Edwin Bendyk (1965), a journalist and writer. In late 80 he was


Edwin Bendyk (1965), a journalist and writer. In late 80 he was
Edwin Bendyk (1965), a journalist and writer. In late 80 he
was involved in the independent students’ movements, as
an editor of two underground magazines: “Miś” and
“Grizzly”. After 1989 he used to work for several media,
like “Gazeta i Nowoczesność”, “Zycie Warszawy” and
Polska Agencja Informacyjna (as an editor in chief of the
press desk). Since 1999 he has been working for
“Polityka”, a major Polish weekly magazine. Bendyk also
writes for several other titles, like “Przegląd Polityczny”,
“Computerworld”, “Kultura Współczesna” and “Zeszyty
Artystyczne”. He is mainly interested in topics concerning
processes of modernization and postmodernization, social
networks, social communication and influence of media
(especially New Media) on social and political actions. As
far as New Media is concerned Bendyk is not only a
theoretician, but has got wide practical experience in the
field. First, in late 90, when he used to work for the
publisher IDG Poland as a director of New Media
Department, then in “Polityka”, when he was responsible
for development and management of the magazine’s
Internet edition.
He wrote two books, “Zatruta studnia” (“The Poisoned
Well”, 2002), which won several prizes and was nominated
to the Nike 2003 Prize, the most important Polish literary
award and “Antymatrix. Człowiek w labiryncie sieci”
(“Anti-Matrix. A Man in a Labirynth of Networks”, 2004).
Bendyk teaches at Warsaw School of Social Psychology
(Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej topics concerning
social networks, knowledge management and digital
culture. At Collegium Civitas he has a lecture on modern
ideas. He cooperates with the Centre of Contemporary Arts
in Warsaw, working on a multimedia project “The Hunt for
Red Lenin”. He is also writing a new book, with working
title “Love, War and Revolution”.

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