Poniżej lista aplikacji na komputer, na telefon i I


Poniżej lista aplikacji na komputer, na telefon i I
Jak poradzić sobie z przystąpieniem do wykonania zadania ?Jednego? Dwóch? Całej masy zadań? Jak
się zabrać do pracy, gdy przeraża nas jej ogrom? Czasami wiele zadań, które trzeba wykonać: zdobyć
zaliczenia, przygotować się do egzaminu może działać demotywująco. Jak zabrać się do pracy i
przestać zwlekać z realizacją?
Każdy radzi sobie z tym na własny sposób, bo na przestrzeni lat udało się już większości z nas
wypracować jakieś strategie np. niektórzy robią listy zadań i porządkują je pod względem ważności
poszczególnych i terminu ich wykonania, inni dzielą duże zadanie na odcinki i koncentrują się tylko
na jednym zadaniu w danej chwili.
Bez względu na metody, które pomagają Tobie zorganizować sobie naukę to, zawsze warto
zainspirować się radami i metodami stosowanymi przez innych, szczególnie jeśli są to ludzie, którym
się „udaje” . Tak naprawdę nie wiemy jak bardzo ci, najlepsi zmagają się z niechęcią do przystąpienia
do pisania artykułu, opracowania projektu itd. Po prostu, kiedy zadanie jest wykonane to, miotania
się i walki wewnętrznej już nie widać. Nie widać też całej góry zjedzonych czekoladek,
posprzątanego pokoju, wielu, wielu rzeczy robionych tylko po, to aby choć na chwilę odciągnąć
moment przystąpienia do nauki… .
A oto linki do artykułów gdzie mowa oprzezwycięzaniu niechęci do przystąpienia do działania( czyli
„how to fight procrastination”.
Poniżej lista aplikacji na komputer, na telefon i I-Phone’a przydatnych dla
wszystkich, którym ciężko się zebrać i zmotywować:
Sophisticated Apps, which can analyze your behavior or those which help you set up
your own goals, define tasks better and boost motivation:
1. Unstuck – is a free app for iPad owners, with a very interesting concept, which helps you
to figure out HOW you procrastinate and what exactly you do to avoid doing tasks. The app
helps to figure out what type of procrastinator you are and suggests ways to deal with it.
2. Vitamin R – is another application for your computer, compatible with Mac. It helps you
to set objectives and to slice your tasks into smaller portions during which you should focus
on clearly defined objectives. It also accounts for “guilt-free” breaks, as they are vital for our
productivity. It also has a trial version.
3. MeeTimer is an add-on for the Firefox browser and is a perfect app for self-conscious
people. It doesn’t block anything, but instead just calculates the time that you spent on every
single website throughout the day and gives you all the statistics, including percentages of
your time spent on specific websites. It is designed to make you feel guilty about all the
wasted time on the “wrong” tasks.
4. Rescue Time is an alternative app that can be run on all systems including mobile devices,
which basically serves the same purpose as MeeTimer.
5. Obtract is a very unique app, which identifies your main distractions, and then every time
you want to access it, creates complicated intellectual obstacles to access them. The only
problem is that for those who love intellectual and math tasks, it can become a new form of
6. Instant Boss is a simple timer which helps you to break your day into work and pause
7. AntiProcrastinator is the simplest app around to help you keep up your motivation.
8. Time Out is rather an app for workaholics, which reminds you to take a break at set times.
As they say that stress and overload also cause procrastination, it might appear to be quite
9. Write or Die is a life-saver for those who have a day to go to write a 20,000 word essay, or
for those who thinks that they operate better under pressure. With this app you can define a
time-limit and a word count to be achieved. If you fail to reach your goal, then a punishment
will be awaiting you … An absolute highlight is a “kamikaze mode”, in which the program
starts un-writing your words unless you start writing again.
Apps that block all (or some) distractions on your computer
1. “Concentrate” is a famous intelligent app for Mac. Its main purpose is to eliminate all the
distractions on your computer, mostly by blocking websites and applications. However, it
does more than that: it will only block certain apps or websites when you perform certain
tasks on your computer, or conversely it will automatically open necessary programs for you
when you need them. So if you are doing internet research you definitely don’t want your
browser to be blocked, except when you are writing, it could be to your advantage. It is quite
pricey, but has a 60 day trial in case you want to give it a try before.
2. SelfControl is the best solution for experienced procrastinators. It just blocks the internet
completely for a set time and doesn’t unblock it even if you restart your computer or delete
the app. Another popular internet blocker is called Freedom.
3. Stop Disctrations is a simple app for Windows which just blocks all website that you tell it
to. An alternative app, which runs on Google Chrome, is called Procrastinator.
4. Anti-Social is a program which will block all social websites. You can only bring them
back if you reboot your computer.
5. White Room (for Mac) and Dark Room (for Windows) just hide everything from your
screen except for a window where you are writing your assignment. Alternative apps with the
same function include Iawriter (for Mac, just transforms your screen into a giant white
sheet), Quiet (also for Mac, it will also change your skype status to “busy”) and Isolator (a
free app).
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