The Need for Speed


The Need for Speed
The Need for Speed
by Norbert Piwowarczyk
The Warsaw Voice (
18 August 2004
Warsaw, 11 p.m. The silence of the night is broken by the sound of roaring
engines[2]. For three years, night rallies[3] have been held in city streets at speeds
that frequently exceed 200 kilometers per hour[4].
Extreme sports have been popular among young people for many years. But night
rallies add a new element of danger to an already risky sport. Flying lessons and
bungee jumping, very popular until recently, no longer provide that true adrenaline
rush[5] that only breaking the law and outwitting the police can deliver[6].
"Individuals inclined to extreme sports[7] seek stimuli[8] they cannot find in
everyday life," said psychologist Dr. Adam Sobolewski from the Warsaw School of
Social Psychology[9]. "People who race down city streets and put themselves and
others in danger[10] are as hungry for stimuli as skydivers[11]. However, the
former[12] are predisposed to break social and legal norms[13] because of their
situations at home. It is a question of upbringing and respect for others[14]."
Night riders form small, hermetic groups. They meet late in the evening at the
end of the week. If a stranger approaches[15], they disperse instantly[16]. The
police know the most popular rally sites[17], which are wide streets outside the
downtown area[18]. In Warsaw, these are Toruńska Expressway (mainly in
Annopol), Armii Krajowej Expressway around the Military Cemetery in Powązki,
Wólka Węglowa, Dolina Służewiecka and Rosoła and KEN streets in Ursynów.
"Prevention is our primary goal," said Maj. Wojciech Pasieczny, an expert
from the Road Traffic Department of the Warsaw Police Headquarters[19]. "We
cannot arrest people for gathering in groups[20]. First and foremost[21] we try to
prevent rally organization[22]."
Statistics concerning road traffic[23] in Poland are disturbing[24]. Last year,
more than 51,000 accidents occurred[25] on Polish roads, causing 5,640 fatalities
and nearly 64,000 injuries[26]. In the first six months of this year alone[27], 668
accidents were reported in Warsaw[28]. Among almost 16,000 minor
accidents[29], 23.4 percent resulted from speeding[30]. Seventeen people were
killed and over 200 injured. No separate statistics are available for night riders.
In the press the riders claim[31] that they have not been involved in any
serious accidents[32]. They choose routes[33] far from heavy traffic. That,
however, by no means ensures safety[34]. Piotr Wróblewski, a rally driver who has
managed a rally driving school for nine years in Warsaw[35], says, "Drivers who
are not active in auto sports on an everyday basis[36] should not, in fact, drive fast
at all. At 60 kph[37], they are unable to handle the basic maneuvers[38] to deal
with an emergency situation on the road[39]. Above 100 kph, a sudden jerk of
the steering wheel[40] (to avoid an obstacle[41]) results in an instant loss of
Night riders are usually young people with access to[43] good cars who try to
impress their friends[44]. But the group also includes persons who it seems would
be free of the need to impress[45]: managers, employees of ad agencies[46],
people with high and responsible posts[47]. They drive at insane speeds at
dawn[48], when city streets are empty. There are friendly garages[49] where
mechanics intervene in the event of an accident without drawing unwanted
attention[50]. The riders themselves say this is how they vent stress[51] after a
week at work. "It is rather about pursuing a different kind of stress[52]," said
Sobolewski. "The pressure they feel in their jobs is static. Their response to it is to
find[53] stress resulting from[54] a real, dynamic and immediate danger."
The rallies came into fashion[55] three years ago and the fad is spreading
rapidly[56]. "The media is largely to blame[57] because it shows various
celebrities[58] who drive cars at high speeds," said Piaseczny. "Officially, nobody
accepts it, but the message from the press and TV gets across[59]."
Recently, the phenomenon[60] has taken on an even more disturbing
dimension[61] as movies documenting races become available online[62]. In the
past few weeks one hit clip documented a night race through Warsaw. The amateur
filmmakers recorded some of their excesses[63] in the city center, on streets with
regular car traffic[64]. The title of one episode speaks for itself[65]: Through
Downtown Warsaw in 90 Seconds. Internet forums feature descriptions[66] of rides
at insane speeds, often in broad daylight and on crowded streets[67], when other
drivers are shoved off the road[68]. "In cases like that, excuses like 'we pose no
threat[69], since[70] we drive when the streets are empty,' just don't apply[71]," said
Sobolewski. "These lunatics have to realize[72] they are a real, extreme danger to
themselves and others. This is not a question of stretching the law to its limits[73],
but purely criminal conduct[74]."
[1] The Need for Speed – nawiązanie do popularnej gry komputerowej pod tym
samym tytułem.
[2] roaring engines – ryczące silniki.
[3] night rallies – nocni rajdowcy.
[4] speeds that frequently exceed 200 kilometers per hour – szybkości
niejednokrotnie przekraczające 200 km/h.
[5] no longer provide that true adrenaline rush – już nie uwalniają tej dawki
[6] that only breaking the law and outwitting the police can deliver – którą zapewnić
może tylko łamanie prawa i przechytrzanie policji.
[7] Individuals inclined to extreme sports – jednostki skłaniające się ku sportom
[8] seek stimuli – poszukują bodźców.
[9] the Warsaw School of Social Psychology – Warszawska Szkoła Psychologii
[10] put themselves and others in danger – narażają siebie i innych na
[11] are as hungry for stimuli as skydivers – są równie spragnieni boźdźców jak
[12] the former – ci pierwsi.
[13] are predisposed to break social and legal norms – są skłonni łamać normy
społeczne i prawne.
[14] It is a question of upbringing and respect for others – to kwestia wychowania i
szacunku dla innych.
[15] If a stranger approaches – jeśli pojawi się ktoś obcy.
[16] disperse instantly – rozpierzchają się od razu.
[17] the most popular rally sites – najpopularniejsze miejsca wyścigów.
[18] wide streets outside the downtown area – szerokie ulice poza rejonem
[19] the Road Traffic Department of the Warsaw Police Headquarters – Wydział
Ruchu Drogowego Komendy Głównej Policji.
[20] gathering in groups – gromadzenie się.
[21] first and foremost – przede wszystkim.
[22] try to prevent rally organization – staramy się zapobiegać organizacji wyścigów.
[23] statistics concerning road traffic – statystyki dotyczące ruchu drogowego.
[24] disturbing – niepokojący.
[25] occurred – zdarzyło się.
[26] causing 5,640 fatalities and nearly 64,000 injuries – powodując 5640 zgonów i
blisko 64000 obrażeń.
[27] in the first six months of this year alone – w samych tylko sześciu pierwszych
miesiącach tego roku.
[28] 668 accidents were reported in Warsaw – w Warszawie odnotowano 668
[29] Among almost 16,000 minor accidents – spośród blisko 16000 mniej poważnych
[30] 23.4 percent resulted from speeding – 23,4% spowodowanych było nadmierną
[31] the riders claim – “rajdowcy” zarzekają się.
[32] they have not been involved in any serious accidents – nie byli zamieszani w
żaden poważny wypadek.
[33] routes – trasy.
[34] by no means ensures safety – w żaden sposób nie zapewnia bezpieczeństwa.
[35] has managed a rally driving school for nine years in Warsaw – od dziewięciu lat
prowadzi w Warszawie szkołę jazdy.
[36] on an everyday basis – na codzień.
[37] kph – kilometers per hour – km/h.
[38] are unable to handle the basic maneuvers – nie potrafią wykonać
podstawowych manewrów.
[39] to deal with an emergency situation on the road – by poradzić sobie z
nieoczekiwaną sytuacją na drodze.
[40] a sudden jerk of the steering wheel – nagłe szarpnięcie kierownicą.
[41] to avoid an obstacle – aby ominąć przeszkodę.
[42] loss of control – utrata panowania.
[43] with access to – z dostępem do.
[44] try to impress their friends – starają się zaimponować kolegom.
[45] who it seems would be free of the need to impress – którzy, zdawałoby się, nie
muszą nikomu imponować.
[46] ad agencies – agencje reklamowe.
[47] people with high and responsible posts – ludzie na wysokich i odpowiedzialnych
[48] they drive at insane speeds at dawn – o świcie jeżdżą z szaloną szybkością.
[49] friendly garages – zaprzyjaźnione warsztaty.
[50] intervene in the event of an accident without drawing unwanted attention –
interweniują w razie wypadku bez przyciagania
niechcianej uwagi.
[51] vent stress – odreagowują stress.
[52] it is rather about pursuing a different kind of stress – to raczej pogoń za innym
rodzajem stresu.
[53] their response to it is to find – w odpowiedzi na to szukają.
[54] stress resulting from – stres wynikający z.
[55] came into fashion – stały się modne.
[56] the fad is spreading rapidly – popularność mody gwałtownie wzrasta.
[57] the media is largely to blame – to w dużej mierze wina mediów.
[58] celebrities – gwiazdy.
[59] gets across – przebija się.
[60] phenomenon – zjawisko.
[61] has taken on an even more disturbing dimension – nabrało jeszcze bardziej
niepokojącego wymiaru.
[62] become available online – stały się dostępne w internecie.
[63] some of their excesses – niektóre ze swoich ekscesów.
[64] on streets with regular car traffic – na ulicach, gdzie panował codzienny ruch.
[65] the title of one episode speaks for itself – tytuł jednej z części mówi sam za
[66] Internet forums feature descriptions – forum internetowe zawierają opisy.
[67] in broad daylight and on crowded streets – w biały dzień na zatłoczonych
[68] are shoved off the road – są spychani z drogi.
[69] we pose no threat – nie stwarzamy zagrożenia.
[70] since – w tym znaczeniu: ponieważ.
[71] just don't apply – po prostu nie mają zastosowania.
[72] these lunatics have to realize – ci szaleńcy muszą sobie zdać sprawę.
[73] stretching the law to its limits – naciąganie prawa do granic możliwości.
[74] purely criminal conduct – czyny czysto przestępcze.

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