Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th


Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th
Mass Intentions
for Monday, October 24 to Sunday, October 30
Mon, Oct. 24
8 AM
Mass in English
Tues, Oct. 25
Wed., Oct. 26
Thur. Oct. 27
7 PM
8 AM
8 AM
3 PM
7 PM
8 AM
5 PM
Mass in Polish
Special intention
Mass in English
+ Richard Harris - Keith & Jackie Windsor
Mass in English
+ Jan Krasinkiewicz - Wife
C ha p le t o f Di vi ne Me rc y a nd Ex p o s it io n
Mass in Polish
Special intention
Mass in English
+ Dorothy Pasque - Rosemary
Mass in English
+Natie Ciura – Janice Rocca & family
Mass in English
+ Jan Krasinkiewicz - Joe & Leigh Krasinkiewicz
11 AM
Mass in Polish
80 Rocznica istnienia Zwiazku Polakow w Kanadzie
Fri, Oct. 29
Sat, Oct. 29
Sun, Oct. 30
Health & Blessing for Sylvia & Gaelan Foley Parents
„Faryzeusz stanął i tak w duszy się modlił: Boże, dziękuję Ci, że nie jestem jak inni ludzie, zdziercy, oszuści,
cudzołożnicy albo jak i ten celnik. Zachowuję post dwa razy w tygodniu, daję dziesięcinę ze wszystkiego, co
Słowo faryzeusz - za sprawą Ewangelii - kojarzy się nam z człowiekiem fałszywym, obłudnym, udającym
pobożność. Tymczasem faryzeusze, dzięki swojej narodowo-konserwatywnej orientacji polityczno-religijnej, w
czasach Pana Jezusa, uznawani byli w Izraelu za prawowiernych. Historyk żydowski tamtych czasów, Józef
Flawiusz, wspomina o wielkim autorytecie, jakim darzył ich naród - bez wahania wierzył każdemu ich słowu.
Grecka nazwa pharisaios, od hebrajskiego peruszim, znaczy tyle, co odróżniający się, odosobniony, separatysta.
Faryzeusze byli stronnictwem narodowo-religijnym, które sprzeciwiało się jakimkolwiek zmianom w Prawie.
Pielęgnowali przywiązanie do Prawa Mojżeszowego oraz ustnej tradycji religijnej. Pierwsze wzmianki o
faryzeuszach pochodzą z II wieku przed Chrystusem. Wzajemnie nazywali się „towarzyszami i wyraźnie odcinali
się od wszystkich, których uznawali za nieczystych. Modlitwa faryzeusza, przytoczona przez Pana Jezusa w
przypowieści o faryzeuszu i celniku, w pełni oddaje ich mentalność i dążenie do izolacji. Chociaż Pan Jezus
wielokrotnie piętnował „faryzejski" sposób myślenia, wywyższanie się i przesadny rytualizm, to jednak nie
można widzieć w ich postępowaniu jedynie cech negatywnych. Faryzeusze chętnie dyskutowali z Jezusem,
zapraszali Go do stołu, ponieważ czuli się odpowiedzialni za religijne życie narodu. Toczyli długie spory z
saduceuszami, wytykając im ich niewiarę. Ostrzegali nawet Jezusa przed złymi intencjami Heroda: „Przyszli
niektórzy faryzeusze i rzekli Mu: Wyjdź i uchodź stąd, bo Herod chce Cię zabić" (Łk 13, 31). Niektórzy
faryzeusze po zesłaniu Ducha Świętego uwierzyli w Jezusa (Dz 15, 5), wśród nich Paweł, który pisał o sobie: „w
stosunku do Prawa - faryzeusz".
Pope Francis’ 10 Secrets to Happiness
#9 - Don’t proselytize; respect others' beliefs. "We can inspire others through witness so that one grows together in
communicating. But the worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyzes: 'I am talking with you in order
to persuade you,' No, each person dialogues, starting with his and her own identity. The church grows by attraction,
not proselytizing."
Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church
Kościół Matki Bożej Królowej Pokoju
566 Rosedale Avenue (at Ellwood), Sarnia, ON N7V 1Z4
Fr. Zbigniew Rodzinka CSMA
Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mrs. Bronisława De Araujo Viana
Tel: 519.337.7943; Fax: 519. 491.1831; E-mail: [email protected]
October 23, 2016 – 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
World Mission Sunday
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: On Saturdays from 4:15 to 4:45 PM and 30 minutes before
weekday Mass’.
The Sacrament of Baptism: By Appointment
The Sacrament of Marriage: Should be arranged at least 6 months in advance.
How many times have we read or heard about someone who’s gotten into trouble-maybe even fired
from a job-because of a brush with the law? While our “Christian” minds tell us to be sorry and
even pray for the person, a little voice inside our heads may also be saying, “I’m glad I would never
do anything like that.” And perhaps we wouldn’t. But are there some things we do that are still not
pleasing in God’s eyes? Today’s readings caution us not to look so intently at someone else’s
wrongdoing that we overlook our own weaknesses and shortcomings. When we measure ourselves
against the worst people we can think of, we come out looking pretty good. There is a danger,
however, in using someone else’s behavior as a way of reflecting our own goodness.
Last Weekend Collection $2,560.75
The first Parish Advisory Board met on Friday October 14 and elections were held for chair and secretary as well
as the selection for the finance committee. The Chair person is Cheryl Straatman and the secretary is Mary Brown.
The finance committee is made up of 3 members, Henryk Dziedzic, George Szober and John Waligorski.
Praying the Rosary
The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions. This is a
reminder that we pray the Holy Rosary a half hour before every Mass except the 5pm Vigil Mass on Saturday. All are
Just a reminder, the Annual Mass attendance count will be Oct.22/23 to Nov. 5/6. The count from last weekend –
5pm 72, 9:30am 52, 11am 68, please try to attend the Sunday Mass.
The Knights of Columbus Pasta Dinner will be on October 29 at 6:30pm in the church hall basement. Tickets are
$10 and there are only 80 tickets available. The meal includes Lasagne, salad, bun and cake for dessert.
Knights of Columbus Elimination Draw. The council of Our Lady Queen of Peace, OLM and St. Benedict’s will be
selling tickets for the draw. There are 200 tickets at $20/ ticket. $4000 total, $1800 cash prizes, $200 for license and
printing and $2000 profit which will go to St. Joseph Hospice. See Dan Thomas for tickets. Please help the K of C
and St. Joes Hospice.
Members of Branch 14 of the Polish Alliance of Canada in Sarnia are celebrating their 80th anniversary of its
existence. On October 30th there will be a dinner and the price of the tickets is $15.00/adult. Please contact Helen
(519-312-9024) or Kristine (519-337-5708) no later than October 23rd if you are interested in attending. Group
pictures of members will be taken for the archives.
The month of November is a reminder for us to pray for our deceased loved ones. If you wish to include them
during the weekday Masses in November please use the “All Souls” envelopes and drop them off in the collection
Prayers for our deceased family members and parishioners will be said on Sunday Nov. 6th at 12:15pm in the
mausoleum of Our Lady of Mercy cemetery. All are invited.
Earlier this month there was a very positive response to the Extraordinary Form Holy Mass. Bishop Fabbro
has given his blessing to have another Low Mass on the First Friday of November (4th) at 7 pm at St. Joseph's
Church, 293 Stuart St., Sarnia. The Extraordinary Form is offered according to the Rites of 1962 Roman Missal.
That is the Holy Mass as before Vatican II in Latin and with both priest and people facing the same way. All are
St. Peter's Seminary invites you to a discernment retreat for men 17 - 45 years old considering a call to the
priesthood. This weekend offers a firsthand experience of the life of a seminarian, spiritual helps for discernment and
an opportunity to meet current seminarians and faculty. The weekend is scheduled for Nov. 4th - 6th. For more
information or to register, contact Fr. Patrick Bénéteau at [email protected] or (519) 432-1824 x204.
Bishop Fabbro is asking the people of the Diocese of London to bring relief to survivors of the hurricane in Haiti.
The Diocese will send all funds collected at the parish level to Development and Peace to ensure a timely response.
Cash and cheques will be accepted; please mark cheques and envelopes: Haiti Hurricane Relief Fund. Along with the
funds, prayers are urgently needed at this time for the victims and their families.
It is a tradition in the month of November to pray for loved ones who have passed away. Everyone is welcome to
join us for our 16th Annual Cemetery Sunday Prayer Service on Sunday, November 6, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at
Resurrection Mausoleum, 1885 London Line, Sarnia. The celebrant will be Father Steve Marsh.
Modlitwy za zmarłych będą odprawione 6 listiopada o godz. 12.15 na cmentarzu Our Lady of Mercy
Grupa 14 ZPwK obchdzi w tym roku 80 rocznice istnienia. Z tej okazji odbedzie sie obiad w dniu 30 pazdziernika
br. O godz. 13.00 w Pollskiej Hali. Goscie czlonkow mile widziani. Cena biletow $ 15.00 0d osoby. Potwierdzenie
swojej lub goscia obecnosci prosimy zglaszac do dnia 23 pazdziernika pod numerem Helen 519-312-9024 Lub
Kristine 519-337-5708 P.S. Dla upamietnienia tej rocznicy bedzie zrobione zdjecie grupowe wszystkich czlonkow.
Zebranie Grupy 14 ZPwK odbedzie sie w dniu 16 pazdziernika Br. O godzine 14.00 w Domu Zwiazkowym. Chentni
do wstapienia w szeregi tej organizacji mile widziani.
Miesiac listopad przypomina nam o modlitwach za naszych zmarlych. Jezeli kos chce polecic swych zmarlych
naszym modlitwom mozna uzyc kopert ktore sa wystawione przy wejsciu do kosciola.
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
Death by assisted suicide and euthanasia has been made legal in Canada. These grievous affronts
to the dignity of human life from beginning to natural end are never morally justified. The legal
permission now granted to these practices does not change the moral law. The teaching of the
Church on these matters is clear. Euthanasia “is a grave violation of the law of God, since it is the
deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person.” Since suicide, objectively
speaking, is a gravely immoral act, it follows that “to concur with the intention of another person
to commit suicide and to help in carrying it out through so-called “assisted suicide,” means to
cooperate in, and at times to be the actual perpetrator of, an injustice which can never be
excused.” (cf. St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, nn. 65-66)
It is foreseeable that pastors will be approached for the Sacraments of Healing (Penance and the
Anointing of the Sick) by, or on behalf of, persons who are contemplating having their lives ended
by assisted suicide or euthanasia. Likewise to be expected are requests for the celebration of
ecclesiastical funerals for persons who have been killed by these practices. How are we to respond
with a pastoral care that at once expresses the Church’s deep concern for the salvation of souls
and safeguards the dignity of the sacraments and the nature of her funeral rites?