

Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2005/2006
kod pracy ucznia
pieczątka nagłówkowa szkoły
Drogi Uczniu,
witaj na I etapie konkursu języka angielskiego. Przeczytaj uważnie instrukcję
i postaraj się prawidłowo odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania.
Arkusz liczy 8 stron i zawiera 6 zadań.
Przed rozpoczęciem pracy sprawdź czy Twój test jest
kompletny. Jeżeli zauważysz usterki, zgłoś Komisji
Zadania czytaj uważnie i ze zrozumieniem.
Odpowiedzi wpisuj czarnym lub niebieskim długopisem
bądź piórem.
Dbaj o czytelność pisma i precyzję odpowiedzi.
Nie używaj korektora. Jeśli się pomylisz przekreśl błędną
odpowiedź i wpisz poprawną.
Oceniane będą tylko odpowiedzi, które zostały umieszczone
w miejscu do tego przeznaczonym.
Przy każdym zadaniu podano maksymalną liczbę punktów
możliwą do uzyskania za jego rozwiązanie.
Czas pracy:
60 minut
Liczba punktów
do uzyskania:
Pracuj samodzielnie.
Strona 1 z 8
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2005/2006
Zadanie 1.
(0-10 pkt.)
część A
Z tekstu usunięto 10 fragmentów i umieszczono je poniżej. Dobierz te
fragmenty tak, by otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. W każdą lukę 1-10 wpisz
literę A-L, którą oznaczony został brakujący fragment. Dwa z podanych
fragmentów nie pasują do tekstu. Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz
otrzymać 10 pkt.
The funny thing about Coca-Cola is that it was not meant to be drunk to fight against
thirst. At least, it was not the pleasure of drinking that Coca -Cola’s inventor had in
mind .................................................. (1).
The drink was invented in May, 1886, by Dr. John S. Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia.
.................................................. (2)To achieve the desired effect, the inventor mixed
wine and the leaves of the South American coca plant.
.................................................. (3)Wine was eliminated and replaced with the seeds
of the African cola tree. Whether he succeeded or not his goal of producing a mind
brightening drink is disputable but the final product proved to be very tasty.
The name for the drink, which is the mixture of the beverage’s ingredients, was
suggested by Pemberton’s bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, who wrote the logo in the
flowing script that is famous today .................................................. (4). The total sales
for the first year was $ 50, and Dr. Pemberton took a loss since his year’s expenses
were over $ 70.
In 1887 Pemberton sold the recipe to Willis Venable and George Lowndes. The
license to produce the drink was re-sold twice before it reached the hands of Asa
Candela .................................................. (5). He changed the recipe slightly, and
together with his new partner Frank Robinson he transformed Coca –Cola into a join
–stock company.
The new owners were aware of the value of their product. They mixed all the
components by themselves in their laboratory .................................................. (6).
Nobody could figure out the composition.
The components of the Coke are still classified as a top –secret, though some of
them have been known for quite a while. These are sugar, caramel, caffeine, extracts
from the coca leaves (without cocaine, of course), citric acid, glycerin and vanilla
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2005/2006
.................................................. (7). Their characteristics are in the vault of The Trust
Company of Georgia, guarded as well as the chemical formula of the paint used to
produce dollar-bills.
.................................................. (8). Those wanting to find them out from the Coca –
Cola company will get the reply that “the principal ingredients used in all of our soft
drinks are listed in the ingredient declaration on the bottle crown or closure, the can
or the label of the larger sized bottles.” .................................................. (9)
All that is left for Coca-Cola drinkers is to hope that one day the strange, mysterious
set of ingredients will be known .................................................. (10). Or something
even more delicious.
Adapted from the Sunday Express
A) Pemberton, a pharmacist, believed that it would have a therapeutic characteristic
as a medication to brighten the mind.
B) The full list of ingredients is known to very few people
C) His idea was to create a kind of today’s Prozac.
D) It was he who got the idea of mixing the drink with carbonated water.
E) During the first year, the sales of Coca –Cola averaged six drinks a day.
F) Coca –Cola soon became a great success.
G) One thing is sure: although the name suggests that the drink contains cocaine,
none of the experts testing it confirmed its presence in the extract.
H) Nevertheless, the components marked as 7X still remain the biggest mystery
I) If you want to know the recipe you can have to pay for it.
J) The mysterious 7X may prove to be washing-up liquid, sea water or perhaps brake
K) Because the drink did not catch with customers, the recipe was changed the
following year.
L) Later when their business developed, they simply numbered the ingredients from
1 to 9.
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2005/2006
część B
Dopasuj poniższe wyrazy do podanych definicji. UWAGA: Jednemu wyrazowi
odpowiada tylko jedna definicja. Dwie z podanych definicji nie mają
odpowiednika wśród tych wyrazów.
Przykład rozwiązania:
0. food
all things we eat
Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz otrzymać 10 pkt.
1. inventor
2. achieve
3. disputable
4. beverage
5. replace
6. aware
7. figure out
8. vault
9. slightly
10. loss
B) you know about something
C) a person who has invented something
D) the fact of no longer having something or having less than before.
E) to realize, to find out
F) very impressive and often frightening
G) you succeed in doing something or causing it to happen after a lot of effort
H) a secure room where money or other valuable things can be kept
I) a drink
J) to some degree but not to a very large
K) move steadily
L) being questioned or argued
Ł) you get a new one to use instead or you put something new
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2005/2006
Zadanie 2.
(0-15 pkt.)
Podaj wyrazy odpowiadające podanym poniżej opisom. Dla ułatwienia została
podana ich pierwsza litera.
Przykład rozwiązania:
0.Vegetables are said to be
Odp. Healthy
Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz otrzymać 15 pkt.
1. A simple meal that is quick to cook or eat .
2. Fruit and vegetables contain lots of them
3. We cut bread into
4. Soda, coke, juice are called
s _ _ _ drinks
5. Fast food is said to be
6. A green vegetable liked by rabbits
7. Works in a restaurant
a w_____
8. Milk, cheese, yoghurt are called
d _ _ _ _ products
9. We usually serve salads with
d _______
10. Breakfast, lunch, dinner are main
11. Typical American food
12. Ice cream, cake and jelly are most popular
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2005/2006
13. Traditional English breakfast consists of eggs and
14. Yesterday I bought a
b _ _ of chocolate
15. Jam is usually sold in a
Zadanie 3.
(0-5 pkt.)
Wybierz wyraz najlepiej pasujący do zdania. .Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie
możesz otrzymać 5 pkt.
Przykład rozwiązania:
0. Light ...........a.............. are served during the breaks.
a) meals
b) food
c) snacks
1. Can you ............................ me a sugar bowl, please?
a) pass
b) give
c) hand
2. This meat ........................ awful.
a) stinks
b) smells
c) feels
3. Lemons are too .................... for me. I do not like them at all.
a) sweet
b) juicy
c) sour
4. We keep all the meat in the ....................................... .
a) freezer
b) cooker
c) cupboard
5. What is the main ................................. of this cake?
a) ingredient
b) taste
c) factor
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2005/2006
Zadanie 4.
(0-5 pkt.)
Znajdź wyrazy, które nie pasują do pozostałych. Zaznacz je kółkiem. Za
poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz otrzymać 5 pkt.
Przykład rozwiązania:
0 bad, horrible, awful, good, terrible
a: banana, herring, grapes, pear, watermelon
b: beetroot, cabbage, celery, strawberry, tomato
c: full, empty, tasty, cook, delicious
d: bake, roast, boil, fry, eat
e: veal, pork, salmon, chicken, beef
Zadanie 5. (0-15 pkt.)
Przeczytaj poniższy list i podaj wyrazy w nawiasach w poprawnej formie
gramatycznej. Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz otrzymać 15 pkt.
Dear Judy, I’m sorry that I (not, write) (1) .................................... for ages. I hope you
(not, be) (2) .................................... angry with me. I (write) (3) ..................................
to you right now to tell you what happened to me yesterday. My sister (celebrate) (4)
.................................... her 18 birthday so we (go) (5) .................................... to the
restaurant. You will never guess what adventure we (have) (6) ...................................
We (sit) (7) .................................... at the table when suddenly I (spill) (8)
.................................... my coffee on the person sitting next to me. It (be) (9)
.................................... a famous actor but I (not, realize) (10) ...................................
.................................... it. What a shame! Of course I apologized but everyone (stare)
(11) .................................... at me. Fortunately, he turned out to be a person with
a sense of humour. He told me that if I (want) (12) .................................... his
autograph I should have asked for it. I (feel) (13) .................................... so
embarrassed. Let bygones be bygones. Tomorrow we (meet) (14) .............................
at the actor’s studio. I’m so excited. He (just, phone) (15) .................................... to
arrange everything. Wish me luck and keep in touch.
With love,
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2005/2006
Zadanie 6.
(0-10 pkt.)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i podaj wyrazy w nawiasach w poprawnej formie. Za
poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz otrzymać 10 pkt.
Przykład rozwiązania:
I bought for my mother’s birthday a wonderful (cook) (0) ..............................
odp. cookery
We spent a (delight) (1) ......................................... night at Sparrow’s restaurant. We
were (amaze) (2) ................................................ by the food. Somebody told us that
it would be (taste) (3) ............................................ but this person is a liar.
The (fame) (4) ................................................. strawberry ice-cream was (wonder)
(5).................................. And service was (marvel) (6) .................................... too.
All staff were (friend) (7) ....................................................... and nice.
They also organized (interest) (8) ................................................ events for the
whole family.
Children will never get (boredom) (9) ...................................................... there. They
can play (fun) (10) ..................................... games and there is a clown to entertain
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