contents - studia polityczne


contents - studia polityczne
Editorial ...................................................................................
Political theory
Paweł Podleśko, An approach at formulating a precise definition
of the phenomenon of extremism in David Easton’s theory
of the political system ................................................................
Political thought
Mariusz Kopczyński, The postulate of ‘scientific’ anti-Semitism
in the works of Eugen Dühring ...................................................
Rafał Lis, Jean Bodin, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau.
On the paradox of sovereignty and democracy and the attempts
at solving it ...............................................................................
Political systems
Paweł Hińcza, Federalisation projects in Belgium in the first half
of the twentieth century .............................................................
Modern history
Wojciech Materski, The 1944 Bretton Woods Conference ............ 119
Andrzej Budzyński, Krzysztof Jasiewicz, Waldemar Listowski,
The joke as a form of resistance in times of totalitarianism.
The tale of the Polish students of Lvov and their poem of 1952
dedicated to Stalin .................................................................... 139
European Integration
Agnieszka K. Cianciara, The European Empire. Expansion
and geopolitical rivalry on the European Union’s Eastern
Periphery .................................................................................. 149
International Relations
Agnieszka Orzelska-Stączek, Poland’s security in the light
of the 2007 National Security Strategy and selected documents .. 175
Critical appraisals, reviews and commentaries
Polish Syndicalism. A review of Grzegorz Zackiewicz, Syndykalizm
w polskiej refleksji i rzeczywistości politycznej I połowy
XX wieku (Syndicalism in the Polish Political Reflection
and Reality of the First Half of the Twentieth Century
(by Jan Kofman) .................................................................. 197
A review of Katarzyna Kołodziejczyk, Stosunki Unii Europejskiej
z grupą państw Afryki, Karaibów i Pacyfiku. Rola i znaczenie
umów o partnerstwie gospodarczym w zakresie handlu
i pomocy rozwojowej (The European Union’s Relationships
with the African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries’ Group.
The Role and Significance of the Agreements on Economic
Partnerships in Trade and Development Aid)
(by Józef M. Fiszer) .............................................................. 211
Bibliographical notes
James H. Billington, Płonące umysły. Źródła rewolucyjnej wiary
(Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith)
(by Wojciech Roszkowski) .....................................................
Ryszard Legutko, Antykaczyzm (The Sources of Opposition
to the Political Doctrine of Lech and Jarosław Kaczynski)
(by Wojciech Roszkowski) .....................................................
Krzysztof Iwanek, Adam Burakowski, Indie. Od kolonii
do mocarstwa, 1857–2013 (India. From a Colony to a Power)
(by Tomasz Paszewski) .........................................................
Andrzej Zybała, Polityki publiczne. Doświadczenia w tworzeniu
i wykonywaniu programów publicznych w Polsce i w innych
krajach. Jak działa państwo, gdy zmierza/chce/musi
rozwiązać zbiorowe problemy swoich obywateli? (Public
Policies. Experiences in Creating and Executing Public
Programmes in Poland and Other Countries. How Does a State
Operate When It Intends to/Wants to/Has to Solve
the Collective Problems of Its Citizens?) (by Irena Pańków) .....
Karol Bieniek, System partyjny Republiki Turcji
w latach 1950–2011 (The Party System in The Republic
of Turkey from 1950 to 2011) (by Jakub Wódka) ...................