Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information:
Marek Kraft
Date of birth:
23 August 1980
Address of residence:
Os. Orła Białego 6 m. 4
61-251 Poznań, Poland
Phone numer:
+48 608 237 146
Email address:
[email protected]
Post-graduate studies R&D project management
The Poznan School of Banking (WSB), Poznan, Poland
PhD in Control and Robotics in the field of Image processing
Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
Graduated with honours
Thesis: Design and Implementation of the FPGA Multiprocessor System
for Mobile Robot Ego-motion Estimation from the Sequence of Images
2000 - 2005
MsC in Control and Robotics in the field of Control
Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
Thesis: Design of the components of a functional electrical stimulator for
the rehabilitation of patients with walking dysfunctions
Professional experience:
10.2013 – now
Adjunct professor in the Institute of Control and Information Engineering,
Poznan University of Technology
10.2012 – 03.2013
Internship in the Maly Inzynier company
Task: The development of an interactive, intelligent, environment-aware
mobile robot for demonstration and promotion purposes
01.2012 – 03.2012
Internship in the Viresco company
Task: The assessment of the market potential of the company products in
design and identification of possible funding options
10.2011 – 03.2012
Internship in the Maly Inzynier company
Task: The development of an interactive mobile robot for demonstration
and promotion purposes
05.2011 – 08.2011
Internship in the UTAL company
Task: The development of a machine vision system for license plate
manufacturing quality control
04.2005 – 09.2013
Research and teaching assistant in the Institute of Control and
Information Engineering, Poznan University of Technology
Research projects:
2014 – 2016
Investigator in in the research project nr 2013/09/B/ST7/01583
New simultaneous localization and mapping method with
RGB-D data for precise navigation of autonomous robots in complex
funded by the Polish National Science Centre
2012 – 2015
Investigator in in the research project nr 2011/03/N/ST6/03022
New concept of the network of smart cameras with enchanced autonomy
for automatic surveillance systems
funded by the Polish National Science Centre
2011 – 2013
Investigator in in the research project nr N/ST7/05940
The generalized, multirobot framework for an augmented, visual
simultaneous localization and mapping system
funded by the Polish National Science Centre
2010 – 2012
Main developer in the research project nr N N514 213238:
Implementation of a fast embedded system for image analysis using
FPGA technology, for application in mobile systems
funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
2008 – 2010
Developer in the research project nr N N514 294635:
An autonomous walking robot with a multisensor perception system for
patrol missions in complicated indoor and ill-structured outdoor
funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
2004 – 2007
Main developer in the research project nr 3 T11E041 27:
A new control system for functional electrical stimulation applied to the
rehabilitation of locomotion functions for patients with muscle group
funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Awards and achievements:
Rector’s award for scientific achievements
04.2013 – 06.2013
Supervisor of a visiting PhD student at the Poznan University of
Technology, joint work on research project and publication
2011 – 2012
Scholarship within the project Scholarship support for PhD students
specializing in majors strategic for Wielkopolska's development, Submeasure 8.2.2 Human Capital Operational Programme, co-financed by
European Union under the European Social Fund
Laureate of the Scientist in business – enterprise internships for scholars
programme organized by the Poznan City Council in the Sub-measure
8.2.2 Human Capital Operational Programme, co-financed by European
Union under the European Social Fund
Granted the Best lecturer award from the Student Council of the Faculty
of Electrical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology
2008 – now
Supervisor of the Xilinx University Program initiative at the Institute of
Control and Information Engineering, Poznan University of Technology
2008 – 2012
Supervisor of the student’s scientific organization CybAiR
Distinction in the Open Door contest for the best MSc theses organized
by the Polish State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People
Promotional activities:
Shows and demos during the Researcher’s Night
Shows and demos during the Researcher’s Night
Shows and demos during the Researcher’s Night
2005 – now
Numerous multi-lecture open courses for the CybAiR student science
organization, topics of which include:
 embedded systems,
 computer vision,
 electronics.
2005 – 2012
Co-founder and co-organizer of the CybAiRBot annual robotics festival at
the Poznan University of Technology
Memberships, committees and reviews:
IEEE (Signal Processing Society)
International Carnivorous Plants Society
International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent
Vision Systems – Organizing Committee, Program Committee
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft
Computing, special session Pattern recognition and image
processing in robotics – Organizing Committee (2012)
International Conference On Artificial Intelligence and Soft
Computing (2012, 2013)
International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems
International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent
Vision Systems (2013)
Conference reviews:
Journal reviews:
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
(2012, 2013, 2014)
Journal of Infrared Physics and Technology (2010)
Polish (native), English (fluent), German (basic)
C/C++, Matlab, Python, VHDL
embedded system design, FPGA design, PCB layout, test and
measurement equipment
List of publications:
1. Fularz M., Kraft M., Schmidt A., Kasiński A., The Architecture of an Embedded Smart Camera
for Intelligent Inspection and Surveillance, in Progress in Automation, Robotics and
Measuring Techniques, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 350 (1), 2015, pp. 4352
2. Schmidt A., Kraft M., The Impact of the Image Feature Detector and Descriptor Choice on
Visual SLAM Accuracy, in Image Processing & Communications Challenges 6, Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing 313 (1), 2015, pp. 203-210
3. Kraft M., Nowicki M., Schmidt A., Skrzypczynski P., Efektywne wykorzystanie danych RGB-D w
systemie samolokalizacji na podstawie cech punktowych, Prace Naukowe Politechniki
Warszawskiej, Elektronika, 194(1), 2014, pp. 245–256
4. Schmidt A., Kasiński A., Kraft M., Fularz M., Domagała Z., Calibration of the Multi-camera
Navigation Benchmarking Registration System for Visual Navigation Benchmarking,
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 11(83), 2014, pp. 1-12
5. Schmidt A., Kraft M., Fularz M., Domagała Z., Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
with Direct Orientation Change Measurements, in Man-Machine Interactions 3, Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing 242, 2014, pp. 123-130
6. Walas K., Schmidt A., Kraft M., Fularz M., Hardware implementation of ground classification
for a walking robot, in Proceedings of 9th Workshop on Robot Motion and Control
(RoMoCo), 2013, pp. 110-115
7. Schmidt A., Fularz M., Kraft M., Kasiński A., Nowicki M., An indoor RGB-D dataset for the
evaluation of robot navigation algorithms, in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision
Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8192, 2013, pp. 321-329
8. Horla D., Lewandowski R., Schmidt A., Kraft M., Giernacki W., Active Vibration Reduction
System Optimal Control Using Linear Matrix Inequalities with No Directional Change in
Controls 15(6), Wiley, 2013, pp. 1571-1578
9. Schmidt A., Kraft M., Fularz M., Domagała Z., On Augmenting The Visual SLAM with Direct
Orientation Measurement Using The 5-point Algorithm, Journal of Automation, Mobile
Robotics & Intelligent Systems – JAMRIS 7(1), 2013, pp. 5-10
10. Schmidt A., Kraft M., Fularz M., Domagała Z., Comparative Assessment Of Point Feature
Detectors And Descriptors In The Context Of Robot Navigation, Journal of Automation,
Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems – JAMRIS 7(1), 2013, pp. 11-20
11. Schmidt A., Kraft M., Fularz M., Domagała Z., The Registration System For The Evaluation Of
Indoor Visual Slam And Odometry Algorithms, Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics &
Intelligent Systems – JAMRIS 7(2), 2013, pp. 46-51
12. Kraft M., Fularz M., Kaczmarek P., Schmidt A., A Hardware System For Muscle Force And
Tiredness Estimation From Electromyographic Signal, Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola,
07/2012, pp. 686-686
13. FPGA Implementation of the Robust Essential Matrix Estimation with RANSAC and the 8Point and the 5-Point Method, Fularz M., Kraft M., Schmidt A., Kasiński A., Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Springer, vol. 7174 (Facing The Multicore Challenge II), 2012, pp. 60-71
14. Marek Kraft and Adam Schmidt, Simplifying SURF Feature Descriptor to Achieve Real-Time
Performance, volume 95 of Advances in Soft Computing, pp. 431-440, Springer, 2011
15. FPGA implementation of a multiprocessor system performing the RANSAC algorithm, M.
Fularz, M. Kraft, Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola nr 8, 2011, pp. 914-916
16. Marek Kraft, Implementation of the Robot Ego-Motion Estimation Algorithm in FPGA Circuits,
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, no. 8, 2011, pp. 914-916
17. M. Kraft, A. Kasiński, Implementation of the Robot Ego-Motion Estimation Algorithm with
FPGA Circuits, Proc. Of the 10th IFAC Workshop on Programmable Devices and Embedded
Systems, Pszczyna, 2010, pp. 31-36
18. Schmidt A., Kraft M., Kasiński A., An Evaluation of Image Feature Detectors and Descriptors
for Robot, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 6375 (Computer Vision and
Graphics), 2010, pp. 251-259
19. M. Kraft, Combined software-hardware implementation of the RANSAC algorithm for
fundamental matrix estimation, Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, nr 7, 2010, pp. 742-744.
20. M. Kraft, M. Fularz, Hardware implementation of background subtraction algorithm, Pomiary
Automatyka Kontrola, nr 7, 2010, pp. 659-661.
21. M. Kraft, Perspektywy wykorzystania reprogramowalnych układów cyfrowych w systemach
wizyjnych robotów mobilnych, Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, nr 2, 2010
22. Marek Kraft, Michał Fularz, Comparison of hardware implementations of two popular corner
detectors, Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola 08/2009, pp. 618-620, Sigma NOT
23. Piotr Kaczmarek, Andrzej Kasiński, Marek Kraft, Przemysław Mazurkiewicz, A reconfigurable
system for movement rehabilitation and diagnostics with FES, Proc. of the International
Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, BIODEVICES, pp. 17-22, Funchal, Portugal
24. Marek Kraft, Adam Schmidt, Andrzej Kasiński, High-speed image feature detection using
FPGA implementation of FAST algorithm, Proc. Third International Conference on Computer
Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2008), Madeira, Portugal, pp. 174-179, 2008
25. Marek Kraft, Andrzej Kasiński, System wizyjny wspomagany rekonfigurowalnym układem
sprzętowym, Prace Naukowe. Elektronika: Problemy Robotyki Tom I / Politechnika
Warszawska. 2008, No. 166, pp. 51-60
26. Marek Kraft, Andrzej Kasiński, Morphological Edge Detection Algorithm and Its Hardware
Implementation, volume 45 of Advances in Soft Computing, pp. 132-139, Springer, 2007
27. Marek Kraft, FPGA Implementations of Image Processing Algorithms for Real-Time Computer
Vision Systems, Studies in Automation and Information Technology, Vol. 32, pp. 103-116,
Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2007
28. Marek Kraft, Andrzej Kasiński, Improved Median Filter Using Conditional Technique and Its
Hardware Implementation, Proc. of the 15th European Signal Processing Conference
(EUSIPCO'2007), Poznań, Poland, pp. 1649-1652, 2007.
29. Marek Kraft, Andrzej Kasiński and Filip Ponulak Design of the Spiking Neuron Having Learning
Capabilities Based on FPGA Circuits, Proc. of the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Discrete-Event
System Design, DESDes'06, Rydzyna, Poland, pp. 301-306, 2006.
30. Piotr Kaczmarek, Przemysław Mazurkiewicz, Marek Kraft, Functional Electrical Stimulation
System - Hardware and Application Issues, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on
Signals and Electronic Systems ICSES 2006, pp. 497-500, Łódz, Poland, 2006.
31. Andrzej Kasiński, Marek Kraft, The Design of a Compact LIF-Neuron Circuit in FPGA to Enable
Implementation of Large-Scale Spiking Neuron Networks with Learning Capabilities, Proc. of
the 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2006,
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Zakopane, Poland, pp. 57-64, 2006.
32. Marek Kraft, Filip Ponulak and Andrzej Kasiński. FPGA Implementation of ReSuMe Learning in
Spiking Neural Networks, Proc. of EPFL LATSIS Symposium 2006, Dynamical principles for
neuroscience and intelligent biomimetic devices, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp.97-98, 2006.
Number of citations according to Google Scholar: 94 (H-index: 5)