

Gimnazjum. Poziom podstawowy. Klasa 2.
Test na początek roku szkolnego. Karta pracy – ŚRODKI JĘZYKOWE
Zadanie 1.
Zadanie 3.
Przeczytaj dialog. Spośród wyrazów podanych
w ramce wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają
luki 1.1.–1.8. Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A–H) obok
numeru każdej luki.
Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych w ramce
wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają luki 3.1.–3.3.
Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A–F) obok numeru każdej
luki. Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy nie pasują do żadnej luki.
A. get
A. careless
B. hot
B. situations
C. hotter
C. careful
D. never
Anita: Oh dear, it’s raining again!
Sara: Is it often 1.1. in York?
Anita: Yes, it is! What’s the 1.2.
like in Acapulco?
Sara:It’s quite wet in 1.3.
but it’s very dry in
Anita: And I’m sure it’s 1.4.
than York.
Sara: Yes, it’s very 1.5.
in summer.
Anita: Does it 1.6.
cold in 1.7.
Sara: No, it’s 1.8.
cold in Acapulco!
Mountain hiking can be fun but if you’re not 3.1. ,
you can risk your life. There are some tips every hiker
has to follow. First of all, you have to be prepared
for changeable weather 3.2. , so take warm and
waterproof clothes with you. You will also need a map
and a compass, a torch and enough food and water to
last you for at least one day. Be sensible and don’t hesitate
to continue walking.
to turn back if you are too 3.3. Zadanie 4.
Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie
luk 4.1.–4.3. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
Zadanie 2.
Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych
w ramce wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają
luki 2.1.–2.3. Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A–F) obok
numeru każdej luki. Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy nie pasują
do żadnej luki.
A. computers
B. clean
C. take
In Japan, school usually starts at 8.00 or 8.30 am, and
finishes at 3.30 or 3.50 pm. At most schools, children
wear a school uniform but they never wear their
in class. They usually have lunch at school and
2.1. eat in their classroom. After lunch, children always
brush their teeth and then they 2.2. the classroom.
After school, they sometimes go to after-school
2.3. . In the evening, they like reading Manga
comics or playing computer games.
I’m a big fan of different sports. In my free time,
I 4.1. playing hockey. I think it is an amazing sport.
It’s really fast and dynamic. But today I’m playing
basketball 4.2. my school friends. This is very
exciting too. Sometimes, we play tennis and in winter,
we go 4.3. in the Tatra Mountains.
A. loves
A. with
A. skis
B. loving
B. from
B. ski
C. love
C. of
C. skiing
Zadanie 5.
Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie
luk 5.1.–5.3. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
Two years ago my daughter asked me to buy her a dog.
At first I 5.1. ‘no’ but my wife talked me into it. So
two weeks later I brought home a little brown puppy.
Lily got crazy about it but we had to teach her how
to take care of 5.2. pet properly. We showed her
how to feed it, walk it and clean up after it. The dog
5.3. our daughter a great lesson about friendship,
responsibility and loyalty.
A. said
A. a
A. teach
B. saying
B. the
B. has taught
© Macmillan Polska 2014. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom.
C. say
C. –
C. teaching
Gimnazjum. Poziom podstawowy. Klasa 2.
Test na początek roku szkolnego. Karta pracy – ŚRODKI JĘZYKOWE
Zadanie 6.
Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk 6.1.–6.12. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
It was early morning on 7 September 1838 in the Longstone Lighthouse, north of Whitby. Grace Darling, 22 years
old, 6.1. in the lighthouse with her mother and father.
There 6.2. a terrible storm and Grace heard the sound of the wind and the sea.
But there was something else. What was it? Grace looked out into the storm. She 6.3. a shout from the sea.
Then Grace saw where the shout 6.4. from. She ran to her parents’ room.
‘Quick, father, look – there’s a ship! It’s on the Big Harcar Rock.’
‘Yes, you’re right,’ her father 6.5. ‘And there are men on the ship.’
The ship was over a kilometre away from the lighthouse and there 6.6. much time. Father and daughter ran
to the lighthouse’s rowing boat. They 6.7. the small boat into the sea.
‘Now you stay here,’ William said.
‘No,’ replied Grace. ‘I’m 6.8. with you. You can’t go alone.’
The sea was very high and it was hard to row to the ship. When they 6.9. to Big Harcar Rock they found nine
men. They helped five of the men into their little boat. It wasn’t easy and Grace almost 6.10. into the water.
Then they rowed back to the lighthouse. Grace stayed at the lighthouse with three of the men. William and two
back to the ship for the others. William and Grace saved the lives of nine men that day. Grace
of the men 6.11. became famous and people 6.12. about her in the newspapers. But she didn’t leave the lighthouse and her
parents. Four years later she became ill and died, but her name lived on after her death.
A. lives
B. is living
C. lived
A. be
B. was
C. were
A. heard
B. listened
C. saw
A. came
B. come
C. comes
A. reply
B. replies
C. replied
A. was
B. wasn’t
C. weren’t
A. put
B. puts
C. putting
A. came
B. come
C. coming
A. get
B. gets
C. got
© Macmillan Polska 2014. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom.
A. fall
B. fell
C. feel
A. go
B. going
C. went
A. read
B. reading
C. reads

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