2013 - EA - Zadania SP klasa 5


2013 - EA - Zadania SP klasa 5
13 marca 2013
klasa 5 szkoły podstawowej, test trwa 45 minut
Prosimy o sprawdzenie czy otrzymałeś prawidłowy test i czy jest on obustronnie zadrukowany.
Witamy Cię. Otrzymujesz od nas 96 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź dopisujemy Ci jeszcze
1 punkt, za błędną zabieramy dany punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A,
B, C, D może być fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno używać słowników, notatek, podręczników itp..
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Życząc sukcesów, serdecznie Cię zapraszamy do testu konkursowego ENGLISH ACE 2013!
Komitet Organizacyjny Konkursu
1. What do you do in the evening ?
A) I go to school.
B) I have a shower.
C) I eat breakfast.
D) I read a book.
2. It is a fact that British people ……………… tea.
A) loves
B) hate
C) like
D) disgust
3. Who’s that man ?
A) She’s Tom’s father. B) He’s Toms uncle.
C) He’s Tom’s brother.
D) He Tom’s son.
4. My dad ………. beautiful flowers for my mum.
A) bought
B) buy
C) buyed
D) bot
5. Your brother’s son is your ……………
A) niece
B) nephew
C) cousin
D) step-cousin
6. - Do you like sweets ? - Yes, I do. But ………….
A) I‘d rather choose fruit.
C) I can’t eat them too much.
B) I don’t eat them often.
D) I prefer candies.
7. This English exercise is too difficult for me.
A) Why don’t you use a dictionary ?
C) I understand, but you can’t give up.
B) You should ask your teacher to help you.
D) Why don’t you revise your notes again ?
8. Here are Gustav and Rene. ……………… are from Paris.
A) They’re
B) That
C) These
D) They
9. How does your brother look like ?
A) He’s hair is short and straight.
C) He’s honest and caring.
B) His eyes are big and blue.
D) He’s ambitious and hard-working.
10. How often do you walk your dog ?
A) Twice a day.
C) When he’s sleeping.
B) Three times a week.
D) When I get back from school.
11. Who is ….. at tennis? You or Anna ?
A) the best
B) gooder
C) better
D) the better
12. What is the superlative form of the adjective FAR ?
A) the farrest
B) furthest
C) the furthest
D) further
13. What can you usually find in your pencil case ?
A) an eraser
B) a sharpener
C) a correction fluid
D) a lunch box
14. Whose dictionary is this ?
A) It’s my.
B) It’s your.
C) It’s mine.
D) It’s they’re.
15. At a newsagent’s you can :
A) Pay bills.
B) Rent a book.
C) Talk to a new agent.
D) Write a story.
16. ….. there any computers in 1900 ? No, there ………
A) Was/wasn’t
B) Were/were
C) Were/weren’t
D) Is/weren’t
17. Which of these words is(are) NOT an instrument(s)?
A) a triangle
B) a trombone
C) bongos
D) according
18. What are you doing ? I’m listening …. a radio.
A) to
B) on
C) -
D) of
19. – Bill! Are you ……… with us?
A) coming
B) came
C) going
D) going on
20. …………. idea was to go to this silly club ?
A) Who’s
B) Whose
C) Who is
D) What
21. ………… doesn’t belong to countable nouns.
A) coffee bean
B) orange
C) butter
D) shell
22. English is an official language in …
A) the UK
B) New Zealand
C) Kenya
D) the Netherlands
23. The traditional colour connected with St. Patrick’s Day is ….
A) green
B) blue
C) red
D) yellow
24. …………… is(are) tourist attraction(s) in the USA.
A) the Death Valley B) the House of Parliament C) Sydney Opera House
D) the Grand Canyon
© Copyright by ŁOWCY TALENTÓW – JERSZ, Wilczyn 2013, www.jersz.pl

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