przezentacja Nano-Tech


przezentacja Nano-Tech
Nanotech Group
key facts
An overview of Nanotech Group key competencies,
research areas and commercial applications
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Our Group (1/3)
technology scouting
This Technology Scouting company use its broad network of contacts to
identify technology needs of its customers and partners, quest for ready
solutions and evaluate emerging technologies.
Company invest into problem solving and raising competitive advantage
of its partners whatever is the technology advancement starting from
blue sky research, through applied research, to quantitative research and
problem solving.
Nanotech Sp. z o.o., Leszno, Poland
Inkron is the high tech company addressing the large existing as well as
rapidly growing new technology markets of next generation electronic
and printed electronic components worth over $300 billion by 2025.
Company operates on the Euro-Asian axel to address key players in
electronics and battery businesses. The end user scope of company
activity include applications for printed electronics, displays, RFID tags,
thin film printed batteries, vehicle and stationary batteries,
supercapacitors, semiconductors, LEDs, photovoltaic devices, special
coatings etc.
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Starting up - Inkron ltd. Hong Kong
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Our Group (2/3)
polymer compounds
Company use the interdisciplinary approach to create nano-enabled polymers
and metamaterials for cabling industries allowing to create end products with
unprecedented, new features. Special attention is paid to develop products
with enhanced fire retardant capabilities, fungicide and antimicrobial
capabilities, mechanical durability and EMI/RFI features.
One of the key examples could be the screened high-speed transmission cables
produced without application of any metal screen in it or any conductive
jacketing layers, which might be a beginning of new era of cable jacketing at all.
Nanojackets Sp. z o.o., Leszno, Poland
Key activity of the company Thanks to its own, patent pending technology,
company specialize in production of metal powders and nanopowders.
The unique features of used technology allows for unprecedented, tailor
made production of nanometals according to specific customers needs
expressed in terms of particle size, shape, purity and size distribution.
With such an ability company can contribute to the development of
numerous existing and future nano-enabled applications in key economy
segments including medical, energy, cosmetics, automotive, house hold
care, oils and lubricants, batteries, construction, microelectronics etc.
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Nanometallurgy S.A., Wrocław, Poland
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Our Group (3/3)
document security
Company explore own, patent pending, innovative approach of using encoding
capability of selected nanoluminophors in creating unique nanovectors® for
protection and authentication of documents, banknotes as well as for brand
protection applications.
Company develops own encoding and decoding infrastructure offering its
services and products to industry leaders from High-Security and Brand
Protection fields.
medical devices
Nanovectors, Startup
Company use a pioneering, non-invasive, bio-impedance technology of
adapted multi-electrode measurements to detect osteoporotic changes of
human bones. The corresponding electronic device is able to provide
accurate data on bone mineral composition without exposing the patient
to the harmful influence of ionizing radiation, allowing frequent
measurements, therefore easy monitoring and early detection of
osteoporotic changes. Thanks to its lightweight construction and battery
operation the device becomes portable and allows for broad population
scan contributing to alleviation of this public health problem whose costs
are projected to reach $240 billion within the next 50 years in USA only.
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BoneVitea S.A., Warszawa, Poland
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Program Operacyjny
Innowacyjna Gospodarka 2007-2013
Wdrożenie opatentowanej technologii produkcji
nanomiedzi umożliwiającej masowe innowacyjne
zastosowania przemysłowe
Cel realizacji projektu:
Celem projektu jest zaspokojenie istniejącego popytu na tańszą
elektronikę, długowieczne samochody, tanią energię ze słońca oraz
niezniszczalne drewno poprzez wdrożenie produkcji nanoproszków
miedzi innowacyjną, ekonomiczną metodą według opatentowanego
wynalazku nagrodzonego złotym medalem targów Innova 2010 w
Brukseli oraz Dyplomem Ministra Edukacji i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w
2011 roku.
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Kim jesteśmy?
• Właściciel patentu na produkcję proszków i nanoproszków
– Złoty medal Innova Eureka Bruksela, Dyplom Ministra Nauki i
Szkolnictwa Wyższego, pozytywna opinia Orgmasz, Polskie Radio
Program I „Wieczór odkrywców”
• Primary Approved Supplier
– Certyfikowany Członek Giełdy INSCX w UK – ang. Integrated NanoScience Commodity Exchange
• Patenty z zakresu elektrolitycznej produkcji miedzi,
arsenu, urządzeń i metod
• 20 mln zł dotacji PARP na wsparcie wdrożenia wynalazku
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Innowacyjność produktu
Czym są nanoproszki miedzi?
• Proszki o rozmiarach od kilku
nm do kilku μm,
• Roztwory, koloidy, zawiesiny
proszków i/lub nanoproszków
w wodzie, glikolu, oleju i
innych mediach.
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Innowacyjność produktu
Do czego stosujemy nanoproszki miedzi?
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Proponowane obszary współpracy
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Dziękujemy za uwagę
Nanotech Sp.z o.o.
Ul. Narutowicza 22/45
64-100 Leszno
Email: [email protected]
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