VPH-Share Atmosphere Platform


VPH-Share Atmosphere Platform
Zapraszam na wykład specjalny przygotowany przez
pracowników AGH/Cyfronet z Krakowa:
VPH-Share Atmosphere Platform for Biomedical Engineering Students of PW
1. Theoretical background (lecture w/slides) (Piotr Nowakowski):
• Distributed computational infrastructures for e-Science: current state of the art,
examples of grand challenges requiring distributed computing,
• Modern computational clouds: formal definition, examples, comparison with Grid
and other batch job submission systems major stakeholders (both scientific and
2. The Atmosphere platform (Piotr Nowakowski):
• Introduction, rationale, architecture, example applications,
• Advanced features provided by Atmosphere to streamline access to cloud
3. Practical demonstration (Piotr Nowakowski):
• Creating an Atomic Service with Atmosphere,
• Publishing and sharing the Atomic Service in the VPH-Share infrastructure,
• Obtaining access to the Atomic Service,
• Executing and interacting with cloud-based applications (using DRS as a case
4. PLGrid for biomedicine (Klemens Noga).
5. Discussion; Q&A (Piotr Nowakowski, Klemens Noga).
Wykład, po angielsku, odbędzie się w dniu 24 listopada 2014 r, w Audytorium Centralnym
WEiTI w godzinach 16:15-18:00.
Zachęcam także do odwiedzenia stron:
- http://dice.cyfronet.pl/projects/details/VPH-Share
- http://www.vph-share.eu/
- http://www.plgrid.pl/
serdecznie zapraszam
prof. nzw. dr hab. inż. Antoni Grzanka

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