11th July 2016. Year 4 Samba Performance – Thursday 21st July


11th July 2016. Year 4 Samba Performance – Thursday 21st July
Woodston Primary School
Celta Road
Telephone: 01733 562784
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.woodstonprimary.org.uk
Mrs J Mitchell B.A.(Hons)
Deputy Headteacher
Mr T Goakes B.Ed. (Hons)
11th July 2016.
Year 4 Samba Performance – Thursday 21st July 2016
Dear Parents/Carers
All of the children in Year Four have learnt how to play Samba percussion
instruments in Music this term. They have all had the chance to play different
instruments and experiment with different rhythms.
The children would like to invite you to their Samba Performance at 2.45pm on
Thursday 21st July. It would be great if you could come and join us!
Yours sincerely
Miss Harris
Year 4 Class teacher
Year 4 Samba Performance – Thursday 21st July 2016
Name of child _____________________________________
I would like to attend my child’s Samba Performance at 2.45pm on Thursday 21st July.
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