St. Thecla Catholic Church


St. Thecla Catholic Church
St. Thecla Catholic Church
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity May 22, 2016 After Mass kindly make sure two bulletins are in each of the pew slots. Please take a bulletin from the usher or the tables in the vestibule to share with your family and the home bound unable to attend Mass. Thank you! Parish Information Pastor: Fr. Gene Dyer Associate Pastor: Fr. Ronald Stake Weekend Associate: Fr. Luke Kleczka, SDS Mon. May 23 8:30am +Edward Kolczak
Pastor Emeritus: Fr. Gerald Rogala Tues. May 24 8:30am +Lee Markwart
Deacons: Robert Cnota, Steven Wagner and Wed. May 25 8:30am +Robert J. Blachowiak
Michael McManus Thurs. May 26 8:30am For the People
Business Manager: Mr. Joe Wojtowicz Principal: Mr. Dan Gargano Director of Music: Mr. Aaron Dixon Friday May 27 8:30am +Christopher A. Wynd
Sat. May 28 8:30am For the People
Religious Education: Mr. Ron Mazzoni 5:00pm +John & Carolina Juszczyk & Family Sun. May 29 8:00am +Edward & Irene Saraniec Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 10:00am +Leona Markwart
11:30 a.m. (Mass in Polish) 11:30am Mass in Polish SI: Viggo i Maksymilian
Listopad z Rodzicami
SI: Diana Slepowroñski
Holy Days: Please see the bulletin + Leopold £abanowski
Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy: + Chester Grela
Mon.‐ Sat. following 8:30a.m. Mass + Józef Kad³ub
Adoration: Wednesday 1:00 to 3:00p.m. + Jan i Aniela Mateja
+ Jacek Szczygie³
followed with Chaplet of Mercy and Benediction + Piotr Trzeciak
Confessions: Saturday: after the 8:30am Mass + Stanis³awa Trzeciak
and 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. + Jan Misiec
+Irena Slepowroñska
Spowiedz: po polsku –Sobota 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Niedziela 11:00‐11:25a.m. Office Hours and Addresses:
Church: 6725 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 60631 Parish Office: 6333 N. Newcastle Ave.
Hours: Mon.‐ Fri. 8:30am‐12:30pm 2:00pm‐7:00pm Saturday ‐9:00am‐12:00pm (773) 792‐3077, FAX: (773) 792‐3820
e‐mail: [email protected]
Tyrone Taylor & Diane Tedore Matthew Doering & Elyse Keafer School: 6323 N. Newcastle Ave., Chicago, IL 60631 (773) 763‐3380 Visit us on the web at: 2
Gisele Piekarski Daniel Maness The Order of Mass—The Most Holy Trinity Procession: Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea)
1. 2. 3. 4. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee: Holy, Holy, Holy! merciful and mighty, God in three Persons, blessed Trinity. Holy, Holy, Holy! all the saints adore thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee, God everlasting through eternity. Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide thee, Though the eye made blind by sin thy glory may not see, Only thou art holy; there is none beside thee, Perfect in powʹr, in love, and purity. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy Name In earth, and sky, and sea; Holy, Holy, Holy! merciful and mighty, God in three Persons, blessed Trinity. Text: Reginald Heber, 1783‐1826, alt. Public Domain.
Sign of the Cross and Greeting Penitential Act Gloria—(right)
(Readings begin on p.174)
Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 8
Refrain: “O Lord, our God, how wonderful your
name in all the earth!”
Gospel Acclamation (Stand)
Used by permission: One license: A-724996
Profession of Faith —(right) Universal Prayer At the conclusion, all recite the “Hail Mary.” THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Preparation of the Gifts The Offertory Chant (Psalm 80: 2‐3, 15‐16, 18‐19) R/: “Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved” Chant Verse, R/. Stand V. Pray brothers and sisters… R/. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, and for our good and the good of his holy Church. Prayer over the Gifts At the conclusion, all reply: Amen. The Preface a Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. The Eucharistic Prayer (kneel) The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English In the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Memorial Acclamation V. The mystery of faith R. We proclaim your death, O Lord and profess your resurrection until you come again. The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English In the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. The Doxology At the conclusion, all reply: Amen. The Lord’s Prayer The Sign of Peace Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace. The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English, In the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 4
The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, [All bow, at the following text ] and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgive‐
ness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. V. Behold the Lamb of God R/. Lord, I am not worthy, that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. Antiphon (Ps. 85: 9‐14) R/. “ Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.” Communion Hymn: Be Thou My Vision 1. Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art: Thou my best thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. 2. Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true word; I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord: Thou my great Father, I Thy true son, Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one. 3. Riches I heed not, or manʹs empty praise, Thou mine inheritance, now and always: Thou and Thou only, first in my heart, High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art. 4. High King of heaven, my victory won, May I reach heavenʹs joys, O bright heavʹnʹs Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.
Retiring Procession: O God, Almighty Father a
Text: 10 10 10 10; Ancient Irish; tr. by Mary E. Byrne, 1905; fr. Eleanor Hullʹs Poem Book of the Gael, 1912, alt. Music: Trad. Irish Melody; adapt. fr. The Church Hymnary, 1927. Public Domain. 1. O God, almighty Father, Creator of all things, The heavens stand in wonder, While earth your glory sings. O most holy Trinity, Undivided unity, Holy God, mighty God, God immortal be adored! 2. O Jesus, Word incarnate, Redeemer most adored, All glory, praise, and honor Be yours, O sovʹreign Lord. O most holy Trinity, Undivided unity, Holy God, mighty God, God immortal be adored! 3. O God, the Holy Spirit, Who lives within our soul, Send forth your light and lead us To our eternal goal. O most holy Trinity, Undivided unity, Holy God, mighty God, God immortal be adored! Text: Gott Vater sei gepriesen; anon; tr. by Irvin Udulutsch, OFM Cap., fl. 1959, alt. � 1959, The Liturgical Press. Public Domain. 5
On Tuesday, May 10 at the 8:30am Mass, our St. Thecla 2nd and 8th graders participated in the annual May Crowning of our Blessed Mother. The 8th graders were given their graduation ribbons and students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. The Neighborhood Block Party Fundraiser Needs Your Help! We need over 100 volunteers for this event to be a success! Please consider volunteering in one of the following areas: Kids Games, Ticket Sales, First Aid, Beer Tent, Concessions, Security, Trash Detail, setting up the evening of June 10th, and clean up afterward. The success of this fundraising event requires the participation of school families and parishioners. We are short of space in today’s bulletin to include a volunteer form; kindly contact Sharon Keane at 773‐499‐1507. All volunteers are required to purchase a wristband upon arrival. Unfortunately we are unable to waive the entry fee for volunteers because we need well over 100 people to make this event run smoothly. Thank you for your understanding! 6
Highlights for the coming week
Religious Education: TUESDAY, MAY 24  Registration for the 2016‐2017 year religious Webelos Mtg. 6:30‐7:30pm– SJW education classes takes place through April K of C‐Caucus ‐7pm—QOP and May. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25  Registration forms are available at the parish Adoration & Benediction‐1pm‐3pm‐Church office, on‐line at the parish website or by Spring Music Concert (preschool –4th grade) email [email protected]. 1‐2:00 pm and 7‐8:00 pm‐ Gym  Return the forms to the parish office prior to Block Party Committee—7‐9:00 pm—PDR the end of May. STEM Scouts– 5‐6:30pm‐QOP  A copy of the Baptism certificate is required when enrolling your child. THURSDAY, MAY 26  All those wishing to receive a sacrament Al‐Anon Mtg‐9:30am‐SJW (First Communion or Confirmation) must be Cub Scouts‐Tiger Den‐6:30‐7:30 pm‐SJW in a program for two years prior to receiving Finance Council‐7‐8:00 pm—PDR
a sacrament. FRIDAY, MAY 27  We have opportunities for catechists and Bible Study (Polish) 7pm‐QOP
aides; so please consider giving of your time and talent to pass on the faith to our young SATURDAY, MAY 28 people. Blood pressure screening‐6‐7:00 pm‐Church Library
 Sound interesting? Please call the parish SUNDAY, MAY 29 office at 773‐792‐3077 x211 or email Mr. Ron Corpus Christi Procession– 11‐12 pm‐Church Mazzoni at [email protected]. Memorial Day Weekend Contributions‐Church Activities: 5/15/2016 SJW—St. Joseph the Worker room QOP—Queen of Peace room PDR—Parish Office dining room MPR—Multi‐purpose room: Moriarty Hall Sunday Collection $ 6,860.76 Maintenance 9.00 Parking Lot Fund 137.00 Sharing Parish 48.00 Next Sunday between the 10am & 1130am Masses School Fund 380.00 the annual Corpus Christi procession takes place. Votive Lights 64.00 In case of rain we will remain inside the church. Ascension 103.00 Budget Gap 30.00 Volunteers from Compass will offer Catholic Charities 140.00 Blood Pressure screenings next Total Collections Church $ 7,771.76
weekend after the 5pm, 8am & 10am Online Giving‐Parish Pay‐5/9‐15, 2016 Sunday Collection $ 4,915.91 Catholic Charities 475.00 School Support 190.00 Ascension 170.00 Parking Lot Fund 90.00 Sharing Parish 70.00 Total Collections‐Online Giving $ 5,910.91 Grand Total $ 13,682.67
Masses. Plan to stop in the back of church. Thank you for your generosity to help meet our weekly financial goals. Become a member of the St. Thecla Legacy Society through designating the parish as the beneficiary of a will or a trust. Consider giving electronically. Donations can be made through a credit card and all transactions get applied to your name. Sign up by visiting or by calling 1‐866‐parish‐1 7
Our Faith
JOURNEY OF FAITH We are on a long and eventful journey. Today’s readings for Trinity Sunday succinctly cover the depth and breadth of our human travels. The very beginnings of our journey are revealed in the reading from Proverbs. God’s plan filled with divine wisdom was born before the earth was made. In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of his own personal journey. He has come from the Father and will return to the Father. Only then will the Advocate—the Spirit of Truth—take us onward. This does not diminish the fact that the journey will be hard. The very setting of the Gospel is the night before Jesus died. As Saint Paul writes to the Romans, “[W]e even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope” (Romans 5:3‐
4). Ultimately, our human journey is modeled by the Holy Trinity—a family of love among Father, Son, and Spirit that we are all called to emulate. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
TODAY’S READINGS READINGS FOR THE WEEK First Reading — Before anything was created, the wisdom of God was brought forth (Proverbs 8:22‐31). Psalm — O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth! (Psalm 8). Second Reading — God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us (Romans 5:1‐5). Gospel — Everything that the Father has is mine; the Spirit will take from what is mine and declare it to you (John 16:12‐15). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass ©
Monday: 1 Pt 1:3‐9; Ps 111:1‐2, 5‐6, 9‐10c; Mk 10:17‐27 Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10‐16; Ps 98:1‐4; Mk 10:28‐31 Wednesday:1 Pt 1:18‐25; Ps 147:12‐15, 19‐20; Mk 10:32‐45 Thursday: 1 Pt 2:2‐5, 9‐12; Ps 100:2‐5; Mk 10:46‐52 Friday: 1 Pt 4:7‐13; Ps 96:10‐13; Mk 11:11‐26 Saturday: Jude 17, 20b‐25; Ps 63:2‐6; Mk 11:27‐33 Sunday: Gn 14:18‐20; Ps 110:1‐4; 1 Cor 11:23‐26; Lk 9:11b‐17 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Eucharistic Adoration:
On Wednesdays at 1pm, the church
is open for the Exposition and
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament,
concluding with Benediction at
7th Grade Girl Scouts 2016 Daddy‐Daughter Dance May 21st 6:30 to 9:00pm in Moriarty Hall For all daughters in Pre‐K to 5th Grade Pizza & pop, dancing, games and good fun! Dress in your best Hollywood dress $20 per couple; $7 per additional daughter RSVP to Gabby Brosnan by May 16th Or [email protected] 8
Help requested We are in need of a few dedicated volunteers to assist with the collection counting. Contact: Joe Wojtowicz, Business Manager 773‐792‐3077 Thank you. PowerPoint Presentation of a PILGRIMAGE to ISRAEL Tuesday, May 31 at 7:30PM. Room 105 in the school. More info., please contact Deacon Mike (773) 419‐2047 Hope you join us. Reforming a Parish Advisory Council When I first started here there was a Pastoral Council made up of people who loved and desired to serve the parish. And they did so faithfully for about 8 to 10 years. At the end of their terms the Transformations initiative began and there was more interest expressed in developing the School Advisory Council, the Finance Council and a collaborative Fundraising committee. I am very grateful for the diligence and dedication from all who serve on these advisory committees. I have also been blessed to count on the willingness of parishioners to help me from time to time with decisions in an “ad hoc” forum; most notably when we were asked to consider joining the regional school effort. This year we are participating in the To Teach Who Christ Is campaign; and its follow up of “Renew My Church” initiated by Archbishop Cupich. Both of these initiatives come at precisely the right time as To Teach Who Christ Is ‐ is about parish mission. Yes, there is an intentional purpose and need for St. Thecla parish to exist and grow. Today I invite parishioners to help this growth through serving on a Parish Advisory Council. In a pastoral letter the archbishop provides a vision for renewing parish vitality and he identified 7 priorities to guide an advisory council’s efforts. He encourages everyone to pray the “Renew My Church” prayer printed on page 10. Take home prayer cards are available at the church vestibules. Your support for the To Teach Who Christ Is campaign is very much appreciated as it is crucial to our growth. Please contact me for more information or to let me know of your willingness to serve on a pastoral advisory council for St. Thecla. God bless; Fr. Gene Printed here is an excerpt from Archbishop Cupich’s pastoral letter on renewing parish vitality. The full text is available at Over my 40‐plus years as a priest, I have become even more convinced of the great potential of our parishes, when vibrant and alive with the Gospel, to transform lives and make a singular contribution to the world. That conviction has only increased since becoming archbishop of Chicago, as I witness every day a vitality in our parishes that enriches the lives of so many people. Admittedly, the fulfillment of this dream is a patchwork of success and failure. Every parish has its strengths and weaknesses in fulfilling the mission of Christ. While measuring parish vitality is complex, if I were asked to describe a parish of my dreams, it would be a parish that adopts and pursues these seven priorities: 1) We bring people to Christ 2) We support each other in knowing Christ more deeply 3) We encounter Christ and receive nourishment through prayer and worship 4) We build bonds among each other to sustain our life in Christ 5) We transform the lives of others through service as Christ’s missionary disciples 6) We respond to the call to holiness by journeying together with Christ 7) We take responsibility for administration and leadership of the parish as good stewards of the gifts Christ has entrusted to us 9
Our April fiscal year‐to‐date collections are $19,332 lower than the same period last year. Unfortunately. this gap has increased somewhat from earlier analyses. Weekly Collections
Our parish Budget Gap Collection has helped us narrow the budget gap by $3,559 so far this year. Thank you to those who continue to contribute to this important special collection effort! As a reminder, the blue Budget Gap Special Collection envelopes remain near the church exits in the vestibules for your use. The chart above shows the St. Thecla offertory collections fiscal year‐to‐date through April. A reference to last year’s April year‐to‐date collection and to the April 2016 year‐to‐date budget is also shown. Monthly electronic giving (ParishPay) is included in the totals above. We are running $18,037 short of our fiscal year‐to‐
date collection budget through April. A message from the Finance Council: Will you help our parish narrow the Weekly collection budget gap? We need to maintain the momentum of the great financial progress we have made in recent years. Have you missed a weekly donation that you can catch up on? Are you able to increase your Sunday contribution this year if you haven’t done so already? Thank you for giving this your consideration. We are thankful for your continued generosity and we appreciate your active support for this gift of our parish! To date we have raised $292,050 in pledges or 32% of our enhanced goal of $912,000. A campaign advisor who speaks Polish will speak about the campaign to the parishioners who attend the 11:30am Mass on Sunday, June 5th. A prayer for “Renew My Church” Lord Jesus, you speak to us today, as you spoke to holy men and women who have gone before us. In every age and in our own time, you call to us and say: Renew My Church. Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon us, and so enable us to hear you clearly to listen to each other attentively to imagine our future boldly to discern your direction wisely 10
to persevere in your holy will courageously to stay together in charity to surrender our own plans readily to embrace the greater good to hand on your gifts to future generations. May we remain in the holy company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles, and all the saints. May their example and presence inspire us with patient confidence in the work of your grace. We ask this of you who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen Keep in mind... We keep those who are serving in the military in our prayers. Please print the name of your loved one and drop it in the collection basket or return it to the Parish Office. Their names will remain on the list until you notify us of their return or if their rank changes. Prayer List, US Military United States Navy: United States Army: SN E‐3 Joseph J. Daly, MAJ. Terence W. Bacon, United States Marines: CAPT. Steven Stancy SGT. Sean Doherty, 2ndLt. Philip E. Blais, United States Air Force: SGT. Rachel Hall, 2ndLt. Kevin Bowler, SSgt. Michael J. Archam, CPT. John Healy PFC Michael T. Brennan, A1C Heather Bosh, SGT. Robert Lach, Pvt. James Dinela, SrA Nicole Coreil, CPT. Jared Lampe, LCpl. Kyle Elmer, A1C Scott Frisco, WO. Steven Larmay, SSgt. Benjamin Juhasz, A1C Shane Garrison, SPC. Thomas J. Lyons III, LCpl. Nathaniel J. Juncer, SSgt. Adam Krey, PFC. Raymond Rau, Maj. Michael C. Mroszczak, 2ndLt. Peter A. Schroeder, SGT Thomas Rohl, Cpl. Brian Pasterczyk, SSgt. James E. Stay, 1LT. Michael Spiwak, LCpl. Jose Rivera, SSgt. Sentara Stay, MSgt. Richard L. Sroka, SSgt. Matt Tredwell, SSgt. James E. Stonehouse AIG. Keith Daniel Garrison Sick List ‐ We pray for all those in nursing homes, homebound or who require extended care and those who care for them Richard Bekielewski, Sr Frank Bieniek Gino Belcaster Laurence Brueck Daniel Burke Jodi Chmiel Harriet Chudzynski Eileen Cobb Kevin Connolly Burke Daniel John Dooley Jackie Dubiel Mary Anne Fronczak Ann Gosciniak Lillian Hall Gerald Halvey Frank Herbig Rick Hernandez Barbara Kelly Wladyslawa Kielar Beverly Kisiel Ronald Klish Mary Lavalle Arlene Lewandowski Rose Ligeza Dorothy Lyjak Walter Malinowski George Marcin Wanda Marshall Imleda Mizones Katharina Mueller Catherine Neumann Caroline Plodzien Thomas Podgorny Raymond Prybil Stanley Sadej Anthony Sansone Peter Schroeder Dorothy Taylor Janis Taylor Patricia Timm Helene Veder Cecilia Walega Christine Wasowski Mary Widelka Edward Wnek Julia Zeler Rose Zembal Barbara Zygmunt Parishioner Contact Update To help keep our records current, please print the information below and drop the form in the collection basket or at the parish office. Thank you Last Name______________________ First Name _____________________________M/M, Mr., Mrs., Ms. Address__________________________________City____________________Zip Code______________ Email address______________________________ Phone (Home)_______________________ Cell phone_______________________________________ 11
Duszpasterstwo Ýycia Wewnêtrznego
Duszpasterstwo Parafii ªw. Tekli
Msze ªwiête w jêzyku polskim odprawiane sà przez
Zakon Braci Salwatorianów z Merrillville
w Indianie. Ks. £ukasz Kleczka, Ks. Adam Styc.
Adoracja Najºwiêtszego Sakramentu
Odbywa siê w naszym koºciele w kaýdà ºrode od
godziny 13:00 do 15 :00. Na zakoñczenie adoracji
udzielane jest b³ogos³awieñstwo Najºwiêtszym Sakramentem.
Msze ªwiête
Msze ºwiête w tygodniu o godz. 8:30 rano w jêzyku
angielskim. Msze ºwiête w jêzyku polskim w kaýdà
Niedzielê o godz. 11:30.
Informacje Ogólne
Sakramenty ªwiête
Sakrament Chrztu– W kaýdà czwartà Niedzielê
miesiàca po mszy polskiej o godz. 11:30 Spotkania
przedchrzestne przygotowujàce dla rodziców– w
kaýdy pierwszy poniedzia³ek miesiàca o godz. 19:00
(w jêzyku angielskim).
Zajêcia po polsku muszà byæ wczeºniej ustalone
przez Ksiêdza Proboszcza. Prosimy o kontakt z
biurem parafialnym.
Sakrament Ma³ýeñstwa—Pary przygotowujàce siê
do zawarcia sakramentu ma³ýeñstwa powinny
zg³osiæ siê do biura parafialnego przed ustaleniem
innych szczegó³ów, przynajmniej na 4 miesiàce
przed planowanà datà ºlubu. Prosimy kontaktowaæ
siê z Kancelarià Parafialnà w celu ustalenia spotkania z ksiêdzem.
Spowiedþ ªwiêta—w kaýdà Sobotê od godziny
16-16:45. W Niedzielê od 11:00-11:25. ( po polsku)
Moýna równieý umówiæ siê indywidualnie z
Spowiedþ, Komunia ªwiêta i Namaszczenie
Chorych– Naleýy dzwoniæ do Kancelarii
Parafialnej. Prosimy, aby w potrzebie pos³ugi
kap³ana osobom chorym nie zwlekaæ.
Program Nauczania Religijnego
Program Nauczania Religijnego w jêzyku polskim
prowadzony jest w parafii ºw. Tekli przez
Polskà Szko³ê im. Genera³a W³adys³awa Andersa.
Dyrektor Szko³y– P. Wanda Penar. Kontakt pod numerem 847-298-7349 lub z biurem parafialnym
773.792.3077. Wiecej informacji moýna równieý
znaleþæ na stronie szko³
Spotkania Liturgiczne
Zapraszamy na spotkania biblijne prowadzone
przez P. Annê Olczyk w kaýdy piàtek od godziny
7 – 9 pm w budynku biura parafialnego.
Dziêkujemy za z³oýone ofiary
w ubieg³ym tygodniu. Bóg Zap³aæ!
Zachêcamy do korzystania z elektronicznego systemu ofiar, moýna sk³adaæ ofiary rejestrujàc siê na
stronie lub dzwoniæ na numer
Tak bardzo w dzisiejszym świecie brakuje jedności
w życiu rodzinnym, społecznym i politycznym.
Wiele byśmy pewnie zyskali i zrobili, gdybyśmy
usunęli z naszego życia podziały, które są
spowodowane brakiem miłości, bo liczą się tylko
nasze pragnienia i wygórowane często ambicje.
Zamiast budować – rujnujemy; zamiast dawać pokój
– wprowadzamy rozłam. To wszystko jest
wynikiem braku miłości.
Prawdziwa miłość swoje źródło ma w Trójcy
Świętej. Bóg Ojciec zesłał na świat „Syna, Słowo
Prawdy i Ducha Uświęciciela”, jak usłyszymy za
chwilę w kolekcie, tylko dlatego abyśmy zrozumieli
ekonomię Bożej miłości, która inna jest od ludzkiej.
Jedność Bożych Osób wzywa nas dzisiaj do jedności
z całym Kościołem Powszechnym, ale również i z
Kościołem domowym, który jest pierwszą świątynią
w życiu chrześcijanina – podkreślał to często sługa
Boży Jan Paweł II.
Za brak jedności, miłości i pokoju w naszych
rodzinach przeprośmy teraz Ojca, Syna i Ducha
Świętego, prosząc dla nas o zmiłowanie na początku
tej Eucharystycznej Ofiary, która jest szczytem
chrześcijańskiej jedności.
Wstęp do liturgii słowa
Bóg jest Trójcą Świętą i doskonałą w Ojcu, Synu i
Duchu Świętym. Ewangelista Jan na kartach Pisma
Świętego zapisał słowa Jezusa, które za chwilę usłyszymy, a które odzwierciedlają jedność Boskich
Osób: „Wszystko, co ma Ojciec, jest moje. Duch z
mojego weźmie i wam objawi”.
Niech dzisiejsze słuchanie słowa
Bożego wzbudzi w naszych ser- Info./ www.
cach pragnienie jedności z Bogiem w Jego zbawczym słowie. Bo słowa, które On
do nas kieruje nie są o kimś kiedyś, ale o nas, żyjących teraz w XXI wieku.
Słuchajmy słowa Bożego i realizujmy je w naszym
życiu, wtedy będziemy na dobrej drodze, która
prowadzi do jedności.
Modlitwa “Odnów mój Kościół
Panie Jezu, przemawiasz dziś do nas tak, jak przemawiałeś do
tych świętych mężczyzn i kobiet, którzy szli przed nami. Jak
czyniłeś to przez wszystkie wieki, także i dziś wzywasz nas,
mówiąc: Odnów mój Kościół. Wylej na nas dar Twojego
Ducha Świętego, abyśmy potrafili wyraźnie Cię usłyszeć, z
uwagą słuchać jedni drugich, śmiało marzyć o przyszłości,
mądrze rozeznawać Twoje wskazania, odważnie trwać w
pełnieniu Twojej świętej woli, łączyć się w dobroczynności,
bez wahania rezygnować ze swoich planów, aby przyjmować
większe dobro i przekazywać Twoje dary przyszłym pokoleniom. Trwajmy w świętym gronie Najświętszej Maryi
Dziewicy, apostołów i wszystkich świętych. Niech ich przykład i obecność natchną nas cierpliwą ufnością w działanie
Twojej łaski. Prosimy o to Ciebie, który żyjesz i królujesz z
Ojcem w jedności Ducha Świętego, jeden Bóg przez wszystkie
wieki wieków. Amen.
25 Maj —ªw. Grzegorza i ªw. Marii Magdaleny
26 Maj —Obchodzimy ªwiêto Dnia Matki w Polsce
Boýe Cia³o w Polsce
Procesja Boýego Cia³a odbêdzie siê w dniu 29 Czerwca po Mszy ªw. o godz. 10 rano. W wypaku deszczu i pogody burzowej, procesja odbêdzie siê w
ºrodku Koºcio³a. Zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy!
W dniach 28 i 29 Maja odbêdà siê darmowe
badania ciºnienia krwi.
W Sobotê po mszy ºw. o godz. 5 po po³udniu i
Niedzielê po mszach o godz. 8 i 10 rano.
Prowadzone sà przez wolontariuszy z Compass.
Zachêcamy wszystkich do skorzystania z tego
bezp³atnego badania. Dbajmy o zdrowie!
General Parish Information: If you are new to St. Thecla; Welcome! To register as a parishioner; call the office at 773‐792‐3077. Baptisms: Call the office to make the arrangements and reserve a place at the Baptismal Prep Class. Become a Catholic: Adults and teens interested in receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and/or Eucharist) and those who are curios about the Catholic Faith we are eager to meet you. Call today! 773‐792‐3077 Homebound/Communion Visitations: Marriages: The Pastoral Guidelines for Marriage St. Thecla is blessed with Ministers of Care who can Preparation in the Archdiocese of Chicago ask that a regularly take communion to those in need. Please minimum of 4 months be set aside as formation time call the office to arrange for Holy Communion for yourself or a homebound loved one. in preparation for this sacrament. Couples should not reserve a banquet hall prior to setting the date in Thanks to all our advertisers! church. Please note that weddings do not take place This bulletin is subsidized completely by the during Lent. companies whose ads appear on the next two pages. Bulletin Deadline: All articles must be e‐mailed or dropped off at the office by 10:00 a.m. on Fridays (8 days prior to publication date). Holidays have early deadlines. Articles are subject to editing. Our e‐mail is [email protected]. When you support their business thank them in the name of St. Thecla for supporting us. J.S. Paluch Company prints our bulletin and they are responsible for contracts with all advertisers. Contact them at 1‐800‐566‐6170. June 11
Adults 21 & over
$10 includes a drink ticket
Seniors $5
Under 21 $5
Kids 3 & under - free
Grand raffle drawing
$3,000 prize
Food and refreshments
Games and activities for the kids
Live entertainment, raffles and prizes
A fun time for the whole family with lots
of activities for the young and the
W ªw. Tekli
W programie wiele atrakcji.
Do³àcz do wspólnej zabawy!
Wspania³e jedzenie
i napoje,
-Gry i zabawy dla
-Oprawa Muzyczna
-Loteria fantowa:
bilety w cenie $25
-Do wygrania atrak
cyjne nagrody!
Zabawa dla m³odych i
“m³odych duchem”!
Doroºli powyýej 21
(W cenê wliczony
darmowy napój)
Osoby poniýej
21 Lat
Dzieci 3
Letnie i poniýej
Wstêp Wolny!
The 2016 St. Thecla Grand Raffle Block Party—Saturday, June 11 Our 3rd early bird drawing of $100 is May 15th CASH PRIZES: 1st ‐ $3,000 2nd ‐ $1,500 3rd ‐ $500 4th ‐ 10 prizes of $100 Tickets: $25 Purchase after Mass, School & Parish Offices during the week Loteria fantowa w ªw. Tekli 2016:
W czasie letniego pikniu
w dniu 11 czerwca
Po³udnie—10 wieczorem
Do wygrania atrakcyjne nagrody
- pierwsza wygrana $3,000
- druga nagroda $1500
- trzecia $500
- 10-siêæ nagród po $100
Bilety w cenie $25. Do nabycia po Mszy ªw.
Lub w biurze parafialnym.

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