WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online


WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online
Free City Guide to Events, Music, Film, Theatre, Museum & More
Issue #301 [Summer Edition]
01.07.2011 - 21.07.2011
> get more online: www.WroclawWeekly.pl > [email protected]
Arsenal Nights
ARSENAL (ul. Cieszyńskiego 9)
Ticket: 30/24PLN
“Arsenal Nights (Wieczory w Arsenale)"
is an annual open-air chamber music
festival. For more information and the
complete program, please check: www.
wieczory-w-arsenale.pl (PL/EN)
Non Sola Scripta:
Wrocław Summer Organ Festival
UNIVERSITY CHURCH (Kościół Uniwersytecki / pl. Uniwersytecki 1a)
Ticket: 15/10PLN
Every Sunday at 19:30, Wrocław’s annual
organ music festival presents a concert
by Polish and European musicians.
Young Classic Wratislavia
and musicians as well as guardians and
practitioners of local spiritualities from
all around the world. The title for the 7th
edition this year is “Mask." The program
includes presentations & performances,
concerts, film screening and workshops.
More at http://www.bravefestival.pl
Japan Day
10.07.2011 - 15:00 (Sunday)
IMPART (ul. Mazowiecka 17)
Admission Free
The Embassy of Japan in Poland organizes a Japan cultural day. Here is the
program of the day:
15:00 - Opening
15:15 - “The Japanese & Nature," a talk
by the Japanese ambassador to Poland
(in Japanese with Polish translation)
16:30 - A Tea Ceremony demonstration
19:00 - A piano recital by Tempei
ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHEDRAL (Katedra Marii Magdaleny / ul. Szewska 10)
Ticket: 25/15PLN
Every year “Young Classic Wratislavia"
presents the works of young musicians
passionate about classical music. The
8th edition this year invites youth orchestras from Austria, Germany, Netherland
and various parts of Poland. More info:
youngclassic.pl (PL)
PracOFFnia Sounds
Komedia Theatre (pl. Teatralny 4)
Boeing Boeing - Fri & Sat 20:00; Sun
PRACOFFNIA (ul. Więzienna 6)
Ticket: 9PLN (incl. a free drink)
Every Friday in July, PracOFFnia organizes a mini-concert of acoustic music. The
concerts start at 21:00.
Brave Festival
With the keyword “Against Cultural
Exile," every year Brave Festival brings to
Wrocław traditional performing artists
> The Week of Friday
> 01.07.2011 - Thursday 07.07.2011
Polski Theatre / Kameralna
(ul. Świdnicka 28)
Mayday (Run for Your Wife!) - Fri-Sun
Farinelli - Wed & Thu 19:00
Ad Spectatores (National Museum /
pl. Powstańców Warszawy 5)
Pejzaż Zimowy Brueghela - Fri-Sun
Regional Center For Business
Tourism (ul. Wystawowa 1)
[Brave Festival] Topeng Pajegan: Mask
Performance of 10 Personifications - Sat 19:00
Współczesny (Contemporary)
Theatre (ul. Rzeźnicza 12)
[Brave Festival] Reza Mazandarani:
Forbidden Songs of Ancient Persia Sun & Mon 17:00
[Brave Festival] Sahariya Tribe: The
Forest People of Rajasthan - Mon
21:00; Tue 19:00
Polski Theatre (ul. Zapolskiej 3)
[Brave Festival] Blind Note: Multicultural Concert in Darkness - Sun
[Brave Festival] Kathakali: Ancient
Language of Hindu Mudras and
Colours - Wed 19:00
Ostrów Tumski
[Brave Festival] Mamuthones: Procession of Black Masks / Pre-Christian
Ritual from Sardinia - Sun 21:00
Impart (ul. Mazowiecka 17)
[Brave Festival] Be-Being: Awakening
the Tradition / Korean Mask in a Minimalist Form - Mon 19:00; Tue 21:00
[Brave Festival] Ballaké Sissoko &
Vincent Segal: Art of Musical Conversation - Thu 19:00
Song of the Goat Theatre
(Teatr Pieśń Kozła / ul. Purkyniego 1)
[Brave Festival] Macbeth - Tue & Wed
[Brave Festival] Marcin Jarnuszkiewicz: “Homework" - Thu 17:00
The Grotowski Institute
Nolens Volens (Rock: Free) - 20:00
Friday 1st
ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHEDRAL (Katedra Marii Magdaleny / ul. Szewska 10)
[Young Classic Wratislavia] Wałbrzych
Music School Symphonic Orchestra
(Classical: 25/15PLN) - 19:00
MADNESS (ul. Hubska 6) Inw, Ryzykanci,
Rbs, Pmd 48 & Ajr, Wjs, Ehone (7PLN) 19:00
ARSENAL (ul. Cieszyńskiego 9) [Arsenal
Nights] Duo Granat (AT) - program: C.
Czerny/ W. A. Mozart/ F. Schubert (Classical: 30/24PLN) - 20:00
PRACOFFNIA (ul. Więzienna 6) [PracOFFnia Sounds] “VIBRA-FONO-SOLO" - Miłosz Rutkowski (vibraphone) (Improvisation: 9PLN incl. a drink) - 21:00
Sunday 3rd
(Synagoga Pod Białym Bocianem / ul.
Włodkowica 7) Mitlos (Jewish: 35/25PLN)
- 17:00
UNIVERSITY CHURCH (Kościół Uniwersytecki / pl. Uniwersytecki 1) [Non Sola
Scripta] Marek Stefański (organ) (Classical: 15/10PLN) - 19:30
ARSENAL [Arsenal Nights] “The Spanish
Night" - Rafael Cortés (guitar), Juanfe
Luengo (guitar), Rafaela Escoz (dance),
Miguel Sotelo (vocal/guitar), David Huertas (percussion) (Classical: 60/45PLN)
- 20:00
Tuesday 5th
ALIVE (ul. Kolejowa 12) [Jam Session]
ARSENAL [Arsenal Nights] Pascal Rogé
(FR) (piano) - program: G. Tailleferre/ G.
Fauré/ C. Franck (Classical: 30/24PLN)
- 20:00
Friday 8th
Sunday 10th
(Synagoga Pod Białym Bocianem) Amir
Gwirtzman (IL) (Jewish: 35/25PLN) - 17:00
IMPART (ul. Mazowiecka 17) [Japan Day]
Tempei Nakamura (piano) (Free) - 19:00
UNIVERSITY CHURCH (Kościół Uniwersytecki) [Non Sola Scripta] Józef Serafin
(organ), Claribel Clarinet Quartet (Classical: 15/10PLN) - 19:30
ARSENAL [Arsenal Nights] “The Estonian
Night" - Bartosz Bober (violin), Wratislavia Chamber Orchestra (Classical:
30/24PLN) - 20:00
Monday 11th
Song of the Goat Theatre
(Teatr Pieśń Kozła / ul. Purkyniego 1)
[Brave Festival] Marcin Jarnuszkiewicz: “Homework" - Fri 17:00
Regional Center For Business
Tourism (ul. Wystawowa 1)
[Brave Festival] Masks of the Moon:
Fiery Ritual of the Bwa Tribe of
Burkina Faso - Fri 19:00
> The Week of Friday 08.07.2011 > Thursday 14.07.2011
1. Mleczarnia Café & Hostel,
Synagogue "Under A White Stork"
2. Współczesny (Contemporary)
3. Ostrów Tumski
4. University Church
5. Arsenal
6. St. Mary Magdalene Cathedral
7. PracOFFnia
8. Impart
9. Song of the Goat Theatre
10. Wrocław Info - Coffee2go
11. Tourist Information Centre
Tuesday 12th
Monday 18th
ALIVE [Jam Session] Nolens Volens (Rock:
Free) - 20:00
WARSZAWA: NOT (ul.Piłsudskiego 74)
LWOW (ul. Hallera 15)
LALKA (ul. Prusa 32)
For the latest film schedule at these
cinemas, please see http://tinyurl.com/
ALIVE Fem Fatal (Chillout/Drum’n’Bass:
Free) - 20:00
Arkady: http://multikino.pl/arkady/
Pasaż Grunwaldzki:
Thursday 14th
ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHEDRAL (Katedra Marii Magdaleny) [Young Classic
No Performance listed
Contact: Wrocław Tourist Information Center, Rynek 14, 50-101 Wrocław, tel. (+48 71) 344 31 11
Sunday 17th
(Synagoga Pod Białym Bocianem)
Balkansambel (SK) (Jewish: 35/25PLN)
- 17:00
UNIVERSITY CHURCH (Kościół Uniwersytecki) [Non Sola Scripta] Ignace Michelis
(BE, organ), Matthias Schluebeck (DE)
(Classical: 15/10PLN) - 19:30
HELIOS (Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21)
ALIVE [Jam Session] Ace Cover Band
(Rock: Free) - 20:00
pl. Jana
Pawła II
Friday 15th
PRACOFFNIA [PracOFFnia Sounds]
Leszek Zalewski (acoustic guitar) (Improvisation: 9PLN incl. a drink) - 21:00
ARSENAL [Arsenal Nights] Raz, Dwa, Trzy
(Polish: 60/45PLN) - 20:00
PRACOFFNIA [PracOFFnia Sounds]
“Bossanova & Ballads" - Sławek Dudar
(sax), Arek Podstawka (guitar), Kamil
Pełka (contrabass) (Jazz: 9PLN incl. a
drink) - 21:00
(ul. Na Grobli 30-32)
[Brave Festival] Tovil: Lankan Dances
of Demons - Wed & Thu 21:00
> The Week of Friday 08.07.2011 > Thursday 14.07.2011
Wratislavia] Utrecht Youth
Symphonic Orchestra
(Classical: 25/15PLN) - 19:00
Wednesday 6th
©WrocławWeekly 2011, Some Rights Reserved CC [BY-NC-ND] // [email protected]