Informacja prasowa


Informacja prasowa
Warsaw, April 22nd 2016
Press release
ABC Data Technology Trends’ great success!
Network and data safety, effective communication as well as cloud computing are the most
development aimed segments of the IT market – regard ABC Data engineers and vendors. They
have shared their knowledge and experience in respect of the newest trends with the
participants in the conference ABC Data Technology Trends organized by ABC Data’s
Department of Advanced Solutions Value +. The event has been great chance to meet the
biggest IT producers and familiarize with vast scope of specialized services that might be used
by re-sellers co-operating with ABC Data S.A.
First edition of the ABC Data Technology Trends conference took place in Warsaw on April
21st, 2016. In the course of specially programmed thematic sessions ABC Data’s engineers
have elaborated key questions concerning up-to-date IT and leading IT soft- and hardware
designers, such as APC by Schneider Electric, Cisco, Dell, Lenovo and Microsoft have
presented their entities and products to the conference participants. During the conference
there has been a chance to see live state-of-art innovative solutions facilitating easy cooperation and communication between users with the application of Cisco’s video-terminals
as well as intelligent IP monitoring solutions including Axis’ advanced network cameras and
their vast management possibilities.
The audience has surpassed organizer’s expectations. - Over 400 re-sellers have been
registered. - ABC Data Technology Trends conference it’s new event on the map of trade fairs,
meetings and conferences. It has faced excellent, positive response of vendors and re-sellers
and has become regular item of IT sector’s conferences calendar – Paweł Ryniewicz, ABC Data
ABC Data S.A., ul. Daniszewska 14, 03-230 Warszawa, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział
Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS: 0000287132, kapitał zakładowy wpłacony w całości: 125.266.899 zł,
NIP: 524-26-17-178, REGON: 141054682,
Value+ Sale and Marketing Director has stressed. – Large audience clearly proves how much
needed are such events. They let us to tighten contacts with vendors and re-sellers on one
hand and to educate the last as far as our abilities and scope of services they may offer their
customers are concerned on the other. Such attitude to partners’ requirements is a kind of
novelty on Polish market and such non-standard methods of working together are well
appreciated by ABC Data’s re-sellers – Paweł Ryniewicz has added.
Specifically for the needs of the ABC Data Technology Trend conference an advanced wireless
network based on Cisco’s solutions has been constructed with additional safety mechanisms
offered by OpenDNS. Special thematic sessions have been held during the conference in
course of which ABC Data’s experts have discussed the most important trends in
contemporary IT, growing popularity of WLAN networks included. Their future has been
elaborated by Wojciech Kotkiewicz, head of Technical Support ABC Data Value+. As he has
stressed, according to numerous estimates wireless traffic would shortly surpass the one
generated within LAN networks. The appearance of smartphones, tablets and different
concepts such as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) or Internet of Things has increased demand
for efficiency and quality of transmission and caused constant development of wireless
network standards.
The change brings a row of challenges connected with the construction of respectively
effective infrastructure as well as with the assurance of proper level of safety. This issue
becomes now the priority for a number of entities and institutions as well as for individual
users. Damian Przygrodzki - employed by ABC Data Value+ System Engineer - has developed
how to take care of IT systems safety, based on state-of-art technical solutions. The expert
has several times stressed that effective protection already for a long time marked much
more than even the best antivirus program. Threats are still evolving and attackers are taking
actions quicker than few years ago and that’s why protection systems have to consist of at
least a few levels involving both proper hardware and software.
ABC Data S.A., ul. Daniszewska 14, 03-230 Warszawa, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział
Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS: 0000287132, kapitał zakładowy wpłacony w całości: 125.266.899 zł,
NIP: 524-26-17-178, REGON: 141054682,
- Contrary to widespread opinions modern distributor doesn’t take care of moving cartons.
Leading companies like ABC Data render the highest quality services including those that are
concerning specialist technical consultancy. We created special department of advanced
solutions Value+ already three years ago – Ilona Weiss, ABC Data Board of Directors President,
has commented. - Rapid development of services with added value rendered by engineers
from Value+ Division is one of our key strategic initiatives. ABC Data Technology Trends event
has shown how ABC Data’s extended offer in this area is interesting for re-sellers – added ABC
Data Board of Directors President.
ABC Data offers to re-sellers vast assortment of modern products as well as broad range of
VAD services, being rendered by the team of highly qualified specialists and engineers. Thanks
to their long standing experience company’s employees possess unique knowledge on
technological solutions offered by individual suppliers as well as good skill to properly set up
all project elements into comprehensive solutions required by customers. To customers
benefiting from VAD services the company guarantees an access to the broadest product
portfolio in the trade and a choice between at least two complementary solutions that would
meet their optimum requirements. Distributor’ offer enjoys great interest amongst re-sellers
what is proved by their participation in the first edition of the ABC Data Technology Trends
event. The success makes that the organizers are planning consecutive issues.
O ABC Data S.A.
ABC Data S.A. jest liderem rynku dystrybucji sprzętu IT i elektroniki użytkowej w Polsce oraz
jedynym podmiotem działającym bezpośrednio w ośmiu państwach Europy Środkowej
ABC Data S.A., ul. Daniszewska 14, 03-230 Warszawa, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział
Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS: 0000287132, kapitał zakładowy wpłacony w całości: 125.266.899 zł,
NIP: 524-26-17-178, REGON: 141054682,
i Wschodniej (należących do UE). Firma od ponad 25 lat oferuje sprzęt komputerowy,
oprogramowanie i elektronikę użytkową. ABC Data dysponuje największą na rynku ofertą
180 tys. produktów przeszło 1 000 renomowanych marek. W ubiegłym roku do portfolio
produktowego włączone zostały nowe kategorie takie jak produkty smart, artykuły
papiernicze i biurowe, zabawki oraz narzędzia i elektronarzędzia. Dzięki systematycznemu
rozwojowi i wieloletnim inwestycjom w internetowe platformy obsługi klientów, firma
zajmuje czołową pozycję w zakresie sprzedaży on-line. W latach 2009 – 2016 ABC Data
została sześciokrotnie wyróżniona nagrodą EMEA Channel Academy dla najlepszego
dystrybutora regionu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. W 2015 roku spółka po raz kolejny zajęła
pierwsze miejsce w głównym rankingu raportu Computerworld TOP 200 utrzymując status
największej firmy informatycznej na rynku polskim. Jako pierwsza firma z Polski została
członkiem GTDC, prestiżowego stowarzyszenia obejmującego największych dystrybutorów IT
na świecie. W 2010 roku ABC Data S.A. zadebiutowała na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych
w Warszawie.
Person responsible for media relations:
Agnieszka Forasińska
ABC Data S.A.
[email protected]
+48 22 591 67 83
ABC Data S.A., ul. Daniszewska 14, 03-230 Warszawa, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział
Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS: 0000287132, kapitał zakładowy wpłacony w całości: 125.266.899 zł,
NIP: 524-26-17-178, REGON: 141054682,

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