Wykopaliska w Sudanie


Wykopaliska w Sudanie
Archeologiczny rekonesans w Sudanie
Instytut Antropologii i Archeologii WSH im. A. Gieysztora w lutym 2005 roku uzyskał
pozwolenie na dokonanie rekonesansu archeologicznego w Sudanie.
Podczas pierwszego sezonu, który miał miejsce na przełomie grudnia 2005 i stycznia 2006
przeprowadzony został rekonesans na Pustyni Bayouda (pomiędzy Chartumem a Ed Debba),
od rejonu Shendi, wzdłuż zachodniego brzegu Nilu aż do czwartej katarakty, oraz na południe
od Chartumu w Górach Nubijskich.
Poniżej przedstawiono krótki komunikat dotyczący rekonesansu oraz raport (w języku
Archaeological Reconnaissance
in the Sudan 2006
Michal E. Bieniada
The survey area is marked in white
In January 2005 The Institute of Anthropology and Archaeology of The Academy of
Humanities was granted a permit to conduct an archaeological reconnaissance in Sudan.
During the first season, in December 2005 and January 2006 we conducted a reconnaissance in
Bayuda Desert (between Khartoum and Ed Debba), from the region of Shendi, along the west
bank of the Nile River, down to the Fourth Cataract, and in Nuba Mountains.
The archaeological reconnaissance was conducted between 1 and 18 January 2006 in two
regions of the Sudan. The project was an effect of co-operation between The National
Corporation for Antiquities and Museums and The Institute of Anthropology and Archaeology,
Pultusk School of Humanities, Poland.
There were two distinct areas appointed for the reconnaissance: eastern part of Nuba
Mountains in the South and Merowe-Debba region in the North with the northern part of
Bayuda Desert. The objective of the expedition was to evaluate possibilities and logistic
difficulties before future surveys, to check sites which were known through oral tradition, to
check the state of preservation of some known sites and to localize new ones. The objective has
been accomplished.
During the reconnaissance we recorded sites dated to Middle and Upper Paleolithic, Neolithic,
Kerma Culture, Napatian and Meroitic Kingdoms, Christian and Islamic times.
Members of the team:
Dr. Michal E. Bieniada – director, photographic and film documentation
Dr. Mahmoud el-Tayeb – director and consultant
Urszula Wicenciak, M.A. – field documentation
Michal Neska, M.A. – field documentation
Helen Taylor, B.A. (in Nuba Mountains) – field documentation
The reconnaissance was conducted according to the following method. Before the project
information regarding possible archaeological remains in areas appointed by the NCAM was
collected by Dr. Mahmoud el-Tayeb. After arrival at the area and contacting local authorities
locals were interviewed for information regarding ancient ruins, graves, places with pottery
sherds etc. After the interview the team walked through the area of supposed archaeological
importance and recorded architectural remains and finds. All architectural finds were
described, measured, photographed and recorded on DVD camera. In some cases a sketch of a
plan was prepared. Each distinct site was given a separate number and the exact localization
was defined by GPS device. In case some diagnostic pottery sherds or flints were found on the
surface they were collected. Later finds were washed and photographed. All finds have been
stored at the office of The National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums. The list of
recorded sites has been presented below. The order reflects the chronological order of the trip.
stone-build granary in Nuba Mountains
tolos-shaped hut in Nuba
rams will be transported to Khartoum for Bairam holiday