Magdalena Zaborowska, Ph.D Department of Iranian Studies


Magdalena Zaborowska, Ph.D Department of Iranian Studies
Magdalena Zaborowska, Ph.D
Department of Iranian Studies
Faculty of Oriental Studies
University of Warsaw
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warsaw, Poland
[email protected]
Position: Lecturer (from December 2009-)
Also working with: Centre for Cross-Cultural Relations, School of Eastern Languages (The Centre
for East European Studies), Open University, University of Warsaw.
1999-2005: M.A. Studies at the Department of Iranian Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies,
University of Warsaw
2004: 9-month scholarship at the Dehkhoda Institute, University of Tehran, Iran
2005: M.A., Thesis: The Idea of Religious Democracy in Abdolkarim Soroush’s Thought ).
2005-2009: Ph.D. Studies at the Department of Iranian Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies,
University of Warsaw.
2009: Ph.D. Dissertation title: Aghl (reason) as a Fundamental Concept in Modern Iranian
Philosophical and Religious Thought .
2010: 1 week postdoctoral internship at the Institute National des Langues et Civilisations
Orientales (INALCO) in Paris, France.
Library query and fieldwork in Iran: January/February 2011, May/June 2012, January/February
Academic Experience (conducted cources):
× Persian language (all levels)
× Persian Text Reading
× Diplomatic Texts
× Proseminar
× Lectures on Contemporary Iranian Intellectuals Trends, Iranian Philosophy, Iranian
§ Demokracja religijna w poglądach irańskiego intelektualisty Abdolkarima Sorusza [The
Idea of Religious Democracy in Abdolkarim Soroush’s Thought] in: „Bliski Wschód”
§ Rozum i świeckość w we współczesnej myśli irańskiej [Reason and Secularity in
Contemporary Iranian Thought] in: „Posłuchaj fletu trzcinowego”, WUW 2008.
§ Evolution as Variability of Duration. An Analysis of the Concept of Qabz va Bast in
Iranian Tradition in: “Hemispheres” no. 23, 2008.
§ Polityczny wymiar dyskusji teologicznych we współczesnym Iranie [Political Dimension
of Theological Discussions in Modern Iran] in: „Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe” 1
(VI) 2009.
Man In the Dynamic World. Reflections of Iranian Intellectuals , w: Archiv
Orientální/Oriental Archive: Quarterly Journal of African and Asian Studies, 4 Vol.
Irańska cyberprzestrzeń jako forum polityczno-religijnych dyskusji [Iranian cyberspace as
a forum for political and religious dispute] in: Nowe Media w Starym Świecie, red. M.
Molęda-Zdziech, Prace i Materiały ISM 38, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2010.
Utracona Władza. Powyborcze protesty w Iranie w 2009 roku [Lost Power. Protests in
Iran in 2009] in: Bunt czy rewolucja, red. K. Górak-Sosnowska, K. Pachniak, Łódź 2012, s.
The Infringement and Protection of Human Dignity in the Social and Political Life in
Contemporary Iran w: Dilemmas of Contemporary Asia, ed. Joanna Marszałek-Kawa,
Toruń 2013, s. 91-109.
Seriale irańskie a sytuacja społeczno-polityczna we współczesnym Iranie [Iranian TV
Series and Socio-political Situation in Contemporary Iran] in: Kultura popularna na
Bliskim Wschodzie, red. K. Pachniak, K. Górak-Sosnowska, Difin 2013, s. 213-223.
The Idea of Reason in Modern Iranian Political and Religious Deliberations – paper
presented on a student and Ph.D. students session at the Oriental Institute, UW, October
2007, (in Polish language).
Political Dimension of Contemporary Quran Interpretations in Iran – paper presented on a
scientific seminar at the Center for Studies on Non-European Countries, Polish Academy
of Sciences, march 2009, (in Polish language).
Religious Debate in Iranian Cyberspace – paper presented at the conference „New Media
in an Old World” organized by Polish Academy of Sciences and Warsaw School of
Economics, June 2009, (in Polish language).
Intellect in Iranian Culture , - lecture given at the monthly faculty workshops on
philosophy and religion at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw.
The Infringement and Protection of Human Dignity in the Social and Political Life in
Contemporary Iran, paper presented at the VI International Academic Conference
Dilemmas of Contemporary Asia, 17th-18th 2012, Toruń, Poland (in Polish language).
Rethinking Revelation. Some Remarks on Contemporary Iranian Approach to Qur’an,
paper presented at the International Conference of Iranian Studies “Power of Identity.
Iranian World in Reaserch”, 15th-16th April 2013, University of Warsaw.
Cultural Feature of Iran’s Position on its Nuclear Program , paper presented at the VII
International Academic Conference ASIA IN THE 21st CENTURY: CHALLENGES,
DILLEMAS, PERSPECTIVES Debating Economics, Politics, Security, Culture, and
Education in Contemporary Asia, 16th-17th May 2013, Toruń, Poland (in Polish
Why Iranian Politics has been Dominated by Religion? paper delivered at the Symposium
at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences, 5
June 2013 (in Polish language).
Panel moderator:
§ The Conference Przemiany społeczno-polityczne na Bliskim Wschodzie i w Północnej
Afryce 2011+, October 2011.
The Seminar Among Friends. The 70th Anniversary of the Arrival of Polish Refugees in
Iran, May 2012.
The VI International Academic Conference Dilemmas of Contemporary Asia, 17th-18th
2012, Toruń, Poland.