Lesson plan - Give me a pencil! Teacher: Edyta Augustyn Class details


Lesson plan - Give me a pencil! Teacher: Edyta Augustyn Class details
Lesson plan - Give me a pencil!
Teacher: Edyta Augustyn
Class details:
School: Public primary school - Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 w Dębicy
Level: elementary
Grade: first class
Age: 7 - year old students
Book: Hocus Pocus 1. Podręcznik do języka angielskiego dla szkoły podstawowej. Appel
Magdalena. Zarańska Joanna
Lesson Aims:
At school – things in the classroom.
The lesson lasts 45 minutes.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
• Carry out simple orders: Give me a...
• Use the expressions: Here you are and Thank you
Teaching aids:
textbook: Hocus Pocus 1. Podręcznik do języka angielskiego dla szkoły
podstawowej. Appel Magdalena, Zarańska Joanna
supplementary materials: CD, "magic bag" with pen, pencil, notebook, book
Lesson stages:
1 . Introduction:
- the teacher greets students, checks the attendance (3 minutes)
2. Warm up:
- the teacher invites students to make a circle, singing the entry song "Hello to you".
She gives children "the magic hats" and starts the lesson by saying "Hocus Pocus,
tricky trick, put on your hats and look at me". (5 minutes)
3. Presentation:
- the teacher asks students to open the books at page 14. She tells students that today's
unit is about school. The students listen to the song and look at the picture. Then, the
teacher makes students stand up and mime the verbs from the song. The teacher plays
the recording three times. (8 minutes)
- the teacher shows students her schoolbag. She pulls out one by one the school
equipment showing it to the students and pronouncing their names. (1 minute)
- the teacher makes students show their own schoolbags, pronouncing the names of
the new words: pen, pencil, notebook, and book. (4 minutes)
- the teacher asks students to do ex. 2 p. 14 (student's book). The children are
supposed to listen to a short history and write the numbers next to appropriates
objects. (5 minutes)
- the students do ex. 3 p. 14 (student's book). They have to listen to a recording and
draw a tick. The teacher explains the exercise in Polish, after the recording she asks
pointed students to provide good answers. (4 minutes)
4. Practice:
- the teacher asks students to do ex. 4 p. 15 (student's book). They have to draw the
objects from the previous exercise. Then, the teacher revises the names of these
objects by asking pointed students: Tomek, what's in Mr. Trick's bag? Etc. (10
- The teacher asks students to put on their desks: pen, notebook, book and pencil.
They are supposed to ask their friend for some school things, using "Give me a...",
“Here you are" and "Thank you". The teacher supervises the whole activity, helping
if necessary.

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