

curriculum aggregate to slash outcry apparel step away from cheery breakeven volume –
prospecting –
off-the-shelf –
program of your study
put together
to reduce (i.e. prices) by a large amount
a reaction of anger or strong protest shown by people in public
clothing, when it is being sold in shops / stores
turn back, resign, quit
happy and cheerful
the sales volume at which the product starts to make a profit
identifying a potential customer
available in a standard form, not designed for a particular customer
Marketing mix –
is another name for the well-known four “P’s product, price, place and
promotion. Some writers would add packaging and people.
Breakeven analysis – determining the minimum sales volume that covers all the cost
Brand –
a name, symbol or design (or some combination) that identifies a product
Promotional mix –
using several different types of communication to support marketing goals
which include Advertising, Personal selling, Publicity, events, sponsorship,
endorsements, trade promotions to retailers and other.
Guerrilla marketing - covers all unconventional techniques – from viral marketing to the
distribution of free products on the beach.
Browser –
a software application used to locate and display web pages
e-commerce –
refers to the part of e-business related to buying and selling
click-and-mortar a type of business model that includes both online and offline operations,
which typically include a website and a physical store.
pop-up a form of online advertising on the World Wide Web intended to attract web
traffic or capture email addresses (generally new web browser windows to
display advertisements)
advertorial an ad that is designed to look like article, it promotes the interest or opinion
of corporate sponsor
primary data packaging markup trademark decline personal selling convenience press release -
brick-and-mortar endorsement -
Information collected for the first time, mainly based on various types of
market research.
Something what protects product during handling but also attracts buyer’s
Specific percentage added to the base cost to give the selling price.
A name or symbol that has legal protection and cannot be used by another
One of the stages in the product life cycle, on the end of which the product is
withdrawn from the market.
Direct face-to-face communication between salesperson and customer.
Place where you can buy basic goods, often open until late and prices are
higher than usually.
Public relations announcement issued to the news media and other targeted
publications for the purpose of Letting the public know of company
A business with no online presence.
Type of advertising when a celebrity use a certain product as a way of
promoting it.
an ailing economy –
to oust –
merchandising –
prospecting –
to bail out –
brand awareness –
an intermediary –
to take kick – backs –
bandwidth –
guerrilla marketing –
an economy which is not doing well; in recession
to dismiss, fire (usunąd ze stanowiska)
selling product connected with a popular film, person or event
identifying a potential customer
to rescue from financial problems
Brand recognition
take money illegally for doing something
the rate At which data can pass through a communication channel
all of unconventional technics of marketing
GPSShipping Convenience store Trademark Bluetooth Middleman Profitability Value-for-money
global positioning system
sklep spożywczy
znak towarowy
Market research -
LAN (local area network) –
Legacy system –
Data warehouse –
On-the-shelf –
is the process by which a company collects information about
consumer needs
symbol that cannot be used by another firms / has legal protection
sth that makes a product special from other
is the final link in a company’s supply chain and involves getting the
right products to the customer at the right time
the work of planning and organizing the movement of materials,
goods and people
managing publicity; establish good relations with the news media in
order to control this information
data communication system inside a building
old IT system which are still in use
place where all the company’s data is collected together
available in a standard form
benefit feature budget prospecting target pattern portal encryption charge platform -
Advantage that a customer gets if they buy the product
Important, special or interesting part of a product
A plan how to spend money, or the money itself
Identifying a potential customer
To try to influence a particular group of people
Something that is stored in order to use it again
A website that gives access to a wide range of services
Transforming data into a code to protect its confidentiality
Ask someone to pay an amount of money for a service
A type of hardware or software on which application programs run
Product mix -
Product mix is a combination of products manufactured or traded by
the same business house to reinforce their presence in the market,
increase market share and increase the turnover for more
cykl życia produktu (zawiera wszystkie etapy powstawania produktu)
Trademark –
USD (unique selling point) –
Distribution –
Logistics Public relations –
Product life cycle -
relation between quality and price
Product placement -
Co-marketing Word-of-mouth Viral marketing -
M-Commerce Guerilla marketing -
a form of advertisement, where branded goods or services are placed
in a context usually devoid of ads, such as movies, the story line of
television shows, or news programs.
is a marketing practice where two companies cooperate with
separate distribution channels
plotki ploteczki, że coś jest zajebiste lub też nie ;)
buzzwords referring to marketing techniques that use pre-existing
social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to
achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through
self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or
computer viruses.
is the ability to conduct commerce using a mobile device
Typically, guerrilla marketing campaigns are unexpected and
unconventional, potentially interactive, and consumers are targeted
in unexpected places.
(Information and Communication Technology) a more general term
that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration
of telecommunications. ICT consists of all technical means
used to handle information and aid communication, including
computer and network hardware, communication middleware as
well as necessary software.
an inventory strategy that reduces in-process inventory
Ailing economies
Profits plummeted Daily necessities Recession proof Traded down Slash prices Sound proof Sound cheery Strong presence Strong economies -
spadek zysków
dzienne zapotrzebowanie
dowód recesji
cięcie cen
dźwiękoszczelne (?)
silna obecnośd
silna gospodarka
web page
strona internetowa
intellectual property
wlasnośd intelektualna
off-the-shell package
a representative sample of people - ankietowani
gaps in the market
luki na rynku
consumer needs
potrzeby konsumenckie
convenience store
sklep spożywczy
product placement
public relations
press release
informacja prasowa
Brand awareness
Market leader
Brand identity
Brand names
Value for money
znajomośd marki
lider na rynku
tożsamośd marki
nazwa marek
stosunek jakości do ceny
Market share
End user
Early adopters
In-store display
Statistically reliable
Wireless connectivity
Storage capacity
Back-office functions
Click-through rate
Distribution channel
Controlling stake
Cash on delivery
Talk shop
Go global
Wage a campaign
Overheated economy
Market skimming
udział w rynku
najwcześniejsi użytkownicy, odbiorcy
w ekspozycji sklepowej
statystycznie niezawodne
połączenie bezprzewodowe
a part of most corporations where tasks dedicated to running the
company itself take place
CTR - współczynnik określający stosunek kliknięd w reklamę do ilości
jej wyświetleo
kanał dystrybucji
pakiet kontrolny
za pobraniem
stad się globalnym
przegrzana gospodarka
ustalanie cen najpierw wysokich by przyciągnąd bogatych klientów, a
następnie obniżanie ich by przyciągnąd pozostałych
Need satisfy
epitomized its power
run operations
domestic consumer
admission of failure
regarded as inferiors
asset-light strategy
electronics companies
streścid moc
uruchomienie działalności
krajowy konsument
przyznanie się do porażki
uznad za poddanych
to augment basic product
credit facilities
after-sales services
multi-brand strategy
to fill shelf space
supermarket chain
to persuade customer
to hire staff
to buy media space
to communicate a message
to satisfy clients
a target market
prospective customers
a channel of information
new product ideas
to recognize customers' needs
to close a deal
to solve a problem
do zwiekszenia produktu podstawowego
usługi posprzedażowe
strategia wielu marek
wypełnid przestrzeo w półce
sied supermarketów
przekonad klienta
zatrudniad pracowników
zakup przestrzeni medialnej
komunikowad wiadomości
zadowalad klientów
rynek docelowy
potencjalni klienci
kanał informacji
pomysły na nowe produkty
rozpoznad potrzeby klientów
dobid targu
rozwiązad problem
firmy elektroniczne
to achieve long-term sales
to give a sales presentation
to cultivate personal contact
to meet a sales target
the activity of competitors
carrying out a survey
recall from the market
without overall majority
liable for the spill
be against pension reform
to launch a lawsuit
to recover the losses
take a charge
be sacked
a full-blown crisis
osiagad dlugoterminową sprzedaż
dawad prezentacje sprzedaży
pielęgnowad kontakty osobiste
spełniad cele sprzedażowe
działalnośd konkurencji
przeprowadzanie badania
wycofad się z rynku
bez absoulutnej większości
odpowiedzialny za wyciek
byc przeciwko reformie emerytalnej
wytoczyc sprawę
odrobid straty
objąd kontrolę
zostad zwolnionym
kryzys na wielką skalę