St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church


St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church
St. Ferdinand Church
PHONE: 773/622-5900
January 26, 2003
Photo by Romuald Gluch
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Two
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 26, 2003
The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:
+Bruno & Zofia Urbanowicz
+Duda Family
MONDAY, Weekday/Angela Merici, virgin
7:00 —Michael Lans rq. Money Counters of St. Ferdinand
8:00 —Margaret M. Janz rq. Daughter, Margery
TUESDAY,Thomas Aquinas, priest, doctor
7:00 —Ann Dallmeier rq. Family
8:15 —Catherine DeMario rq. St. Ferdinand
School & Church Staff
7:00 —Maria Widmann rq. Mr. & Mrs Gene Gawalek
8:00 —Alex Tecza rq. Lazicki Family
7:00 —Eva Wade rq. Bill Wade
8:00 —Joseph Maslanka rq. Sophie Campinose
FRIDAY, John Bosco, priest
7:00 —Memorial Mass Society
8:00 —Josef & Mary Gruber rq. Son & Family
8:00 —Margaret M. Janz rq. Lucas Family
Sunday Anticipated Mass
5:00 —Zofia Urbanowicz rq. Ralph & Elizabeth Brindise
SUNDAY, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 —Birthday Blessings for Beata Brozek
rq. Yolanda V. Surath
7:30 —(Chapel) +Kazimierz Maciorowski w 6 rocz.œm.;
+Maria Smo³a w dniu imienin
9:00 —Ed Rakoczy rq. The Ushers Club
10:30 —(Chapel)Scout Mass
10:45 —+Gra¿yna Piotrowska w 2 rocz.œm.;
+Maria W¹sio³ek w 2 rocz.œm.;
-dziêkczynna w rocznicê œlubu Anny i Józefa z
proœb¹ o dalsze Bo¿e b³.
12:15 —(Chapel) Mass in Italian
12:30 —People of St. Ferdinand
3:00 —+Wies³aw Jezuit w 5 rocz.œm.;
-w 16 rocz. urodzin z podziêkowaniem za otrzymane ³aski dla Marka Bonis³awskiego z proœb¹ o
dalsze Bo¿e b³ogos³awieñstwo;
-o Bo¿e b³og., zdrowie i opiekê Matki Najœwiêtszej
dla Eryczka z okazji przyjêcia chrztu œw.;
-o b³ogos³awieñstwo Bo¿ej Dzieciny dla 6
miesiêcznego Danilo
5:00 —Mary Romankiewicz rq. Husband
6:30 —Mass in Polish
Mass Intentions for February
There are still a few Masses available in February
for your intentions. If you wish to have your
loved ones remembered at any of these Masses,
please call or stop in at the rectory between 9
a.m. and 4 p.m. and speak with Aneta Koæma.
Our Blessed Lord has called
home our parishioner Brother Jude
Heggy, F.S.C. for whom we promise our
May he and all our other
deceased parishioners enjoy peace and
happiness in God’s Sacred Presence.
C. Carsello
Karolina Elizabeth, daughter of Sebastian
Chrobak and Anna Mazurkiewicz;
Aleksander, son of Mariusz and Agnieszka
(Baster) Ciukaj;
Michael Paul, son of Pawel and Agata
(Bielanin) Kleszczewski;
Nicole Kamila, daughter of Robert and Katarzyna
(Frankowska) Kozbiel;
Paulina Kaja, daughter of Przemys³aw and Edyta (Cudzi³o)
Matthew Peter, son of Ernest and Katarzyna (Stankiewicz)
“Dwell in My Love” Sunday
January 26, 2003
Prayer of Commitment to End Racism
Dear Lord, help us to search our own hearts and seek
forgiveness and reconciliation for racist
attitudes and beliefs to which we have given
credence in our lives.
Help us not to speak or act in ways that demean our
brothers and sisters.
Help us to speak up and act when we hear or see
racism demonstrated in any way.
Give us the courage as Christian disciples to work to
dismantle racism in the wider community.
Help us to create inclusive, welcoming communities
where we live, work and worship as we pledge to work
to eradicate the sin of racism wherever it exists, in our
hearts, in our church, on our jobs and in our communities.
With your grace, we will dwell together in God’s love
with all of our brothers and sisters.
We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen
Adapted from Pledge to End Racism
January 26, 2003
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
After the new statue of St. Ferdinand was
dedicated on November 24, 2002, we initiated a contest among the children of our
school, religious education program and
the Polish Saturday School. The children
were challenged to research the life of St.
Ferdinand, study the statue, and list the
symbols that they found on the statue
with their significance. There was a prize
incentive to the children who correctly identified the
most symbols. Although no one found all the symbols,
there were three children who came very close.
The symbols according to the research of Brother Jerome
L. Cox, F.S.C. the artist who sculpted the statue are:
1. Crown — King
2. Sword — Crusader/soldier (Sword is not being
held by the handle, but rather by the
blade in an offering to God.)
3. Open Book — Scholar
4. Shield — Codifier of the law (the kingdoms of
Castile and Leon)
5. Cowl/Cape — Signifies that he was a third order
6. Saint — Quotations and image of the Most
Blessed Virgin Mary.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.”
Proverbs 1:7
Ecclesiasticus 1:20
“Reflect on the Law of the Lord and wisdom will be
given to you.”
Ecclesiasticus 6:37
And the winners are:
First place
— Angela Bucaro
Second place — Edward Supan
Third place
— Michael Lucki
Congratulations to all the winners.
Page Three
As members of the parish faith
community, it is our responsibility to
remember both in concrete and spiritual
ways those who cannot celebrate with us
each week because they are ill. Those who
are sick in turn, remember all of us daily
in their prayers and in their sufferings. We experience many
blessings because of their remembering us. And so ... please
remember in your prayers:
Joseph Balicki
Tad Koziol
Timothy Benson
James Lamberti
Albin Bilinski
Sam LoDolce
Frank Bisceglie
Netta Lohrmann
Stephanie Bosco
Eleanor Loscuito
Gabriella Bragagnolo
Elizabeth Ann Maher
Alba Jennie Burroughs
Susan Maher
Benito Cabanin
Francesco Mangialardo
Claudio Clemente
Mary Martin
Maureen Conroy
Estelle “Toots” McGuigan
Bishop Edwin Conway
Emilia Moreno
Anna Diks
Steven Mosinski
Lillian Dziedzic
Dan Oliver, Jr.
Joseph Gagliano
Timothy Rajski
Fatima Gomez
Sophie Regner
Rocco Greco
Alicia Schippits
Mary Hain
Infant Cameron Scott
Judith Hodolitz
Lenore Simzyk
Mary Ann Johansen
Estelle Stybur
Catherine Keeler
Minerva Watson
Stanley Kochniarczyk
Anne Wickman
Helen Kosirog
Bruno Wojcik
Bulletin reminder:
All notices for the February 2nd bulletin need to be in the rectory no later than 9 a.m. on Monday, January 27th.
You may drop your bulletin notices off at the rectory in an
envelope labeled “bulletin” or you may fax them to 622-5903.
The e-mail address for bulletin notices is [email protected].
The St. Vincent de Paul Society loves and
works for God. The members love and work
for our neighbors in need. They do this
through your kind offerings. God will and
does reward those who care and share.
Our Financial Support of St. Ferdinand Parish
Last weekend the people of St. Ferdinand Parish donated $13,465.70 in the regular collection. This amount is an
increase compared to the previous week, but still short of our weekly goal. Cold weather and other factors affect Mass
attendance, and consequently our offertory collection. We are grateful to all who are doing their fair share, and we
encourage everyone to be conscious of their weekly or monthly stewardship in support of our mission here at St.
Ferdinand Church. We depend upon your generosity, and we thank you for your ongoing support.
Daniel P. Costigan, Parish Business Manager
January 18-19, 2003
TOTAL Donated:
Amount Over (Under)
Page Four
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 26, 2003
Catholic Schools Week
St. Ferdinand Parish School Celebrates!
Today your parish school begins its celebration of Catholic Schools Week, a national celebration of
Catholic education. Throughout the week we will celebrate how your parish school makes a world
of difference as we gather to share knowledge, enjoy each other's company and honor some of the
people who help our school provide the academic excellence and spiritual values that make it special.
Please join us at your parish school for some of these events. We would be most happy to see you!
Sunday, January 26, 11:00 - 1:00
Come visit your parish school!
All classrooms will be open for you to see!
Enjoy student performances and demonstrations!
View student work and projects!
Meet your school board representatives!
Tuesday, January 28, 8:15 a.m.
All school liturgy in chapel!
Come and pray with us!
Wednesday, January 29, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Come and visit the classrooms while instruction is happening!
See the talented teachers and students while learning occurs!
Thursday, January 30
Teacher Appreciation Day: How blessed we are!
Time to say thank you to the fine staff who work in your parish school!
Friday, January 31
Kids Day: How great and wonderful our students are!
No homework, no tests, and out-of-uniform!
Treat for students thanks to Family/School Association!
Every now and then, every person’s heart needs a good
shower. Every time we hurt someone or someone hurts us,
it leaves a mark on our hearts. As the days, weeks, and
years of our life begin to pass, our hearts
become covered with the “dust” that is comprised of these hurtful things kept inside. We
try to cover it up, putting on a “happy face”
hoping that nobody else will notice. Then,
maybe after a particularly difficult day at work,
we find ourselves suddenly lashing out at others for no particular reason. It has become too
difficult to keep it all inside. Our heart has become so
overcome with hurt and despair that we lose sight of the
true meaning in our lives. What we all need to do occasionally is to cleanse our heart with some sort of “spiritual
shower” that can erase these marks of hurt from our spirit,
renewing us in the Father’s Love.
If you would like to experience the invigorating renewal
that Jesus Christ has waiting for you, look no further than
your very own parish. It is with great enthusiasm and hope
that all men of St. Ferdinand Parish are invited to experience the joy and power of the CRHP weekend. This miniretreat (held at our very own parish) is an
opportunity to re-ignite the burning passion
for our faith! A combination of faith sharing,
affirmation, prayer, and thanksgiving, is a
Christ centered experience that will change
the way you look at the Father, your family,
and perhaps your own life.
CRHP is an experience like none other. If being a Catholic
has become more of a habit than a joyous, enthusiastic
experience, then please consider joining us on our next
weekend — February 8-9, 2003. This is your FINAL
CHANCE to sign up for the CRHP Weekend, do not let
this golden opportunity for renewal pass you by. Contact
Ron Pasko at 773-636-1299 (or 773-637-6929) for more
details. Remember, a moment can change your mind; a
weekend can change your life.
January 26, 2003
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Five
The 1973 Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade has been disastrous for our nation. Based on a complete disregard for
human rights and enshrined for almost 30 years in false logic and rhetoric, that decision, more than any other in our recent
history, has been responsible for blinding our national conscience to the truth about our God-given rights to life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness. The statement before us this week, “A Matter of the Heart,” reflects on the impact of Roe vs Wade,
calls again — in the name of truth and justice — for that ruling to be overturned, and expresses the gratitude of the bishops
to all those who have kept the truth about human life alive. Our prophetic persistence in preaching the Gospel of Christ on
this issue cannot but allow falsity to give way to the truth, and truth to bring rightful comfort to the unborn.
—Presidential Address by Bishop Wilton Gregory, November 2002 Meeting of the USCCB
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club
The Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club will have their
meeting on Wednesday, February 5th at 10:30 a.m. in
Canning Hall. This is a Birthday Celebraion. We will play
Robber’s Dice. Bring a wrapped prize not les than $1.00.
Attention! All High School Teens
Are you looking for something
to do on Sundays?
Are you looking for a place
to meet new friends?
Are you looking for a place
where old friends and new friends
can have a good time?
Are you looking for fun activities?
St. Ferdinand’s is starting a
Teen Ministry.
Watch the bulletin for further details.
Get involved! Have fun!
Winter ‘03 Dinner Dance
The Winter ‘03 Dinner Dance
will be held on
February 22, 2003 in McManus Hall.
Cocktails — 6-7 p.m.
Buffet Dinner — 7-9 p.m.
Dancing — 9 until Midnight
Cash Bar, catered buffet dinner by
Plunkett Catering
and music and Karaoke by
the “Pro DJ’s”.
Donation still only $17.50 per person. What a deal!
Seating will be on a first come, first served basis. Seating
will be eight (8) persons per table. Everyone, 21 years
and older in the St. Ferdinand community is invited.
So, talk to your friends, neighbors, relatives, and fellow
parishioners and join us for an evening of wining, dining,
dancing and singing.
Reservations will be taken from February 1, 2003 to
February 16, 2003. All reservations will be taken in the
vestibules of the Church and Chapel. Please complete the
form below and return it, along with your payment, to
the rectory or visit us in the vestibules. Any questions,
please call Mike or Sue McGovern at 773/889-8847 (after
6 p.m.)
Contribution Statements
In the past, many parishes (including
ourselves) mailed out contribution statements at the end of every year. We have
found, however, that due to certain changes in IRS tax
laws and other circumstances, most people no longer
need the information found on these statements. Because
of this, and also the high cost of postage, we will NOT be
sending them out once again this year.
If you still need a contribution statement, please call
the rectory, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. to request one and to arrange a time and
date that you will pick it up. Statements will be printed by request only.
Name: _______________________________________
Please Print
Phone: _______________________________________
Number of Seats requested: ______________________
Donation: $17.50 per person
Money must accompany this reservation form.
Reservations will not be accepted without payment.
Page Six
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 26, 2003
Dzisjaj rozpoczynamy obchody Tygodnia Szkó³
Katolickich, narodowe œwiêto katolickiej edukacji. W ci¹gu
tego tygodnia, zapraszamy was wszystkich, abyœcie mogli
zobaczyæ w jaki sposób szko³a parafialna zmienia œwiat,
dzieli siê wiedz¹, cieszy siê obecnoœci¹ ka¿dego i oddaje
ho³d tym, którzy w ró¿ny sposób pomagaj¹ naszej szkole.
Niedziela, 26 stycznia, 11:00-1:00
- przyjdŸ i zobacz nasz¹ szko³ê
- wszystkie klasy bêd¹ otwarte
- ró¿ne prezentacje i demonstracje
- wystawione prace i projekty uczniów
- spotkaj siê z przedstawicielami rady szkolnej
Wtorek, 28 stycznia, 8:15 rano
- liturgia szkolna w kaplicy
- przyjdŸ i módl siê z nami
Œroda, 29 stycznia, 9:00-10:30
- przyjdŸ i zobacz klasy w trakcie zajêæ
- zobacz jak utalentowanych i zdolnych mamy
Czwartek, 30 stycznia,
- Dzieñ Nauczyciela
- czas dziêkowania tym, którzy wykonuj¹ dobr¹ pracê
w naszej Katolickiej Szkole
Pi¹tek, 31 stycznia
- Dzieñ dziecka
- dziœ nie ma zadañ domowych, testów, mundurków
Ogólne zebranie Klubu Dobrego
Pasterza odbêdzie siê 2 lutego po Mszy
œw. o godz.10:45 w sali McManus.
Wszystkich serdecznie zapraszamy!
Wczeœniej, 29 stycznia odbêdzie siê
Zebranie Zarz¹du Klubu Dobrego Pasterza.
Bierzmowanie w naszej parafii odbêdzie siê 6 maja
2003. W zwi¹zku z tym 8 lutego rozpoczynaj¹ siê
spotkania dla osób doros³ych, które nie przyjê³y jeszcze
sakramentu bierzmowania. Na te spotkania mo¿na siê
zapisywaæ u sr. Gracjany w biurze parafialnym
w poniedzia³ki, wtorki, œrody i pi¹tki w godz.9:00-12 i od
1:00-4:00, pod 773/622-5900 wew.0, lub
w niedzielê po ka¿dej polskiej Mszy œw. w Konwencie.
Biuletynowe pr zypomnienie Wszystkie biuletynowe
og³oszenia na 2 lutego prosimy dostarczyæ do parafii nie
póŸniej jak na godzinê 9:00 rano w poniedzia³ek 27 stycznia.
Og³oszenia te¿ mo¿na dostarczyæ wczeœniej lub wys³aæ
faxem na numer 773/ 622-5903, lub te¿ wys³aæ internetem
[email protected]
Zimowa Zabawa’03
22 lutego zapraszamy na Zabawê Zimow¹
w sali McManus.
Koktaile- od 6:00-7:00 wieczorem
Obiad- od 7:00- 9:00
Tañce- od 9:00- pó³nocy.
Cena od osoby wynosi $17.50
Zapraszamy do wspólnej zabawy wszystkich, którzy ukoñczyli 21 lat.
Jedynym warunkiem jest wype³nienie poni¿szej formy
i uiszczenie w.w. kwoty przy rezerwacji miejsca.
Rezerwacji mo¿na dokonaæ w przedsionku koœcio³a, lub kaplicy od 1-16 lutego.
Wszelkie pytania mo¿na kierowaæ do Mike lub Sue McGovern
pod 773/ 889-8847
Name: _______________________________________
Please Print
Klub Dobrego Pasterza serdecznie zaprasza na Zabawê
Serduszkow¹ w sobotê 8 lutego o godz. 7:30 do restauracji
Grota. Do tañca przygrywa zespó³ Venus. W programie
obiad i wiele atrakcji.
Bilety w cenie $25 s¹ do nabycia przy wyjœciu z koœcio³a.
Mo¿na dzwoniæ do p. Wacka /773/ 251-4701, p. Iwony
K onopka /773/736-9903, p. Henryka /773/889-3538
lub do p. Kazimierza /847/966-1230
Phone: _______________________________________
Number of Seats requested: ______________________
Donation: $17.50 per person
Op³ata musi byæ do³¹czona do tej formy.
Rezerwacja nie zostanie zaakceptowana bez op³aty.
January 26, 2003
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Seven
Serdecznie zapraszamy na pielgrzymkê z okazji
umi³owanego OJCA ŒW. JANA PAW£A II
oraz rocznicy og³oszenia œwiêtym Ojca Pio
22 kwietnia - 1 maja 2003
W programie AUDIENCJA U OJCA ŒW. ,
nawiedzenie GROBÓW APOSTO£ÓW
Ponadto: zwiedzanie Rzymu (katakumby, bazyliki, staro¿ytne miasto, Muzea Watykañskie), pielgrzymowanie do Asy¿u - miasta
œw. Franciszka i œw. Klary, Loreto - sanktuarium œw. Rodziny, Lanciano, San Giovanni Rotondo (Ojciec Pio), najstarszego
w Europie sanktuarium Micha³a Archanio³a, staro¿ytnych Pompei, s³ynnej wyspy cesarzy - Capri, Neapolu (œw. January)
i bliskiego sercu Polaków Monte Cassino.
Zapisy mo¿na dokonaæ telefonicznie lub osobiœcie u ks. Marka Jurzyka - duchowego opiekuna pielgrzymki :
tel: (773) 622-5900 wewn. 5
22 stycznia 30 lat zalegalizowania aborcji.Pocz¹tkowo aborcja
mia³a byæ dokonywana “rzadko i tylko w wyj¹tkowych wypadkach”. Ale od 1973 roku dokonywano aborcji na ponad 46
milionach dzieci. Œrednio ka¿dego dnia morduje siê
ponad 4,000 nienarodzonych. Wiele kobiet cierpi na
razleg³e komplikacje poaborcyjne tzw. “syndrom
poaborcyjny”. The Women’s Center jest miejscem
gdzie ka¿dego roku udzielamy pomocy oko³o 5,000
kobietom i ich rodzinom. W trudnych sytuacjach
pomagamy im wybraæ inne rozwi¹zanie zamiast
aborcji. Ofiarujemy pomoc materialn¹, fachow¹
poradê, tak¿e poradê dla kobiet, które cierpi¹
w wyniku dokonanej aborcji, otaczamy przyjaŸni¹
i wspieramy modlitw¹. Dziêki naszej pracy ¿yje oko³o
23,000 dzieci.
Nasz 18-ty Bankiet Obrony ¯ycia (Annual Life Banquet)
odbêdzie siê 9 lutego w niedzielê od 1:00-4:00 po po³udniu
w sali Crystal Palace, 2648 Dempster, Park Ridge.
G³ównym mówc¹ na bankiecie bêdzie ks. Thomas
Euteneuer, który jest czêstym mówc¹ na konferencjach
w obronie ¿ycia na ca³ym œwiecie. Bilety s¹ w cenie $45 dla
doros³ych. Za ca³y stó³ na 10 osób tylko $400. Rezerwacje s¹
wymagane. Wiêcej informacji pod nr. tel. 773/794-1313.
Mo¿ecie nam pomóc, zg³aszaj¹c siê na soboty do Centrum
na Cicero Ave. (Family Room), pomagaæ naszym klientom
w wybieraniu rzeczy potrzebnych dla ich rodzin. Po informacje
prosimy dzwoniæ na nr. tel.773/794-1313.
W lutym organizujemy kursy dla doradców-ochotniczych. Sesje odbêd¹ siê w naszym Oœrodku
w Evergreen Park. Jest wymagane mówiæ biegle po
angielsku. Po wiêcej informacji prosimy dzwoniæ do
Judy 773/794-3292.
Dziêki waszej ofiarnoœci nasz magazyn jest
w tej chwili dosyæ dobrze zaopatrzony. Najbardziej
potrzebne s¹ ubrania na okres ci¹¿y, pantofelki
domowe, koszule dzieciêce, podkoszulki dla
niemowl¹t, kocyki i ma³o u¿ywana odzie¿ dla
ch³opców i dziewczynek (w rozmiarze 7 i wiêksze),
jednorazowe pieluszki w rozmiarach 4, 5 i 6 s¹ bardzo
potrzebne. Zawsze przyjmujemy nie zniszczone ³ó¿eczka
dziecinne i czêœci wymienne, materacyki i przeœcierade³ka.
W tej chwili nie potrzebujemy u¿ywanych zabawek. Do
naszego biura na N. Riverside jest potrzebna kanapa.
Najbardziej odpowiednia by³aby ze sztucznego tworzywasztucznej skóry. W tych sprawach prosimy dzwoniæ na nr.
773/794-1313. Je¿eli sami mo¿ecie dostarczyæ, któreœ z wy¿ej
wymienionych rzeczy, bêdziemy wam bardzo wdziêczni.
W zesz³ym tygodniu parafianie ofiarowali na tacê $13,465.70. Suma ta wzros³a w porównaniu z poprzedni¹ sk³adk¹, ale jest
wci¹¿ ni¿sza od wyznaczonego celu. Niska temperatura i inne czynniki maj¹ wp³yw na frekwencjê podczas Mszy œw. co w rezultacie powoduje spadek sumy niedzielnej sk³adki. Jesteœmy wdziêczni wszystkim, którzy materialnie wspieraj¹ dzia³alnoœæ Koœcio³a
i zachêcamy pozosta³ych, aby i oni równie¿ w³¹czyli siê w cotygodniowe utrzymanie naszej parafii œw. Ferdynada. Funkcjonowanie
naszej misji jest zale¿ne od waszej hojnoœci. Sk³adamy sredeczne “Bóg zap³aæ” za systematyczne utrzymywanie naszej parafii.
Daniel P. Costigan, Menad¿er Parafii
Styczeñ 18-19
BUD¯ET: CEL $15,000
Page Eight
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 26, 2003
the week at st. ferdinand parish
January 27-February 2, 2003
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•Troop # 51 — 7-9:30 p.m., Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Polish School Theater Group — McManus Hall
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•Cooking Class — 2:30-3:30 p.m., Heeney Hall, Parish Kitchen
•Serduszka (Little Hearts Choir) — 6:30-8:30 p.m., Convent #s 2
•Polish Baptism Preparation Class — 7:30 p.m., Church
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•Craft Ladies — 9 a.m. - Noon, Rectory Basement
•Jr. Legion of Mary — 2:30-4 p.m., Convent # 2
•Webelos # 3051 — 6-9 p.m. Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Kropeczki (Little Dots) — 6-8 p.m., Music Room
•Good Shepherd Board Meeting — Convent # 4
•Polish Adult Choir — 7:15 p.m., Chapel
•Fijat — 7:30-9:30 p.m., Church
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•Girl Scout Troops 188, 1883 & 1733 — 5:30-9 p.m., Convent
#s 1, 2 & 3
•Legion of Mary — 7-9 p.m., convent
•Polish School Theater Group — Chapel
•Pack 3051 Committee Meeting — 7-9 p.m., Convent # 4
•Laudamus — 8-11 p.m, Chapel
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•Legion of Mary —9-10:30 a.m., Convent
•Confession — 8:45-9:30 a.m., Church
•Legion of Mary 9-11 a.m., Convent # 2
•Polish Saturday School — 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., School
•Polish Adult English Class —9 a.m.- 4 p.m., Music Room
•Polish School Children Costume Party — 6-10 p.m., McManus
•Highlanders — 8:30-9:30 a.m. Convent # 3
•Ladies of St. Anne at the 9 a.m. Mass in Church
•Kropeczki (Little Dots)/Serduszka (Little Hearts) — 9:15-10:30
a.m., Convent #s 1 & 2
•Chapel Choir Practice — 9:15 a.m., Music Room
•Good Shepherd Club Meeting — 11 a.m.-3 p.m., McManus
•Polish Baptism — 1:45 p.m., Church
•Polish Pre-Cana — 4-6 p.m., Convent # 4
•Christ Renews His Parish-Men— 6-10 p.m., Convent # 4
•Laudamus — 7 p.m. Convent # 1; 7:30 p.m., Church
our neighbors want you to know . . .
•Our Lady Mother of the Church Parish, 8747 West
Lawrence Avenue, presents Finding God in the Midst of
the Hustle & Bustle of Everyday Life, Monday evening,
January 27th at 7:30 p.m. with Gregory F. Pierce.
Gregory F. Pierce, businessman, community organizer,
husband and father, is the past president of the National
Center for the Laity, a founding member of Business
Executives for Economic Justice, co-publisher of ACTA
Publications, recipient of the Hillenbrand Award for
Social Justice, accomplished speaker and author of the
book Spirituality@Work.
This presentation is free of charge and sponsored by the
Catholic Education and the Spiritual Life Commissions of
the Parish Council and the Parish Office of Religious
Education. For more information, please call 773/6252273.
•St. Constance Parish, 5843 West Strong Street, will host
a professional presentation of the Gospel of Mark on
Tuesday, January 28 at 7 p.m. in the Church. Television
and film star Frank Runyeon performs. Tickets are $5
each, with children under 10 free. For tickets or more
information, please call St. Constance DRE Sophie Pelc
at 773/283-5939.
•The Notre Dame Community Tech Center is continuing
to offer free computer classes. The one-session classes are
designed for persons who have had little or no experience
in using computers. The following schedule will be in
effect for February of 2003. there is no charge for either
the classes or computer use. Please call Notre Dame at
773/622-9494 to register for specific dates.
Date & Time
2/4 - 4:30-7:30 Computing Basics
2/6 - 4:30-7:30
Basic Windows
2/8 - 9:30-12:30
2/11 - 4:30-7:30
Basic Word
2/13 - 4:30-7:30
Basic Internet
2/15 - 9:30-12:30
Windows II
2/18 - 4:30-7:30
Word II
2/20 - 4:30-7:30
Basic Windows
2/22 - 9:30-12:30 Intro to Keyboarding Daniel
2/25 - 4:30-7:30
Basic Word
2/27 - 4:30-7:30
Basic Excel
January 26, 2003
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Nine
by Paul Turner
Ordinary Time, the longest portion of the church
year, fills the weeks which do not celebrate a specific aspect of the mystery of Christ. It's the noparticular-reason season. The Christmas cycle honors the birth of Christ. The Easter cycle rejoices in
the resurrection. Ordinary Time is devoted to the
mystery of Christ in all its aspects.
The number of the weeks of Ordinary Time replaces the
old counting of weeks after Epiphany and after Pentecost.
The old calendar suggested that Pentecost ran for six
months. The new calendar gives Pentecost a day. Then we
return to Ordinary Time.
At first glance the principles of Ordinary Time seem basic
enough. Start counting the weeks after the Christmas season. Break for Lent and Easter. Resume after Pentecost
and keep counting until Advent. Basically, that's how it
works. But we have a few quirks.
For example, there is no First Sunday of Ordinary Time;
however, there is a first week. Usually the Christmas season ends on a Sunday with the Baptism of the Lord. (Some
years, the Baptism falls on a Monday, but that's another
story.) Ordinary Time then begins on a weekday. When the
next Sunday rolls around we start Week Two.
On the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, we see
the last of Ordinary Time until after Pentecost.
Even then, it emerges only on weekdays. Trinity
Sunday always follows Pentecost Sunday, and
The Body and Blood of the Lord comes the next
Sunday in the United States. (In countries where
The Body and Blood of the Lord is a holy day, it falls on a
Thursday.) So when the numbered Sundays of Ordinary
Time return in summer, we start out a little higher than
when we left off.
Sometimes we skip one or two entire weeks of Ordinary
Time during the Easter break. We want to close the
Sundays of the year with Christ the King, one week before
Advent. Christ the King always falls on the 34th Sunday
of Ordinary Time. So, we determine the week number
after Pentecost not based on where we left off before Lent
but counting backward from Christ the King. One or two
weeks may evaporate while Ordinary Time serves the
mystery of Christ.
Paul Turner, pastor of St. John Regis Parish in Kansas City, MO,
holds a doctorate in sacramental theology from Sant' Anselmo
University in Rome. His e-mail address is [email protected].
St. Ferdinand Parish
Support Staff
Mrs. Aneta Kocma, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Wendy L. Braunsdorf, Communications Coordinator
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Sr. Gracjana Zieba, Receptionist/Secretary
Robert Diaz, Ricky Salgado, Evening Receptionist
Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director of Music and Liturgy
Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator
Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of
Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of Care
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of Ministers of Care
to the Homebound
Parish Council
Ralph Barnhart - President, Mary Bucaro, Sophie Kass,
Ken Presslak.
Rev. David J. Cortesi and Daniel P. Costigan, ex officio.
Parish Organizations
Boy Scout - Coordinator: Mr. Claudio Clemente
Christ Renews His Parish: Lay Director: Mr. Ronald Pasko
Friendship Club - President: Mrs. Rosalie Anastos
Girl Scout - Coordinator: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss
Knights of Columbus - Tonti Council:
Tony Mangiaracina, past Grand Knight
Kropeczki - Sr. Catherine
Ladies of St. Anne - President: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio
Laudamus - Mr. Jaroslaw Buranicz
Legion of Mary - Presidents: Mr. Justo Evangelista
Mrs. Fely Mesina
Legion of Mary, Juniors - President: Emma Camara
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club - Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Market Day - Coordinator: Mrs. Tammy Sammarco
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd - President: Mr. Waclaw Leszczynski
Polish Saturday School - Director: Mrs. Lucyna Olszewska
Polish School Board - Chairman: Mr. Stanislaw Urban
Rosary Group - Mr. Waclaw Wileczek
Serduszka - Music Teacher - Miss Iwona Raszyk
St. Ferdinand Athletic Board - Director: Mr. Len Bertolini
St. Ferdinand Family & School Association - President:
Mrs. Maureen Sobie
St. Ferdinand Parish Council - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club - President:
Mr. Stan Kowalkowski
St. Ferdinand School Board - Chairperson: Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart
St. Vincent DePaul Society - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
Ushers Club - President: Mr. Mike Bisceglie
St. Ferdinand Church
5900 West Barry Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-5128
St. Ferdinand Parish
Rev. David J. Cortesi, Pastor
Rev. Walter Juszczak,, Associate Pastor
Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor
Rev. Marek Jurzyk, Associate Pastor
Rev. S³awomir Kozlowski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Joseph Kromenaker, Resident
Rev. Joseph Varkey, Resident
Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon
Ronald Weiner, Deacon
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m
10:45 a.m. (Polish),
12:30 p.m.,
3:00 p.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. (Polish)
7:30 a.m. (Polish), 10:30 a.m., and 12:15 p.m. (Italian).
Saturday: 8:45-9:30 a.m. or by appointment in the
rectory. Sobota: 6:30 wieczorem.
St. Ferdinand School - 773/622-3022
Mr. Jerome R. Molitor, Principal
Christian OutReach (COR) - 773/622-9732
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director
Religious Education Office - 773/622-3022 ext. 366
Mr. Joseph Kummer, D.R.E.
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773/889-7979
Sr. Katarzyna Zaremba, Superior
Business Manager - 773/622-5900 ext. 3
Mr. Daniel P. Costigan
To register please come to the rectory during
business hours:
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Baptism of children is celebrated at 1:45 p.m. in English
on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and in
Polish on the first and third Sundays of the month.
To register, please call the rectory.
Pre-Baptism class is required for baptism of the first child.
The class in English is held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory, and in Polish on the
Tuesday before the first Sunday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in
Church. Please call the rectory to reserve a place in the
Marriages must be arranged at least four months prior to
the ceremony. Please call the rectory.

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