Alice in Wonderland


Alice in Wonderland
LINGUA Pro Futuro
"Alice in Wonderland"
Klasy szóste wybra³y siê na anglojêzyczny spektakl oparty o klasykê literatury dzieciêcej i m³odzie¿owej p.t. Alice in
Wonderland. Na scenie zobaczyli¶my trójkê aktorów, którzy z pomoc± rekwizytów i elementów kostiumu wyczarowali ca³±
gamê barwnych postaci wystêpuj±cych w utworze Lewisa Carrolla.
Opiekun Projektu
Justyna Opaliñska
Oto spostrze¿enia kilku naszych szóstoklasistów po obejrzeniu spektaklu.
On Wednesday we were in the theatre to see Alice in Wonderland. The day was freezing and we got cold.
Three actors acted in the play. There was one man and three women. At the beginning of the play the artists were
walking between aisles.
They were playing very well but the performance was a little bit boring. Anyway, I think that this was a very pleasant
social event.
We went back to school by bus to have the last lesson
After the second lesson on Wednesday we went to the theatre to see a play which was acted by three actors. Everything
was in English. It was a little bit boring because all scenes lasted very long. After the play we returned to school by bus.
Generally, everything was good apart from the fact that it was freezing cold.
On Wednesday we went to the theatre for the play Alice in Wonderland. There were three actors for like thirty characters!
The actors were OK but the costumes were very primitive.
On Wednesday we went to see the play entitled Alice in Wonderland. Everything in the play was in English. The
performance lasted about one hour. Outside the theatre it was extremely cold so we were happy when we got inside.
The play was interesting.
_PDF_GENERATED 7 March, 2017, 18:32

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