Instytu Filologii Angielskiej UJ Egzamin licencjacki


Instytu Filologii Angielskiej UJ Egzamin licencjacki
Instytu Filologii Angielskiej UJ
Egzamin licencjacki - zagadnienia
Zagadnienia do egzaminu licencjackiego w zakresie językoznawczym
Study guide for the B.A. exam in Linguistics
1. Definition of a natural language, properties and functions of language, communicative
2. Communication models; elements of a communicative situation
3. Verbal and non-verbal communication
4. The notion of meaning; types of meaning and theories of meaning; reference vs. sense
5. Basics of phonetics and phonology; articulation; phone vs. phoneme
6. Basics of morphology, types of morphemes, productivity and word-formation
7. Parts of speech in English
8. The English verb
9. Basic sentence patterns in English
10. Clause types and negation in English
11. Linguistic norms; grammaticality and acceptability; descriptive and prescriptive
12. Basic semantic relations, e.g. synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy
13. The notion of a sign; symbolic, indexical and deictic signs; symbolic, indexical and
deictic nature of language
14. Literary and figurative language; metaphor, metonymy and rhetorical devices;
traditional metaphor vs. conceptual metaphor
15. Language, culture, and meaning; culture-specific words and grammar, cultural scripts;
hypothesis of linguistic relativity
16. Text and discourse; coherence vs. cohesion
17. Basics of pragmatics; speech acts
18. Communicative intention, implicature vs. presupposition
19. The concept of face; linguistic politeness
20. Linguistic typology; language vs. dialect, sources of language change
21. Basics of sociolinguistics; language varieties; register, style
22. The influence of other languages on the vocabulary of English
23. Historical and contemporary varieties of English
24. Linguistics as a science; methods of linguistic research
Recommened literature
Akmajian, A., R.A. Demers, A.K. Farmer, & R.M. Harnish. 2001. Linguistics:
An Introduction to Language and Communication. MIT Press.
Baugh, A.C., T. Cable. 2002. A History of the English Language. Prentice Hall.
Crystal, D. 2002. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. CUP.
Fisiak, J. 1968. A Short Grammar of Middle English. PWN.
Fromkin V., R. Rodman, & N. Hyams. 2003. An Introduction to Language. Heinle.
Huddleston, R. 1998. English Grammar: An Outline. OUP.
Huddleston, R., G. K. Pullum. 2002. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language.
Leech, G. 1974. Semantics. 1974. Penguin.
Lyons, J. 1968. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. CUP.
Szymanek, B. 1989. Introduction to Morphological Analysis. PWN.
Instytu Filologii Angielskiej UJ
Egzamin licencjacki - zagadnienia
Trask, R.L., B. Mayblin.2000. Introducing Linguistics. Icon Books.
Yule, G. 1985. The Study of Language. CUP.