1. Przeczytaj reklamę parku dinozaurów. Następnie zdecyduj, czy


1. Przeczytaj reklamę parku dinozaurów. Następnie zdecyduj, czy
1. Przeczytaj reklamę parku dinozaurów. Następnie zdecyduj, czy poniższe
zdania są prawdziwe (TRUE) czy fałszywe (FALSE):
Come face to face with life size dinosaurs both great and small lurking in the woods
on our Trail. Help our ranger discover how many T-Rex roam the woodland, using
our radio and lookout towers to accomplish your mission. Pretending to be an
archaeologist with brush in hand, enjoy unearthing the dinosaur fossil and discover
which dinosaur you think it is. Have fun climbing, sliding, swinging and scrambling
in our fantastic adventure play area set in parkland. There's plenty for all ages
including our Tiny 'Terror'saurs for the under 5's. For a small additional charge, climb
aboard and get close to our deer herd on our fascinating guided safari (subject to
TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)?
1. The Dinosaur Park is only for children above 5 years of age. [F] ___________
2. There are a lot of activities and tasks for children to accomplish. [T]
3. There is a special area with a playground just outside the park. [F]
4. You can go on a guided safari and see a herd of deer for free. [F]
5. The guided safari may not be available if there are too many people signing up
for this activity. [T] ___________
2. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie wybierz poprawną odpowiedź a, b lub c.
The world’s top scientists have concluded that our climate is changing and they have
issued urgent warnings about our future we can’t afford to ignore. The IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports leave no room for doubt: global
warming is a fact. And human activity including the burning of fossil fuels, industrial
emissions, and deforestation are the main cause of climate change and its most
dangerous side effects. The dramatic rise in greenhouse gases over the last 250 years,
particularly carbon dioxide, has caused temperatures to rise across the globe and this
warming is projected to accelerate at an alarming and dangerous pace. Science is a
powerful witness. Our world is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Dangerous
atmospheric changes already observed and measured will continue for decades.
A fragment of “A Way Forward: Facing Climate Change” - a video
produced by the National Geographic Society.
1. According to the article the warnings presented by top scientists:
a) are exaggerated.
b) should be taken seriously.
c) have been misinterpreted by the media.
2. Climate change has been caused mainly by:
a) people’s actions.
b) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
c) the existence of too many forests.
3. Increased production of greenhouse gasses has resulted in:
a) disappearance of fossil fuels.
b) higher temperatures all over the world.
c) local changes in the amount of carbon dioxide.
4. Scientists predict that the changes in atmosphere:
a) were most dangerous 250 years ago.
b) will take place at a slower rate.
c) will remain a major problem in years to come.
3. Przyjrzyj się obrazkowi poniżej. Uzupełnij opis prawidłowymi wyrazami a, b
lub c, tak, aby tekst był gramatyczny i logiczny.
In this photo there are two dogs and a girl playing. The dog [1.] the girl is white and is
wearing a blue [2.]. [3.] dog is black. Neither dog [4.] standing on all four legs. The
dogs are trying to get the stick the girl is holding in [5.] hand.
1. a. next
b. close
c. nearest
2. a. necklace
b. leash
c. collar
3. a. The other
b. Another
c. A
4. a. are
b. has been
c. is
5. a. the
b. her
c. a
4. Wstaw JEDEN wyraz w odpowiedniej formie gramatycznej, np. BIG – bigger,
watch – watched. Nie możesz wstawić wyrazu w niezmienionej formie.
I try to speak English fluently and build sentences that are grammatically
The words in the dictionary are in the alphabetical order.
In comparison with Tokyo, life in Warsaw and Prague is cheap.
The headmaster’s speech was so long that I almost died of boredom.
Paula and Jack have three children. Paula also has a daughter from a previous
It is illegal in Poland to sell alcohol to people under 18.
She didn’t realize that downloading films from the Internet is illegal.
Mark is very competitive. He wants to be the best at everything.
The last Batman movie was so predictable – you knew exactly how it was going
to end.
10. You can sweeten you tea with honey instead of sugar.
5. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
1. I’ve got a …………………. throat. I must have caught a cold.
a) red
b) sore
c) sour
d) painful
2. My father’s second wife has got two daughters, so I have two …………… .
a) foster sisters
b) semi-sisters
c) stepsisters
d) in-law sisters
3. Remember, never leave your wallet or bag ……………………. . Someone may
steal it.
a) open
b) unattended
c) obvious
d) lonely
4. I’m not good at taking decisions. I sometimes ………… a coin.
a) drop
b) throw
c) spin
d) toss
5. WWW stands for ……………………. .
a) World Wild Web
b) Wide Worldly Web
c) World Wide Web
d) World Web of Words
6. This light, ………………… blouse is perfect for the summer.
a) silk
b) velvet
c) woolen
d) corduroy
7. ………………… are large birds with beautiful tail feathers with eye-like patterns.
a) pigeons
b) peacocks
c) hedgehogs
d) hares
8. Being a doctor is a ………………. job.
a) profiting
b) well-paid
c) good-paid
d) wealthy
9. Tom and Ann don’t love each other any more. They have just …………………. .
a) split off
b) split with
c) split up
d) split on
10. Water was …………….. slowly from the pipe.
a) filtering
b) spilling
c) gushing
d) leaking
11. Patrick lost his job so he couldn’t pay off his …………… . That’s why the bank
took his house.
a) mortgage
b) salary
c) taxes
d) rates
12. When the ……………. blew his whistle, he finally put an end to this
embarrassing performance.
a) fan
b) referee
c) judge
d) trainer
13. The room in our hotel was really …………… . It was the size of a shoebox.
a) filthy
b) humongous
c) tiny
d) moody
14. My dog is really wild, I must always keep it on a …………. .
a) line
b) cord
c) rope
d) lead
15. I need to see the dentist, one of my ……………. has just fallen out.
a) tooth
b) fillings
c) holes
d) gums
6. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami czasowników podanych w nawiasach
(proszę użyć pełnych form czasownika, np. does not zamiast doesn’t).
I’m used to driving on the left because I’ve lived in England for some time.
She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help laughing.
I wish I had something to read. It’s so boring sitting in this waiting-room with
nothing to do.
My parents never let me stay out after 10.
It’s high time you found a job. I’m fed up with supporting you!
I had great difficulty finding a good nanny for my two-year-old.
What does he look like? Is he tall?
If I had been informed about the meeting, I’d definitely have attended it.
10. It’s time we stopped to think about our next move. We need to have a clear plan.
11. Byron is said to have lived on vinegar and potatoes.
7. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
1. She broke her toe when she ………… ………… her bike.
a. had fallen / down
b. was falling / of
c. fell / off
2. There ………… furniture in this office, we need to remove …………. .
a. are too many / them
b. is too many / some
c. is too much / it
3. I have a dentist appointment …………. . Can you give me …………?
a. tomorrow in the morning / the lift
b. tomorrow morning / a lift
c. in tomorrow’s morning / the lift
4. As long as you ………… when you …………, I will meet you at the airport.
a. let me know / will arrive
b. will let me know / arrive
c. let me know / arrive
5. I don’t know this word. I ………… look it ………… in a dictionary.
a. need / on
b. need to / on
c. need to / up