Baltimore, MD - Holy Rosary Church


Baltimore, MD - Holy Rosary Church
August 24, 2014
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
August 23 - Saturday (sobota) - Weekday
8:30 am +Bronisława Slusarczyk (siostra)
5:00 pm ++Mario, Maria, Salvatore & Fillipa Brusio (DiIorio family)
August 24 - Sun. (niedz.) Twenty-First Sunday in Ord. Time
8:30 am
For Hanna Łakomy’s good health (Mamcarz family)
08/24 10:30 am Agnieszka Krajewska &
Alina Cymek
08/31 10:30 am Beata Fital &
Jacek Domagala
10:30 am ++Stanisław i Stanisława Czarnieccy
(córka Danuta Krajewska z rodziną)
12:30 pm ++Salvatore & Fillipa and Phillip & Margaret Brusio
(DiIorio family)
August 25 - Monday (poniedziałek) - Weekday
6:30 pm
Holy Rosary Parishioners
Baltimore, MD
5:00 pm Luisa Di Iorio
8:30 am Edward Marcinko &
Lolek Rulka
12:30 pm Kathleen Jamitis &
Jeannette Krol
August 26 - Tuesday (wtorek) - Weekday
6:30 pm +Frances M. Kodenski (June B. Mohr)
This week’s 2nd Collection, after Holy
Communion, is for Heating and Utility.
6:30 pm For Gods Blessings & for Sister Faustyna’s intercession for a
As always, thank you for
healing miracle for Billy Hartigan (Tom & Dianne Higgins)
August 28 - Thursday (czwartek) - St. Augustine, Bishop &
Doctor of the Church - śwęty Augustyn, biskup i doktor Kościoła
August 27 - Wednesday (środa) - St. Monica (memorial) (pomik)
6:30 pm
++Joseph, Ambrasa & Marie Teresa Brusio (DiIorio family)
August 29 - Friday (piątek) - The Passion of St. John the Baptist
Mass attendance weekend August 17 - 352
(memorial) - Męczeństwo świętego Jana Chrzciciela (pamięci)
6:30 pm
+Maria Rzepecka (Leon Rzepecki)
7:30 pm
+Antoni & Teresa Jurkiewicz (Maria Berencz z rodziną)
Offerings weekend August 17
August 30 - Saturday (sobota) - Weekday
Collection 1
8:30 am +Rozalia & Franciszek Surowiec (syn Józef z Rodziną)
Collection 2 (Catholic League
5:00 pm For God’s Blessings & the Blessed Mother’s intercession for
for Religious Assistance to Poland
Poor Box
10:30 am +Władysław Czaczka (Maria Clarke)
Gift Shop
12:30 pm ++Franesca Knauer & Patrick Brusio (DiIorio family)
Mateusza Dybała (Szymanski family)
August 31 - Sun. (niedz.) Twenty-Second Sunday in Ord. Time
8:30 am
+Phillip B. DeFatta (DiIorio family))
August 24, 2014
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Przeżywamy dziś 21 niedzielę w ciągu roku. W liturgii
słowa usłyszeliśmy kierowane do nas osobiście pytanie
Pana Jezusa Chrystusa: „A wy za kogo mnie uważacie”?
Niech nasze codzienne życie, zgodne z wymaganiami
Ewangelii będzie nieustannym dawaniem odpowiedzi
wyrażanej w czynach i postępowaniu.
W nadchodzący wtorek, 26 sierpnia, uroczystość
Najświętszej Maryi Panny Częstochowskiej – imieniny
naszej Królowej. Pamiętajmy, aby w tym dniu szczególnie
dziękować Bogu za dar tej najlepszej z Matek.
A w piątek, 29 sierpnia, w liturgii wspominamy Męczeństwo
św. Jana Chrzciciela. To wspomnienie ukazuje nam, do
czego może prowadzić wierność prawdzie. Jan jako
poprzednik Chrystusa nigdy nie odstąpił od wzywania do
przemiany życia, nawet jeśli w ostateczności właśnie przez
to stracił swoje życie. Niech to wspomnienie stanie się dla
nas okazją do refleksji nad tym, na ile my jesteśmy gotowi
unikać wygodnego kompromisu, gdy chodzi o prawdę
i życiową wierność chrześcijańskiej hierarchii wartości.
Niech rozpoczynający się dziś tydzień będzie dla nas okazją
do czynienia dobra, a tym samym do dawania świadectwa
o naszej przynależności do Chrystusa.
Upon Returning to Rome, Stops by Santa Maria Maggiore
Vatican City, August 18, 2014 ( Staff Reporter
Just moments after returning from his four-day international
pilgrimage in South Korea, Pope Francis has surprised again
back in Rome.
After landing, the Pope left Rome’s Ciampino Airport in
a car, rather than helicopter and made a detour to Rome’s
Marian Basilica, Santa Maria Maggiore, at roughly 6:12 p.m.
for a prayer and to bring gifts to the feet of the Virgin Mary.
Specifically, the Holy Father brought her a bouquet of
flowers received from a Korean girl before his departure
from Seoul.
The Pope’s visit to Korea marks his third international
pilgrimage, following the one to Brazil for the July 2013
World Youth Day and to the Holy Land in May. Since the
pilgrimage of Pope Paul VI to the Holy Land in January
1964, there have been 140 international travels by Popes.
Baltimore, MD
Bishop of UK Armed Forces Demands End
to Persecution of Christians,
Minority Groups in Iraq
The Bishop of the Forces, Mons. Richard Moth, has called
on military chaplains to “offer Mass for those persecuted
for their faith" on Sunday 31 August.
In Bishop Moth’s pastoral letter, timed to coincide with
military personnel returning from summer leave, he makes
an appeal that everyone across the Bishopric of the Forces
community join him “in redoubling our prayers for those
who are victims of this persecution.”
Below is the pastoral letter:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Conscious of the situation in Iraq I ask you to make this
following statement available to all in your pastoral care
this coming Sunday.
Prayers for Peace
During the last weeks, events in the Middle East have
continued to grow ever more serious. The Conflict in
Syria continues and the situation in Iraq grows worse by
the day.
I take this opportunity to add my voice to those of
Church Leaders across the world in calling for an end to
the persecution of Christians and all other minority groups
in Iraq. The crimes being committed against our brothers
and sisters are heinous in the extreme and demand
continuing humanitarian aid and increased diplomatic
efforts from the world community that stability can be
brought to the region. I call on everyone across our
Bishopric community to join me in redoubling our prayers
for those who are victims of this persecution. We
remember those who have lost their lives, those who have
been kidnapped and all who face uncertainty having been
driven from their homes.
Bearing in mind that many people are returning from
summer leave at this time I ask all chaplains to offer Mass
for those persecuted for their faith on Sunday 31st August
and to ensure that this intention be included in the prayers
of the faithful.
With many thanks and the assurance of my prayers,
Yours in Christ, Bishop Richard Moth
Catholic Bishop of the Forces
August 24, 2014
Baltimore, MD
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
to newly wedded couple
Nicholas D. Karagiorgos
& Siera Cola
The large Votive Lamps on the Main
Altar & in the Divine Mercy Shrine
are for those desiring to have a Votive
Lamp burning for their special intentions day and night until the candle burns itself
out. The envelopes for lighting a Votive Lamp
are placed in the pews or on the table in back of
the church.
Candles are burning for:
1. Kathy Butler for all her intentions
2. Sister Kaye for all her intentions
3. In memory of Jennie Kulisiewicz (C. Hryn)
4. For Gerard Schenning & the Neil family
(Janice Neil & Gerry Schenning)
Pragniemy podziękować Państwu Bożenie
i Damianowi Michalakom za ten piękny dar
pochodzący z Polski. Świece są nieodzownym
elementem dekoracji ołtarza podczas sprawowania
każdej Mszy świętej. Nowe świece posiadają
dodatkową szklaną ochronę, która chroni płomień
przed zdmuchnięciem. Bóg zapłać.
SEPTEMBER 20-28, 2014
Please join the International Day of Prayer on
Saturday, September 20, 2014 at the Basilica of the
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in
Washington DC, from 9 am-4 pm. Registration is
FREE, but please register online at to receive
a free prayer packet
at the Basilica event. This day is part of the 22nd
International Week of Prayer and Fasting,
September 20-28, 2014. For more information, or call 703-707-0799. Also watch
our video about IWOPF at http://
Fr. David Wathen, OFEM, from the Franciscan Monastery
in Washington is leading a Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Paris,
Nevers and Lisieux. Pilgrims will join in the celebrations for
the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and will visit the places
associated with the life of St Bernadette, will visit Paris and
also Lisieux, the home of St Therese, „The Little Flower”
For detailed information contact Father David: Email:
[email protected] or Elizabeth Grinder: (301) 740
-9332, Email: lourdespilgrimageoffice
Richard F. Damesyn
Bernadette Gietka
Irene Kuperstein
Milton J. Mazan, Sr.
Rose (Corcoran) McQuay
Czesława Rostek
Ireneusz Paliwoda
Genenieve J. Cale
Frances Kodeński
Helen Broski
John Karol Ostrowski
Michalina Daszkiewicz
Anna C. Suchodolski
Cecelia Bodenciano Oleksik
Theresa Kokoszka
Victoria Rose Macek
Janice Novak
Joseph Antkowiak
Stella M. Drejak
Anthony Swiderski
Wiesiek Koniecki
Eleanor Giro
Leszek Obrebski
Baltimore, MD
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
August 24, 2014
Trwa zbieranie złota do korony. Are
Może to być tzn. złom złota, czyli
stara, zdekompletowana biżuteria itp.
Bóg zapłać wszystkim, którzy włączą
się do tego wspaniałego
We are collecting a gold for the crown for Our
Lady of Fatima statue. If you would like to be a part,
please bring your used or old gold jewelry to the
rectory or give directly to our Pastor Andrew
Totzke. God bless to all who contribute to this
wonderful gesture of love for our Lady of Fatima.
Thank you to all who have already offered
their gift to Our Blessed Mother. Bóg zapłać
wszystkim, którzy do tej pory ofiarowali swój
dar dla Matki Boskiej.
 Anonymous
Anna Chojnowska
Alina Cymek
Luisa Di Iorio
Lidia Gajec
Maria Gawąd
Małgorzata Gradus
Alicja Horodowicz
Marta Jurkiewicz
Kathleen Jamitis
Wanda Kołacz
Danuta Krajewski
Halina Malecki
Władysława Masłowska
Halina Miklewska
Janice Nail
Anna Potoniec
Gregory Ridrigs
Ewa Rostek
Zofia Rutkowska
Maria Sawera
Florence Sdanowich
Ewa Surowiec
Bogusława Szymańska
Danuta Wisniewska
Janina Włochewicz
Aneta Woźniak
To the Holy Rosary Family:
Food for the Poor wishes to thank you
for the welcome you extended to Brother
Hall on our recent visit to your parish.
On Behalf of the less fortunate brothers and sisters of Latin
America and the Caribbean, we thank you for having
shared in their lives. They, and you, are blessed by your
In Christ, The Food for the Poor Family
Potrzebna pomoc w przygotowaniu naszego
dorocznego Festiwalu
Poszukujemy :
Woluntariuszy do pracy w kuchni
Chętnych do przygotowania ciasta
Sponsorów nagród na loterię i na kiermasz
Nowych zabawek na loterię dla dzieci
Woluntariuszy do opieki nad dziećmi
Twojego czasu.
Na stolikach obok biuletynów wyłożone są listy, prosimy
aby zapisywać się na nie.
We need volunteers to help with our Polish
Festival for the following:
Volunteers in the kitchen
Volunteers to bake home made cakes
Sponsors for Church Lottery and Flea
New Toys for the Children’s Lottery
Volunteers for child care
And last of all, we need your valuable time
A Sign up Sheet will be available on the table in back of
the church.
Please find new Worship Hymnals - prayer books in
the pews. Holy Rosary is going green and recycling
these from Our Lady Queen of Peace at no cost to
the parishioners. Thank you goes to Martha Szyjka
for her assistance in labeling and repairing many of
the prayer book spines.

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