WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online


WrocławWeekly - Wroclaw Weekly Online
Free City Guide to Events, Music, Film, Theatre, Museum, Pubs & More
Issue #170
14.11.2008 - 20.11.2008
> get more online: www.WroclawWeekly.pl > [email protected]
includes slide projection (photos by
Mirosław Mizera) and tasting of Ceylon
Jazztopad is an international jazz festival with a twist: it has the predilection
for the blend of jazz and classical music.
The 5th edition this year welcomes
Kenny Wheeler, Joanna MacGregor, John
Taylor, Manu Katché, Andy Sheppard,
Lutosławski Quartet, and many more
guests from all around the world. For
more info: http://www.jazztopad.pl
Jazztopad Festival
Kadry Wrocławia
MULTIKINO: Pasaż Grunwaldzki
Tickets: 16/13PLN
The film festival “Kadry Wrocławia" is
a unique occasion to see a collection
of old films made in Wrocław since the
dawn of cinematography. The program
includes the films by Lumičre brothers
(1896), “Fantom" (1922, dir. Friedrich
Wilhelm Murnau), post-war documentary films in the PRL era and more. The
projection will take place everyday at
French Film Screening
18.11.2008 - 19:00 (Tuesday)
KAMFORA (ul. Św. Antoniego 24)
Free Admission
Every month, SCAC (Service de coopération et d’action culturelle) organizes
a projection of French films at Club
Kamfora. This is the first session in the
academic year 2008-09 and presents a
black & white French film “La baie des
anges" (1962) by Jaques Demy with Jeanne Moreau. The film is in French with
English subtitles.
“It was Ceylon"
17.11.2008 - 18:00 (Monday)
Cultural Centre “ZAMEK"
(pl. Świętojański 1, Leśnica)
Free Admission
The “Kultury Świata (Cultures of the
World)" series organizes a meeting on
the theme of Sri Lanka. The program
(Contemporary) Theatre
(ul. Rzeźnicza 12, tel. 071/ 358-89-22)
Traktat (Ludwig Wittgenstein’s
“Tractatus logico-philosophicus")
- Sat, Sun, Tue & Wed 19:00
Bat Yam - Tykocin - Thu 18:15
Polski Theatre
(ul. Zapolskiej 3, tel. 071/ 316-07-80)
Don Juan wraca z wojny (Don Juan
kommt aus dem Krieg) - Sat 19:00
Juliusz Cezar (Shakespeare’s Julius
Caesar) - Wed & Thu 19:00
Polski Theatre / Kameralna
(ul. Świdnicka 28, tel. 071/ 316-07-52)
Mayday (Run for Your Wife!) - Fri
16:00, 19:00
Śmierć podatnika - Tue & Wed 19:00
Polski Theatre / Świebodzki (pl.
Orląt Lwowskich 20c, tel. 071/ 341-29-54)
Prezydentki (Die Präsidentinnen) Sat & Sun 19:00
Sprawa Dantona - Wed & Thu 19:00
Komedia Theatre (pl. Teatralny 4, tel.
071/ 316-07-78 thru -80)
Przyjazne Dusze (Spirit Level) - Fri
Latający Cyrk Monty Pythona
(Monty Python’s Flying Circus) - Sat
19:00, 21:00
Szalone nożyczki (Scherenschnitt)
- Sun 17:00
Psychoterapia - Thu 20:00
Lalek (Puppet) Theatre (pl. Teatralny
4, tel. 071/ 344-76-77, 344-12-16)
Mozart listy pisze - Fri 11:00; Sat
18:00; Tue 10:00
>> For Children:
Calineczka (Thumbelina) - Fri 17:30
Krasnoludki (Dwarfs) Part 2 - Sat
15:00; Sun 11:00
Legendy Wrocławskie (Wrocław
Legends) - Wed 10:00; Thu 10:00, 12:30
Ad Spectatores (East side of the main
railway station PKP, ul. Piłsudskiego 103)
Sny (Dreams) - Fri-Sun 20:00
Seks, prochy i rock"n roll - Thu 20:00
CAPITOL Musical Theatre
(ul. Piłsudskiego 67, tel. 071/789-04-00)
A Chorus Line - Fri & Sat 19:00; Sun
Elektrownia Dźwięku - Tue & Wed
>> For Children:
Pewien mały dzień (A Certain Little
Day) - Wed & Thu 10:30
OPERA Wrocławska
(ul. Świdnicka 35)
“Rigoletto" by Giuseppe Verdi - Fri
“Król Roger" by Karol Szymanowski Sat 19:00
“Cyganeria (La Bohème)" by Giacomo
Puccini - Thu 19:00
>> For Children:
“Aschenbrödel (Cinderella)" - A
Ballet by Johann Strauss - Sun 17:00
“Czerwony Kapturek (The Little Red
Riding Hood)" by Jiří Pauer - Tue 11:00
RURA (ul. Łazienna 4)
Centrala 71 presents: Reading of Stefan
Peca’s “Bucharest Calling"- Mon 21:00 /
Pieśń Kozła Theatre
(Song of the Goat Theatre / ul. Purkyniego 1, tel. 071/ 342-71-10)
Macbeth - Fri & Sat 20:00
Friday 14th
HALL (ul. Piłsudskiego 19) Symphonic
Concert - Program: J. H. Roman/B.
Crusell/J. M. Kraus/J. Sibelius (Classical:
40/25PLN) - 19:00
CULTURAL CENTRE “ZAMEK” (pl. Świętojański 1, Leśnica) TWOgetherDUO
(Accordion: Free) - 19:00
HALA STULECIA (ul. Wystawowa 1) Chick
Corea (US) & John McLaughlin (GB) (Gitara Festival 2008: 200/160/120/90/60PLN)
- 19:00
ŁYKEND (ul. Podwale 37/38) Alians,
Guarana, Taumaturgia (Rock: 20/15PLN)
- 20:00
RURA (ul. Łazienna 4) Optimystic (Funk:
16/12PLN) - 20:30
Saturday 15th
HALA STULECIA “One Love Sound Fest
2008" (Reggae/Ska/Dub: 80PLN) - 17:00
Contact: Wrocław Tourist Information Center, Rynek 14, 50-101 Wrocław, tel. (+48 71) 344 31 11
HALL Jazztopad Festival: “Deep River”
- Joanna Macgregor (piano/keyboard)
& Andy Sheppard (sax) (Jazz: 80/60PLN)
- 18:00
CULTURAL CENTRE “ZAMEK” Pulsaciones (Accordion: Free) - 19:00
ŁYKEND Olek Grotowski & Małgorzata
Zwierzchowska - “Songs of Andrzej
Waligórski" (Polish: 20/15PLN) - 20:00
RURA “Pensão Listopad - Portuguese
Evening" (12/9PLN) - 20:30
Sunday 16th
HALL Jazztopad Festival: Joanna Macgregor (piano) (Jazz: 60/40PLN) - 18:00
AULA LEOPOLDINA (pl. Uniwersytecki 1)
Wrocław Chamber Orchestra “Leopoldinum" - J. Haydn/L.van Beethoven
(Classical: 25/15PLN) - 18:00
ALIBI (ul. Grunwaldzka 67) T.Love, MuHy
(Polish: 35/29PLN) - 19:00
Monday 17th
RURA DAgADAnA (Jazz/Folk/Electronica: 15PLN) - 19:00
MLECZARNIA (ul. Włodkowica 5)
Jazztopad Festival: Tricycle (BE) (Jazz:
20PLN) - 21:00
Tuesday 18th
RURA Yvonne Sanchez (Jazz: 80PLN) 20:00
NIEBO (ul. Ruska 51) Pawilon (Powerpop)
- 21:00
Wednesday 19th
HALL Jazztopad Festival: “Black and
White Jazz" (Jazz: 10PLN) - 9:00, 11:00
ŁYKEND Na Razie (Shanty: 20/15PLN) 20:00
BEZSENNOŚĆ (ul. Ruska 51) Łona & Webber (Polish/Hip-Hop: 15PLN) - 21:00
Thursday 20th
IMPART (ul. Mazowiecka 17) Anna
Sroka - “Songs of Edith Piaf" (Chantons à
Wroclaw: 25PLN) - 18:00
OŚRODEK (ul. Piłudskiego 67) Artur Lesicki (Guitar Workshop & Recital) (Gitara
Festival 2008: 15/10PLN) - 19:00
IMPART Edyta Geppert (Chantons à
Wroclaw: 50/35PLN) - 20:00
CRK (ul. Jagiellończyka 10C/D) “Noise
Devastation vol. 5" - Sektion B (DE),
Wouter Jaspers (NL), Sten Ove Toft (NO),
Vilgoć, Wronghead (Noise: 12PLN) 20:00
(ul. Piłsudskiego 105 / Main
Railway Station)
Ostrov (RU) Fri 16:30; Sat 12:45; Sun
16:15; Mon-Thu 18:30
Jardins en automne (FR/RU/IT) Fri
18:30; Sat 14:45; Sun 18:15; Mon-Thu
Razsledvane (NL/DE/RO) Fri 20:30; Sat
16:45; Sun 20:15; Mon-Thu 16:45, 22:30
Twelve and Holding (US) Fri 22:15; Sat
18:30; Sun 14:30; Sun 22:00
Dead Man (JP/US/DE) Sat 20:15
Coffee and Cigarettes (JP/IT/US) Sat
WARSZAWA (ul. Piłsudskiego 64)
Pełen Oddech (Polnoe Dyhanie)
(RU) 16:00
Świadectwo (PL) 18:00
Entre les murs (FR) Fri-Tue 20:00
Elegy (US) 16:00, 20:00
Vacas (ES) 18:00
>> Special Screenings:
Ukraina - narodziny narodu (PL:
2006, dir. Jerzy Hoffman)
Part 1 & 2 - Wed 20:00
Part 3 & 4 - Thu 20:00
LWOW (ul. Hallera 15)
Wall.e (US: Polish Dubbed) 16:15
Senność (PL) Sat-Thu 18:00
The Women (US/GB) Sat-Thu 20:00
LALKA (ul. Prusa 32)
Boisko bezdomnych (PL) Fri-Sun, TueThu 15:45, 20:00; Mon 15:45
Auf der anderen Seite (DE/TR) 18:00
The Gold Rush (US, 1925) - Mon 20:00
HELIOS (Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21)
>> German Film Week:
Der Himmel über Berlin - Mon 19:00
Anonyma: Eine Frau In Berlin - Tue
Berlin: Die Sinfonie Der Grossstadt
- Wed 19:00
Olympia 1 & 2 - Thu 19:00
MULTIKINO: Pasaż Grunwaldzki
>> Film Festival “Kadry Wrocławia":
4 films by Lumičre brothers (1896) &
“Fantom" (1922, dir. Friedrich Wilhelm
Murnau) - Fri 18:00
“Wrocław 1945 i potem" (war & post-war
documentary films) - Sat 18:00
“Miasto, ludzie" (documentary films
made in PRL era) - Sun 18:00
“Zaraza" (1972) - Mon 18:00
Galeria ENTROPIA (ul. Rzeźnicza 4) > Marek Czechowski
©WrocławWeekly 2008, Some Rights Reserved CC [BY-NC-ND] // [email protected]
“Cień braku zaangażowania
miesza się z zaangażowaniem
idącym za daleko" (31.10.08-18.11.08)
Galeria Szkła i Ceramiki
(pl. Kościuszki 9/10) > Adam Abel “Inwersje / Inversion" (16.10.08-15.11.08)
Museum of Architecture
(ul. Bernardynska 5) > “KWK Promes"
(07.10.08-16.11.08) > “Former ‘all Saints’
Hospital" (08.10.08-23.11.08)
BWA Awangarda (ul. Wita Stwosza
32) > Tomasz Domański “Recycling
Program" (23.10.08-29.11.08) > Robert
B. Lisek “Kernel" (06.11.08-??)
MLECZARNIA (ul. Włodkowica 5)
> Światosław Wojtkowiak “PHOTOS
2005-08" (12.10.08-27.11.08)
Cultural Centre “ZAMEK"
(pl. Świętojański 1) > Viola Tycz “Włączeni/wykluczeni 2008" (07.11.08-??)
> Hotel Tumski (Wyspa
Słodowa 10, tel. 071/322-6088/99) [email protected]
> ART HOTEL (ul. Kiełbaśnicza 20, tel.
071/ 78-77-100) http://www.arthotel.pl
> Hotel Mercure : Panorama
(pl. Dominikański 1, tel.071/323-27-00)
[email protected]
> The Stranger Hostel
(ul. Kołłątaja 16/3, tel.071/344-12-06)
[email protected]
(ul. Włodkowica 5, tel.071/787-75-70)
[email protected]
> Cinnamon Hostel (ul. Kazimierza
Wielkiego 67, tel.071/344-58-58)
[email protected]
(ul. Ruska 47-48A, tel.071/793-29-38)
[email protected]
http://www. akademiaruchu.com.pl
> Wrocław INFO (Sukiennice 12,Rynek)
[email protected]
> Zamek Kliczków (Kliczków 8, 59-724
Osiecznica, tel.075/73-40-700 thru 702)
[email protected]
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