prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak


prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
e-mail: [email protected]
1995 – M.A. in English methodology, School of English, Poznań, MA thesis written under the
supervision of prof. Krystyna Droździał-Szelest: Interaction in the classroom and the teaching of
speaking skills
1999 – PhD in applied linguistics, School of English, Poznań, doctoral dissertation written
under the supervision of prof. Krystyna Droździał-Szelest: Interactive processes in the foreign
language classroom
2007 – D.Litt. in applied linguistics, School of English, Poznań: The place of form-focused
instruction in the foreign language classroom.
Kalisz – Poznań: Adam Mickiewicz University Press, pp. 560.
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
2013 – Full Professor (the title of professor) in the field of humanities.
Research interests:
- interactive processes in the foreign language classroom
- form-focused instruction
- corrective feedback in the foreign language classroom
- learner autonomy
- individual differences in language learning
- communication strategies
- learning strategies
- pronunciation learning strategies
- grammar learning strategies
- teaching foreign language pronunciation
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
- task-based language learning and teaching
- learning and teaching speaking in a foreign language
- measurement of explicit and implicit knowledge
- language testing
- language policies of the Council of Europe
- European Language Portfolio
Teaching experience:
- foreign language pedagogy
- issues in language acquisition and use
- new technologies in foreign language learning and teaching
- selected issues in applied linguistics
- intercultural communication
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
- BA seminar
- MA seminar
- supplementary seminar
- proseminar
- practical English
- Prize of the Principal of Tadeusz Kościuszko High School in Turek in 1997, 1999 and
- Prize of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2013.
- Prize of the Rector of State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin in 2001,
2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
- Prize of the Minister of Higher Education for Administrative Achievements in 2012.
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
Professional organizations:
- Modern Language Association of Poland – Secretary General
- Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE) – PASE Board Member
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Poland
(IATEFL Poland)
- European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
- British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
- European Second Language Association (EUROSLA)
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- Polish Society for Applied Linguistics
- Cracow Association for Popularizing Knowledge About Language Communication
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
Organizer of conferences and congresses:
- Autonomia ucznia w nauczaniu języków obcych [Learner autonomy in teaching foreign
languages], Konin, May 12-14, 2003, Konin. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- Europejski system opisu kształcenia językowego i Europejskie portfolio językowe a polski
system edukacji
[The Common European Framework for Languages and the European
Language Portfolio
in the Polish educational system], Łódź, September 26-28, 2007. Head of the Organizing
- Autonomia ucznia w nauczaniu języków obcych – co osiągnęliśmy i dokąd zmierzamy
[Learner autonomy in teaching foreign languages – achievements and challenges], Konin, May
9-11, 2007, Konin. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- International IATEFL Research SIG Conference: Exploring English language learning and
, Konin, October 5-6, 2007. Hea
d of the Organizing Committee.
- Konferencja Polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego: Nauczyciel języków obcych dziś i
[Annual Conference of the
Modern Language Association of Poland: The foreign language teacher: The present and the
future], Kalisz, September 8-10, 2008. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- Mówienie w języku obcym – sukcesy i porażki uczenia się i nauczania [Speaking in a
foreign language: Successes and failures of teaching and learning], Konin, May 18-20, 2009.
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
Head of the Organizing Committee.
- Autonomia ucznia w nauczaniu języków obcych – uczeń a nauczyciel [Learner autonomy
in teaching foreign languages – the learner and the teacher], Konin, May 10-12, 2010, Konin.
Head of the Organizing Committee.
- 19 th Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English: Crossing frontiers,
staking out new territories
: Kalisz, April 19-21, 2010. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- Konferencja Polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego: Dyskurs edukacyjny w klasie
[Annual Conference of
the Modern Language Association of Poland: Educational discourse in the foreign language
classroom], Kalisz, September 12-14, 2011. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- Mówienie w języku obcym – sukcesy i porażki uczenia się i nauczania [Speaking in a
foreign language: Effective learning, teaching and assessment], Konin, May 16-18, 2011. Head
of the Organizing Committee.
- International Conference organized in collaboration with the IATEFL Research SIG: Class
room-oriented research: Achievements and challenges.
Kalisz, October 14-16, 2011. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- Autonomia ucznia w nauczaniu języków obcych – techniki, strategie, narzędzia [Learner
autonomy in teaching foreign languages: Techniques, strategies, resources], Konin, May 8-10,
2012. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- 22 nd EUROSLA Conference: Expanding discipline boundaries, Poznań, September 5-8,
2012. Member of the Organizing Committee.
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
- Mówienie w języku obcym – perspektywa psycholingwistyczna i socjolingwistyczna
[Speaking in a foreign language: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives], Konin, May
13-15, 2013. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- International Conference organized in collaboration with the IATEFL Research SIG: Class
room-oriented research: Reconciling theory and practice
. Konin, October 14-16, 2013. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- Autonomia ucznia w nauczaniu języków obcych – rozwijanie samodzielności w klasie i
poza nią
[Learner autonomy in teaching foreign languages: Independent learning inside
and outside the classroom], Konin, May 12-14, 2014. Head of the Organizing Committee.
- Language learning strategies: Challenges for the future, Konin, June 4-5, 2014. Head of
the Organizing Committee.
- Mówienie w języku obcym – zwiększanie jakości interakcji w klasie językowej [Speaking in
a foreign language: Enhancing the quality of classroom interaction], Konin, May 11-13, 2015.
Head of the Organizing Committee.
- International Conference organized in collaboration with the IATEFL Research SIG: Class
room-oriented research: Towards effective learning and teaching
. Konin, October 12-14, 2015. Head of the Organizing Committee.
Supervisor of doctoral dissertations:
prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosław Pawlak
- 2010. Mariusz Kruk The development of learner autonomy through Internet resources and
its impact on English language attainment
(reviewers: prof. UAM dr
hab. Krystyna Droździał-Szelest, prof. dr hab. Halina Widła) – IFA UAM.
- 2010. Anna Mystkowska-Wiertelak Production-oriented and reception-based approaches
to teaching English grammar: An empirical study
(reviewers: prof. UAM dr hab. Krystyna Droździał-Szelest, prof. UŁ dr hab. Jan Majer) – IFA
- 2011. Jakub Bielak Applying Cognitive Grammar in the foreign language classroom:
Teaching English possessives, tense and aspect
(reviewers: prof. UŚ
Danuta Gabryś-Barker, prof. Henryk Kardela) – IFA UAM.
- 2011. Anna Broszkiewicz Exploring the effects of focused communication tasks on the
acquisition of complex grammar structures by advanced learners of English
(reviewers: prof. UO Ewa Piechurska-Kuciel, prof. UAM dr hab. Paweł Scheffler) – IFA UAM.
- 2013. Danuta Główka The influence of social factors on attainment in learning English as
a foreign language
(reviewers: prof. UAM dr hab. Krystyna
Droździał-Szelest, prof. dr hab. Maria Wysocka) – WA UAM.