Certificate in Advanced Business Communication jest egzaminem


Certificate in Advanced Business Communication jest egzaminem
Certificate in Advanced Business Communication jest egzaminem przeznaczonym dla studentów ko cz cych
cykl zaj z j zyka specjalistycznego, g"ównie dla studentów pi tego roku Stosunków Mi dzynarodowych .
Sk"ada si z cz &ci pisemnej, s"uchania ze zrozumieniem i cz &ci ustnej w której student musi wykaza si
znajomo&ci problematyki z zakresu mikro i makro – ekonomii omawianej na zaj ciach od pi tego semestru :’
Selected Marketing Strategies, Wst p do finansów w j zyku angielskim i Korespondencji w j zyku angielskim’
na poziomach C1 i C2.
I Writing
Jako przedstawiciel firmy GSM Poland napisz do klienta w odpowiedzi na jego list z dnia
.................. i przedstaw szerok ofert samochodowych telefonów komórkowych. Prze&lij
najnowszy katalog, specjalny pakiet promocyjny na DVD. Przedstaw mo4liwo&
preferencyjnych upustów na zamówienia powy4ej 100 i 200 sztuk. Zaproponuj równie4
prezentacje u klienta w dogodnym dla niego terminie.
(punktacja: max 15 pkt)
II Translate the following paragraphs into English:
Do ko ca dekady UE zamierza sta si najbardziej konkurencyjnym rynkiem na &wiecie,
zdolnym do stawiania czo"a wyzwaniom globalizacji i konkurencji ze strony USA i Azji.
Stanowi to g"ówny cel tzw. Strategii z Lizbony og"oszonej w 2000 r.
Uczestnicy kongresu w Warszawie omawiali sposoby przyspieszenia wzrostu ekonomicznego
w UE , który, jak zak"ada strategia, powinien osi gn 3% do roku 2010.
Wed"ug niezale4nych obserwatorów prace nad wprowadzeniem w 4ycie tej strategii post puj
zbyt wolno, a EU pozostaje daleko w tyle za USA. Wprawdzie pocz wszy od lat 90-tych
gospodarka unijna wykazuje pewien wzrost ale regiony s"abo rozwini te spowalniaj jej
rozwój. St d konieczno& konsolidacji wysi"ków i dostosowania unijnego bud4etu do potrzeb
nowych pa stw cz"onkowskich.
(punktacja: max 18 pkt)
III Translate the following sentences into English
1. W 4adnym wypadku nie wolno ci ignorowa akredytywy nieodwo"alnej.
2. Nie powiniene& by" zawiera kontraktu z partnerami, których sytuacja finansowa nie
jest jasna.
3. S dzi"em, 4e postanowienia s du arbitra4owego s wi 4 ce dla obydwu stron.
4. Od d"u4szego czasu zagraniczni inwestorzy niech tnie inwestuj w Polsce, poniewa4
polityka podatkowa rz du ulega ci g"ym zmianom.
5. Wola"bym, aby& skonsultowa" si z panem Kowalskim, który jest upowa4niony do
prowadzenia negocjacji w imieniu firmy X.
6. Mówi si , 4e reklamy s g"ównym Hród"em dochodu dla telewizji, radia i prasy.
7. Gdyby&my podj li wtedy tak ryzykowne przedsi wzi cie, zbankrutowaliby&my.
8. Wed"ug polskiego prawa Polski Kodeks Handlowy reguluje sprawy zwi zane z
zak"adaniem, dzia"alno&ci i rozwi zywaniem spó"ek.
9. Najwy4szy czas, 4eby wyst pi o kredyt na warunkach preferencyjnych.
10. Pomimo ostrej konkurencji pozosta" liderem na rynku paliw.
(punktacja: 20 pkt)
IV Reading comprehension
Read the following text and do the exercises below.
Hedge funds have become popular and more democratic. The best made strong returns despite
the stock-market shocks since 2000 by doing what they are designed to: hedge bets on stocks
and other assets using a variety of strategies, like short selling and arbitrage. As a result, big
institutions like pension funds have begun putting money in hedge funds, which previously
catered to superrich individuals. At the same time, Europe is beginning to allow hedge funds
to court the middle class; Germany, for example, introduced new rules at the beginning of the
year which allow investors with only a few hundred euro to get into hedge funds. The result is
flood of new money: hedge-fund holdings rose to $ 817 billion worldwide in 2004 , up from $
488 billion in 2000. As the total market booms, the average size of hedge funds is shrinking
fast, now that every star and wanna-be-star investment banker is jumping into the game.
Starting a hedge fund has become a lifestyle choice for anyone who’s had a reasonable career
in banking. Existing funds are aggressively recruiting fresh analysts to offer new investment
options. These emerging managers might be unknown as individuals, but they have the aura
of the existing fund around them.
Ninety percent of the people in the hedge-fund business right now shouldn’t be there. The
barriers to entry are so low that a couple of guys with $ 500,000 sitting in their garage can
hang out a shingle and call themselves a hedge-fund, which may pose a threat to the global
Regulators in the United States seem to agree: the Securities and Exchange Commission is
considering stricter rules for hedge-funds, which are now largely exempt from disclosure
1. Decide whether the statements are True or False placing T or F against each sentence:
1. Hedge-funds used to target superrich individuals.
2. Only affluent investors can invest in hedge-funds in Europe
3. Hedge-fund holdings rose by $ 328 billion from 2000 - 2004
4. The size of funds is getting smaller because all the stars want to invest
5. Total markets facilitate raising money for hedge-funds
6. Sound career in banking helps to start a hedge-fund
7. The start-up managers profit from the image of the existing fund
8. Only 10% of the people in the hedge-fund business are real professionals
9. There are hardly any substantial barriers to entry now
10. More stringent rules have been considered for hedge-funds
(punktacja: 10 pkt)
2. Find synonyms of the following words and expressions in the text :
1. great quantity of money
2. get into business
3. try to win or attract sb
4. start - ups
5. set up business for the first time
6. free from
7. profits of an investment
8. coming or going in
9. protection against losses by supporting more than one investment
10. something of value that a company has
(punktacja: 10 pkt)
V. Aural comprehension
You will hear a part of a radio program in which a business expert is being asked about
consultants. As you listen to the program answer these questions :
1. What are three main types of consultants ?
2. According to Mr Beeston, consultancy is criticised because
A it introduces unnecessary changes
B it has become too complicated
C it doesn’t always work
3. The best kind of consultant
A makes the company aware of its failings
B works in an equal relationship with the firm
C knows solutions and presents them clearly
4. He says that recently
A Demand for consultancy has increased
B More specialised services are available
C The cost of consultancy has been reduced
5. The most successful projects take
A many years or months
B at least six months
C as little time as possible
6. What advice does he give for selecting a consultant ?
A Decide after several discussions with different consultants
B Make sure the consultant is competent
C Chose the one who takes part in big projects
7. According to him the best time to use a consultant is
A when the tax year starts
B before the problems develop
C when profits are reduced
8. His plans for the future are
A taking early retirement
B setting up his own company
C writing about his experiences
(punktacja: 27 pkt)
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following ways of entering a market
joint venture, merger and franchising ?
2. Corporate hospitality . Advantages and disadvantages of mixing business with
3. What is the most important thing in running a company in market economies ?
4. Why do many small businesses fail ? Is it only the matter of cash flow ?
5. How much should the government regulate business ?
6. Why do companies relocate ?
7. How can we measure the performance of a company ?
8. What are the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur?
9. Are leaders born or made ?
10. Globalisation.
11. Brands in the context of business ethics
12. Business ethics and its violation
13. Marketing mix
14. Give an outline of an advertising campaign of a product.
15. Business climate in Poland
16. Staff turnover
17. SWOT analysis
18. What’s the caring company like ?
19. Polish capital market
20. The World Stock Exchange and main indexes
21. Poland and the EU
22. Recruitment and employment – past and present
23. International trade – forms of payment, tarrifs and quotas.
24. International trade – incoterms, arbitrage
25. Modern banking
26. E-business – curse or blessing for developing countries ?
27. Role of change in business – management of change
28. What is business ?
29. How much a free market system can be free ?
30. The role of competition. Monopoly and oligopoly.
31. Sources of capital for different types of companies
32. The art of negotiating
33. Market mechanisms
34. Money and representative money
35. Explain the philosophy of J I T policy
36. Cultural awareness in running a business internationally
37. Company culture
38. What’s important in setting up a company abroad ?
39. Explain the following financial arrangements : a hire purchase agreement, operating
lease, finance lease ( based on unit 4 – HAL info systems )
40. Explain the idea of a part-work and continuity promotion ( based on Editions
Comenius, unit 5 )
41. The role of cultural awarness in doing business in Kuwait ( based on unit 6 – RoyceLytton )
42. Explain the nature of a global strategy of establishing the Cougar brand name at the
top of the market sports shoes ( based on unit 2 )

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