

Marcin Iwanowski, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Curriculum Vitae
September, 2014
family name
martial status
since 2012
since 2011
Personal data
Marcin Wojciech
October, 4, 1971, Warszawa, Poland
married, 2 children
Current position
Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology
ul.Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warszawa POLAND
+48 22 234 56 25
+48 22 625 62 78
[email protected]
Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics
Nicolaus Copernicus University
ul. Grudziądzka 5, 87-100 Toruń POLAND
[email protected]
Scientific degrees
automation and robotics, 1995
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
technical sciences, 2000
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
mathematical morphology, 2001
Ecole des Mines de Paris, Centre de Morphologie Mathematique
(School of Mines of Paris, Center of Mathematical Morphology)
computer science, 2011
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Research interests
computer vision, image processing, mathematical morphology
pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, visualization
primary school
secondary school,
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
M.Sc.studies, automation and robotics
Warsaw University of Technology, Inst.of Control and Industrial Electronics
doctoral studies
Ecole des Mines de Paris, Centre de Morphologie Mathematique
doctoral studies,
University of Warsaw, Center for Europe,
postgraduate studies in european integration
Employment history
assistant professor
Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology
Scientific stays abroad
1995-1996, 10 months
1997-1998, 6 months
1998, 3 months
1999, 3 months
2004-2005, 12 months
french, german
italian, russian
Fontainebleau, France, Centre de Morphologie Mathematique,
Ecole des Mines de Paris
Ispra, Italy, Institute of Environment and Sustainability,
Joint Research Center (European Commission)
Scientific activies
Dissertations (advisor)
Bartłomiej Zieliński Drzewa podziału i ich zastosowanie
do porównywania obrazów cyfrowych (WUT, 2014)
Conference program committee memberships
ICCVG 2014
Int.Conf.on Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
ISMM 2013
Int. Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, Uppsala, Sweden,
ICANNGA 2013 Int.Conf.on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Lausanne, Switzerland,
ICCVG 2012
Int.Conf.on Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
ISMM 2011
Int. Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, Intra, Italy,
ICANNGA 2011 Int.Conf.on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Ljubliana, Slovenia,
ICCVG 2010
Int.Conf.on Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
ICANNGA 2009 Int.Conf.on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms , Kuopio, Finland,
CAIP 2007
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns , Vienna, Austria.
Invited Lectures
IPC 2012 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Communications, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Conference session chairing
ICCVG 2014
IPC 2014
ICCVG 2012
ICCVG 2010
ICCVG 2008
ICANNGA 2007 Int.Conf.on
ICCVG 2004
Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
Image Processing and Communications, Bydgoszcz, Poland,
Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal,
Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms,Warsaw, Poland,
Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland.
Organizational activities
◦ Coordinator of ICANNGA’07 conference, member of organizing committee
(April, 11-14, 2007)
◦ Workshop coordinator „Image Processing in Industrial Information Technology –
Methods and Applications” (October, 14-15, 2004)
◦ Scientific secretary of the Center of Excellence PELINCEC
„Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation” (2002-2005)
◦ Secretary of Doctoral Examination Jury (2002-2004)
◦ IEEE Computer Society
Reviewing (journals)
◦ IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
◦ IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing
◦ IEEE Signal Processing Letters
◦ Pattern Recognition Letters
◦ International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
◦ Digital Signal Processing
◦ International Journal of Neural Systems
◦ International Journal of WSCG
◦ Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
◦ Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji
◦ Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
Reviewing (conferences)
ICCVG 2014
Int.Conf.on Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
ISMM 2013
Int.Symp.on Mathematical Morphology, Uppsala, Sweden,
ICANNGA 2013 Int.Conf.on Adaptive and Natural Comp.Algorithms, Lausanne, Switzerland,
ICCVG 2012
Int.Conf.on Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
ISMM 2011
Int.Symp.on Mathematical Morphology, Intra, Italy,
ICANNGA 2011 Int.Conf.on Adaptive and Natural Comp.Algorithms, Ljubliana,Slovenia,
ICCVG 2010
Int.Conf.on Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland,
ICANNGA 2009 Int.Conf.on Adaptive and Natural Comp.Algorithms , Kuopio, Finland,
WSCG 2009 on Comp.Graphics, Visualiz.and Comp.Vision, Pilzen, Czech Rep.,
IEEE Int.Symp.on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Cape Town, RSA,
ICIC 2008
Int.Conf.on Intelligent Computing, Szanghai, China,
WSCG 2008
Int.Conf.on Comp.Graphics, Visualiz.and Comp.Vision, Pilzen, Czech Rep.,
European Signal Processing Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland,
CAIP 2007
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns , Vienna, Austria.
ICANNGA 2007 Int.Conf.on Adaptive and Natural Comp.Algorithms,Warsaw, Poland,
ISMM 2005
Int.Symp.on Mathematical Morphology, Paris, France,
PELINCEC 2005 Int.Conf.Power Electr.and Intell.Contr.for Energy Conserv., Warsaw, Poland,
WSCG 2005
Int.Conf.on Comp.Graphics, Visualiz.and Comp.Vision, Pilzen, Czech Rep.,
IbPRIA 2005
Iberian Conference on Pattern Recogn.and Image Analysis
Reviewing (dissertations)
Adam Srebro
Simulation and Control of a Wheeled Mobile Robot
Operating in the Presence of Faults (WUT, 2013)
Dominik Olszewski Statistical Modeling and Dissimilarities
for Selected Data Analysis Applications (WUT, 2012)
Krzysztof Hryniów Algorytmy wyszukiwania wzorców
w systemach regułowych czasu rzeczywistego (WUT, 2012)
2012 individual award of II degree of Rector of Warsaw University of Technology
2001 Polish Image Processing Society – award for the best Ph.D. dissertation
1999 team award of II degree of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology
Books and dissertations
[1] M. Iwanowski. Metody morfologiczne w przetwarzaniu obrazow cyfrowych. EXIT, 2009.
[2] B. Beliczynski, A. Dzielinski, M. Iwanowski, and B. Ribeiro. Adaptive and Natural Computing
Algorithms - Proc. of 8th International Conference ICANNGA 2007 part I, volume LNCS 4431.
Springer Verlag, 2007. ISBN 3-540-71589-4; ISSN 0302-9743; DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-716181.
[3] B. Beliczynski, A. Dzielinski, M. Iwanowski, and B. Ribeiro. Adaptive and Natural Computing
Algorithms - Proc. of 8th International Conference ICANNGA 2007 part II, volume LNCS
4432. Springer Verlag, 2007. ISBN 3-540-71590-8; ISSN 0302-9743.
Journal publications
[1] M. Iwanowski, B. Zielinski, and S. Stygar. Comparing images using color blob approach.
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 89(2a):55–58, 2013. ISSN 033-2097.
[2] A. Korzynska and M. Iwanowski. Multistage morphological segmentation of bright-field and
fluorescent microscopy images. Opto-Electronics Review, 20:174–186, 2012. 10.2478/s11772012-0026-x.
[3] M. Swiercz and M. Iwanowski. Image features based on morphological class distribution functions and its application to binary pattern recognition. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 88(2):132–
135, 2012. ISSN 033-2097.
[4] M. Iwanowski and J. Kozak. Automatic detection of forest regions on scanned old maps.
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 88(4a):249–252, 2012. ISSN 033-2097.
[5] P. Suchecki and M. Iwanowski. Draughts playing system with vision-based interface. Przeglad
Elektrotechniczny, 87(7):174–178, 2011. ISSN 033-2097.
[6] M. Iwanowski. Image methamorphosis based on universal morphological interpolator. Przeglad
Elektrotechniczny, 87(9):234–237, 2011. ISSN 033-2097.
[7] M. Iwanowski. Morphological classification of binary image pixels. Machine Graphics and
Vision, 18(2):155–173, 2009.
[8] M. Iwanowski and A. Huk. Satellite image pansharpening by chrominance propagation combined with kernel interpolation. Machine Graphics and Vision, 2007. ISSN 1230 0535 (proc.
of Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG 06, Warsaw, Poland, Sept.
25-27, 2006).
[9] P. Vogt, K. Riitters, M. Iwanowski, C. Estreguil, J. Kozak, and P. Soille. Mapping landscape
corridors. Ecological Indicators, 7(2):481–488, 4 2007.
[10] F. Ilnicki and M. Iwanowski. Analysis of the DNA microarray hybridization images using
morphological image processing. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 81(3):54–57, 2005. ISSN 0332097.
[11] M. Iwanowski. Automatic car number plates detection using morphological image processing.
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 81(3):58–61, 2005. ISSN 033-2097.
[12] M. Iwanowski. An application of mathematical morphology to filtering and feature extraction
for pattern recognition. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 80(4):305–310, 2004. ISSN 033-2097.
[13] M. Iwanowski. Image morphing based on morphological interpolation combined with linear
filtering. International Journal of WSCG, 1(10):233–239, 2002. ISSN 1213-6072 (Proc.of The
10-th Int. Conf. in Central Europe on Comp. Graphics, Visualization and Comp. Vision ’2002,
Pilzen, Czech Republic; Univ.of West Bohemia).
[14] M. Iwanowski. The metamorphosis of 3d binary objects using morphological interpolation.
Machine Graphics and Vision, 10(4):537–550, 2001. ISSN 1230 0535.
[15] M. Iwanowski. Fault detection using mathematical morphology and clustering. Machine
Graphics and Vision, 9(1/2):215–220, 2000. ISSN 1230 0535 (Proc.of GKPO 2000 Conf.,
May 15-19, 2000 Podlesice, Poland).
Chapters in monographies
[1] A. Cacko and M. Iwanowski. Evaluating the mutual position of objects on the visual scene
using morphological processing and reasoning. In R. S. Choras, editor, Image Processing &
Communications Challenges 6, volume 313 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
pages 13–20. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
[2] B. Zielinski, M. Iwanowski, B. Salski, and S. Reszewicz. Detection of defects in carbon-fiber
composites using computer-vision-based processing of microwave maps. In R. S. Choras, editor,
Image Processing & Communications Challenges 6, volume 313 of Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing, pages 245–252. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
[3] M. Iwanowski, B. Zielinski, G. Sarwas, and S. Stygar. Identification of products on shop-racks
by morphological preprocessing and feature-based detection. In L.J. Chmielewski, R. Kozera,
B.-S. Shin, and K. Wojciechowski, editors, Computer Vision and Graphics, volume 8671 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 286–293. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
[4] B. Zielinski and M. Iwanowski. Heuristic optimization algorithms for a tree-based image dissimilarity measure. In R. Burduk, K. Jackowski, M. Kurzynski, M. Wozniak, and A. Zolnierek,
editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems
CORES 2013, volume 226 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 91–100.
Springer International Publishing, 2013.
[5] B. Zielinski and M. Iwanowski. Binary image comparison with use of tree-based approach.
In R.S. Choras, editor, Image Processing and Communications Challenges 4, volume 184 of
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 171–177. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
[6] A. Korzynska and M. Iwanowski. Artifical images for evaluation of segmentation results:
Bright field images of living cells. In E. Pietka and J. Kawa, editors, Information Technologies
in Biomedicine, volume 7339 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 445–455. Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
[7] B. Zielinski and Marcin M. Iwanowski. Comparing image objects using tree-based approach.
In L. Bolc, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Chmielewski, and K. Wojciechowski, editors, Computer Vision
and Graphics, volume 7594 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 702–709. Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012. 10.1007/978-3-642-33564-8-84.
[8] M. Swiercz and M. Iwanowski. On directionality in morphological feature extraction. In
L. Bolc, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Chmielewski, and K. Wojciechowski, editors, Computer Vision
and Graphics, volume 7594 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 677–684. Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012. 10.1007/978-3-642-33564-8-81.
[9] M. Iwanowski and M. Swiercz. Pattern recognition using morphological class distribution
functions and classification trees. In P. Soille and G.K. Ouzounis, editors, LNCS, volume
6671, pages 143–154. Springer, 2011.
[10] M. Swiercz and M. Iwanowski. Waterball - iterative watershed algorithm with reduced oversegmentation. In R. Burduk, M. Kurzynski, M. Wozniak, and A. Zolnierek, editors, Computer
Recognition Systems 4, volume 95 of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, pages
385–394. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011.
[11] B. Zielinski and M. Iwanowski. Morphology-based method for reconstruction of invisible road
parts on remote sensing imagery and digitized maps. In R. Burduk, M. Kurzynski, M. Wozniak, and A. Zolnierek, editors, Computer Recognition Systems 4, volume 95 of Advances in
Intelligent and Soft Computing, pages 411–420. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011.
[12] W. Czajewski and M. Iwanowski. Vision-based vehicle speed measurement method. In
L. Bolc, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Chmielewski, and K. Wojciechowski, editors, Computer Vision
and Graphics, volume 6374 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 308–315. Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010.
[13] M. Iwanowski and A. Korzynska. Segmentation of moving cells in bright field and epifluorescent microscopic image sequences. In L. Bolc, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Chmielewski, and
K. Wojciechowski, editors, Computer Vision and Graphics, volume 6374 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 401–410. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010.
[14] M. Swiercz and M. Iwanowski. Fast, parallel watershed algorithm based on path tracing. In
L. Bolc, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. Chmielewski, and K. Wojciechowski, editors, Computer Vision
and Graphics, volume 6375 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 317–324. Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010.
[15] M. Iwanowski. Automatic extraction of graph-like structures from binary images. In L. Bolc,
J.L. Kulikowski, and K. Wojciechowski, editors, Computer Vision and Graphics International
Conference, Warsaw, Poland, November 2008, Proceedings, volume LNCS 5337 of Lecture
Notes on Computer Science, pages 481–488. Springer Verlag, 2009. 1.
[16] M. Iwanowski and A. Korzynska. Detection of the area covered by neural stem cells in cultures
using textural segmentation and morphological watershed. In M. Kurzynski and M. Wozniak,
editors, Computer Recognition Systems 3, volume 57 of Advances in Soft Computing, pages
543–557. Springer Verlag, 2009.
[17] A. Korzynska and M. Iwanowski. Detection of mitotic cell fraction in stem cells in cultures.
In E Pietka and J Kawa, editors, Advances in Soft Computing - Information Technologies
in Biomedicine, volume 47 of Advances in Soft Computing, pages 365–376. Springer Verlag,
2008. Proc.of ITIB’08 June 16-18, 2008 Kamien Slaski, Poland,.
[18] M Iwanowski. Binary shape characterization using morphological boundary class distribution
functions. In M. Kurzynski, E Puchala, M Wozniak, and A Zolnierek, editors, Advances in Soft
Computing - Computer Recognition Systems 2, volume 45 of Advances in Soft Computing,
pages 305–312. Springer Verlag, 2007.
[19] M. Iwanowski and P. Soille. Fast algorithm for order independent binary homotopic thinning.
In B. Beliczynski, A. Dzielinski, M. Iwanowski, and B. Ribeiro, editors, Adaptive and Natural
Computing Algorithms, volume LNCS 4433 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages
605–615. Springer-Verlag, 2007. ISBN 3-540-71590-8 (Proc.of 8th Int. Conf., ICANNGA 07,
Apr.11-14, 2007, Warsaw, Poland); DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-71629-7 68.
[20] M. Iwanowski and P. Soille. Order independence in binary 2d homotopic thinning. In A. Kuba,
L.G. Nyul, and K. Palagyi, editors, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume LNCS
4245 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 592–604. Springer-Verlag, 2006. ISBN
3-540-47651-2 (Proc.of 13th Int. Conf., DGCI 2006, Oct. 25 27, 2006, Szeged, Hungary);
DOI: 10.1007/11907350 50.
[21] M. Iwanowski. Morphological normalized binary object methamorphosis. In K. Wojciechowski,
B. Smolka, H. Palus, R.S. Kozera, W. Skarbek, and L. Noakes, editors, Computer Vision and
Graphics, volume 32 of Computational Imaging and Vision, pages 626–632. Springer-Verlag,
2005. ISBN 1-4020-4178-0 (Proc.of Int.Conf.on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG 04,
Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 22-24, 2004); DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-4179-9 90.
[22] M. Iwanowski and P. Soille. A queue based algorithm for order independent anchored skeletonisation. In A. Gagalowicz and W. Philips, editors, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns,
volume LNCS 3691 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 530–537. Springer-Verlag,
2005. ISBN 3-540-28969-0 (Proc.of 11th Int. Conf., CAIP 2005, Sept. 5 8, 2005, Versailles,
France); DOI: 10.1007/11556121 65.
[23] M. Iwanowski and P. Soille. Morphological refinement of an image segmentation. In A. Gagalowicz and W. Philips, editors, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, volume LNCS 3691
of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 538–545. Springer-Verlag, 2005. ISBN 3-54028969-0 (Proc.of 11th Int. Conf., CAIP 2005, Sept. 5 8, 2005, Versailles, France); DOI:
10.1007/11556121 66.
[24] M. Iwanowski. Generalized morphological mosaic interpolation and its application to
computer-aided animations. In W. Skarbek, editor, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, number LNCS 2124 in Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 494–501. SpringerVerlag, 2001. (Proc.of 9th Int. Conf., CAIP 2001, Sept. 5 7, 2001, Warsaw, Poland); DOI:
10.1007/3-540-44692-3 60.
[25] S. Skoneczny and M. Iwanowski. On restoration of degraded cinematic sequences by means
of digital image processing. In W. Skarbek, editor, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns,
volume LNCS 2124 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 419–426. Springer-Verlag,
2001. (Proc.of 9th Int. Conf., CAIP 2001, Sept. 5 7, 2001, Warsaw, Poland); DOI: 10.1007/3540-44692-3 51.
[26] M. Iwanowski and J. Serra. The morphological-affine object deformation. In J. Goutsias,
L. Vincent, and D.S. Bloomberg, editors, Mathematical Morphology and its Applications
to Signal and Image Processing, pages 81–90. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. DOI:
10.1007/0-306-47025-X 10.
[27] M. Iwanowski, S. Skoneczny, and J. Szostakowski. Image features extraction using mathematical morphology. In G. Ritter, editor, Selected SPIE Papers on CD-ROM series, Mathematical
Imaging and Vision., volume 8. SPIE, 12 1999. CD-ROM edition; DOI: 10.1117/12.279581.
Conference proceedings publications
[1] M Iwanowski and A. Korzynska. Metody wododzialowe w segmentacji mikroskopowych obrazow komorek. In Materialy VI Sympozjum Naukowego - Techniki Przetwarzania Obrazu;
Serock 18-20.112010, pages 65–74. IMIO PW, 11 2010.
[2] M. Iwanowski. Graytone image metamorphosis using 3d interpolation function. In Proc. of Int.
Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications VISAPP 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, volume 2,
pages 5–9. INSTICC, February 2009.
[3] A. Korzynska, M. Iwanowski, U. Neuman, E. Dobrowolska, and P. Hoser. Comparison of
the methods of microscopic image segmentation. In proc. of ”Medical physics and biomedical
engineering” World Congress 2009, Sept. 7-12, Munich/Germany, pages 425–428, 2010. ISBN
[4] S. Sobolewski, A. Korzynska, and M. Iwanowski. Segmentation of digital microscope images of
white blood cells using morphological image processing. In J. Jozefczyk and D. Orski, editors,
Proc. of 14th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC, Wroclaw, Poland,
9-12 Sept.’08, pages 548–558. WOSC, Sept. ’08 2008. Wroclaw, Poland, September 9-12,
[5] M. Iwanowski. Morphological boundary pixel classification. In Proc. of IEEE EUROCON
Conference, 2007. DOI: 10.1109/EUROCON.2007.4400677.
[6] M. Iwanowski. Zastosowanie morfologii matematycznej do wykrywania obszarow o zadanych
cechach na obrazach cyfrowych. In Materialy V Sympozjum Naukowego - Techniki Przetwarzania Obrazu; Serock 16-18.11.2006, pages 270–281. IMIO PW, Serock, Poland, 11 2006. ISBN
[7] M. Iwanowski. Universal morphological interpolator. In Proc.of International Conference on
Image Processing ICIP 05; Sept. 11-14, 2005, pages II–978 –981, Genova, Italy, 9 2005. IEEE,
IEEE Signal Processing Society. ISBN: 0-7803-9135-7; DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2005.1530221.
[8] M. Iwanowski. Detection of heat-emission sources using satellite imagery and morphological
image processing. In Proc.of International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent
Control for Energy Conservation PELINCEC; October 16-19, 2005, Warsaw, Poland, 9 2005.
Inst. of Control and Industrial Electronics.
[9] H. Schaeben, M. Apel, T. Frank, M. Iwanowski, and F. Zaefferer. 3-dimensional fabric reconstruction from 2-dimensional orientation. In P. Van Houtte and L. Kerstens, editors, Textures
of Materials ICOTOM 14 (Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Textures of Materials; July 11th-15th; 2005), volume 495-497 of Materials Science Forum, pages 185–190,
Leuven, Belgium, 2005. Trans Tech Publications Inc. ISBN 0-87849-975.
[10] M. Iwanowski. Zastosowanie morfologii matematycznej do przemyslowego przetwarzania obrazow. In Automatic Image Processing in Production Process second Polish-German seminar,
27-28 March 2003, pages 49–59. Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 2003.
ISBN 83-917677-1-X.
[11] N.M. Sirakov, M. Iwanowski, D.R. Hack, and M.L. Feves. Morphological approach to volume
calculation of complex 3d geological objects. In F.A. Camisani-Calzorali, editor, Proc. of 31st Int. Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals
Industries (APCOM 2003), 14-16 May 2003, pages 329–334, Cape Town, South Africa, 5
2003. South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Johannesburg. ISBN 1-919783-46-6.
[12] M. Iwanowski. Morphological binary interpolation with convex mask. In Proc.of International
Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics; Sept. 25-29, 2002, pages 360–367, Zakopane,
Poland, 9 2002. ISBN 83-9176830-9.
[13] S. Skoneczny, M. Iwanowski, and J. Szostakowski. Degraded cinematic sequence restoration. In Proc.of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA)
Sept.17-21 2000, pages 103–106, Dresden, Germany, 9 2000.
[14] M. Iwanowski and J. Serra. Morphological interpolation and color images. In Proceedings of
10th International Conference on International Conference of Image Processing ICIAP’99; Sept.
27-29, 1999, pages 50–55, Venice, Italy, 9 1999. IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICIAP.1999.797570.
[15] M. Iwanowski. Morphological interpolation. In Prace seminarium: Przetwarzanie i rozpoznawanie obrazow oraz ich sekwencji r.ak.98/99; ISEP PW. ISEP PW, 1999.
[16] M. Iwanowski, J. Szostakowski, and S. Skoneczny. Application of advanced morphological
filters into image segmentation. In Proc.of IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image
Processing ; September 8-10, 1997, Mackinac Island, Michigan USA, 1997.
[17] M. Iwanowski, J. Szostakowski, and S. Skoneczny. Image features extraction using mathematical morphology. In Proc. of: SPIE Int. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and
Instrumentation Applications of Digital Processing XX (SPIE Proc 3164), SPIE’s 1997 Annual
Meeting 21 July - 1 Aug 1997, volume 3164, pages 565–572, San Diego, CA,(USA), 7 1997.
SPIE. DOI: 10.1117/12.279581.
[18] M. Iwanowski, J. Szostakowski, and S. Skoneczny. Image segmentation by advanced morphological filtering and clustering. In K.J.Kurzydlowski L.Wojnar, K.Rozniatowski, editor, Proceedings of International Conference on The Quantitive Description of Materials Microstructure;
April 16-19, 1997, pages 307–314, Warsaw, Poland, 4 1997. ISBN 83 904805-8-1.
[19] J. Szostakowski, S. Skoneczny, and M. Iwanowski. Neural model-based motion estimation.
In Proc. of: Int. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation Advanced
Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures and Implementations VII (SPIE Proc 3162),
SPIE’s 1997 Annual Meeting 21 July - 1 Aug 1997, volume 3162, pages 328–335, San Diego,
CA,(USA), 7 1997. SPIE. DOI:10.1117/12.279505.
[20] S. Skoneczny, J. Szostakowski, and M. Iwanowski. Fast neural network-based image segmentation. In Proc. of: Int. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation
Statistical and Stochastic Methods in Image Processsing II (SPIE Proc 3167), SPIE’s 1997
Annual Meeting 21 July - 1 Aug 1997, volume 3167, pages 164–171, San Diego, CA,(USA),
7 1997. SPIE. DOI: 10.1117/12.279639.
[21] J. Szostakowski, S. Skoneczny, and M. Iwanowski. Neural approach to algebraic image
restoration. In K.J.Kurzydlowski L.Wojnar, K.Rozniatowski, editor, Proceedings of International Conference on The Quantitive Description of Materials Microstructure; April 16-19,
1997, pages 541–546, Warsaw, Poland, 4 1997. ISBN 83 904805-8-1.