Biuletyn Informacyjny – Newsletter


Biuletyn Informacyjny – Newsletter
Information Bulletin
Polish Catholic Mission
March 2011, Memphis, TN
Fathers: Kazimierz Abrahamczyk,
St. John Church, tel: 743-4551
Krzysztof Rusin,
IC Church, tel: 435-5342
Jacek Kowal
St. Ann Church, tel: 373-6011
Today’s Holy Mass Intentions
Today’s Holy Mass will be said for these intentions:
Zofia Gruszczyński’s family – Mother, Father and Brothers – Stanisław, Piotr, Ryszard i Jerzy Kuźmów.
God, you ask us to love all people as our brothers and sisters, as well as those who have been taken away
from this earth. Since we all live in you, we unite ourselves with you in one faith and love.
Help us, merciful God, to always strive for that unity, with the helpful love of our living brothers’ and
sisters’ advice and good example, the prayers of the deceased, and ongoing service from our good deeds.
nków. Accept this prayer, through your endless mercy, the passion and death of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Savior and
Redeemer. Amen.
Today’s songs (#Abba Ojcze):
Entrance – W krzyżu cierpienie #433
Offertory – Ach mój Jezu #349
Communion – Jeden chleb #84
Recessional – Ludu mój ludu#394
Today’s readings:
I - Genesis 2:7- 9, 3-1-7
II – Romans 5:12-19
Psalm: 51(50) 3-4, 5-6a, 12-13, 14 i17
Gospel: St. Mathew 4:1-11
First Sunday of Lent
To enter seriously the path that leads to Easter and to prepare ourselves
for the journey to the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord – the
happiest and most festive celebration of the entire liturgical year –
what on earth could by more appropriate than to let ourselves be led by
the word of God? For this reason the church, in the gospel reading for
the next Sunday of Lent, directs us to an especially intense meeting
with the Lord, inviting us to start a new phase of initiated Christians:
for the Catechist, in light of receiving the sacrament of baptism; for the
Baptized in light of the new and decided steps in the imitation of
Christ, and in the only sincere gift for Him. The first Sunday of Lent
depicts our human situation on this earth. The victorious fight over
temptation, which begins the ministry of Jesus, is an invitation to the
awareness of our own imperfections, to accept the grace and
outpouring of new strength in Christ who is the way, the truth and the
life. It is a firm call to remember, as the Christian faith implies, for the
example of Christ and with the agreement with Him, war “with the
leaders of the dark side of the world”, in which devil did not stop his
job even now, in the crumbling of the human, who want to get closer
to God: Christ wins for to open our hearts and lead us to the victory over the temptation for the bad.
Watykan, 6 marzec, 2011
Lenten Psalms
As in the past years during Lent, each week we will again have the Lenten
Psalms (“Gorzkie Żale”), a Passion Week service, popular in Poland, combined
with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Each Saturday from the 12th of
March (before Holy Mass) until Easter, we will meet at 6:00 p.m. at St. John
Church (Lamar). We cordially invite everyone who would like to participate!
Polka Dance
We gratefully thank everyone who, with their presence, supported the Polka
Dance that took place the 26th of February in the hall next to the church at St.
Ann Bartlett. And for everyone who contributed to the success of the event with cooking, decorations, music
and cleaning up afterwards… a special “Bravo!” Donations of more than $500 were sent to the diocese for the
seminarian fund.
Easter Confessions and Penance Service
After the penance service on Friday, the 15th of April at 6:30 p.m., there will be an opportunity for those
wishing to go to confession. There is also the opportunity to arrange by phone with any of the priests for
confession on another day.
Easter Egg Coloring and Palm Sunday Decorations
April 16 – on Saturday (before Palm Sunday) at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon,
next to the church (at St. John Church) where we always have snacks after Mass –
we will have the palm decorations and Easter egg coloring (wax method). We
cordially invite adults and children. Equipment, eggs and palms provided by
PCM. Additional information can be obtained from Krystyna Zawada (tel. 7560587).
Flowers and Building of Christ’s Tomb
We invite anyone interested in helping with the preparation of the Tomb of Christ on Wednesday, April 20th at
6:00 p.m. at St. John. We would appreciate any monetary donation for the flowers to decorate the church as
well as the tomb. We also ask for donations of potted flowers as well as fresh flowers to decorate the tomb.
Offerings and petitions will be accepted by Krystyna Zawada or Zofia Schmidt. May God bless you for the
help and good heart!
Blessing of the Easter Food
Annual Polish tradition, “Blessing of the Easter Food” and novena will be
celebrated on Saturday, April 23rd at 1 o’clock in the afternoon at St. John
Church. We encourage everyone to visit the Tomb of Christ and spend
some time in prayer and meditation. At the conclusion we invite the
children for the Easter egg hunt. Sweet surprises will be found at the
center of each egg. As always, we also invite everyone for coffee and cake
in St. Jude hall. We ask you to bring baked goods or fruit for the reception
Easter Mass
We have heard a lot of positive opinions on the subject of last year’s morning holy mass as well as the Easter
community breakfast. Therefore this year’s Easter Mass will also be celebrated on Sunday, April 24 th at 8
o’clock in the morning at St. John Church. Immediately after Holy Mass we invite you to the common
traditional Polish Easter breakfast and common blessing. We ask that you bring holiday Easter dishes and fruits
to the reception table. The Polish Catholic Mission will provide bread, Polish sausage and „Easter Żurek” and
The offertory collection for the January Mass brought in $142. Please be advised that for your convenience, we
have placed envelopes on the table by the church entrance. Envelopes for the Polish Catholic Mission and
envelopes for the Polish seminarians are clearly labeled. God bless!!
Help with the PMC church activities
We encourage you to indicate you interest in volunteering your help in all of our Polish church activities –
PMC. We need those willing to participate in the choir, help with offertory collections, lectors, Eucharistic
ministers as well as help in the sacristy. Remember, whatever talent we have come from God and to Him
belongs all praise in work, prayer and song. Please contact Zofia Schmidt or Fr. Kazimierz or Fr. Krzysztof or
Fr. Jacek.
Jesus, in heavy sadness and sorrow,
Longing for death with fear, Jesus, my love.
Any greeting, any praise!
For us, abuse and dishonor!
Any adoration, any acclamation, Infinite God!
Holy Masses in the upcoming months of 2011
12- Mass (in Polish)
12, 19 &26 – Lenten
Psalms (6:00 p.m.)
2- Recollection
2, 9, 16 – Lenten
15- Confessions
23-Blessing of the
24 Easter
6 – PMC Patron/ Mass
8- Deaconate
14- Mass (in Polish)
5- Deaconate
11- Mass (in Polish)
16- Mass (in Polish)
Ach te BABY.........
Babka piaskowa z potrójną dawką wanilii
(Forma z kominkiem o średnicy 23cm i wysokości 10cm)
5 jajek
szczypta soli
2/3 szkl cukru
200g masła roztopionego
1 i 1/2 łyżeczki ekstraktu waniliowego
1 łyżka likieru waniliowego
1 łyżka ciemnego rumu
1 szkl (150g) mąki
100g budyniu waniliowego
1 łyżeczka proszku do pieczenia
Nagrzać piekarnik do 180ºC. Mąkę przesiać z budyniem i proszkiem do pieczenia. Jajka ubić mikserem z solą i cukrem, aż
będą kremowe i puszyste. Dolewać powoli nadal ubijając roztopione masło, ekstrakt waniliowy i alkohole. Następnie na
niskich obrotach miksera dokładać partiami sypkie składniki. Wlać masę do natłuszczonej wysypanej mąką formy na
babkę. Piec ok. 45-50 min.
Babka wielkanocna lukrowana
- 4 jajka
- 1 szkl. cukru
- 2 budynie bananowe (dałam waniliowe)
- 2 niepełne szkl. maki pszennej (330 g)
- 300 ml jogurtu naturalnego
- 200 ml oleju
- 2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia
Białka ubić na sztywno, dodac cukier, żóltka i dalej ubijać ok. 10 minut.
Mąkę wymieszać z budyniami i proszkiem do pieczenia.Do masy jajecznej dodawać na przemian mąkę, jogurt i olej , aż
do wyczerpania składników.Wyłożyć do formy , wstawić do nagrzanego piekarnika i piec ok. 45 minut w temperaturze
Ostudzoną babkę posypać cukrem pudrem lub polukrować.
- ok. 1/2 szkl. cukru pudru
- kilka kropli aromatu śmietankowego
- trochę mleka (ok.2 łyżki)
Tradycyjna baba drożdżowa
* 500 g mąki
* sól
* 50 g drożdży
* skórka otarta z cytryny
* 1/4 l letniego mleka
* cukier puder
* 120 g cukru
* 150 g rodzynków
* 375 g masła
* tłuszcz do formy
* 6 żółtek
* Mąkę przesiać do miski. Wkruszyć do środka drożdże,dodać trochę cukru, wlać część mleka i przysypać niewielką
ilością mąki. Przykryć i pozostawić na 15 minut do wyrośnieęcia.
* Żółtka utrzeć z cukrem i solą. Wymieszać z mlekiem. Dodać do mąki. Wyrabiać ciasto ręką. Dodać roztopione letnie
masło.Wyrabiać aż ciasto zacznie odchodzić od ręki. Wsypać opłukane i osączone rodzynki. Wymieszać. Posypać wierzch
ciasta niewielką ilością mąki. Miskę z ciastem przykryć ściereczką. Odstawić w ciepłe miejsce do wyrośnięcia.
* Gdy ciasto podwoi objętość, jeszcze raz je delikatnie wymieszać.
* Wysmarowaną tłuszczem formę wypełnić do 2/3 wysokości.Odstawić na 15 minut.
* Piec 45-60 minut w nagrzanym do temperatury 200C stopni piekarniku.
* Wystudzoną babę posypać dużą ilością cukru pudru.

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