Bulletin-July-20-2014 1.32 MB Pobrań: 387 Dodano


Bulletin-July-20-2014 1.32 MB Pobrań: 387 Dodano
July 20, 2014
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
July 19 - Saturday (sobota) - Weekday
8:30 am +Tadeusz Kierzkowski (córka Ewa z rodziną)
5:00 pm +Jerzy Wocalewski (wife, daughters & family)
07/20 10:30 am Gregorz Jamroz
07/27 10:30 am Alina Cymek
July 20 - Sunday (niedz.) SIXTEENTH Sunday in Ord. Time
8:30 am
++John Pniewski & Joseph Pniewski (Sophie Pniewski)
Baltimore, MD
5:00 pm Luisa Di Iorio
10:30 am +Stefania Mrowiec ( rodzina Krasel )
8:30 am Lectors needed for week 1, 2 & 3
12:30 pm +Elizabeth Lubas (Bill & Jeannette Krol)
12:30 pm Kathleen Jamitis &
Jeannette Krol
July 21 - Monday (pon.) - Weekday
6:30 pm
Lee Ratazak (Bernadette Gietka)
July 22 - Tuesday (wtorek) - St. Mary Magdalene
6:30 pm 1. Holy Rosary Parishioners
2. +Czesława Rostek (Aniela Wożniak)
July 23 - Wednesday (środa) - Weekday
6:30 pm 1. +Wiesław Kowalczyk (Gerard & Beverly Kowalczyk)
2. +Carmine Di Iorio (Di Iorio family)
July 24 - Thursday (czwartek) - Weekday
6:30 pm +William Karpovich (Bill & Jeannette Krol)
July 25 - Friday (piątek) - St. James, Apostle
6:30 pm +Joan Phillips (Diane Wisniewski)
7:30 pm +Leszek Obrębski (Rodzina Cymek))
Warm Welcome to all Visitors
For all visitors to Holy Rosary we
extend a very warm welcome. Please
take away great comfort and God’s
Blessing for you and your family.
Serdecznie Witamy Wszystkich
odwiedzających nasz kościół !
Gościom i wyjeżdżającym parafianom
życzymy, aby wakacje obojętnie gdzie
spędzane, były miłym wypoczynkiem,
ale też czasem pełnym dobra i wzrostu
July 26 - Saturday (sobota) - Saints, Joachim & Anne,
Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary memorial
8:30 am ++Edward & Lucyna Mackiewicz and Jeanne Curry
(Maria Sawera)
5:00 pm +Czesława Rostek (Halina Miklewski)
July 27 - Sunday (niedzela) Seventeenth Sunday in Ord. Time
8:30 am
+Mary Cortese (sister Sophie Pniewski)
10:30 am ++Tadeusz i Czesława Marcz Klupinski,
Mieczysław Goralczyk (Diane Wisniewski))
12:30 pm +Elizabeth Lubas (Angieszka Krajewski & family))
Mass attendance weekend July 13 - 319
Offerings Weekend of July 13
Collection 1
Collection 2 (CATHOLIC REVIEW)
Gift Shop
Poor Box
July 20, 2014
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Baltimore, MD
We publish the banns of marriage between the following:
Nicholas D. Karagiorgos & Siera Cola.
Daniel MacCabe & Kathleen Balinski
Alfred Ronald Santo & Theresa Katherine Jackson
Edward Dwight Kelch, Jr. & Dajana Jeziorek
If any of you know cause or just impediment why these persons should not be joined together in the
sacrament of Matrimony, you are to declare it. This is for the Second time of asking.
Piesza Pielgrzymka do Amerykańskiej
Zapraszamy do udziału w 27-ej Pieszej Pielgrzymce do Matki Bożej
Częstochowskiej w Doylestown w Pensylwanii, ktora odbędzie się w
dniach od 7 do 10 sierpnia 2014 roku. Więcej informacji i zapisy na stronie
Walking pilgrimage to Our Lady Shrine in
Doylestown, PA.
You are invited to participate in a walking pilgrimage to Our Lady of
Czestochowa Shrine in Doylestown, PA – August 7-10, 2014. More
information and registration can be found at www.walkingpilgrimage.us.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which people can question, search, and inquire
into the Catholic faith. It is a journey which leads many to seek full membership in our Church. For others this
journey many not lead to full membership. Either way, all are welcome to come and see, to ask questions, and to
look more deeply.
If you have been coming to Mass for a while, but are not baptized, are baptized in another faith tradition or have
been baptized a Catholic but have not celebrated First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, we invite you to
consider joining RCIA this coming September. The RCIA process will begin with an informal information meeting
on Thursday, September 11. We invited you to learn what Catholics believe in an open and welcoming
environment. These sessions are also opportunities for you to ask any questions you may have about the Catholic
Church. RCIA sessions are also open to Catholics who wish to update thenmselves on the teachings of the Church.
If you are interested in joining the RCIA or have questions, please contact Molly Hubbard at St. Casimir at
410-342-2310 or e-mail her at [email protected].
July 20, 2014
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
This week’s Second Collection, after Holy
Communion, is for CHURCH RESTORATION. As
always, we thank you for your generosity.
Welcome Missionary
Fr. Edwin D’Sousa
Fr. Edwin D’Souza, SDB,
a Salesian priest is visiting Holy
Rosary this weekend for the
annual Mission Cooperative
Program (MCP). Each summer,
a special group of Salesian
missionaries travels to the United States. In
parishes across the country, they share
personal and inspiring stories of their work on
behalf of marginalized youth and families
around the globe. In more than 130
impoverished countries around the globe,
these missionaries are literally in the trenches
--offering comfort, new hope and pathways
out of poverty to some of our most vulnerable
fellow humans. Their work is only possible
thanks to the caring compassion and power of
support of friends here at home.
Welcome New Parishioner
Holly Grunebach
The large Votive Lamps on the Main
Altar & in the Divine Mercy Shrine
are for those desiring to have a Votive Lamp burning for their special
intentions day & night until the candle burns itself
out. The envelopes for lighting a Votive Lamp are
placed in the pews or on the table in back of the
Candles are burning for:
1. Kathy Butler for all her intentions
2. Sister Kaye for all her intentions
Baltimore, MD
No matter where you go this summer, please
do not forget your parish back home. If you
will be out of town on a Sunday, please make
your weekly donation before you leave or
when you return. Holy Rosary depends on
your help and support to pay the bills even when you are
not home. God Bless you for understanding!
Wspierajmy swój kościół także czasie wakacji
Nieważne gdzie wybierasz się na wakacje, pamiętaj
o swojej parafii. Potrzebujemy Twojej modlitwy i wsparcia.
Bóg zapłać!
We invite all those participants who
regularly share in the life of our Faith
Community to register with Holy Rosary
and to use the envelopes. This will give
a visible witness to your sacrificial giving
and will support your parish, as well as giving you a record of your donations for tax purposes. You will have
a “hard copy” of your participation. Please know that
those who wish to make Holy Rosary their parish with
future plans to celebrate a baptism, a wedding or to
obtain a letter to be a godparent or sponsor, it is nec-
essary to be formally registered and actively participating on a regular basis for at least three months
before dates can be set or letters be written. Registration
forms can be found in the back of the church or register
online at www.holyrosarypl.org.
We are still in need of food donations for our food pantry. If you have non
perishable items that you can donate, please drop off at the rectory during office hours, or
leave in the vestible of the Church before Mass. Our Food Pantry needs more breakfast
cereals, pasta sauces, and canned meats. Every non perishable food donation is most
welcome and very much appreciated by those less fortunate. Thank you to all who have
donated food for our Food Pantry. God Bless you for your generosity !
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
July 20, 2014
CLOSURE The Gift Shop is closed
Pragniemy poinformować, że zrodziła
sie inicjatywa, aby ufundować złotą
koronę do Figurki Matki Bożej
Fatimskiej. Dlatego rozpoczynamy
zbieranie złota na ten cel. Może to być
tzn. złom złota, czyli stara, zdekompletowana
biżuteria itp. Bóg zapłać wszystkim, którzy włączą
się do tego wspaniałego przedsięwzięcia.
Baltimore, MD
all July and August until further notice.
Should you need anything from the
Gift Shop please contact the Pastor.
końca wakacji. Jeśli ktoś będzie potrzebował w tym czasie
czegoś ze sklepiku, proszony jest o kontakt z ks. Proboszczem.
Więcej informacji u pani Bogumiły Szymańskiej
lub Aliny Cymek.
We would like to inform all about our initiaive to set
up a gold crown for the statue of Our Lady of
Fatima. If you would like to be a part, please bring
your used or old gold jewelry to the rectory or give
directly to our Pastor Andrew Totzke. God bless to
all who contribute to this wonderful gesture of love
for our Lady of Fatima.
Spotkanie przed Festiwalem
Niedziela, 27 lipca po Mszy Św. o godz. 10:30 am.
2nd Polish Festival Meeting
For more infromation ask Bogumila Szymanski
Sunday, July 27th after the 10:30 Mass.
or Alina Cymek.
Please Note! Holy
Rosary Fall Festival Date
is changed to September
Uwaga! Daty
tegorocznego festiwalu
uległy zmianie. Festiwal
odbędzie się 27 i 28
27th & 28th.
We need volunteers to help
with our Polish Festival for the following:
Volunteers in the kitchen
Volunteers to bake home made cakes
Sponsors for Church Lottery and Flea
New Toys for the Children’s Lottery
Volunteers for child care
And last of all, we need your valuable time
Please don’t just stand on the sidelines,
please get involved.
A Sign up Sheet will be available on the table in back of
the church.
Po t r z e b n a p o m o c w
przygotowaniu naszego dorocznego Festiwalu
Poszukujemy :
Wolontariuszy do pracy w kuchni
Chętnych do przygotowani ciasta
Sponsorów nagród do loterii i na kiermasz
Nowych zabawek do loterii dla dzieci
Wolontariuszy do opieki nad dziećmi
Twojego czasu.
Nie stój obok, bądź częścią tej wspólnoty.
Na stolikach obok biuletynów wyłożone są listy, na które
prosimy, aby się zapisywać.