jest na niebie wysoko, ani tego, co jest na ziemi nisko, ani
tego, co jest w wodach pod ziemią! Nie będziesz oddawał im pokłonu i nie będziesz
im służył (Wj 20, 2-5).
Jest... napisane: "Panu, Bogu swemu, będziesz oddawał pokłon i Jemu
samemu służyć będziesz" (Mt 4,10).
I. "Panu, Bogu swemu, będziesz oddawał pokłon i będziesz Mu służył"
2084 (...)Pierwsze słowo wyraża pierwsze przykazanie Prawa: "Będziesz się bał
Pana, Boga swego, będziesz Mu służył... Nie będziecie oddawali czci bogom
obcym" (Pwt 6,13-14). Pierwszym wezwaniem i słusznym żądaniem Boga jest to,
by człowiek przyjął Go i adorował.
"Jemu samemu służyć będziesz"
2096 (...)Adorować Boga oznacza uznać Go za Boga, za Stwórcę i Zbawiciela,
za Pana i Mistrza wszystkiego, co istnieje, za nieskończoną i miłosierną Miłość.
"Panu, Bogu swemu, będziesz oddawał pokłon i Jemu samemu służyć będziesz" (Łk
4, 8) mówi Jezus, powołując się na Księgę Powtórzonego Prawa (Pwt 6, 13).
Adoracja Jedynego Boga wyzwala człowieka z zamknięcia się w sobie, z niewoli
grzechu i bałwochwalstwa świata.
Społeczny obowiązek religijny i prawo do wolności religijnej
2104 "Wszyscy ludzie... obowiązani są szukać prawdy, zwłaszcza w sprawach
dotyczących Boga i Jego Kościoła, a poznawszy ją, przyjąć i zachowywać”.
Obowiązek ten wypływa z "samej natury ludzi" (Sobor Watykanski II Dignitatis
Humanae, 1.2)
"Nie będziesz miał cudzych bogów przede Mną!"
2110 Pierwsze przykazanie zabrania oddawania czci innym bogom poza
Jedynym Panem, który objawił siebie swojemu ludowi. Zakazuje zabobonu i
2112 Pierwsze przykazanie potępia politeizm. Domaga się od człowieka, by nie
wierzył w innych bogów poza Bogiem i nie oddawał czci innym bóstwom poza
Jedynym Bogiem. Pismo święte nieustannie przypomina o odrzuceniu "bożków ze
srebra i złota, uczynionych rękami ludzkimi", które "mają usta, ale nie mówią; oczy
mają, ale nie widzą..." Te czcze bożki czynią człowieka pustym: "Do nich są
podobni ci, którzy je robią, i każdy, który im ufa" (Ps 115, 4-5. 8) 38 . Bóg
natomiast jest "Bogiem żywym" (Joz 3,10; Ps 42, 3 i in.), który daje życie i działa
w historii.
2113 Bałwochwalstwo nie dotyczy tylko fałszywych kultów pogańskich. Pozostaje
stałą pokusą wiary. Polega na ubóstwianiu tego, co nie jest Bogiem. Ma ono
miejsce wtedy, gdy człowiek czci i wielbi stworzenie zamiast Boga, bez względu
na to, czy chodzi o innych bogów czy o demony (na przykład satanizm), o władzę,
przyjemność, rasę, przodków, państwo, pieniądze itd. "Nie możecie służyć Bogu i
Mamonie" - mówi Jezus (Mt 6, 24). Wielu męczenników poniosło śmierć za to, że
nie oddawało czci "Bestii" 39 , odmawiając nawet udawania kultu.
Wróżbiarstwo i magia
2115 Bóg może objawić przyszłość swoim prorokom lub innym świętym. Jednak
właściwa postawa chrześcijańska polega na ufnym powierzeniu się Opatrzności w
tym, co dotyczy przyszłości, i na odrzuceniu wszelkiej niezdrowej ciekawości w tym
2116 Należy odrzucić wszystkie formy wróżbiarstwa: odwoływanie się do Szatana
lub demonów, przywoływanie zmarłych lub inne praktyki mające rzekomo
odsłaniać przyszłość. Korzystanie z horoskopów, astrologia, chiromancja,
wyjaśnianie przepowiedni i wróżb, zjawiska jasnowidztwa, posługiwanie się
medium są przejawami chęci panowania nad czasem, nad historią i wreszcie nad
ludźmi, a jednocześnie pragnieniem zjednania sobie ukrytych mocy. Praktyki te są
sprzeczne ze czcią i szacunkiem - połączonym z miłującą bojaźnią - które należą
się jedynie Bogu.
2117 Wszystkie praktyki magii lub czarów, przez które dąży się do pozyskania
tajemnych sił, by posługiwać się nimi i osiągać nadnaturalną władzę nad bliźnim nawet w celu zapewnienia mu zdrowia - są w poważnej sprzeczności z cnotą
religijności. Praktyki te należy potępić tym bardziej wtedy, gdy towarzyszy im
intencja zaszkodzenia drugiemu człowiekowi lub uciekanie się do interwencji
2124 Pojęcie "ateizm" obejmuje bardzo zróżnicowane zjawiska. Często
spotykaną postacią ateizmu jest materializm praktyczny, który ogranicza
potrzeby i ambicje człowieka do przestrzeni i czasu. Humanizm ateistyczny
błędnie uważa, że człowiek jest "sam sobie celem, sam jedynym sprawcą i
demiurgiem swojej własnej historii" . Inna postać współczesnego ateizmu oczekuje
wyzwolenia człowieka na drodze wyzwolenia gospodarczego i społecznego,
któremu - jak twierdzi - "religia z natury swej stoi na przeszkodzie, gdyż budząc
nadzieję człowieka na przyszłe, złudne życie, odstręcza go od budowy państwa
"Nie będziesz czynił żadnej rzeźby..."
2132 Chrześcijański kult obrazów nie jest sprzeczny z pierwszym przykazaniem,
które odrzuca bałwochwalstwo. Istotnie "cześć oddawana obrazowi odwołuje się
do pierwotnego wzoru" i "kto czci obraz, ten czci osobę, którą obraz
przedstawia" . Cześć oddawana świętym obrazom jest "pełną szacunku czcią",
nie zaś uwielbieniem należnym jedynie samemu Bogu.

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