
St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish praises God through Jesus, Mary
and the saints, as the central focus of our spiritual community.
We welcome all people into our faith community
through the celebration of sacraments especially
Eucharist, Baptisms, Weddings and the
Sacramental, especially Funerals, Blessings
and Devotions. We work to preserve
the ethnic and historical traditions
of our community, and to share
with others the richness of our
heritage and culture. We
share and grow in understanding of the Gospel
message as we practice the charity
through good
works and
service to
1124 Hudson Ave.,
26, 2016
Rochester, NY 14621
Rectory at 34 St. Stanislaus St.
Phone: 467–3068
Fax: 467–3072
e–mail address: [email protected]
Website: www.saintstanislausrochester.org
City East Transportation: 266–6570
Faith Formation Director
Religious Education Assistant
Finance Director
Vice Chairperson
OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday
9:00 AM–2:30 PM.
Saturday: 9:00 AM.—1:00 PM.
Evenings by appointment
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (English) 11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Weekdays: Monday 8:00 a.m.,
Tuesday 5:30 p.m.,
Wednesday 8:00 a.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.,
Friday 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
with Holy Hour at 5:15 p.m.
and Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 6:30 p.m.
Saturday: 3:00–3:40 p.m. or by appointment
Please remember the ST. STANISLAUS CHURCH OF
ROCHESTER, NY (our legal title) considering bequests,
endowments, memorials or other special contributions when
making out your will. All donations are tax deductible.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sundays at 12:15 p.m. or by appointment
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples are asked to contact the office at least six months before marriage is to take place.
NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! Please stop at the Rectory during business hours and introduce yourself. We would like to get to know you.
CARE OF THE SICK: Inform staff when relatives are confined to home so that we can arrange to have the Eucharist brought to them.
Please notify us of family members living in nursing homes or institutions.
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Rochester, New York
June 26, 2016
XIII Sunday of Ordinary Time
A very warm welcome
is extended to all who have come
to St. Stanislaus Church
to worship this weekend.
We are grateful to our parishioners
and we welcome our guests
who visit us this weekend!
Vigil: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 p.m. — In thanksgiving for blessings received on the occasion
of the 60th wedding anniversary of Ray and Vicki Mielcarek
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 a.m. — Ruth Walsh (Daughters Ann Marie and Kathy)
11:00 a.m.—Polish Mass—Janina Zawitkowski, Jan Zawitkowski
and Jan Machud (Zawitkowski family)
Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Today's Gospel reading begins a long section
unique to Luke's Gospel. Jesus’ ministry begins in
Galilee and then is one long journey to Jerusalem. In
Jerusalem He will meet His death but also enter into His
glory. Only in Luke does Jesus then spend 40 days in
Jerusalem instructing His disciples. It is in Jerusalem that
His disciples wait after His Ascension to be sent the
Holy Spirit on Pentecost. And it is from Jerusalem, in
Luke's second volume, the Acts of the Apostles, that the
Good News is spread to Rome and the ends of the earth.
Jesus' unconditional commitment to God's saving
work will demand of Him His life. He knows this, but
the disciples do not understand. Jesus does not want
anyone to rush into discipleship, because the demands of
discipleship require everyone considering it to be aware
of the cost, make Jesus and His mission central to His
life, and then go forward without looking back.
Following Jesus is not easy, to be sure. Jesus asks
us to take up His cross as we follow Him, when Jesus
calls us to follow Him. Being a disciple means not to
look back, but to move on forward, following Jesus’ Will
and the Will of His Father. It requires a trust that in what
lies ahead is far greater than what has been left behind.
Jesus will not give you anything to do that you can
not handle. He will give us everything we need to get the
job done. The only thing we need to have is faith in Him.
8:00 a.m. — Yolanda Pykosz (Paul Jasen)
Vigil: Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
5:30 p. m.— Agnieszka Suchoodolski (Zawada and Suchodolski
Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
8:00 a.m. — Celine Nebbia (Jim and Sonja Stenclik)
6:00 p.m.— Pope Francis
The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
8:00 a.m. — Saint Stanislaus parishioners
5:30 p.m. — Chester Król Sr. (Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borrino)
Blessed Junipero Serra, Priest
8:00 a.m. — John Jurzysta (Chris Eggleston)
5:15 p.m. — Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
6:00 p.m. — Sally Chwiecko (Al, Debbie and Anne Ritz)
6:30 p.m.— Chaplet of Divine Mercy
8:00 a.m. – Linda Lead (Al Bello)
Vigil: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
3:30 p.m. — Praying the Rosary with members of the Ladies
Society by the Blessed Mother altar
4:00 p.m. — Ruth Walsh (Daughters, Ann Marie and Kathy)
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 a.m. — Michał and Genowefa Mikiciuk,Wacław and Agafia
Rykojc (Walter and Barbara Rykojc and family)
11:00 a.m.—Polish Mass—Zmarłych z Rodziny Biernackich i
Bilskich i Krystyna Dzionara (Irena Dzionara z Rodziną)
Parish Picnic at Seneca Park from Noon—4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. — Making pierogi for the Festival
6:00 p.m.—Holy Name of Jesus Society officer’s
meeting (Parish Hall)
6:30 p.m.—Holy Name of Jesus Society general
meeting (Parish Hall)
7:30 p. m. - Northeast Freedom AA Group
meeting (Auditorium)
1:00 p.m. - Prayer Shawl Ministry (Religious
Education Center)
1:00 p.m.—Golden Age meeting (Auditorium)
8:30 a.m. — Making pierogi for the Festival
Coffee Hour after the Masses
Holy Hour on Friday
& Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Each Friday join us at 5:15 p.m. for the
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Also every Friday we pray Chaplet of
Divine Mercy after the 6:00 p.m. Mass.
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Rochester, New York
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
On June 29 the Church celebrates the
feast day of Sts. Peter & Paul. Together, the
two saints are the founders of the See of
Rome, through their preaching, ministry and
martyrdom there.
Peter, who was named Simon, was a
fisherman of Galilee and was introduced to the Lord Jesus by his
brother Andrew, also a fisherman. Jesus gave him the name
Cephas (Petrus in Latin), which means ‘Rock,’ because he was to
become the rock upon which Christ would build His Church.
Peter was a bold follower of the Lord. He was the first to
recognize that Jesus was “the Messiah, the Son of the living
God,” and eagerly pledged his fidelity until death. In his boldness,
he also made many mistakes, however, such as losing faith when
walking on water with Christ and betraying the Lord on the night
of His passion. Yet despite his human weaknesses, Peter was
chosen to shepherd God's flock. St. Peter spent his last years in
Rome, leading the Church through persecution and eventually
being martyred in the year 64. He was crucified upside-down at
his own request, because he claimed he was not worthy to die as
His Lord. He was buried on Vatican hill, and St. Peter's Basilica
is built over his tomb.
St. Paul was the Apostle of the Gentiles. His letters are
included in the writings of the New Testament, and through them
we learn much about his life and the faith of the early Church.
Paul was imprisoned and taken to Rome, where he was beheaded
in the year 67. He is buried in Rome in the Basilica of St. Paul
Outside the Walls.
Please Pray for……
Please pray for all those in hospitals, who are ill or
recovering from surgery, and all those ailing at home, in hospice
or in nursing homes.
Please keep in your prayers: Linda Adams, Phyllis
Adamski, Marylu Balacki, Ruth Banaszak, Arlene Bialaszewski,
Dolores Biddle, Leonard Brozak, Ian Joseph Bruckhaus, Joseph
Camptone, Carol Capidone, Norma Coleman, Carl Conde, Linda
Cranston, Nolan Cybulski, Irene Czerwiec, Lee Daly-Homa,
Hania Ferenc, Casimera Francione, Eleanore Golomb, Veronica
Hajecki, Florence Hoy, Kathy Przyklek-Jedrzejek, Connie
Kawka, Hanna Knapik, Irene Knight, Norma Leblanc, Irene
Lichwiarz, Anne May, Kathleen McHugh, Jim Mills, Justina
Montanez, Iwona Muszak, Emily Nakas, Maria NawrockiDzyban, Susan Oberle, Thomas I. Orczyk, Cristine Paradowski,
Vincent Parks Jr., Walter Pawlak, Bernie Pensek, Quinn Pomroy,
Genevieve Rodgers, Zofia Robaczynski, Fabian Rogalski, Shirley
Rojek, Trudy Rosolowski, Paul Russello, Tom Schramil,
Genevieve Skiba, Stephen Skura, Sharon Smith, Trudy Swol,
Barbara Webster, Bernard Weeg and Józef Zawitkowski.
To add a loved one’s name to this prayer list or to take
someone off the prayer list, please call the parish office at 4673068.
If you or a family member is admitted to the hospital and
would like Fr. Roman to visit and/or administer the Sacrament of
Healing, please call the rectory.
Ideas? Suggestions? Comments?
To keep our parish a strong, vibrant, prayerful community to
worship and serve our Lord, we want to hear from you!
SUGGESTION BOXES are on the altar railings and in the back
of the church.
June 26, 2016
St. Stanislaus Polish Arts Festival:
August 5-6, 2016
The time for St. Stanislaus Polish Arts Festival
is getting near. Please plan to attend and bring your
relatives and friends to our parish festival on
Friday, August 5 from 5:00—11:00 p.m. and Saturday,
August 6 from 4:00 - 11:00 p.m.
There will be something for everyone to enjoy: Polish food,
live music by the Komrads, games, $4,000 in raffle, potato
pancakes, ice cream, fried dough, tour of our beautiful church and
much more.
We are also looking for booth sponsors. Sponsorship cost is
$100 per booth and it can be made as advertising or in a memory
of a loved one. We need many volunteers in many areas of the
festival. To volunteer or for information regarding the festival
please call Jan Vorndran at 729-7878.
We thank you for your continued and generous support in
the past and we are looking forward to seeing you again this year.
Don’t forget to buy festival raffle tickets!
Festival Raffle Tickets ~ CASH ONLY
Festival Raffle tickets are on sale each weekend at the back
of the church. Due to state regulations, NO raffle tickets may be
sent through the US Mail, they must be paid for in CASH only
and ONLY on church property or at church functions such as the
Parish Picnic.
Tickets are $5.00 each. (No longer sold in booklet form)
There will be 8 drawings. The prize money for EACH drawing is
$500. Buy early and be eligible for the first Early Bird Drawing
of $75 on June 26th at the Parish Picnic and the second drawing at
Festival Workers meeting on Wednesday, July 20 of $50.
Frozen Pierogi for Sale
Festival Committee has frozen cheese pierogi for sale for
$8.00 a dozen. If interested please contact the rectory at 467-3068
to purchase.
Pack a Picnic ~ Summer Food Drive!
Donations to the Food Cupboard are lower in
the summer since many people are on vacation.
Hunger, however, doesn’t take a ‘vacation’. Help
the poor and needy to enjoy a ‘stay at home
Take a bag, located at each entrance, and fill it with the
items on the list. If you can’t fill a bag, bring in JUST ONE item.
Thank you for practicing the Corporal Works of Mercy- Feed the
Hungry and Give drink to the Thirsty.
Altar Flowers
The floral centerpiece at the main altar for this
weekend Masses is offered in loving memory of Ruth
Walsh by her family.
Recitation of the Rosary
The Rosary are prayed on the first Saturday
of each month at 3:30 p.m. in front of the Blessed
Mother altar. This month it will be on July 2nd.
Please feel free to join the Ladies Society in the
prayers. All are welcome!
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Rochester, New York
XIII Niedziela Zwykła
W dzisiejszej Ewangelii według św. Łukasza bardzo ważny etap
formowania uczniów przez Jezusa odbywa się w drodze do Jerozolimy. Ten
czas wypełniają liczne spotkania z ludźmi i różnorodne wydarzenia. Każde
wydarzenie i spotkanie niesie ze sobą jakąś naukę. Podczas drogi do Jerozolimy
nie wszystko układa się pomyślnie i nie każde spotkanie owocuje przyjaźnią.
Jezus doświadcza także odrzucenia i niezrozumienia. Przyjmuje On trudności
jako coś normalnego, a nawet nieodzownego. W ten sposób pokazuje uczniom,
że muszą się nauczyć żyć w przestrzeni oddziaływania bardzo zróżnicowanych
bodźców. Okazywanie zniecierpliwienia lub posuwanie się do drastycznych
zachowań jest wyrazem niedojrzałości i stawia człowieka poza realnym
życiem. Jezus uczy także jeszcze innej istotnej postawy: mądrości w głoszeniu
Ewangelii. Napotkani przez Jezusa ludzie nie są przez Niego do niczego
zmuszani i nie są upokarzani. Spokojnie z nimi rozmawia, wyjaśnia, daje
propozycje, pozwala wybierać.
Trzeba uczyć się od Jezusa jasnego i konkretnego przedstawiania prawd
Ewangelii i czynienia tego z miłością. Nie wolno w imię Ewangelii narzucać
ludziom czegokolwiek, ale trzeba stworzyć im możliwości, żeby uczyli się
rozróżniać, co jest dobre, a co złe i żeby z głębokim przekonaniem wybierali
dobro – taki jest sens Królestwa Bożego tu, na ziemi.
Święci Apostołowie, Piotr i Paweł
Kościół umieszcza w jednym dniu, 29 czerwca, uroczystość św. Pawła
wraz ze św. Piotrem nie dlatego, aby równał go w prymacie z pierwszym
zastępcą Chrystusa. Chodzi jedynie o podkreślenie, że obaj Apostołowie byli
współzałożycielami gminy chrześcijańskiej w Rzymie, obaj w tym mieście
oddali dla Chrystusa życie swoje oraz że w Rzymie są ich relikwie i sanktuaria.
Parafialny Festiwal
Nasz doroczny – St. Stanislaus Polish Arts Festiwal będzie w Piątek, 5-go
Sierpnia i w Sobotę 6-go Sierpnia z smacznym Polskim jedzeniem i innymi
zakąskami, rozrywkami, muzyką do tańca i posłuchania, wspaniała okoliczność
do spotkania się z przyjaciółmi i znajomymi, spędzenie wspaniałego wieczoru w
gronie parafialnej rodziny, a przy okazji poparcia naszej parafii.
W tym roku mamy zmiany dotyczące „Festival Raffle”. Nagrody: 8X$500.
Cena: $5 za jeden . Biley nie będą wysyłane, ale można je kupić po Mszach św.,
w biurze parafialnym i także podczas „Coffee Hour” po Mszach św. w
audytorium. Pytania i więcej informacji można otrzymać dzwoniąc do Jan
Vorndran (729-7878).
Parafialny Piknik w tą Niedzielę !
Parafialny Piknik odbędzie się w tą niedzielę 26 Czerwca w Seneca Park od
godziny 12:00 do 4:00 po południu, w namiocie zwanym “Longhouse”.
Serwujemy hamburgery i hot dogs oraz napoje. Sałatki i desery można przynieść
do podzielenia się z wszystkimi.
June 26, 2016
Second Collection this Weekend:
Peter’s Pence Collection
This week our diocese will take up the Peter’s
Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father
with the assistance he needs to carry out his most
important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the
most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and
disasters. Through your generosity, with Pope
Francis we can cast the love of Christ upon the
Vacation Bible School:
”Circus of the Stars”!
This year Vacation Bible School
will take place:
July 11-15, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
For Grades K—5
Forms are located on the bulletin boards in the
entrances and in the rectory.
Please call Pam or Tony with any questions
at 467-3068
Adult and youth volunteers are needed to help
with this year's Vacation Bible School.
School Roof Campaign
We thank the following for their generous
contributions towards the School Roof Campaign.
Total as of June 20: $30,711.38.
 Lee Daly-Homas’ friends from Social
Concerns Committee (in memory of
Joseph Mattioli)
$ 100.00
 Connie Kawka
$ 500.00
 Lidia Grzegorek
$ 50.00
 Irene Knights
$ 100.00
The 'Lost' May Be 'Found'
The first weekend of every month, items from
the 'Lost and Found' will be placed on the table at
the front entrance to the church. If you find your
item, take it home. Any items that are not 'found'
that weekend will be donated to charity.
Extraordinary Ministers - Lectors - Commentators—Altar Servers– Ushers
Schedule for Saturday and Sunday: July 2-3, 2016
Mass Time
Extraordinary Ministers
of the Holy Communion
4:00 p.m.
Gerry Wilson
Mary Ann Pembroke
Jenna Taha
Altar Servers Needed
9:00 a.m.
Al Bello
Jan Vorndran
Don Williams, Eugene
Chmiel, Stephen Zielinski
Usher needed!
Polish Mass
11:00 a.m.
Cecylia Warzecha
Adela Piotrowska
Mark Sewhuk
Ushers Needed!
Gene Golomb
Nick Legonelli
Paul Jasen, Bill Brand
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Rochester, New York
Upcoming Events in our Parish
Mark your calendars for the upcoming events in our parish:
 June 26: Parish Picnic at Seneca Park from noon—4:00 p.m.
at Longhouse shelter
 July 11-15: Vacation Bible School
 July 31: Celebrating World Youth Day at St. Stanislaus
 August 5-6: Saint Stanislaus Polish Arts Festival
Our Gifts to God
For the Work of Our Church
For the weekend of June 17-18, 2016
4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. $ 2,579.00 140
Our Congratulations to the Graduates
As a parish we would like to recognize the achievements of
the graduates of our faith family. We congratulate them and wish
them well in their future endeavors. This week we congratulate:
 Ryan Steven Tremmel, grandson of Mrs. Paul Tremmel,
graduated from East Ridge High School.
St. Stanislaus Parish Picnic this Sunday!
Father Roman invites everyone to spend a wonderful
afternoon in a family atmosphere this Sunday as our annual parish
picnic will take place in Seneca Park from Noon till 4:00 p.m.
in the picnic area “Longhouse”.
Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks, the all American picnic
fare will be provided. If you would like to bring a salad or dessert
to share, they would be most welcome. See you there!!!
Support Those Who Advertise in Our Bulletin
The Saint Stanislaus Parish Bulletin is provided for our
parish through the generosity of the advertisers on the back pages
of the bulletin. Please support their businesses.
June 26, 2016
$ 1,387.00 113
11:00 a.m. $ 1,568.00 182
Vigil lights
Thank you for your continued generosity!
June 2016 Budget: 34,665.00
Week 1: $6,265.00
Still needed:
Week 2: $4,211.50
Week 3: $5,824.00

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August 28, 2016 - St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Please keep in your prayers: Linda Adams, Phyllis Adamski, Marylu Balacki, Ruth Banaszak, Arlene Bialaszewski, Dolores Biddle, Leonard Brozak, Ian Joseph Bruckhaus, Joseph Camptone, Carol Capidone,...

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July 3, 2016 - St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

July 3, 2016 - St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Please keep in your prayers: Linda Adams, Phyllis Adamski, Marylu Balacki, Ruth Banaszak, Arlene Bialaszewski, Dolores Biddle, Leonard Brozak, Ian Joseph Bruckhaus, Joseph Camptone, Carol Capidone,...

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