Baltimore, MD - Holy Rosary Church


Baltimore, MD - Holy Rosary Church
January 3, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
January 2 - Saturday (sobota ) - Saints Basil the Great &
Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops & Doctors of Church Memorial
8:30 am +Radomira Sawaryn (Maria Clarke)
5:00 pm +Radomira Sawaryn (Jolanta & Krzysztof Obrębski)
January 3 - (niedzela) - SUN. THE EPIPHANY OF THE
LORD Solemnity
8:30 am
+God’s Blessing for Maguire family, Emerson family,
Baltimore, MD
This Sunday - Alina Cymek
Saturday 5:00 pm - Luisa DiIorio
Sunday 8:30 am - Edward Marcinko
Sunday 12:30 - Jeannette Król &
Kathleen Jamitis
& for Wanda Novak (Danny & Lorraine)
10:30 am 1. Podziękkowaniem za wszystkie łaski z prośbą
o dalsze zdrowie i błogosławieństwo dla rodziny
2. W 11 rocznicę śmierci Henryka Obrębskiego (Rodzina
Obrębski i Grabowski)
12:30 pm +Józef Zakrzewski (daughter Małgorzata & Lawrence
January 4 - Monday (poniedzałek) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,
Religious Memorial
6:30 pm
urodzinowa dla mamy Kazi
January 5 - Tues (wto) - St. John Neumann, Bishop Memorial
6:30 pm Dzięczynna za pomyślny przebieg operacji dla
Janiny Mroczkowskiej
January 6 - Wednesday (środa) - Christmas Weekday
6:30 pm +Radomira Sawaryn (Iza & Darek Bogacki)
January 7 - Thursday (czwartek) - Christmas Weekday
6:30 pm
God’s Blessing & health for Genowefa Dybała (children)
January 8 - Friday (piątek) -
Christmas Weekday
3:00 pm avail
7:30 pm ++Edward, Wanda, & Tadeusz Szyjka (Halina Szyjka)
January 9 - Saturday (sobota) - Christmas Weekday
8:30 am +Radomira Sawaryn (Henryka Filip & Family)
The large Votive Lamps on the
Main Altar & in the Divine
Mercy Shrine are lit for special
intentions until the candle burns
itself out. The envelopes for
lighting a Votive Lamp are in
the pews or on the table in back
of the church.
Candles are burning for:
1. Katherine Butler for all her intentions
2. Sister Kay for her good health intentions
3. Personal intention of Karina Kasztelnik
4. In memory of Rev. Msgr. Chester J.
Mieczkowski (Mr. & Mrs. Louis J.Bogdan,
5. For private intentions of family doctor Lt.
Dremaja & his family (Mr. & Mrs. Louis
J. Bogdan)
6. In memory of Jane Saul
This Sunday, the second collection after Holy
Communion is for Heating & Utility. As always
thank you for your genrosity.
December 20 Mass attendance 309
5:00 pm +Radomira Sawaryn (Sopie Pniewska)
1st Collection
January 10 - (niedz.) - SUNDAYTHE BAPTISM OF THE
LORD Feast
2nd Collection Building Fund
Roof Renovation
Gift Shop
Poor Box
8:30 am God’s Blessing for Fr. Andrzej Totzke, SChr
(Jun-Jun & family)
10:30 am Za rodzinę Kawałko i Sadorski (Ania i Stanisław z rodziną
12:30 pm +Kazimiera Suska & all deceased members of her
family (daughter)
January 3, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
This feast touches me deeply. This is the feast of
the epiphany - the showing or manifestation - of
Jesus to the rest of the world. The promises of
God to the people of the first covenant always
included the promise that their special and gifted
relationship with God would extend to the ends
of the earth. No one could have imagined how
that would happen.
We all love the Nativity story through the eyes of
Luke. This story, through the eyes of Matthew,
introduces us to Magi - astrologer types, who are
really seers, or "wise men" in the sense that they
are seeking wisdom with open minds and hearts.
They are clearly non-Jews. They follow what
catches their attention and learn from it. And,
we are introduced to the first Herod - the bad
leader, who is the father of the Herod we will
meet in the Passion story.
The Magi pay attention to the stars and when
they see something special, they sense there is
meaning in that event. Too often we aren't that
open to see a new light, a new message, a clear
call, to pay attention. The Magi follow the light.
Their following leads them to an encounter with
Herod. Their consulting with him leads them to
Bethlehem, where the light has settled. We
sometimes fail to consult the tradition and learn
where to go to find the light. Unfortunately, the
Herod they meet is also very duplicitous. He's
two-faced, with a divided, selfish, jealous heart.
He isn't interested in finding the new light. He
wants to surpress it - to destroy it. At times, we
are guilty of duplicity ourselves - or at least our
hearts can be divided. We want to follow, but we
are something threatened or fearful of losing
something we want to hold on to. At our worst,
we can even surpress or destroy the light.
Baltimore, MD
The Magi find the Holy Family. They come
prepared to do this newborn homage. They
bring gifts for a king, for a God, for someone who
will suffer. They thought about this. Too often,
we don't come to this invitation to see the light
with any gifts which represent our faith. And, so
we don't proclaim with our lives that we believe
Jesus is our Lord and God, that he is the one
who, in this gospel story, will die for our sins. We
can only imagine what Mary and Joseph
experienced in this revelation to those far away
Magi and to the gifts they bring to honor this
child of theirs.
The wise Magi have it revealed to them not to go
back to Herod to report that they found the
newborn king. Even without help, they must
have sensed Herod's insincerity - and the danger
that was hidden behind his pseudo piety. They
went back home by a different route - so often
the result of a transformative experience. Our
encounter with Jesus these days - with the light
he shines into our darkness - can lead us to
continue on our life journey by a different and
new path.
When we seek, find and honor Jesus' gift to us,
our gratitude fills us with joy. And, that joy, and
our way home, is different. It is new. It is
renewed with a deep trust that God is with us.
God can redeem, bring mercy and healing,
reconciliation and redemption, to every evil light to every darkness.
This year's epiphany of his many mercies to us in the beginning of the Year of Mercy - can help
guide us for the rest of our journey. How blessed
our life can be because it has been made known
to us that there is a light for our darkness! In the
midst of the "thick clouds" covering us - our
family and friends; our countries; our world "the Lord shines."
January 3, 2016
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
Baltimore, MD
Od Nowego Roku
Polska Msza Święta
w piątki będzie sprawowana
o godzinie 7:00 pm.
Friday’s Polish Mass will be at 7:00 pm.
January 15
Apostolatu Przyjaciół Jezusa Miłosiernego
godzinie 7:30 PM
Friends of the Merciful Jesus Apostolate Meeting
7:30 pm & every 3rd Friday of the month
January 17
in the Church immediately after 10:30 Mass
1:00 pm Church Hall
January 22
Uwielbienie Pana Jezusa Chrystusa w Najświętszym
Adoration of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament
4th Friday of each month after Polish Mass
January 27
Polska Szkoła
Polish School
Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy
January 3, 2016
Please join us for the series of homilies each
Wednesday during the 6:30 pm Mass.
W ramach tegorocznej pracy duszpasterskiej, pragniemy
pogłębić naszą wiedzę na temat Miłosierdzia Bożego.
Zapraszamy, więc do udziału z 10 minutowych
katechezach na temat poprawnego kultu Miłosierdzia
Bożego, które odbywać się będą w ramach piątkowych
FLOWERS in the Divine Mercy Shrine were donated by Karina
Kasztelnik & Alicja Horodowicz. Flowers by the statue of Our
Lady of Perpetual Help were donated by Alicja Horodowicz.
God’s Blessing.
KWIATY w Sanktuarium Bożego Miłosierdzia
ufundowała: Karina Kasztelnik i Alicja Horodowicz . Kwiaty
dla Matki Bożej Nieustającej pomocy ufundowała Alicja
Horodowicz. Bóg zapłać!
Apostolatu Przyjaciol
Jezusa Miłosiernego
Spotkanie formacyjne Apostolatu Przyjaciół
Jezusa Miłosiernego po Mszy Św. o godzinie
Friends of the Merciful
Jesus Apostolate
The Friends of the Merciful Jesus Apostolate
meets on each third Friday of the month for
the formation of the charism of St. Faustina.
It will meet on Friday, January the 15th,
and then each 3rd Friday of every month.
Zapraszamy na modlitewne uwielbienie
naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa w
Najswiętszym Sakramencie w każdy
czwarty piątek miesiąca po Mszy Świętej.
SUNDAY, January 17th
1:00 pm in Church Hall
Everyone is invited to Adoration of Jesus
Christ in the Blessed Sacrament on 4th
Friday of every month after the Polish Mass.
Tickets $30 per person
Music by Joe Narodowski
Ojczyzna Polish Dance Group will lead the singing of
Christmas Carols
Call John Bednarek for details 410-218-5474
Baltimore, MD
The 2015 donation envelopes will be mailed out directly to
the parishioners from Our Sunday Visitor.
Koperty parafialne na rok 2015, będą wysyłane co miesiąc
bezpośrednio do domów przez firmę Our Sunday Visitor.
Sprawdzając swoją pocztę, proszę mieć to na uwadze . Bóg
zapłać za wszystkie ofiary składane na potrzeby kościoła.
To request your 2015
STATEMENT, please fill out the form below,
detach it, and put it in an envelope marked
“STATMENT”. You can drop it in a collection
basket, mail it or drop it off at the rectory office.
FOR 2015
Envelope No.:

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