St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church


St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church
St. Ferdinand Church
PHONE: 773/622-5900
Photo by Romuald Gluch
June 1, 2003
The Ascension of the Lord
Page Two
The Ascension of the Lord
June 1, 2003
The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:
+John & Bernice Santos
+Generosa Mele
MONDAY, Easter Weekday/
Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs
7:00 —Claudia Altergott rq. Friends
8:00 —Margaret M. Janz rq. Steve & Gloria Rahman
TUESDAY, Charles Lwanga, and companions, martyrs
7:00 —Mary Gruber rq. Eleanor & Ed Kopacz
8:00 —Kay Kennedy (1st Anniv.) rq. Lu Caravette
WEDNESDAY, Easter Weekday
7:00 —Claudia Altergott rq. Friends
8:00 —Stanley L. Zaprzal rq. Family
THURSDAY, Boniface, pb., martyr
7:00 —John Mastrangelo rq. Sister
8:15 —Felipe Kalaw rq. Eufemia Kalaw & Family
FIRST FRIDAY, Easter Weekday/Norbert, bishop
7:00 —Lucia Filacchione rq. Lucy Cantalupo
8:00 —Paul Guagliardo rq. Wife
FIRST SATURDAY, Easter Weekday
8:00 —Mallardi & Clemente Family
rq. Claudio & Rose Clemente
11:00 —Wedding Liturgy
Krzysztof Siuta and Karolina Wiliñska
1:00 —Wedding Liturgy
Chris Pacocha and Marzena Domagala
2:00—Wedding Liturgy (Chapel)
Robert Jasko³ka and Irmina Dabrowska
Sunday Anticipated Mass
5:00 —John L. Mari, Sr. & Eva Mari rq. Daughter Rose
SUNDAY, Pentecost
7:30 —People of St. Ferdinand
7:30 —(Chapel) +Jan Cieœla w 25 dniu po œmierci
9:00 —Joseph Rendak rq. Adeline Klimek
10:30 —(Chapel)St. Ferdinand Class of 1943
rq. Class of 1943
10:45 —-o zdrowie i b³og. Bo¿e dla Zofii;
-dziêkczynna za pomyœlne ukoñczenie studiów
Jacka i Katarzyny Jab³oñskich oraz o dalsze
b³og. Bo¿e dla nich;
-o szczêœliwy przylot do USA dla córki Ewy i
jej mamy;
+Marek Pi¹tek w 4 m-c po œm.;
+Kazimierz Szef i Anna G³¹biñska
12:15 —(Chapel) Mass in Italian
12:30 —Terri & Chuck Calcitrai (25th Wedding Anniv.)
3:00 —Mass in Polish
5:00 —Caroline Martoccio rq. Jeff Cielen
6:30 —Mass in Polish
Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33
Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a
Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19
Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26
Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19
Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25
Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez
37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104; Rom 8:22-27; Jn
Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 1213 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:2627; 16:12-15
Our Blessed Lord has called home
our parishioners Bo¿ena Wywiórka and
Vincenzo Amico for whom we promise
our prayers.
May they and all our other
deceased parishioners enjoy peace and
happiness in God’s Sacred Presence.
S. Markocki
3rd publication Krzysztof Siuta and Karolina Wiliñska
Chris Pacocha and Marzena Domagala
Robert Jasko³ka and Irmina Dabrowska
Pawe³ Mroczka and Ma³gorzata Ma³oziêæ
2nd publication Sylwester Wiejata and Anna Kaznecka
S³awomir Jamroz and Barbara Cudecka
Lech Capala and Edyta Sokal
Wojciech Kupiec and Alicja Bryg
1st publication Piotr Mol and Alicja Wiszowata
Adam D. Skrzyniarz and Ola B. Klimek
Matthew C. Tschanz and Julie Anne Seiner
Congratulations and best wishes to the couples
who were married here last week:
Francis V.B. Nguyen and Thy Thy T. Pham
Rocco Renghini and Caterina Marchionna
We pray for God’s blessings on them as they
begin their new life together.
Our congratulations and best wishes to
Chuck and Terri Calcitrai
who will celebrate their
25th Wedding Anniversary
on Sunday, June 8th at the 12:30 Mass.
Daniel, son of Martin Javier and Paula
(Garcia) Ayala;
Rachel Ann, daughter of Michael and
Karen (Urban) Powers;
Robert Mark Secondi, son of Mark A.
Secondi and Sandra Pruett
Faithfulness in little things is a big thing.
—St. John Chrysostom
June 1, 2003
The Ascension of the Lord
The Lord has done great things for us
and we are filled with joy.
Psalm 126
Dear parishioners of St. Ferdinand,
Over the last three months I
have been blessed by God with
many amazing experiences. It is
God who prepared this wonderful
experience for me, and it is God
who helped me to do my best during my internship. I want to
thank God for all these blessings that I have received
here. Also, I want to take the opportunity to thank all of
you, the wonderful people of St. Ferdinand parish.
Thank you for your kindness and openness, for welcoming me, and for being patient with me. Moreover, I
would like to thank all the teachers and students of the
parish school for letting me work with them. It has been
an extraordinary experience. Furthermore, I wish to
thank the Sisters for all their support and prayers.
Also, I thank all the parish staff for all they have done
for me. In a special way I thank Fr. Cortesi, a wonderful
person and a great pastor, for his support, encouragement, and advice; I also thank Fr. Holbrook for his help
and support, as well as all the priests in the house.
I ask all of you to pray for me as I continue my
formation for priesthood to serve here in Chicago. I will
remember all of you in my prayers. May Mary, the
mother of Jesus, help us all to grow in love and service to
God and to one another.
Many thanks!
Page Three
As members of the parish faith
community, it is our responsibility to
remember both in concrete and spiritual
ways those who cannot celebrate with
us each week because they are ill.
Those who are sick in turn, remember
all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We
experience many blessings because of their remembering
us. And so ... please remember in your prayers:
Joseph Balicki
June Landers
Timothy Benson
James Lamberti
Albin Bilinski
Sam LoDolce
Frank Bisceglie
Netta Lohrmann
Stephanie Bosco
Eleanor Loscuito
Gabriella Bragagnolo
Elizabeth Ann Maher
Alba Jennie Burroughs
Susan Maher
Benito Cabanin
Francesco Mangialardo
Claudio Clemente
Mary Martin
Bishop Edwin Conway
Estelle “Toots” McGuigan
Gayle DeBortoli
Emilia Moreno
Anna Diks
Eleanor O’Donovan
Honor Draftz
Dan Oliver, Jr.
Irene M. Dziedzic
Deborah L. Pawlak
Lillian Dziedzic
Timothy Rajski
Fred Forte
Sophie Regner
Joseph Gagliano
Alicia Schippits
Fatima Gomez
Jack Schneider
Rocco Greco
Infant Cameron Scott
Ben Guttiula
Robert Sierminski
Mary Hain
Lenore Simzyk
Judith Hodolitz
Raymundo Soriano, Sr.
Mary Ann Johansen
Tony Spano
Catherine Keeler
Estelle Stybur
Stanley Kochniarczyk
Ann Sullivan
Helen Kosirog
Minerva Watson
Tad Koziol
Octavio Munoz
Our Financial Support of St. Ferdinand Parish
Last weekend we received $11,737.41 in our offertory collection through the stewardship of St. Ferdinand parishioners. This was the lowest collection of the fiscal year. The offertory on Memorial Day weekend has typically been
one of the lowest collections through the years, and has been the lowest for the past three years. Obviously there are a
lot of people away for the long weekend and that combines with it being the fourth Sunday of the month, which is
almost always lower than the other weekends anyway. Our other two long summer holiday weekends are at the beginning of the month when we receive the majority of the monthly contributions, so the impact appears less dramatic.
However, there always is an impact when less people are in Church, no matter when it occurs.
As we enter into the summer months it is time to remind ourselves that we need to make up our usual stewardship of
the parish when we return home or before we leave on vacation. The regular offertory funds a major portion of everything we do here at St. Ferdinand’s, and it appears by our below-average collections of the past three weeks that summer
has come early this year. As costs continue to rise each year, it becomes more and more difficult to pay our weekly
expenses when the number of summer collections fall far short of our needed weekly offertory budget.
For all those who so consistently support the Church each week and month of the year both financially and by sharing their time and talents, we are extremely grateful. Please pray that more parish families will join us in the work of
this very large and always busy vineyard of the Lord.
Daniel P. Costigan, Parish Business Manager
May 24-25, 2003
TOTAL Donated:
Amount Over (Under)
Page Four
The Ascension of the Lord
Independence Day
The Filipino Community of St.
Ferdinand Parish is celebrating
the 105th Anniversary of Philippine Independence Day on
Saturday, June 7, 2003. Holy Mass will be celebrated at
the Parish Chapel at 4:30 p.m., followed by a reception
and entertainment in McManus and Canning Halls.
Everyone is cordially invited.
Pray in name for the protection
of these Parishioners
who are serving our country in the
Armed Forces:
1st Lt. Paul Polanski, U.S. Marine Corps
Jeffrey Foerster, U.S. Army
James Brown, U.S. Army
Diosdado Soriano, Specialist, U.S. Army
Pfc. Toribio J. Urian, U.S. Army
Pfc. Rudyard M. Urian, U.S. Army
Justin Jones, U.S. Marine Corps
Adam Malkmus, U.S. Army
Jeffery P. Tyson, U.S. Army
Robert E. Kelley, U.S. Army
Erik T. Herrera, U.S. Air Force
Farid Farah, U.S. Army Reserves
Let us pray.
God of love and compassion, before this season of
unrest, we had grown comfortable with thinking of them
only as they relate to us - as our parents and spouses, sons
and daughters, brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends.
Today, history and circumstance, force us to release
them into your care and into our country’s service. We
pray for them and bless them in your name. Grant them
your protection and a safe return home. Amen.
Mother’s Day Peace Project
“It is only through acceptance that we can give people
the freedom to become who they truly are.”
Alanda McLean
Action Idea for the Week:
This week I will accept others for who and what they are
and not try to change them to my way of thinking.
Weekly informatio can be found in The Catholic New
World, or on the Archdiocesan Webb Page at
June 1, 2003
Is it difficult for you to get up and down the aisle at
Communion time to receive Holy Communion?
Would you like to have a pew reserved for you in the
front of the church so that a minister of the
Eucharist could bring Communion to you?
These are questions that were raised at our last meeting
of the Pastoral Staff. If this issue affects you... If you feel
there is a need to have an area set aside for people who
use a wheelchair, a walker or a cane in order to get
around, then please call Wendy Braunsdorf at the rectory
(622-5900 ext. 238) and let her know so that she may
communicate your thoughts and suggestions to the rest of
the staff at the next staff meeting in early June.
Ladies of St. Anne
The last affair of the season will be a Luncheon, Card &
Bunco Party, with a lot of nice prizes and delicious food.
It will be Wednesday, June 11th in Canning Hall at 11:00
Tickets may be purchased by calling Lorraine scire at
773/283-6480. Reservations will be required and the price
is $8>00. Please come and bring a friend. All are welcome. The deadline is June 8th for ordering tickets.
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass
will be held on Sunday, September 21st
at 2:30 p.m. at Holy Name Cathedral,
751 North State Street, Chicago
Couples married in 1953
who are interested in attending this
celebration should call St. Ferdinand
Rectory at 622-5900 to register.
For further information,
call the Family Ministries Office at
312/751-8351 or visit the website:
Bulletin reminder:
All notices for the June 8th bulletin need to be in the rectory
no later than 9 a.m. on Monday, June 2nd.
You may drop your bulletin notices off at the rectory in an
envelope labeled “bulletin” or you may fax them to 622-5903.
The e-mail address for bulletin notices is [email protected].
June 1, 2003
The Ascension of the Lord
Page Five
Page Six
The Ascension of the Lord
1 czerwca- Miêdzynarodowy Dzieñ Dziecka
W dzisiejszym dniu szczególnie pamiêtamy o wszystkich dzieciach ca³ego œwiata.
Niech Anio³ Stró¿ zawsze stoi przy nich: rano,
wieczór, we dnie, w nocy, niech im bêdzie ku pomocy,
niech strze¿e duszy i cia³a i zaprowadzi do ¿ywota
June 1, 2003
“Kto ma szerokie serce i mi³oœæ ku Bogu bez zastrze¿eñ,
ten siê nie boi nowych ludzi, g³ówek dzieciêcych...”
Kromka chleba - Stefan kard. Wyszyñski
Zachêcamy wszystkich do modlitwy o beatyfikacjê
naszego Prymasa Tysi¹clecia- Stefana Kardyna³a
Wyszyñskiego (1901-1981)
Aniele Bo¿y Stró¿u mój
kiedy zasypiam nachyl siê nade mn¹
odmuchaj z ksiê¿yca
zas³aniaj przed z³emopowiadaj
o mokrym ryjku gwiazdy
o tym ¿e niebo jest jeszcze ca³e
o gorliwcach, którzy pchaj¹ siê do Boga za szybko
o pora¿onych ¿¹d³em zegara którzy stale smaruj¹
coœ w ksi¹¿kach za¿aleñ
o leszczynie przez ca³¹ zimê ukrytej w p¹kach
o tym ¿e nawet teolog piszczy oparzony sercem
o tym ¿e wszystko musi spadaæ niespodzianie
o papie¿u, który ukl¹k³ boso na schodku ³zy
o zgolonej aureoli
o bitwie co poros³a mchem
o ¿abie co kochaj¹c staje siê niebieska
o tych którym wypad³y mleczne zêby wiary
o sprzecznoœci w ka¿dej sprawie
o sakramencie uœmiechu...
Ks. Jan Twardowski
Lektorzy i Ministrowie Eucharystii.
Ostatnie spotkanie przed wakacjami
odbêdzie siê 8 czerwca o godz.8:45 w sali
Heeney Hall. Ks. Marek Jurzyk
Kurs przedma³¿eñski
prowadzony jest
Kurs Przedma³¿eñski w I niedzielê miesi¹ca
w Konwencie
o godz. 4:00pm
(po Mszy œw. o godz. 3:00pm). Wszystkich
zainteresowanych prosimy o kontakt z ks.
Markiem Jurzykiem, tel 773/622-5900 wew. 5
Bo¿e w Trójcy Œwiêtej Jedyny, Ty w swojej
niewypowiedzianej dobroci powo³ujesz ci¹gle nowych
aposto³ów, aby przybli¿yli œwiatu Twoj¹ Mi³oœæ. B¹dŸ
uwielbiony za to, ¿e da³eœ nam opatrznoœciowego
Pasterza Stefana Karydna³a Wyszyñskiego, Prymasa
Bo¿e, Ÿród³o wszelkiej œwiêtoœci, spraw, prosimy Ciê,
aby Koœció³ zaliczy³ go do grona swoich œwiêtych.
Wejrzyj na jego heroiczn¹ wiarê, ca³kowite oddanie
siê Tobie, na jego mêstwo wobec przeciwnoœci
i przeœladowañ, które znosi³ dla imienia Twego.
Pomnij, jak bardzo umi³owa³ Koœció³ Twojego Syna,
jak wiernie kocha³ Ojczyznê i ka¿dego cz³owieka,
broni¹c jego godnoœci i praw, przebaczaj¹c wrogom,
z³o dobrem zwyciê¿aj¹c.
Otocz chwa³¹ wiernego S³ugê Twojego Stefana
Kardyna³a, który wszystko postawi³ na Maryjê i Jej
zawierzy³ bez granic, u Niej szukaj¹c pomocy
w obronie wiary Chrystusowej i wolnoœci narodu.
Ojcze nieskoñczenie dobry, uczyñ go orêdowinikiem
naszych spraw przed Tob¹. Amen.
Pokornie Ciê b³agam, Bo¿e, udziel mi za
wstawiennictwem Stefana Kardyna³a Wyszyñskiego
tej ³aski, o któr¹ Ciê teraz szczególnie proszê...
1 czerwca o godz. 7:30a.m. i 10:45a.m. Msze œw.
bêd¹ poœwiêcone beatyfikacji S³ugi Bo¿ego, Stefana
Kardyna³a Wyszyñskiego.
Zapraszamy wszystkich do s³uchania
Katolickiego Radia w waszych domach.
Audycje nadawane s¹ w ka¿d¹ sobotê od
8:00-9:00 wieczorem na stacji 1080.
Ks. W³adys³aw Takuski s³owem Bo¿ym
siê z nami podzieli i us³yszycie wiadomoœci, których ¿eœcie nie s³yszeli.
Prezes Podhalan i Mi³oœników TatrStaszek Kowalkowski te¿ z Radiem
wspó³pracuje i swoje wierszyki te¿ wam
June 1, 2003
The Ascension of the Lord
na Plebanii
5900 W. Barry Ave.
Chicago Il, 60634
Czynne jest:
od Poniedzia³ku do Pi¹tku: od 9:00 a.m. do 12:00
od 1:00 p.m do 5:00
W Konwencie Sióstr: w niedzielê po wszystkich
Mszach œw. w j. polskim
Ks. W³adys³aw Juszczak:
(773) 622-5900 (4)
Ks. Marek Jurzyk
(773) 622-5900 (5)
Ks. S³awomir Kozlowski
(773) 622-5900 (8)
Siostry Misjonarki Chrystusa Króla:
(773) 889-7979
Biuro Polskiej Szko³y im. œw. Ferdynanda
czynne w sobotê:
(773) 622-3022 (8)
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŒW. - w ka¿d¹ Pierwsz¹ i
Trzeci¹ Niedzielê Miesi¹ca o godz. 1:45 p.m.
SAKRAMENT POJEDNANIA w ka¿d¹ sobotê od godz. 6:30 p.m.
Biuletynowe pr zypomnienie Wszystkie biuletynowe
og³oszenia na 8 czerwiec prosimy dostarczyæ do parafii nie
póŸniej jak na godzinê 9:00 rano w poniedzia³ek 2 czerwiec.
Og³oszenia te¿ mo¿na dostarczyæ wczeœniej lub wys³aæ
faxem na numer 773/ 622-5903, lub te¿ wys³aæ internetem
[email protected]
Page Seven
Podhalanie i Mi³oœnicy Tatr z Katolickim Radiem siê k³aniaj¹
i na 29 czerwca na piknik zapraszaj¹
W Parku Schiler Wood na 10 platformie
jak Bozia pozwoli mo¿ecie siê zabawiæ i pojeœæ do woli.
Napojów nie braknie jak na nas przysta³o
bêdzie siê wam zatem lepiej tañcowa³o.
Bêdzie loteria i bêd¹ wygrywki
ka¿dy los wygrywa takie s¹ zagrywki.
Telewizor, DVD mamy te¿ na stanie
oraz 200 nagród dla was pozostanie.
Cena biletu na losowanie tylko 10 dolarów
bilety s¹ dostêpne dla wszystkich pañ i panów.
Dochód na Katolickie Radio przeznaczony
serdecznie zapraszamy, Bóg zap³aæ sk³adamy.
O 11:30 na Mszê zapraszamy
odprawi nasz kapelan, którego kochamy.
Staszek Kowalkowski, prezes
Podhalanie i Mi³oœnicy Tatr wraz
z Katolickim Radio Chicago
zapraszaj¹ na pikink 29 czerwca
na rogu ulic Irving Park
i Cumberland, platforma nr.10.
Du¿o cennych nagród, ka¿dy los
wygrywa. Bilety w cenie $10
dostêpne s¹ po Mszach œw.
w jêzyku polskim. Msza œwiêta na pikniku bêdzie
odprawiona o godz. 11:30.
W zesz³ym tygodniu parafianie œw. Ferdynanda z³o¿yli na sk³adkê $11,737.41. By³a to najni¿sza sk³adka roku finansowego. Zazwyczaj sk³adka zbierana podczas weekendu Memorial Day jest najni¿sza w roku, gdy¿ wiele osób
wyje¿d¿a poza parafiê, aby spêdziæ swój czas z bliskimi lub trochê odpocz¹æ. Tak siê sk³ada, ¿e Memorial Day przypada zawsze na czwart¹ niedzielê miesi¹ca gdzie sk³adka niedzielna jest zwykle najni¿sza co te¿ jest przyczyn¹ zani¿onej
kolekty. Powoli zbli¿aj¹ siê dwa kolejne œwiêta: 4 lipca- Forth of July i 1 wrzeœnia- Labor Day, przypadaj¹ce z kolei
na pierwszy weekend miesi¹ca, kiedy to otrzymujemy wiêkszoœæ miesiêcznych ofiar na utrzymanie koœcio³a i parafii.
Wchodz¹c w letni czas, kiedy wielu z nas wyje¿d¿a na wakacje poza parafiê pamiêtajmy o uzupe³nieniu
naszych ofiar na rzecz koœcio³a, czy to przed wyjazdem z domu, czy po powrocie.
Z roku na rok wzrastaj¹ wydatki i coraz trudniejszym staje siê op³acanie tygodniowych rachunków, zw³aszcza w czasie
letnim, kiedy sk³adki s¹ o wiele ni¿sze. Fundusze zebrane podczas regularnej sk³adki niedzielnej, prawie w ca³oœci
przeznaczane s¹ na utrzymanie koœcio³a i patrz¹c na nasze kolekty wydaje siê, ¿e czas wakacyjny ju¿ nadszed³.
Tym, którzy stale wspieraj¹ koœció³ ka¿dego tygodnia, miesi¹ca przez ca³y rok, czy to finansowo, czy te¿
poœwiêcaj¹c swój czas i talenty- jesteœmy niezmiernie wdziêczni.
Prosimy ka¿dego z was o modlitwê, aby coraz wiêcej rodzin zaanga¿owa³o siê do pracy w wielkiej Winnicy Pañskiej.
Daniel P.Costign, Menad¿er Parafii
DUD¯ET: CEL $15,000
Maj 24-25,2003
Page Eight
The Ascension of the Lord
June 1, 2003
the week at st. ferdinand parish
June 2-8, 2003
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•Boy Scout Troop # 51 — 7-9:30 p.m., Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•Serduszka (Little Hearts Choir) — 6:30-8:30 p.m., Convent #s
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•PreKindergarten practice — 9 a.m., Chapel
•Craft Ladies — 9 a.m. - Noon, Rectory Basement
•Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club — 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Canning
Hall & Parish Kitchen
•Kindergarten practice — 11L30 a.m., Chapel
•Jr. Legion of Mary — 2:30-4 p.m., Convent # 2
•Webelos # 3051 — 6-9 p.m., Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Kropeczki (Little Dots Choir) — 6-8 p.m., Music Room
•Polish Adult Choir — 7:15 p.m., Chapel
•Baptism Preparation Class — 7:30 p.m., Rectory
•Fijat — 7:30-9:30 p.m., Church
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•PreKindergarten — 9 a.m., Chapel
•Kindergarten — 9:30 a.m., Chapel
•Reader’s Theater — 12:30-2:30 p.m., Chapel
•Girls Scout Troops 188, 1883 & 1733 — 5:30-9 p.m., Convent
#s 1, 2 & 3
•Graduation — Church & McManus Hall
•Legion of Mary — 7-9 p.m., convent
•Polish School Board — Convent # 4
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 a.m. & 1:30-5:30
p.m., McManus and Canning Halls
•Legion of Mary — 9-10:30 a.m., convent
•PreKindergarten Celebration — 9:30-11:30 a.m., Chapel
•Kindergarten practice — 11:30 a.m., Chapel
•First Friday Confession in Polish — 6-8 p.m., Chapel
•First Friday Mass in Polish — 8 p.m., Chapel
•Confession — 8:45-9:30 a.m., Church
•Legion of Mary — 9-11 a.m., Convent # 2
•Used Uniforms Sale — 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Gym
•Market Day pick up — 10-11 a.m., School Cafeteria
•Philippine Independence Day Celebration — 4:30 p.m., Chapel;
Reception in McManus Hall following the Mass
•Polish Highlanders — 8:30-9:30 a.m., Convent # 3
•Polish Rosary Group — 8:30-10 a.m., McManus Hall
•Kropeczki (Little Dots)/Serduszka (Little Hearts) — 9:15-10:30
a.m., Convent #s 1 & 2
•Chapel Choir Practice — 9:15 a.m., Music Room
•Baptism in English — 1:45 p.m., Church
•Christ Renews His Parish - Men —6-10 p.m., Convent # 4
•Fijat evening Music/Mass —Convent # 2
•Laudamus — 7 p.m., Convent # 1
our neighbors want you to know . . .
•St. Pascal 21st Annual Parish Carnival, June 4 thru 8, 2003.
6143 West Irving Park Road. Wednesday and Thursday, 6 p.m.
until 11 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 1 p.m. until 12 Midnight.
Carnival rides, Jar games, pull tabs, Bingo. Grand Raffle $5,000
- First Prize. $2,500 - Second Prize. $1,000 - Third Prize and
$500 - Fourth Prize. $1 a chance tickets available at the school
or the rectory or during the festival. Ride special: Super
Wristbands $35 until June 3rd. $45 on June 4 available at the
Rectory. Weekend specials Saturday and Sunday: 1-5 p.m.
unlimited rides for $15. Entertainment nightly: Wednesday:
Confinement. Thursday: Undercover. Friday: the Remarkables.
Saturday: Billy Jay Ivers & The Lonesome City Blue Grass
Band opening for JusT Another Band. Sunday afternoon: Sandy
and Jay. Sunday evening: Rick “Elvis” Saucedo. Saturday and
Sunday afternoon the Dixiecrats will be roaming the grounds.
All entertainment will begin around 7 p.m. 2 Giant Beer
Gardens, Food Court with neighborhood restaurants, special
Kiddieland section just for the little ones. There is no admission
charge to the festival or to the entertainment. For more information please call (773) 725-7642.
•SS. Crocifisso di Ciminna
Will be celebrating their 7th annual feast
On June 7th and 8th
Maryville Academy,
on River Road & Central Road in Des Plaines
Food, Fun & Entertainment
Saturday: Vespers at 6:30 p.m. at Maryville Chapel
Followed by entertainment
with the Diamanti orchestra and singer Francesca
Sunday: Mass at 1:30 p.m.
followed by procession
accompanied by the Sicilian Band of Chicago,
after the Traditional Horse Parade.
Entertainment: by Er Piu Band
featuring Italian & American music
Fireworks Finale
For more information, call (312) 263-4930
June 1, 2003
The Ascension of the Lord
Page Nine
Ascension on Sunday
by Paul Turner
The Ascension of Christ, which traditionally falls
on a Thursday, may be celebrated on a Sunday in
certain parts of the world.
The Ascension originated as a Thursday celebration because of the story of the event from the
opening of the Acts of the Apostles. There, Luke
says that Jesus rose from the dead, appeared to believers
for 40 days and then ascended to the heavens. Even though
the accounts of the ascension in the Gospels suggest it
took place after a shorter period of time, the liturgy of the
church has honored the chronology from Acts by celebrating the Ascension on Thursday of the sixth week of Easter.
The Solemnity of the Ascension is one of 10 days that may
be a holy day of obligation. Not all countries have the
same holy days. In those countries where the Ascension is
not a holy day, the solemnity is transferred to the following Sunday. The United States is so large and its needs so
varied that Rome has granted it permission to decide on
the date of this one solemnity by region. It is possible
within the United States for Ascension to be on a Thursday
in one state and on a Sunday in another. Travelers are
expected to honor the custom of the place where they are
that week.
Those celebrating Ascension on Sunday will miss
the Mass texts of the Seventh Sunday of Easter,
filled with anticipation for the Spirit of Pentecost.
Those attending weekday Masses may notice that
the responsorial psalm on Friday and Saturday of
the Sixth Week of Easter is a seasonal psalm for the
Ascension, even if their community will not celebrate the solemnity until Sunday.
This bulletin insert originally appeared in Ministry & Liturgy,
a pastoral planning resource used by the worship leaders in
your parish as an aid for better liturgy.
Copyright © 2001, Resource Publications, Inc.
160 E. Virginia St. #290, San Jose, CA 95112, (408) 286-8505.
Paul Turner, pastor of St. Munchin Parish in Cameron MO,
holds a doctorate in sacramental theology from
Sant' Anselmo University in Rome.
His e-mail address is [email protected].]
St. Ferdinand Parish
Support Staff
Mrs. Aneta Koæma, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Wendy L. Braunsdorf, Communications Coordinator
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Sr. Gracjana Ziêba, Receptionist/Secretary
Ricky Salgado, Daniel Lopez, Jason Felix,
Evening Receptionists
Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director of Music and Liturgy
Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator
Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of
Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of Care
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of Ministers of Care
to the Homebound
Parish Council
Ralph Barnhart - President, Mary Bucaro, Terri Calcitrai,
Sophie Kass, Ken Presslak, Andrew Warzocha.
Rev. David J. Cortesi and Daniel P. Costigan, ex officio.
Parish Organizations
Boy Scout - Coordinator: Mr. Claudio Clemente
Christ Renews His Parish: Lay Director: Mr. Ronald Pasko
Friendship Club - President: Mrs. Rosalie Anastos
Girl Scout - Coordinator: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss
Knights of Columbus - Tonti Council:
Tony Mangiaracina, past Grand Knight
Kropeczki - Sr. Catherine
Ladies of St. Anne - President: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio
Laudamus - Mr. Jaros³aw Buranicz
Legion of Mary - Presidents: Mr. Justo Evangelista
Mrs. Fely Mesina
Legion of Mary, Juniors - President: Emma Camara
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club - Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Market Day - Coordinator: Mrs. Tammy Sammarco
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd - President: Mr. Waclaw Leszczyñski
Polish Saturday School - Director: Mrs. Lucyna Olszewska
Polish School Board - Chairman: Mr. Stanis³aw Urban
Rosary Group - Mr. Wac³aw Wileczek
Serduszka - Music Teacher - Miss Iwona Raszyk
St. Ferdinand Athletic Board - Director: Mr. Len Bertolini
St. Ferdinand Family & School Association - President:
Mrs. Maureen Sobie
St. Ferdinand Parish Council - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club - President:
Mr. Stan Kowalkowski
St. Ferdinand School Board - Chairperson: Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart
St. Vincent DePaul Society - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
Ushers Club - President: Mr. Mike Bisceglie
St. Ferdinand Church
5900 West Barry Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-5128
St. Ferdinand Parish
Rev. David J. Cortesi, Pastor
Rev. Walter Juszczak,, Associate Pastor
Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor
Rev. Marek Jurzyk, Associate Pastor
Rev. S³awomir Koz³owski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Joseph Kromenaker, Resident
Rev. Joseph Varkey, Resident
Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon
Ronald Weiner, Deacon
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m
10:45 a.m. (Polish),
12:30 p.m.,
3:00 p.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. (Polish)
7:30 a.m. (Polish), 10:30 a.m., and 12:15 p.m. (Italian).
Saturday: 8:45-9:30 a.m. or by appointment in the
rectory. Sobota: 6:30 wieczorem.
St. Ferdinand School - 773/622-3022
Mr. Jerome R. Molitor, Principal
Christian OutReach (COR) - 773/622-9732
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director
Religious Education Office - 773/622-3022 ext. 366
Mr. Joseph Kummer, D.R.E.
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773/889-7979
Sr. Katarzyna Zaremba, Superior
Business Manager - 773/622-5900 ext. 3
Mr. Daniel P. Costigan
To register please come to the rectory during
business hours:
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Baptism of children is celebrated at 1:45 p.m. in English
on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and in
Polish on the first and third Sundays of the month.
To register, please call the rectory.
Pre-Baptism class is required for baptism of the first child.
The class in English is held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory, and in Polish on the
Tuesday before the first Sunday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in
Church. Please call the rectory to reserve a place in the
Marriages must be arranged at least four months prior to
the ceremony. Please call the rectory.

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