2 ETAP MC 2010 - Olimpiada Języka Angielskiego


2 ETAP MC 2010 - Olimpiada Języka Angielskiego
ETAP OKRĘGOWY – styczeń 2010
© Henryk Krzyżanowski (str. 1– 8), Tomasz Skirecki (str. 9–10)
16 PKT
Zakreśl wyraźnie kółkiem literę, przy której znajduje się najlepsze rozwiązanie.
1. Already in 1960, TV was ________ that it may have won the election for Kennedy.
A/ such powerful medium
B/ so powerful a medium
C/ so powerful media
D/ so powerful medium
2. Sometimes reducing the population of predators is a sad neccessity. If we _______ over 80
percent of cormorants, the fish population would now be nonexistent.
A/ wouldn't have shot
B/ didn't shoot
C/ hadn't shot
D/ wouldn't have to shoot
3. In my opinion, it was stupid on her part __________ the conversation she had overheard.
A/ to pretend having understood
C/ pretending to be understanding
B/ pretending having understood
D/ to pretend to have understood
4. The system was so designed as to stop the machine whenever the operator __________ the
danger zone.
A/ was sensed to have entered
C/ sensed to be entering
B/ would sense to enter
D/ had sensed to enter
5. Well, the task __________ was clearly beyond her capacity.
A/ to explain the judges her behaviour
C/ of explaining her behaviour the judges
B/ of explaining her behaviour to the judges
D/ to explain her behaviour the judges
6. Now and again during the ride, the reflected light ________ off the metal elements of the
vehicle, making it an easy target for snipers.
A/ has been shining
B/ shun
C/ shined
D/ shone
7. Our problem is that while most experts do not speak the local language, _________ can
hardly be trusted.
A/ the few that do
B/ a few who do
C/ those little who do
D/ few that do
8. In dry periods such as the long drought of the 1950s, our engineers __________ water
tanks fitted to car rooftops, because the local wells were uncertain.
A/ would have carried
B/ must have carried
C/ would have to carry
D/ were able to carry
9. Over a ton of steel was required to complete the bridge, but since _________ we had to
find some substitute.
A/ not any would be available
B/ none would have been found
C/ none has been found
D/ none was to be had
10. The bed comes with one of the four matresses of varying firmness, which ensures that it
suits a wide range of ___________
A/ people's weight
B/ peoples' weights
C/ people's weights
D/ the weight of people
11. After the alarm clock finally ran __________ its battery, she turned and slept.
A/ down
B/ through
C/ out
D/ off
12. With the permanent pass we __________ for permission to enter the bay, and so our
presence remained a secret.
A/ needn't have asked
C/ hadn't needed ask
B/ didn't need to ask
D/ needn't have to ask
13. I'm afraid his recent speeches suggest him completely ________ the voters.
A/ beyond touch of
B/ off touch on
C/ without touch on D/ out of touch with
14. The writer responded by sending an angry letter, demanding that his name __________
removed from the list by the end of the week.
A/ is
B/ will be
C/ be
D/ would be
15. Roman Polanski, regarded as a fugitive since he __________ the US, escaping a possible
jail sentence, might soon reappear before an American judge.
A/ fled
B/ flew
C/ has flown
D/ had flown
16. He surprised everybody saying in his retirement speech he _________ a career in the film
A/ would rather take
C/ had rather taken
B/ would rather have taken
D/ had rather took
16 PKT
Przetłumacz na angielski. Nie należy niczego zmieniać we fragmentach już przetłumaczonych. Podpowiedzi w nawiasach nie podają
dokładnej formy, w jakiej dane słowo ma wystąpić w tłumaczeniu.
1. Druga opcja jest dostępna tylko dla tych, którzy wo leliby {=PREFER}, żeby im zap łacono gotówką.
The second option is ________________________________________________________________________________
____________________ in cash.
2. Analitycy napisali, że jeśli obecne zapotrzebowanie na szczepionkę będ zie nadal {=CONTINUE} rosło,
krajowi producenci mogą nie być w stanie go zaspokoić {=SATISFY}.
The analysts wrote ________________________________ demand on vaccines _______________________________
the home manufacturers ______________________________________________________________________
3. Z mn iej więcej 60 mieszkańców wioski przesłuchanych przez policję, żaden nie wydawał się mieć cokolwiek
wspólnego z terrorystami a n ie więcej niż jedna trzecia była Muzu łmanami.
Out of the six ty or so villager s questioned ________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Muslims.
4. NHS napisał do mo jego wu jka, żeby go ostrzec, że nie będzie miał operacji ko lana, o ile nie rzuci palenia.
The NHS has written ________________________________________________________________________________
his ankle operated on unless _________________________________________________
5. Czy pytaliście ankietowanych od kiedy używają internetu czy ko mputera osobistego?
Did ____________________ interviewees since __________________________________________________________
6. Informacja zebrana {=GATHER} ze źródeł oficjalnych mo że być znacznie cenniejsza niż ta z tajnych
The information ____________________________________________________________________________________
valuable _______________________________________________________________ under cover operations.
7. Po zwied zeniu Starego Rynku zjed liś my lunch w tanim barze {=CAFETERIA}, co n ie było ty m, co obiecano
nam w u lotce reklamu jącej wycieczkę.
After visiting _______________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ by the tour leaflet.
8. Ciało gen. Parkera przewieziono samo lotem {=FLY} do bazy lotniczej w Teksasie, gdzie syn Generała ze
swoimi dwiema córkami wsiedli {= BOARD} do samolotu. Na prośbę {=REQUEST} syna ceremonia
pożegnalna była bez udziału wład z.
_____________________________________________________ to an airbase in ______________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ the farewell ceremony
was private.
9. Mężczyźn i, którzy zdawali się naprawiać przebitą oponę, w rzeczywistości byli agentami prezydenckiej
____________________________________________________________________________ a flat tyre were in fact undercover
agents of the presidential security.
10. Poczekajmy trochę co się stanie. Jeśli zaraz po ty m, jak on dostanie gotówkę, natychmiast powie "do
wid zenia", będziemy wiedzieli, że wykorzystuje {=US E} nas dla pien iędzy.
Wait and see _________________________________________ If once _______________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________ us for money.
11. Weinstein przy jechał do Plainsville podczas kadencji burmistrza Turnera, z poparciem {=SUPPORT}
którego zało żył p ierwszą orkiestrę symfoniczną w stanie.
______________________________________________________ the ter m of Mayor ____________________________
____________________________________________________________________ philhar monic orchestra in the state.
12. Dla zaspokojenia potrzeb energetycznych miasta tej wielkości {=SIZE}, potrzebowalibyśmy aż 60 turb in
wiatro wych usytuowanych na plaży. To całkowicie n ierealne.
To meet the power needs of __________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ located on the beach. That's completely unrealistic.
13. Słuchanie prognozy pogody było ważną częścią wieczoru, ponieważ wied za jaka będzie pogoda następnego
ranka często miała wp ływ {=AFFECT} na nasze plany.
Listening to the forecast was ___________________________________________________________ because knowing
our plans.
14. Taktyka polega na tym, żeby przesłuchać młodych ludzi zanim otrząsną się {=RECOVER} z szoku zakucia
w kajdanki {=HANDCUFF} i wrzucenia do policy jnego samochodu.
The tactic is to interrogate the youngsters ________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ into a police van
15. Będąc z powodzeniem przez kilka lat agentem ubezp ieczen iowy m, To m Clancy tak się znudził
ubezpieczen iami, że zajął się {=TAKE} p isaniem beletrystyki.
____________________________ a successful insurance broker _________________________________, Tom Clancy
______________________________________________________________________________ writing fiction.
16. Dla mn ie narzekanie na to, że nie ma dosyć ciekawych filmów, nie ma sensu.
__________________ complaining about _______________________________________________________________
________________________________________ sense.
32 PKT
W każdą z luk wpisz po jednym wyrazie. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter brakującego słowa. Nie wolno zmienić litery już podanej.
1. In those days running water was considered a _ u _ _ _ _ , as no more than 5 per cent of homes had it.
2. Loitering is defined by law as remaining in any one place with no apparent _ _ r _ _ _ _ .
3. One of the most important uses of sulphuric _ _ _ _ is in car batteries.
4. There are more consonants than _ _ _ _ _ _ in English.
5. The title of Copernicus' work was "On the Revolutions of the _ _ _ v _ _ _ _ bodies."
6. The wounded man's suffering would be _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ without strong painkillers.
7. Until recently most _ _ _ s _ _ _ cities discharged their sewage straight into the sea.
8. When she looked at me _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I knew I must have said a stupid thing.
9. The new law will quicken the _ _ _ o _ _ _ of barriers to the disabled in public spaces.
10. For _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ mothers, seeing the ultrasound images of their unborn babies is a great experience.
11. As we ran for cover, bullets _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ past our heads. But nobody was hit.
12. After Parker's retirement in 1948, Joe Cox was _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ to serve as his successor.
13. The Christian dogma of the Holy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shows the three divine persons as one.
14. Fred Ponti was a man of legendary _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; he gave millions of dollars to charity.
15. He had a very _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ laugh: when he burst into laughter, it was impossible not to join him.
16. Very young children can walk around with no clothing at all as they feel no shame of _ _ k _ _ _ _ _ _ .
17. Salt and vinegar were used as traditional _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to combat meat decay.
18. A devout catholic, before making a decision, he often seeks spiritual _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ in prayer.
19. People of the name Hudson are not grouped in one province, but are _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ all over the
20. Gypsies are seen as nomads _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ from place to place and depending on various skills for
their livelihood.
21. There was no mention of his resignation even two days earlier. Its _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , therefore, raises a
question of whether there is a scandal forcing him to step down
22. Kansas City is _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ with water drawn from the Missouri river.
23. A written contract signed by the buyer and seller is legally _ _ n _ _ _ _ to both parties.
24. Speaking to his male _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ the Prince would occasionally use some coarse language.
25. Running away from the brawl without trying to protect his sister was a rather _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ act on Mike's
26. The application must be handwritten and two portrait photos must be _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ to it.
27. In the area surrounding the lake, there are six marked _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ _ for trekkers.
28. The entries in her blog are not original and just _ _ r _ _ _ opinions of liberal columnists.
29. An _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ training at a reliable dog school is necessary if you want to avoid problems when the
puppy grows up.
30. The oven door must be _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to allow the cook to look at the baked meat.
31. I went to the locksmith to _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ my keys.
32. In a well-known Aesop's fable, the fox _ _ t _ _ _ _ the crow and steals the bird's cheese.
14 PKT
W każdy m punkcie zaznacz jedno z czterech zdań (A, B, C lub D) najbliższe treści poprzedzającego tekstu.
The public clamor tends to be over averting such catastrophes as Katrina, and here we have, at a
complementary level, the problem of big-think solutions, even as we have such problems relating to an
escape from poverty. The politicians and planners are talking about emergency plans to handle
hypothetical attacks on any part of the United States. One excited commentator said on television a
week ago that Manhattan was a fine example of a center that simply could not make plans for mass
evacuations ―because, you see, there are only a handful of bridges leading out of Manhattan.‖
So what does one do when a situation arises that calls for escape routes for a million and a half
people? The doctors know about extravasation, the ingenuity of capillaries that spring to life to carry
the blood around the blocked impasse. There would be successful evacuees from a nuclear attack on
Manhattan, but these would be comparable to escapees from a concentration camp. There are such,
and they are testimonials to the ingenuity of man because they are finite examples of extraordinary
luck and determination. They attract attention because they did the impossible. You cannot plan to
transmute the presumptively impossible into the possible.
1. The main problem discussed in the text lies within the realm of...
A/ historical science
B/ human biology
C/ long-term politics
D/ social policy
2. The main message of the text is that....
A/ some problems cannot be solved on a mass scale
B/ poverty cannot be completely eradicated
C/ the real value of man can only be confirmed in extreme situations
D/ solutions to any social problem can be found in nature
3. The text shows that in extreme situations...
A/ survival depends mostly on luck C/ logistics is very important for effective planning
B/ those who plan a lot usually fail
D/ a strong personality can be helpful
4. The human organism ...
A/ can successfully cope with most major problems
B/ can exhibit totally unpredictable reactions
C/ is well guarded against health hazards
D/ has emergency mechanisms for crises
5. The text suggests that greatness...
A/ is available to all humans
C/ can be achieved by few individuals
B/ only develops in extremities
D/ may sometimes look ordinary
Social Security and Medicare are an essential part of the social fabric. Millions depend on them. But
the vast benefits -- paid too early and too indiscriminately -- have become disconnected from genuine
need. Unless the two are reconnected, these successful programs will tear at the social fabric. It is
unfair to blame only baby boomers for not acting preemptively to curb the known costs of their
retirement. Their parents' generation bears equal responsibility. Politicians have done nothing, because
voters -- present and prospective retirees -- have wanted them to do nothing. Still, boomers deserve
special disapproval.
"Baby Boomers," says Buckley's Devine, "made self-indulgence a virtue." Sure, that's a stereotype, but
for opinion leaders and politicians, it is uncomfortably accurate. Consider Newsweek. It has a regular
feature, "The Boomer Files," that celebrates boomer musicians, comedians, sports heroes and TV
series. It discusses how boomers are "redefining the 'golden years' " -- but not a peep about the costs
for their children.
I was born in late 1945 and count myself a part of this failure. In our careless self-absorption, we are
committing a political and economic crime against our children and perhaps -- when they awaken to
their victimization -- even ourselves.
6. The text suggests people who retire today...
A/ would like the welfare state to be dismantled
C/ are beneficiaries of the welfare state
B/ have little or no influence on the current social policy
D/ feel threatened by the next generation
7. The text suggests many retired people today...
A/ are being told to spend less
C/ are being made to spend more
B/ receive too much money
D/ are subject to criticism
8. Politicians are to be blamed for ...
A/ a lack of social awareness
C/ populist ignorance
B/ reluctance to listen to voters
D/ a lack of leadership
9. One danger mentioned specifically in the text is that of...
A/ the animosity between generations
C/ the bankruptcy of the budget
B/ discrimination against the poor
D/ irresponsible journalism
10. The text suggests that, in politics, stereotypes ...
A/ are mostly harmful
C/ should always be avoided
B/ can be useful
D/ blur the vision of leaders and voters
The real topic of the show seems in fact to be the problems arising from our modern conception of
men and women as functionally equal — interchangeable — in ever-larger areas of life. The
conclusion one comes away with from the first few episodes of Ally McBeal is that this isn’t working
out very well, rather especially for women. No fewer than six of those first twelve episodes involve
sexual harassment in some aspect. I think the unsatisfactoriness of our current arrangements is relative
— I mean, those arrangements, while unsatisfactory, are, on balance, much less so than those faced by
Anna Karenina, Emma Bovary, or Effi Briest, not to mention the women of traditional Islamdom or
Imperial China. They are unsatisfactory nonetheless, and create much unhappiness.
Why is this so? Episode 12 of Ally McBeal, which I have just watched, gives us the answer. Whatever
else we are, we are yet beasts, chittering chimps in suits and dresses. Men fight and make money;
women talk and make babies. We can’t escape it, we can’t unhitch ourselves from biology, how
desperately soever we desire to. We can rise above it, but not all the time, none of us.
11. The author thinks that ...
A/ men are more human than women
B/ the human element makes us better creatures
C/ women are more human than men
D/ the animal element in people is becoming less important
12. Viewed historically, the situation of women...
A/ tends to improve
C/ doesn't change
B/ tends to deteriorate
D/ depends on social awareness
13. The texts suggests that great literature ...
A/ tends to victimize women
B/ helps to raise women's awareness
C/ can accurately depict the situation of women
D/ was no better than TV in depicting women
14. The text suggests that on the whole ...
A/ women have it harder than men
B/ social progress will give women equality
C/ today's women are equal to men
D/ sex roles are a by-product of culture
31 PKT
W każdą z luk należy wpisać po JEDNYM słowie. Wyrazy gramatyczne, takie jak "the", "a", "n't", "'ve", etc są uważane za
osobne wyrazy i mogą być wpisywane tylko samodzielnie. Napisanie tego testu będzie łatwiejsze, jeśli rozpoczniesz od
przeczy tania całego tekstu.
The area where the maximum damage had occurred lay only a few miles to the north and I drove out
to see it, but not until the following day – partly because of reports of fissured roads, damaged
viaducts and burst water mains but chiefly because the authorities bend an unkindly eye on rubberneckers whose unwanted presence interferes with the efforts of rescue and medical teams.
The township of Sylmar, which had 1/ __________ the brunt of the earthquake, lies in 2/ _________
San Fernando Valley in California, some miles north 3/ ___________ Los Angeles – in fact, so
unconscionably sprawling is that city 4/ _________ it encompasses Sylmar within its 5/ ___________.
To the untutored eye the 6/ ___________ in that town appeared to be one of considerable
7/ __________, with wreckers, bulldozers and trucks milling around 8/ __________ apparent random,
but this was 9/ ___________ illusory: all activities were highly organized and 10/ ___________
central control. Unlike their more 11/ ___________ brethren in, say, Nicaragua or Guatemala or
12/ ___________ Philippines, places sadly accustomed to 13/ ___________ side-swiped by much
more than their fair 14/ ___________ of earthquakes, the Californians are not only 15/ ___________
for but are highly geared to 16/ ___________ efficiently with the aftermaths of natural disasters: the
San 17/ ___________, for instance, have fifteen hospitals in kit 18/ ___________ distributed at
various key points around the city in 19/ ___________ for the next earthquake which is
20 / ___________ and more than a little fearfully regarded as 21/ ___________.
Damage to buildings was widespread but not severe – 22/ ___________ in one very localized area.
23/ ___________ was, or to a considerable 24/ ___________ had been, the Veterans' Administration
Hospital. 25/ ___________ the earthquake it had consisted of 26/ ___________ parallel blocks of
buildings. The two 27/ ___________ blocks had remained virtually 28/ ___________: the central one
had collapsed like a house of cards. 29/ ___________ was total; no part of it was 30/ ___________
standing. Over sixty patients died.
The 31/ ___________ between this ruin and the virtual immunity of the two sister blocks would have
seemed incomprehensible to anyone without some knowledge of the Californian building codes. With
some such knowledge it was all too readily understandable. The city of Los Angeles has
the misfortune to have its very own private and personal structure fault running under its streets. This
is known as the Newport-Inglewood Fault, and when one side of the fault suddenly jerked forward in
respect to the other in 1933, it produced the Long Beach earthquake in which a disconcertingly large
number of buildings fell down, solely because they had been shoddily built on unreinforced, made-up
Adapted from Goodbye California by Alistair MacLean
26 PKT
Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.
1. Hillary Rodham Clinton is currently the U.S.…
A/ Vice President
C/ Secretary of Defense
B/ Secretary of State
D/ First Lady
2. E pluribus unum is an American motto found…
A/ in the text of the Presidential oath of office
B/ on the Great Seal of the U.S.
C/ on the U.S. notes and coins
D/ in the first stanza of the U.S. anthem
3. Stormont is the popular name for the seat of the…
A/ Scottish Parliament
B/ Westminster Parliament
C/ Northern Ireland Assembly
D/ National Assembly for Wales
4. The historical setting of The Last of the Mohicans by J.F. Cooper is the…
A/ French and Indian War
B/ American Revolutionary War
C/ Texas War of Independence
D/ American Civil War
5. The Ashes is a famous biennial event connected with…
A/ rugby
B/ baseball
C/ ice hockey
D/ cricket
6. Which of the following is a Canadian province?
A/ New England
B/ New South Wales
C/ New Brunswick
D/ New Britain
7. The Battle of Gettysburg took place in…
A/ 1812
B/ 1836
C/ 1863
D/ 1876
8. The Duke of York is the official title of…
A/ Prince Philip
B/ Prince Andrew
C/ Prince Charles
D/ Prince William
9. Edward Elgar was an English…
A/ composer
B/ engineer
C/ explorer
D/ poet
10. Which of the following is NOT an American television network?
11. Barack Obama was born in …
A/ Nairobi
B/ Jakarta
C/ Honolulu
D/ Chicago
12. The House of Hanover ascended the British throne as a result of the ...
A/ Gunpowder Plot
B/ Glorious Revolution
C/ Act of Supremacy
D/ Act of Settlement
13. The story of Pocahontas was linked to the settlement of....
A/ Roanoke
B/ Jamestown
C/ Plymouth
D/ Boston
14. George Stephenson was...
A/ an English inventor
C/ a Welsh nationalist
B/ an Irish archbishop
D/ a Scottish novelist
15. Snowdon is a mountain in…
A/ northern Scotland
C/ southern Scotland
B/ northern Wales
D/ southern Wales
16. The Falklands War was fought in …
A/ 1956
B/ 1973
C/ 1982
D/ 1991
17. Which of the following U.S. Presidents was NOT awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
A/ Theodore Roosevelt
B/ Woodrow Wilson
C/ Franklin D. Roosevelt
D/ Jimmy Carter
18. Whistler’s Mother is a famous American …
A/ poem
B/ novel
C/ sculpture
D/ painting
19. Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, E. M. Forster, and Lytton Strachey were the …
A/ beatniks
B/ Lost Generation
C/ Bloomsbury Group
D/ metaphysical poets
20. The Yellowstone National Park is located primarily in the state of…
A/ Colorado
B/ Wyoming
C/ Arizona
D/ California
21. Groundhog Day is celebrated on…
A/ 2nd February
B/ 17th March
C/ 4th July
D/ 31st October
22. The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England is the…
A/ Archbishop of Westminster
B/ Archbishop of Canterbury
C/ Archbishop of York
D/ Queen Elizabeth II
23. Tennessee Williams did NOT write…
A/ A Streetcar Named Desire
C/ The Night of the Iguana
B/ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
D/ Death of a Salesman
24. The awards presented annually by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association in
recognition of outstanding achievements in the entertainment industry are known as the…
A/ Emmy Awards
B/ Grammy Awards
C/ Golden Globe Awards
D/ Academy Awards
25. The Labour Party has been in power in the United Kingdom since…
A/ 1989
B/ 1991
C/ 1997
D/ 2001
26. Which of the following is a British Sunday quality newspaper?
A/ The Times
B/ The Guardian
C/ The Independent
D/ The Observer

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