dr Artur Skweres


dr Artur Skweres
dr Artur Skweres
e-mail: [email protected]
- 2006 – M.A. in American literature, School of English, ZFA WPA UAM in Kalisz, MA thesis
written under the supervision of prof. Andrzej Wicher:
The android in Philip K. Dick’s book
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and in the motion picture Blade Runner
- 2007 – B.A. in Methodology, German philology, Teacher Training College in Kalisz, thesis
written under the supervision of mgr Wielisława Stuchły:
Kurzfilm im
- 2012 – PhD in American literature, School of English, Poznań, doctoral dissertation written under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Jacek Fabiszak:
Democratic author in search
for truth and freedom - Philip K. Dick's fiction and its movie adaptations in light of Alexis de
Tocqueville's thought
dr Artur Skweres
Research interests:
- American and English literature
- Film adaptations
- Film in foreign language teaching
- Media ecology
- Popular culture
- Comedy
- Game studies
- American political thought
Teaching experience:
- American and English literature
dr Artur Skweres
- Theory of literature
- American and British studies
- Practical English
- BA seminar
- MA seminar
- Proseminar
- February 2013 – Plymouth University and Meridian School of English (Leonardo da Vinci
- September-November 2015 – University of Strasbourg (AMU: A Unique Graduate =
dr Artur Skweres
- Prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in 2011
- Top prize in the Kaleidoscope China Contest (June 1st to August 31 st ) organized by
China Radio International in 2013
Professional organizations:
- Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
- European Shakespeare Research Association
- Games Research Association of Poland
Organizer of conferences and congresses:
- 19 th Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Kalisz, April 19-21,
2010. Conference secretary.
- Międzynarodowa Wystawa Sztuki Meksykańskiej [International Exhibition of Mexican Art].
Kalisz, October 7-12, 2011. Organizer.
- Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Kreatywność w sztuce i edukacji artystycznej:
dr Artur Skweres
artysta – pedagog, pedagog – artysta
[International Scientific Conference
Creativity in Arts and Arts Education: Artist – Teacher, Teacher – Artist
]. Kalisz, May 21-22, 2014. Member of the organizing committee.
- XI Sommerakademie Erich Lütkenhaus, Hamm 21-28. Sept. 2014, Hamm. Co-organizer.
- XII Sommerakademie Erich Lütkenhaus, Hamm 4-11. Sept. 2016, Hamm. Co-organizer.