Bal more, MD - Holy Rosary Church


Bal more, MD - Holy Rosary Church
November 27, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Bal more, MD
November 26 - (sobota) - Saturday - Weekday
8:30 am +Józefa Duchnowska (Kuzynka Regina)
5:00 pm For God’s Blessing for good health for Aleksa
Srusarczyk in his first year of life & for continued
Blessings in his future years to come (parents)
November 27 - (niedz) - FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT
8:30 am
Holy Rosary Parishioners
Sunday - Lidia Gajec & Grzegorz Jamroz
Next Sunday - Alina Cymek & Piotr Ryzner
Saturday 5:00 pm - Luisa DiIorio
8:30 am - Edward Marcinko
12:30 pm - Jeannette Krol
& Florence Sdanowich
10:30 am ++Teresa i Stanisław Przychocko (córka)
12:30 pm +Milton Brzozowski ( wife Constance)
November 28 - (poniedzałek) - Monday - Advent Weekday
6:30 pm +Sister Miriam (Catherine Gietka)
7:30 pm +Anna Wyrwaszewska (Ewa Rostek)
November 29 - (wtorek) - Tuesday - Advent Weekday
6:30 pm +Casimir Sherba (Catherine Gietka)
November 30 - (środa) - Wednesday - Saint Andrew,
Apostle Feast
6:30 pm
+Frances Gutowski
December 1 - (czwartek) - Thursday - Advent Weekday
12 noon +Danuta Solecki (Gerard & Anna Rzany)
December 2 - (piątek) - Friday - Advent Weekday
3:00 pm +Frances Gutowski
7:00 pm
+Wesław Lubek (Jagoda Lubek)
December 3 - (sobota) - Saturday - Saint Francis Xavier,
Priest Memorial
8:30 am +James Morol (Catherine Gietka)
5:00 pm +Frances Gutowski
December 4 - (niedzela) - SECOND SUNDAY OF
8:30 am ++Stanley & Margaret Zambrzycki (Michael &
Frances King)
10:30 am +Edward Szyjka (Martha Szyjka)
12:30 pm +Frances Gutowski
Thank you to parishioners, and to
Christine and Ashley Grabowski
the Meadow Mill Facility for collecting
the generous amount of food items for
Holy Rosary Food Pantry that serves the
St.Vincent dePaul BEANS AND
The upcoming holidays are especially
difficult for the poor. We can now help
those in need a bit more largly due to
everyone’s efforts. Thank you & God
Bless all those who generously donate
food or money to the poor box to help
those who are less fortunate.
This Sunday after Holy Communion the
second collection is for the Christmas
Flowers. Thank you for your generosity.
Mass Attendance 11/20 - 292
The Donations count for 11/20
week will be in next week’s bulletin due to printer deadline for
short Thanksgiving week.
November 27, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Bal more, MD
FLOWERS in the Divine Mercy Shrine
were donated by Karina Kasztelnik.
God’s Blessing.
KWIATY dla Matki Bożej Nieustającej
i pod krzyż ufundowaly Sabina Sobel
i Maria Sawera. Bóg zapłać.
FLOWERS for Our Lady of Perpetual
Help & under the cross were donated by
Sabina Sobel & Maria Sawera. God’s
Advent Day of Prayer
Mission Helper Center
1001 W. Joppa Road Towson, MD (Chestnut Ave.)
Saturday, December 3rd
Presenter: Sr. Clare Walsh, MHSH
Theme for the Day: FROM THE HEART OF
and Coffee at 9:30 am.
lunch provided Free will Offering
The annual pilgrimage of the CARRERA DE LE
the painted image of Our Lady of Guadalupe,
patroness of the Americas, across country from
Mexico to New York City will arrive to St. Rita
Church, Dundalk on December 3rd at about 4
pm. There will be the reverencing of the image
with dances and music. It will be followed by Mass
in St. Rita Church and a reception in St. Rita’s
Carnes Hall. Early Sunday morning, December 4th,
the pilgrimage will set out for Wilmington and
New York City. All are invited.
World Wide Marriage Encounter
Attend a World Wide Marriage Encounter the
weekend of April 21-23, 2017 or October 27-29,
2017 in Gaithersburg, MD.
For more
information and to apply online visit, or call 301-541-7007 or
e-mail at [email protected].
Day ends with Liturgy for the weekend
at 3:00 pm
To register contact: Sr. Jane, 410-252-6020
or [email protected]
or Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart,
Sacred Heart of Mary Christmas Bazaar
On Sunday, December 4th Sacred Heart of Mary
will hold their annual Christmas Bazaar from 11:304:00 at 6736 Youngstown Avenue, 21222. Bring the
whole family and join us for Christmas music, crafts,
games of chance, raffles, and pictures with Mr. &
Mrs. Claus while enjoying traditional homemade
Polish food and other snacks & sweets!
Fr. Leo Patalinghug (Grace Before Meals) will conduct
an Advent Evening of Recollection at St. Leo's on
Wednesday December 14, 2016, beginning at
6:30PM. The talk will include such topics as:
V "How to be more patient with God, Others and
V “Santa Clause IS Real AND Not Just for Kids!” An
authentic and practical spirituality to help people
experience Christmas Joy
November 27, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Baltimore's only period style
presentation of this baroque masterwork
Order by phone at 667.206.4120.
for a mail-in order form.
7:30 p.m. SATURDAY December 10
Grace United Methodist Church (Homeland)
5407 N Charles St, Baltimore, Maryland 21210
3 p.m. SUNDAY December 11
St Ignatius Catholic Church (Mt Vernon)
740 N Calvert St, Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Handel Choir and Handel Period Instrument
Bal more, MD
Celebrate the music of Christmas while benefiting
those in need this holiday season.
Catholic Charities' Christmas Festival
at the Basilica of the Assumption
December 15, 2016 7:30 - 9:00 PM
409 Cathedral St. Baltimore, MD 21201
Benefiting This year's Christmas Festival
benefits Gallagher Services, a program of Catholic
Charities serving individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Rooted in the fundamental belief of each person’s worth
and dignity, Gallagher programs serve 350 individuals in
Baltimore City and Baltimore, Anne Arundel, and Harford
Counties, creating opportunities for greater independence
by enhancing skills and building self-esteem. Purchase
tickets online and for more forma on, visit or call at 667.600.2028.
W każdy pierwszy piątek miesiąca Apostolat Przyjaciół Jezusa Miłosiernego
prowadzi całonocne czuwanie przed Najswietszym Sakramentem. Rozpoczynamy o
godzinie 9 pm a konczymy o 8 rano w sobote. Adoracja została podjeta w intencji za
nasza parafie. Każdy kto chciałby skorzystaćz okazji spotkania się z Jezusem proszony jest
o zgłoszenie się, poniewaz z uwagi na czas nocny, drzwi kośćioła są zamkniete. W
ciezkich chwilach, ktorych nikomu nie brakuje zapominamy że Jezus jest najlepszym
lekarzem i czeka na nas ukryty w Eucharystii by obdarzyć nas swoja Miłościa. I choć
Jubileuszowy Rok Miłosierdzia dobiega konca Miłosierdzie Boże trwa na wieki. Przyjdz i
nabieraj z ufnoscia z tego niewyczerpanego naczynia milosierdzia.
Zgłaszac sie można do Bogusi Sz. (443-413-9028) lub Lidii G. (443-762-5758)
Every first Friday of the month, the Friends of the Merciful Jesus Apostolate keeps a
night vigil in front of the Most Holy Eucharist. We begin at 9 pm and end Saturday at 8 am. We pray for our parish
intentions . Everyone is welcome to join us. Simply sign up your name . The door of the church during the night is closed
for safety reasons. In our time of hardship which we all experience, forget that Jesus is the best healer and that He is
waiting to pour on us His unfathomable Love. Please come and draw from this inexhaustible fount of Mercy hidden in the
Eucharist. To sign up, call Bogusia Sz (443-413-9028) or Lidia G. (443-762-5758)
November 27, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Bal more, MD
Join St. Leo at the
Cardinal Gibbons Council
Saturday, December 17, 2016
8:00 pm to Midnight
Columbus Gardens
4301 Klosterman Ave Baltimore, 21236
Price: $30 per person
Bring a baby shower gift or a donation
for the Pregnancy Center
Tickets & Info Contact: John Kurre:
E-mail: [email protected]
JoeMacaluso, Jr.: 443-750-0720
Thank you
Catherine Gietka & family - $100,000
Richard & Maria Bednarek - $1,000
Edward A. Marcinko, Jr. & Sr. - $1,000
Krzystof & Jolanta Obrebski - $1,000
Paul & Lidia & Gajec - $800
[email protected]
Spotkanie ze Świętym
Niedziela, 4 grudnia 2016
O godz. 12:00 (po polskiej
Mszy Św.)
Paczka dla dzieci - $15
Paczka dla dzieci z Polskiej
Szkoły - Gratis
Meet Saint Nicholas!
William D. Fossett - $500
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Pls contact: Magorzata Minor
E-mail: [email protected]
Jun Aggarao - $200
Mariola Sadowska E-mail: [email protected]
Edward & Barbara Staniewicz - $500
Chester & Alicja Krajewski - $200
Kaz & Gretchen Krajewski - $100
Zdzisław & Danuta Krajewski - $100
Dolores E Mikulski - $100
Adam & Sarah Richards - $100
Halina Szyjka - $100
Adela Pniewski - $100
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Pniewski & family - $100
Eugene & Christine Edwards - $100
The large Votive Lamps on the Main Altar &
in the Divine Mercy Shrine are lit for your special
intentions on Friday night and continue to burn the following week. Envelopes for lighting a Votive
Lamp are in the pews and on table in back of
the church. Candles are burning for:
1. Personal intention of Karina Kasztelnik
2. Special intentions of Gerard Cegielski
3. Birthday Blessings on 91st birthday for Anton
(Auggie) Resch (his loving family)

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