Lesson 19 USED TO


Lesson 19 USED TO
Lesson 19
Wersja B
Opracowanie: Łukasz Aniśkiewicz
Konsultacja: Bogna Ferensztajn
Wyrażenia used to używamy, aby opisać:
czynności, zdarzenia i stany, które występowały regularnie w przeszłości:
She used to go to our school.
kontrast miedzy sytuacją obecną i przeszłą:
They used to live here. (They don't live here any more).
Zdania pytające z wyrażeniem used to tworzymy za pomocą operatora did:
Where did you use to live before?
Did you use to smoke when you were at school?
Zdania przeczące tworzymy za pomocą didn't:
He didn't use to work so hard.
1. Na podstawie podanych odpowiedzi napisz pytania szczegółowe, używając wyrażenia
used to.
When you were a small kid,
1. __________?
I guess, the same stuff that every other kid had - you know, plastic toy soldiers, teddy bears and
a soccer ball, of course.
2. __________?
In a small cottage in the country, with a large backyard and a garden.
3. __________?
Free time?! Well, everything conceivable and a few extras as well! You know, playing football,
climbing trees, bathing in the river. But I would also read a lot, as far as I can remember.
4. __________?
We only did Polish and Math, and a sort of introduction to Science.
5. __________?
Every summer we went to the seaside, and sometimes I stayed with my grandparents.
6. __________?
There was very little for kids to watch. Very few cartoons, indeed. But I did watch sports a lot.
2. Uzupełnij zdania, używając wyrażenia used to oraz zwrotów podanych w ramce.
not be a close friend
live next door
stand on the corner
not be so much violence
be the shortest
not be such fine toys
be a shy girl
have a huge dog
1. I can't believe how much he’s changed! I remember he __________ who would sit
in the back of the class and hardly say anything at all!
2. I really miss Allie and Jake. We __________ to them for so many years and now they've
bought a house in the city center.
3. Just look at this wonderful train set! There __________ when we were younger!
4. Nowadays lots of parents are worried about what is shown on TV. In the past, there
5. I couldn't recognize Ann when we saw each other last week. She __________ in our class
and now she's a tall, beautiful woman.
6. Mr. Franks __________ which would bark every time someone went up or down the stairs.
7. I still remember the small baker's which __________ of the street. The owner, Ms. Adams
would give us doughnuts every now and then.
8. Sam __________ of mine in primary school, but we took to each other when we met again
in college.