Saint Joseph cBasi(ica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph cBasi(ica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph cBasi(ica
Parish of the Tfiiird -9di(rennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus
Christ as a Catholic community offaith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage,
we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined
to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and
to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish WebSite:
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 a.m.; 7:00 a.m.
Saturday :.......................................3 p.m.
Eve of Holy Days .........................3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday:........... 3 p.m
First Friday:.................................. 6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector ............................ Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Adm. Secretary ..............'. Terry Miller
Financial Secretary......... Ewa Mamro
Dir. of Rel. Ed ............... Mary Jolda
Organist ......................:... Robert Wojcik
Cemetery Manager ........ Kevin Rekowski
Sacristans ..................Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation,
and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a
Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion
and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year's notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of
St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszc
zadzwonic na plebanig, aby ustalic datc. Rodzice zobowiqzani sq
do krotkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MALZENSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomic kancelaric parafialn4 rok pried dat4 slubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentaln4 poslugg
ksigdza prosz@ dzwonic na plebanic.
ZAPISY DO PARAFH: Parafia sw. Jozefa serdecznie zaprasza
nowych czlonkow. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ...................... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ......................Miss Heather Duclos
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August 16, 2009 - 16 sierpnia 2009 r.
Masses for the week Msze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-August 15
r.s. Norman and Stella Jolicour -int.Ingrid and Edward
Sunday-August 16
Za wypominki
For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Marlene L. Harris (8th month anniv.) -mt. husband
and family
s.p. Stefan Homme (15-ta rocznica) -mt. Jan i Danuta
Monday-August 17
r.s. Irena Szarmach i. Boleslawa Bujurd
2:15 pm Lanessa Nursing Home
August 18
r.s. Lena Swierzbin -mt. Dorothy Sabaj and family
Wednesday-August 19
r.s. Raymond Noga -mt. Francis Kaczmarek
r.s. Felix Miller -mt. Edward Sitkowski, Roland
Malboeuf and John Hickey
Thursday-August 20
r.s. Victoria and JozefKrzewski i. Miroslaw Krzewski
Friday-August 21
r.s. Stanley Kaliszewski -mt. Edward and Anna Kudron
r.s. Stasia Gasparik -mt. Holy Rosary Sodality
Saturday-August 22
r.s. Olga Pendrak -mt. Theresa Wagner
Sunday Vigil
r.s. Ann Placzek -int.Tony Placzek, Barbara Bembenek
and Carolyn Rocheleau
Sunday-August 23
Za wypominki
For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Eileen S. Plaga,
s.p.Janina Kopczynska -mt. Edward and Anna Kudron
1-25 Club Winners
20 week - #109 Ronald Czechowski
Weekly $4675 (incl. $272 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $337; Utilities $161.
Phase III $5504.17 ($4,654.17 cash & $850 paid pledges)
Phase III to date - cash received $22,883.17 and $7,950
outstanding pledges.
Stewardship Message. Jesus told us that if we would save our
life, we will lose it; but if we lose our life for Christ's sake, we will
find it. (Mk 8:35) This is a principle of life that applies spiritually,
materially, and financially. If we give according to God's
principles, God will give back to us. The lad who gave his loaves
and fishes didn't have to go without his dinner.
"A wise person recognizes that all we have comes from God. A
wise person thanks God every day for all His many blessings. A
wise person realizes that God has blessed us for a reason and He
wants us to be partners with Him in His work here on earth."
August 16, 2009
Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do
not have life within you.
-John 6:53
This Eucharistic Feast. Some things about human nature
don't change, even over the course of centuries. When we
celebrate a significant event, we have a feast. In today's
first reading, Lady Wisdom is setting a feast, a sign of
celebrating the covenant that Israel has with God. Israel's
central remembrance of its saving Exodus covenant is the
Passover meal. So it is natural - and not coincidental- that
the Christian celebration of the new covenant sealed by the
blood of Christ on the cross happens at a meal, our
Eucharist, offered first by Jesus in the context of Passover
remembrance. It is easy for us, sometimes, to forget the
very long and rich religious and human origins of our
eucharistic feasting on the bread and cup that are the Body
and Blood of Jesus. Today, and for the next few Sundays
that we hear the "Bread of Life" discourse from John, let us
bring to mind the loving covenant that God makes with us,
and be filled with great joy at this marvelous feast that we
have come to attend!
The second collection this weekend will be taken
for Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe.
Next weekend, Father Michael Shanahan, ., will be
speaking at all the Masses on behalf of the missionary work of his
community, the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and
Mary, an international community of priests, brothers and sisters
with foundations in some 38 countries. Fr. Shanahan's East Coast
Province has missionaries in Japan, the Bahamas, India, the
Philipines and Mexico. A world-recognized member of the
Congregation is Father Damien, 'The Leper Priest of Molokai,'
who will be canonized in October 2009. Please visit the
community's website at for more information.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund. In memory of Stasia
Gasparik by Patricia Betley.
Doors Open at 4p.m. - Games Begin 5:45 p.m.
Progressive Jackpot
Two Winner Take All's
Special Door Prizes
Free Coffee - Variety of Home Made Food
Members of the Parish Council are asked to assist from 4 to 6p.m.
Page 3
August 16, 2009- 16 sierpnia 2009 r.
The learning process of a child is very intriguing and begins soon
after birth. The baby learns when it is uncomfortable or hungry and
reacts to it through external signs. The one language that babies
know is crying. Good mothers recognize if the crying is for food
or the baby feels ill, uncomfortable or afraid. As a child grows and
interacts with the external world and is exposed to many
stimulating items or persons in a safe and emotionally secure
environment, the learning process is intensified. The more
diversified environment and opportunities for interaction in a
playful and educational setting, the more effective is the child's
social and intellectual development.
St. Joseph School through a variety of activities, equipment,
outdoor playground, play opportunities and professional personnel
is exceptionally prepared to assist the child in their most sensitive
years to develop self-confidence, trust and interest in discovering
one's uniqueness and respect for others. The Pre-K program is
almost full and applications are still being accepted for
Kindergarten through Grade 8.1 was told that in some states people
pay $11,000 and higher for a Catholic Pre-K education, and yet
there is a waiting list. Each child is a treasure to their parents - a
gift from God - and prudent parents consider the future of their
child the highest priority and goal in their life which is worth every
effort and sacrifice. Therefore we highly recommend the education
at St. Joseph School which is highly affordable at the cost of
$2,988 for grades K-8 and only $25 per day for Pre-K.
From memorial time throughout the Old Testament, people felt
the need to express their gratitude to God for their bountiful
harvest. The celebrations were expressed by various customs
which became a tradition in many countries, for example our
Thanksgiving Day. This tradition was associated with the Feast of
the Assumption of the Blessed Mother. On this day, or the nearest
Sunday, the Harvest Wreath designed in a variety of shapes was
carried to the Church as a visible sign of their faith and gratitude to
God. Today, at 11:00AM Mass, the Harvest Wreath made of the
products of the land such as wheat, flowers, fruit, etc., prepared by
our young people, will be carried into Church for a special blessing
In our technological society, where in the mind of the children,
the local store is the provider of food, the Harvest Celebration is
the opportunity to teach the youngster about the role of God's
Providence in providing nourishment for our bodies. This
ceremony is a qualification of the tradition, which means that it has
become a powerful tool in our community of transmitting the value
of gratitude to God for all his bountiful blessings.
The Felician Sisters will sell raffle tickets for their Lawn Festival
after Masses this weekend. The Lawn Festival will take place at
Our Lady of the Angels in Enfield, CT, on Saturday, September 12,
from 10:00 to 6:30. Raffle tickets are $2.00 each or $10.001book.
Proceeds will support the elderly and infirm Sisters in Enfield.
The SJS annual golf tournament will be held on Saturday,
September 26 with a 1:00 pm shotgun start. The cost is $100
which includes golf, cart, player gift and dinner or dinner only for
$20. Sponsorship opportunities are available and raffle items
including bottles of cheer, golf items, gift certificates, etc. are
appreciated. If you have any questions or would like to sign up,
please call Craig Holmberg at 508-331-6915 or visit the website at
www.tournevents.comleagles 10th. All are welcome!
The twentieth century often tried to do without that cornerstone,
and attempted to build the city of man without reference to Him. It
ended by actually building that city against man! Christians know
that it is not possible to reject or ignore God without demeaning
man. Allow me, dear young people, to consign this hope of mine
to you: you must be the "new builders " ! You are the men and
women of tomorrow. The future is in your hearts and in your
hands. God is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and
uplifting, of working with him in the building of the civilization of
Pope John Paul II
Save the Date - 50's Family Musical. The Youth Group has been
working hard all summer long on a 50's musical called "Rock
Around the Block". Performances will be held Friday, August 21
at 7 pm and Sunday, August 23 at 2 pm. Tickets are $5 and free for
children 5 and under. The play will be held in the auditorium at
Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal Center in Putnam, CT.
(Minutes from Interstate 395, Exit 97, going East on Rt. 44 to the
Intersection of 44 and 21 and North on Rt. 21.)
Forming Wii Bowling League with Christopher Heights
Residents. A bowling league is being formed with the Residents of
Christopher Heights. The first meet will be Monday, September 14
from 6-7:30 pm. If you are interested in participating, please
contact Mrs. Valcour for more information.
"Jefeli nie bdziecie spotywac cia/a Syna Czlowieczego i nie
bçdziecipili lcrwi Jego, nie bçdzieci mieli lycia w sobie ". (J, 6:53)
Uczta Eucharystyczna. Pewne aspekty ludzkiej natuiy nie
zmienily sic przez wieki. Jak obchodzimy jakies wane
wydarzenie, to robimy przyjçcie, ucztç. W dzisiejszym pierwszym
czytaniu Madrosc przygotowala ucztc na uczczenie przymierza
Izraela z Bogiem. 2ydzi swiçtuja wyprowadzenie z niewoli
specjalnym posilkiem zwanym Pascha. Nie jest wiçc dziwnym
zbiegiem okolicznosci, ie chrzescijanie swiçtuja nowe przymierze
z Bogiem, przypieczçtowane Krwia Chiystusa na krzyu,
speejalnym posielkiem, Eucharystia, celebrowana pierwsze przez
Jezusa. Czçsto zapominamy o ludzkim i religijnym poczatku naszej
uczty eucharystycznej podczas której spoywamy Cialo i Krew
Jezusa. Dzisiaj i przez nastcpne tygodnie, ile razy ewangelista Jan
bçdzie wspominal "Chieb ywy", pamiçtajmy o przymierzu, które
w ka±dej Eucharystii zawiera z nami Bog i cieszmy sic, 2e mo±emy
uczestniczyc w tej wspanialej uczcie.
Page 4
STEWARDSHIP. Jezus powiedzial, ±e jeeli bçdziemy chcieli
zachowac nasze ±ycie, to je stracimy; a jeeli stracimy iycie dia
Chrystusa, to j zachowamy. Jest to zasada iycia, ktOra odnosi siq do
dziedziny duchowej, materialnej i finansowej. Je±eli dzielimy sic tymi
darami zgodnie z zasadami Boymi, Bog nam za to wynagrodzi.
Chiopak, ktOry podzielil sic swoimi chiebami i ryba, nie odszedl
glodny. "Madra osoba rozumie, ie wszystko co ma pochodzi od Boga.
Madra osoba dziçkuje Bogu ka±dego dnia za wszystkie laski. Madra
osoba rozumie, 2e Bog daje nam te laski w konkretnym celu i pragnie,
abysmy byli Jego partnerami w posludze na ziemi."
Jezusa i Maryi bcdzie w przyszly weekend. Ojciec Michael Shanahan
na wszystkich Mszach sw. bçdzie opowiadal o pracy misyjnej swojej
kongregacji, miçdzynarodowego stowarzyszenia ksiç±y, braci I sióstr
istniejacej w 38 krajach. Prowincja ojca Shanahan'a ma swoich
misjonarzy w Japonii, na Bahamach, w Indiach, na Pilipinach i w
Meksyku. Wiecej informacji mona znalec na stronie internetowej
kongregacj i: .
Proces ksztaltowania rozwoju dziecka jest bardzo ciekawy i
rozpoczyna sic wkrOtce po narodzeniu. Dziecko rozpoznaje szybko
kiedy jest glodne tub cos je boli i daje nam o tym poznac
zewnçtrznymi znakami, najczçsciej placzem. Dobre matki, slyszac
placz, potrafia rozpoznac o co dziecku chodzi. Czy jest glode, chore,
czy tei sic boi. W miarç jak dziecko dorasta i jest stymulowane
wieloma czynnikami w emocjonalnie bezpiecznym srodowisku jego
rozwój nabiera pospiechu. Tm bardziej zrónicowane srodowisko do
zabawy i naukitym bardziej efektywnyjesttowarzyski i intelektualny
rozwój dziecka.
Szkola sw. Józefa poprzez wiele urozmaiconych programów,
pomocy naukowych, zabaw w szkole i na zewnatrz i profesjonalna
opiekc jest doskonale przygotowana, by pomóc dzieciom w tym
najwa±niejszym w ich wieku procesie ksztaltowania rozwoju,
pewnosci siebie, zaufania, dyscypliny i szacunku dia siebie i innych.
Program dia przedszkolaków, jui od 3-go roku ±ycia jest jui prawie
pelny. Ciagle przyjmujemy aplikacje do zerówki i klas 1-VIII. W stanie
Texas, gdzie przedszkole kosztuje $11,000 rocznie i maja listç
oczekujacych. W szkole sw. Józefa przedszkole kosztuje tylko $25
dziennie (od 8-4:30), apiçciodniowazerówka $2,988 diaparafian. Jest
to znacznie taniej ni± wynajmowanie niani, szczególnie, biorac pod
uwagç fakt, ie oprócz bezpiecznej opieki, która mo±e zapewnic i
niania, w Szkole SW. Józefa dzieci otrzymuja r6wniei doskonale
przygotowanie akademickie. Kaide dziecko jest skarbem dia
rodziców, ale jednoczesnie darem od Boga - i rodzice powinni
postawic wychowanie swoich dzieci 'v duchu wartosci katolickich
jako najwaniejszy obowiazek warty kadego wysilku i poswiçcenia.
Ju± od niepamitnych czasów ludzie odczuwali potrzebq okazania
wdziçcznosci Bogu za obfite plony. Uroczystosci wyra±aly sic w
rOnych tradycj ach jak np. Swiçto Dziçkczynienia w USA. W Poisce,
ta tradycja polaczona jest ze swictem Wniebowziccia Najswiçtszej
Maryi Panny. W to swicto, tub w niedzielc najbli±sza temu swictu,
specjatny wieniec z plonów ziemi byl wnoszony do kosciola, jako
widoczny znak wiary i wdziçcznosci Bogu. Dzisiaj, na Mszy Sw. 0 11ej, my r6wniei wniesiemy wieniec przygotowany ze zboa, kwiatów
Pace 5
i owocOw przez naszych parafian bdzie wniesiony do Kosciola p0
specj alne blogoslawienstwo.
W dzisiejszym swiecie technologii, gdzie dzieci przekonane
sa, e poywienie otrzymuje sic ze skiepu, obchody Do±ynek sa
doskonala okazja wytlumaczenia im o roli Opatrznosci Boej w
zapewnianiu poywienia dla naszego ciala. Jest to wspaniala tradycja,
która jest jednoczesnie wyrazem okazania Bogu wdziccznosci za
wszelkie laski otrzymywane ka±dego dnia.
LOTERIA na pomoc kongregacji Sióstr Felicjanek w Enfield, CT
bçdzie 12 wrzesnia podczas corocznego festiwalu. W ten weekend, po
wszystkich Mszach sw., Siostry Felicjanki bçda sprzedawaly losy w
cenie $2 zajeden lub $10 za ksiaeczkc. Dochód przeznaczonyjest na
opiekç nad siostrami chorymi i starszymi. Prosimy o ofiarnosc.
Wydzial Sportu Szkoly sw. JOzefa zaprasza na coroczny turniej
golfowy w sobotç, 26.IX. o 1:00 p.m. W cenc $100 wliczonajest gra,
melex, upominek i obiad. KibicOw zapraszamy na obiad za jedyne
$20. Zapraszamy lokalne biznesy do sponsorowania tego wydarzenia.
Bçdziemy tei wdziçczni za ofiary na loterie np. certyfikaty
gotowkowe, alkohol, artykuly do gry w golfa, ietp. Po wiçcej
informacji proszç dzwonic do Craig Holmberg 508-331-6915 lub
odwiedzic strone internetowa www.tournevents.comleagles 10th.
"W dwudziestyrn wieku czsto zaporninano o Slowie .ycia I
próbowano budowac miasta "ludzi" bez wzrnianki o Bogu. Okazalo
sir, Ae tak naprawdp budowano te miasta "przeciwko" ludziorn.
ChrzescUanie wiedza, .e niejest rnoiliwe odrzucenie tub ignorowanie
Boga bez poniiania czlowieka, który jest slworzony na Bo.e
podobnienstwo. Pozwólcie mi, rnlodzi ludzie, przekazac warn rnoja
nadziej, .e bdziecie "nowyrni budowniczyrni". Jestescie ludlini
jutra. Przyszlosc lely w waszych r'kach i sercach. Bógpowierza warn
to zadanie, trudne, ale urnacniajace, abyscie wraz z Nirn budowali
cywilizacje rnilosci."
Papiez Jan PawelIl
Przez cale wakacje grupa m1odziey z lokalnych parafli pracowala
ciç±ko nad przygotowaniem musical'u pt. "Rock around the Block".
Przedstawienie bçdzie w piatek, 21 .VllI o 7p.m. i w niedziele 23 .VIII.
o 2 p.m. w audytorium Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal
Center w Putnam, CT (z 1-395 S zjazd 97, skrecic na wschod na Rt. 44
do skrzyowania z Rt. 21. Skrecic na pólnoc na Rt. 21). Bilety saw
cenie $5. Wejscie dla dzieci poniej 5 lat jest darmowe.
Wii bowline. Grupa m1odzieowa utworzyla ligq gry wideo w
krçgle na Wii wraz z mieszkancami domu opieki Christopher Heights.
Pierwsze spotkanie bçdzie w poniedzialçk 1 4.IX. od 6-7:3 0 p.m. Je±eli
ktos chce sic przylaczyc, proszç zadzwonic do Mary Valcour lub na

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