Konkurs j. angielskiego - test - 2008/2009


Konkurs j. angielskiego - test - 2008/2009
kod pracy ucznia
pieczątka nagłówkowa szkoły
Arkusz zawiera 10 stron
W arkuszu jest do rozwiązania 7 zadań.
Przed rozpoczęciem pracy sprawdź, czy Twój test jest
kompletny. Jeżeli zauważysz usterki, zgłoś je Komisji
Zadania czytaj uważnie i ze zrozumieniem.
Odpowiedzi wpisuj czarnym lub niebieskim długopisem
bądź piórem.
Dbaj o czytelność pisma i precyzję odpowiedzi.
Nie używaj korektora. Jeżeli pomylisz się, błędne
sformułowanie przekreśl i wpisz obok poprawne.
Oceniane będą tylko odpowiedzi, które zostały umieszczone
w miejscu do tego przeznaczonym.
Przy każdym zadaniu podano maksymalną liczbę punktów
możliwą do uzyskania za jego rozwiązanie.
Brudnopis nie będzie oceniany.
Pracuj samodzielnie.
Czas pracy:
80 minut
Liczba punktów
do uzyskania:
Zadanie 1 (0 – 14 pkt.)
Uzupełnij tekst czternastoma wyrazami wybranymi z tabelki. UWAGA, kilka
wyrazów nie pasuje do tekstu. Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz
otrzymać 14 pkt.
William the Hero
Brave William Baldock, (1) ……….. is six years old, is a hero after helping his mother
when she fell downstairs. William quickly rang (2) ......... an ambulance when he
discovered his mother had broken her leg. In spite of (3) ............. frightened, he
(4)................... the emergency services what had happened and answered all the
questions they asked him. He also telephoned his father (5) ......... work, and then his
grandmother, to explain what he had (6) ..............While waiting for (7) ………..
people to arrive, William looked after his 18-month-old sister.
When ambulance man Steve Lyn went to the house, he was (8) ................:’It’s
(9)................. that a young boy of six knew the right number to (10) ..............., and was
able to give us the correct information. (11) .................... of William’s quick thinking,
we were able to (12) ………….... there immediately.’
Mrs Baldock left hospital yesterday, very (13) ................ to both William and the
ambulance (14) ................
that, to, who, grateful, find, for, reach, get, these, said, acted, talked, on, made,
dial, done, being, told, at, fine, amazed, as, although, service, because, those,
Zadanie 2 (0 – 8 pkt.)
Dokończ zdania według sugestii. Jeśli trzeba, zmień kolejność wyrazów i dobierz
ich odpowiednią formę, uzupełnij brakujące słowa. Za poprawnie rozwiązane
zadanie możesz otrzymać 8 pkt.
1. too/clever/make/such/mistakes
Tom is
2. take/much/medicine/ruin/health
I think that
Strona 2 z 10
3. tell/group/walk/carefully
The guide
4. not/enough/food/feed/many people
There is
5. all/ friends /visit/him/the summer/possible
Bill asked
6. know/time/it/now
Do you happen
7. take/exercise/help/you/keep/fit
Everyone knows that
8. enough/hard/able/pass/that exam
James is studying
Zadanie 3 (0 – 5 pkt.)
Dopasuj tytuły 1-5 do podanych poniżej fragmentów artykułów a-e. Jeden tytuł
nie pasuje do żadnego artykułu. Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz
otrzymać 5 pkt.
In Edinburgh again
The horse has right of way
Unexpected road accident
A giant fruit
Development and housing
Holidaymakers won’t be too happy
a) The Warsaw National Theatre group is visiting our town soon. It will be the
second time we will have an opporunity to watch that fantastic troupe on the
stage. Their first visit took place .............
Strona 3 z 10
b) The Annual Gooseberry Competition is coming to an end. The official results
will be announced this evening. However, it is already known that the largest berry
on display is .......
c) The weather tomorrow will not be very different from that we had today. Light
showers will continue, only a few sunny patches here and there expected. The
temperature .............
d) An unusual collision was watched by a group of tourists on the Royal Route
today. In the early hours of the morning a lonely stallion was seen galloping along
the road. At the South Bridge crossing it suddenly turned right causing ............
e) The Major is meeting his opponents tonight. The delegation of the residents
opposed to the construction of a new shopping centre on the site of the old terraced
houses will probably be led by ..................
Zadanie 4 (0 – 5 pkt.)
Przeczytaj podany tekst a następnie znajdź zakończenia zdań prawidłowo
oddające jego treść. Tylko jedno z podanych zakończeń jest poprawne – zaznacz
je obwódką. Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz otrzymać 5 pkt.
The Solitary Race
Swimming across the English Channel is a competition with an interesting history. It is
a very special event for a number of reasons. First, it is basically a solitary race. Even
if there are a few swimmers attempting to set up a new world record at the same time,
each of them fights his or her own battle. Secondly, it is impossible for the competitors
to have a cheering crowd around them raising their spirits and giving them the will to
go on. Finally, the attempt itself is extremely daring. The distance is huge, the waters
are often rough and the weather changeable. The temperature of the sea is low even
during the warmest time of the year, which is July.
1. Swimming across the Chanel is .............................................
a) is not a new sporting event.
b) has been described by the historians.
c) is a historical event.
d) has been described in a historical book.
Strona 4 z 10
2. Swimmers usually set out .....................................
a) in groups.
b) in teams.
c) alone.
d) immediately.
3. Sport fans ……………………………..
a) can accompany the swimmers.
b) are forbidden to make a noise.
c) will create a good atmosphere.
d) cannot accompany the swimmers.
4. Swimming across the Channel is ....................................
a) a lot of fun.
b) dangerous.
c) expensive.
d) satisfying.
5. Very often the English Channel …………………….
a) has high waves
b) is warm
c) has nice weather
d) is calm
Zadanie 5 (0 – 8 pkt.)
Uzupełnij niedokończone zdania wstawiając podany wyraz oraz dobierając inne
tak, aby drugie zdanie było jak najbardziej zbliżone do znaczenia zdania
wyjściowego. Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz otrzymać 8 pkt.
1. ‘Shall we go to the cafe?’ said Flora.
Flora ............................................ to the cafe.
2. It may rain later so take an umbrella
Take an umbrella ...................................................... later.
Strona 5 z 10
3. I’m sorry I can’t meet you this evening.
I ................................................................. this evening.
4. Is it all right for me to borrow your car?
Do ....................................................... your car?
5. I haven’t seen a good film for months.
It’s .............................................................. a good film.
6. ‘I will only work extra hours if I get paid at a higher rate’.
‘I will ............................................................... I get paid at a higher rate’.
7. There is no more petrol left in the car.
The car .................................................. petrol.
8. You can borrow my camera, but you must be careful with it.
You can borrow my camera ............................................... careful with it.
Strona 6 z 10
Zadanie 6 (0 – 10 pkt.)
Wstaw właściwą formę czasownika. Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz
otrzymać 10 pkt.
1. Sheila (have) ____________ three cups of coffee already today. She’d better not
have any more.
2. Don’t call me between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. as I (put) ____________ the children to
3. If he (not/pass) _____________ his driving test, I’ll be really surprised.
4. They arrived back from holiday to the terrible news that their house (damage)
__________ by the heavy storms.
5. If you (not/be) ____________ so untidy, you’d be able to find things in your room.
6. It (think) ______________ that the house prices will continue to go up in the next
five years.
7. Oh no! My car isn’t here! It must (steal) _____________.
8. Could you tell me where the toilets (be) __________?
9. Nowadays most people (cut) _____________ down on junk food.
10. When I saw her for the first time, she (work) ____________ in a cybercafé.
Zadanie 7 (0 – 10 pkt.)
Wybierz właściwą formę. Za poprawnie rozwiązane zadanie możesz otrzymać 10
1. The Egyptian pyramids ____________ without modern technology.
a) are built
b) were build
c) were built
d) was built
2. If you don’t remember a word, look it ______ in a dictionary.
a) at
b) down
c) away
d) up
Strona 7 z 10
3. They said they __________ bananas, but they didn’t.
a) liked
b) had liked
c) like
d) would like
4. My father doesn’t mind __________ long hours.
a) to work
b) working
c) have to work
d) work
5. Rice ________ with chopsticks in China.
a) eats
b) is eaten
c) eat
d) is eating
6. It’s really nice to watch ________ energetic people as you.
a) such
b) such an
c) so a
d) so
7. If the answer ________ simple, everyone would know it.
a) is
b) does
c) was
d) would be
Strona 8 z 10
8. Jeff ________ with a rock band for nearly a year now.
a) sings
b) is singing
c) sang
d) has been singing
9. Everything depends ________ the weather conditions.
a) on
b) of
c) in
d) with
10. You __________ be quiet in a library. People are trying to concentrate there.
a) can
b) mustn’t
c) might
d) should
Strona 9 z 10
Strona 10 z 10

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